Chapter 420

Those who entered the top eight are not lucky, even if it is the fire eagle of the relatively unpopular fire sect, riding a pig month by month and killing every step, they are also well-known figures in their respective territories, and they are not unknown people!
As for the matchup situation, most people were very satisfied, except for Tang Mei and Tang Tang, of course.

"Protest, seriously protest, demand an exchange of opponents!"

Tang Tang and Tang Mei shouted at the same time. Tang Tang said that as long as it is not Tang Mei, he can fight anyone, and Tang Mei even said that it doesn't matter even if he beats Bloody Limbaugh to death. You know, because Bloody Linbo chased Qing Qing Tang Mei, the eldest sister, was also very dissatisfied with Bloody Limbo about the Apple Fragrance matter.

It's a pity that the city lord of Soul Realm Dragon City said "This is a fair and just contest!" and stopped the two shameless people who made trouble for no reason.

Helpless, the two could only look at each other and embark on the journey of blood with wry smiles, and it just so happened that the contest between the two was the first round again!
The first round is actually a good draw. After the game, you can watch other people's contests with relative peace of mind. However, under random circumstances, apart from being drawn to the third round by the top 32, Tang Tang unexpectedly won the first round three times in a row. , this is a bit strange, and I don't know if it's to make up for Tang Tang's continuous encounters with "his own people"!

And the battle map between the two is full of fantasy - the roof of the sky!
The roof of the sky is a place that is said to exist in the roof of the world. People who come back from it can't tell where they went. Some say it is heaven, others say it is hell, and some people think that the roof of the sky is a Sumeru world. It is the legendary world of one flower and one world, and only those who are destined can enter it.

However, the battle dungeon of the roof of the sky is a mountain. It is a mountain that can change its color and appearance.

The locations where Tang Tang and Tang Mei refreshed at random also happened to be on both sides of the top of the mountain, facing each other from a distance, only two or three hundred meters away.

This kind of position depends on how the two of them choose. They can give up any terrain and fight directly on the top of the mountain, or fight a guerrilla in the jungle. After a moment of hesitation, the two chose to gather in the middle of the mountain.

Tang Tang sighed while carrying the funeral coffin on his back: "Elder Sister, it seems that we will inevitably have to fight."

Tang Mei pulled out the Nine Tribulations Sword to tie the flowers and said, "Little girl, actually, you shouldn't have come!"

Tang Tang said: "But I'm already here!"

Tang Mei said: "Since that's the case, let's fight!"

Tang Tang said disappointedly: "Is this really the case? You know, you are my best sister."

Tang Mei said firmly: "Everything is for glory!"

Tang Tang slammed the sky-burial coffin on the ground and said, "The sky-burial coffin was built with strange ancient stones, and the inscription read: My coffin is buried in the sky!"

Tang Mei flicked the blade lightly with her two fingers and said, "The fourth of the Nine Tribulations Sword is remolded from the ancient Heaven's Tribulation Stone and the rare cold iron from the bottom of the sea. It is extremely sharp!"

The two stepped forward almost at the same time, walking in front of each other.

Tang Tang stretched out his hand and said, "Please!"

Tang Mei also stretched out her hand and said, "Please!"

Immediately, the two jumped one step away at the same time and shouted: "Two little bees, fly to the flowers, fly, fly, pop, fly..."

Players sitting in front of the ice wall or watching in front of the memory crystal thought that they could appreciate a rare contest. After all, ten seconds ago, both of them showed killing intent and strong aura, but...

Ten seconds later, almost all the audience were instantly petrified!
"Rock paper scissors, rock paper scissors, rock scissors..."

Tang Tang and Tang Mei had a great time playing, the shouting was so dark, the players in front of the ice wall finally came to their senses, some admired with relish, some scolded angrily, they I came to see the fight, not to see two people playing tricks.

The information panel of Soul Realm was once again tragically maxed out by many players, making those extremely depressed. You must know that the forum was already paralyzed yesterday because of the relationship between Bi Yuqin and Duanmuyu.

A moment later, Tang Tang and Tang Mei had changed from guessing boxing games to rock-paper-scissors, and everyone in front of the ice wall was a little confused by the two of them. At this moment, a white light flashed past and appeared beside the two of them.

At this moment, Tang Tang suddenly grabbed Tang Mei's sleeve and said, "You're cheating, what you punched was a fist, why did it turn into cloth?"

"Damn!" Tang Mei poked her neck and said, "When you loosen your fist, it's cloth. How do you know I didn't want to make cloth?"

Tang Tang said angrily: "I'm going to stretch out my fist and stretch out two fingers to return the scissors. Is it possible to prepare the scissors in my head? Hurry up, you are the one who loses, give up!"

"I do not!"


"I won't!"


All the players in front of the ice wall were still complaining to the NPC in Dragon City that the two were negatively treating the game. As a result, the post was not finished, but the two started fighting, and the fight was called a dark day, with sand and stones flying around. Think about it. , The two of them hugged into a ball and wrestled on the ground, can they not splash sand and stones?

The players of the Tang Sect covered their eyes with their palms at the same time, what a disgrace, what a shame to throw them at grandma's house, this has completely lost the face of the sect, the sect disciples of the Tang Sect can't wait to catch these two sluts and go to the gallows .

At this moment, the two writhed seventeen or eight times on the ground, and Tang Tang finally managed to narrowly win by relying on her strength, and pinned Tang Mei to the ground, ready to commit violence at any time!

"In a word, don't give up!"

"I don't, I don't, I don't!"

Tang Mei protested, and then Tang Tang felt a sudden coldness all over his body, and couldn't help gasping. Even with the cold silk armor, Tang Tang felt his whole body tremble, and a sheet of frost surged up on his body!
"I'll go, you're cheating!" Tang Tang said angrily, "You actually used the Nine Heavenly Soul Jue, isn't it true!"

Tang Mei said: "Who is playing fake, watch the trick!"

As soon as the words fell, Tang Mei swung the Nine Tribulations Sword suddenly, and immediately a cold air gushed out from the crystal clear edge towards Tang Tang.

Tang Tang quickly let go of Tang Mei, and retreated backwards, trying to avoid the sharp edge. However, as soon as Tang Tang retreated, his heart skipped a beat. After being hit by Tang Mei's Ice Art, his speed suddenly dropped, even though he His reaction is