The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 419 Cold Air Body Protection Top 8 Competition

Chapter 419 Cold Air Body Protection Quarterfinals

But at this time, Tang Tang made another surprising move. She raised the sword to bury the sky coffin, and slashed at her head, and the "-987" damage indicator immediately floated on her head.


Almost instantly, everyone felt that Tang Tang was crazy, that he didn't die fast enough?Don't want to eat the fruits of victory?
At this time, the huge hurricane also rolled in front of Tang Tang, and Tang Tang smiled!
Cold Air Protection: When the health value is lower than 50%, the cold air protection will be released automatically. Use limit: 3 times, cooling time: 12 hours!
This is the special attribute on the cold silk armor that Tang Tang obtained after beheading the millennium cold silk spider. Below 50% HP, it can resist three times of damage indiscriminately. After three times, it needs to be cooled for 12 hours, that is to say , three times a day is allowed.

It was also a blessing to drag the cold air, the hurricane was torn apart abruptly, Tang Tang's imperial weapon passed, and it appeared in front of Tang Taluo right here.

"Sky Burial!"

Sky burial—3021!

Tang Tang yelled tenderly, and the funeral coffin fell fiercely towards Tang Taro, Ren Renle's whole body immediately fell down, and the blue wind around Tang Taro's body because of the wall of wind was actually much dimmed.

Only Tang Taro knows how terrifying the damage of the 24th Bridge Moonlight Night is. After 24 sword lights, his mana was reduced to less than 18000 points. There are about 15000 left!
"Could it be that my wall of the wind will really be broken?"

Tang Taro couldn't restrain this idea, and then put it behind him, it's impossible, her wall of wind has never been broken!
"Scythe Wind Blade!"

Raising his hand, Tang Taro chopped out a huge wind scythe, which was more than ten meters wide, but it was strengthened by the wind scythe blade. However, it still failed to hit Tang Tang, but hit Tang Tang three meters in front of him. Encountered the attack of cold air, the wind blade was defeated.

Tang Taro was helpless, because of the newly acquired Hansi Armor, he didn't know the attributes of the Hansi Armor, so, seeing that he was about to hit the river, Tang Taro gave up his attack and prepared to escape into the river Avoiding the limelight, but at this moment, the surface of the river suddenly shone with light!
Fire and thunder!
When Tang Tang left the river, he buried fire mines on the surface of the river, and a total of twelve fire mines detonated!


The flames soared into the sky, like a giant flame beast, swallowing Tang Taro in an instant, and at that moment...

Tang Tang also bared his fangs impressively!

"Death pulse!"

Tang Tang roared, and poured all his soul power into the sword spirit, his body turned into a void, like a ray of jade light splitting the sky, he swooped down towards Tang Taro, pierced the flames, and stabbed The cyan wind of the wall of the wind!


The cyan wind wrapped around Tang Taro's body was like glass, ringing crisply, and then cracked into countless pieces!

The man with the strongest defense in the Tang Sect, the owner of the shield with the strongest defense...


System prompt: Congratulations on your victory and the qualification to advance to the quarterfinals

After breaking the wall of the wind, Tang Tang also paid a heavy price. His mana was only 25 points, and he couldn't even release a fire spell. All his soul power was used at the moment of death pulse Reimbursement, but there is no suspense for Tang Tang's victory. She lost her mana and soul. After draining all mana, Tang Taro's health is actually almost intact.

However, a wise soul master who has lost his mana can be said to be powerless. Standing there is nothing but embarrassment, so Tang Taroso simply abstained, and there is no point in persevering anyway.

"Little girl, congratulations!" After the two left the dungeon, Tang Taro still smiled generously at Tang Tang, "Keep fighting hard for the top eight."

"Well, it's just luck." Tang Tang said seriously: "If it's not the Holy Demon Conference, but if you can take medicine, I think you should be the final winner."

Tang Taro smiled, and did not answer the topic. First, he is not the kind of competitive person. Second, this kind of topic is meaningless. No one will ever know about things that have not happened. Anyway, he himself He would be happy to be in the quarter-finals, and he wouldn't be unhappy if Tang Tang entered the quarter-finals. Anyway, both of them belong to the Tang Sect, and they are better friends.

And after Tang Tang defeated Tang Taro and advanced to the quarterfinals with a narrow victory, it seemed that everyone's emotions were ignited, making the battle of the top sixteen full of gunpowder, extremely tragic!
First, the Huoying of the Scarlet Mercenary Corps staged a fierce battle with Bai Fengyu. Huoying showed his tyrannical side, and he proved to everyone that he is not only a strategist of the Scarlet Mercenary Corps, but also a master.

Afterwards, Tianzhu and Bloody Limbo of the Tianxiahui also staged a peak battle. The Nine Dragons Divine Flame showed off its power and almost wiped out Bloody Limbo, but at the last moment, Bloody Limbo broke out suddenly, but he used a small tower to get rid of him. After Tianzhu died, the bloody Lim Bo still had some cards. If he hadn't been forced by the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield, he would not have revealed his cards prematurely.

However, what is even more tragic is Tianzhu. From the expression on this guy's face when he left the dungeon, it can be seen that this guy obviously didn't try his best. He was wiped out with a single blow before he could use his back move. The best proof is that Tianzhu has not turned into a half-demon, which is the biggest trump card of the Yaozu.

After these two battles, there was a short explosive period, and the back rounds were not so intense. In the round, Tang Xin played against a Southern Wilderness cultivator. The result was still a sword. Tang Xin advanced to the quarterfinals. It's inexplicable, but after two consecutive instant kills with one sword, Tang Xin's limelight became stronger, and at the same time, it made others fearful. This is the Holy Demon Conference. Although it doesn't mean that all the masters participated, but being able to enter ten Among the top six, there is absolutely no weak one, but Tang Xin's unremarkable sword strike ended the battle!

In the other round, overseas casual cultivators faced off against the half-beast forest-horned wolf tribe, Langhao. Speaking of which, both of them were not well-known, but both had a lot of background. They were born in the first overseas bloodthirsty cult Pavilion, the one-handed soul skill is very vicious, and more importantly, he betrayed the Bloodthirsty Pavilion, and survived the pursuit of the No. [-] overseas evil sect. The reason is that he inherited the inheritance of Sword Demon, one of the three overseas evils , As for Langhao, the horned wolf clan is not a big monster clan, but Langhao is the direct disciple of the demon emperor Fangfang, as long as it is a player who has participated in a group of monsters attacking Tangmen with a hundred thousand monsters, this name will be familiar to them.

It's a pity that the fight between the two was not intense. The reason was that Emperor Langhao was really unlucky. The first three rounds were all strong-strong dialogues, and the fight was extremely difficult. , and more importantly, in the top 32, Langhao barely won the victory when he shattered the demon core. In the top [-], he was already at the end of his strength, and he couldn't even become a half-demon. Thirty strokes are defeated.

Until the sixth round, the only two remaining members of the Guangming Vatican also followed in the footsteps of the Tang Sect. The Archbishop and I were the Pope and staged a deadly fight inside the door. As No.1, the Pope is still superior and has entered the quarterfinals!

Tang Mei's opponent was a casual cultivator from the Overseas Eternal Academy. His strength was not strong, and he had a bit of luck. He didn't meet any well-known masters or powerful masters in the first three rounds. When he arrived at Tang Mei, his luck was finally exhausted. After struggling for 10 minutes, he was frozen into an ice sculpture by Tang Mei, which also announced his fate.

The last one was the battle between Niu DaDa and the first senior of Wushen Temple riding a pig to chase the moon. Everyone knows that these two sects are a tragedy, and the Buddha Hall can be regarded as an auxiliary sect. It has slightly more means than Haishen Pavilion, but it is not serious. The thugs, and the Valkyrie Temple?Before the catastrophe, this sect was a complete tragedy. After the catastrophe, it was finally possible to use the martial soul, but it was difficult to find a good martial soul, so the tragedy became a tragedy, a little bit better , because there are not so many tragedies at all.

However, the Martial God Hall was miserable, but this time Niu DaDa in the Buddha Hall was even worse. He lost to Qizhu Zhuyue, fell to the top [-], and was let go by Qizhuzhuyue the whole way After grinding the kite for a full hour, Niu DaDa was stabbed into a hedgehog. Even his bald head was full of feather arrows, and he died extremely horribly.

At the same time, this scene did show some things. The Temple of Valkyrie is not really bad, but first of all, it has to overcome the calamity, and secondly, it has a strong martial spirit. Riding a pig and chasing the moon obviously has this condition, and the ability it displayed , has been able to reach a super-first-class bottom line level, it is particularly worth mentioning that this guy's martial soul is very famous, it is a dragon bird, and its speed is really boundless.

At the same time, the list of the quarterfinals was also officially announced, but the matchup table will not be announced until the next day.


Silent all night!
After three rounds, Tang Tang's mentality has adjusted very calmly, unlike in the round of 64, he is still somewhat considerate and nervous, which makes Tang Tang sleep very well, and even after waking up, Tang Tang still played in the room. The routines in a set of Tai Chi are relatively slow, and they are specially used for the boxing that concentrates the mind and nourishes the energy.

Of course, on the other hand, it is also because after entering the top eight, everyone has excellent skills, and there is no dark horse to talk to the unpopular. No matter who you meet, you should not be lucky, so Tang Tang has nothing to think about. that's it.

Entering the dungeon, it was still the rest area of ​​Piaomiao Peak in Tianshan Mountain. Soul Domain had already released the matchup table of the top eight. After reading it, Tang Tang couldn't help cursing immediately: Fuck you!

And Tang Mei was also scolding with Tang Tang!

Tang Tang (Tang Men) vs Tang Mei (Tang Men)
Fire Eagle (Fire Cult) vs One Step One Kill (Overseas Bloodthirsty Pavilion)
Bloody Limbo (Douluo Temple) vs. Riding a Pig Chasing the Moon (Walking Temple)

Tang Xin (Tang Sect) vs. I am the Pope (Bright Vatican)
From this list, it can be seen that although the total number of people entering the top 64 of several major basic sects is shameful, the background is always the background. After entering the top eight, six people are from each major basic sect, and those hidden sects are only Fire Eagle A Fire Sect disciple has not been eliminated, and the casual cultivator army that has come over is only left to kill an overseas evil cultivator one step at a time, and he is still a half-sect disciple, just defected from the sect.

(End of this chapter)

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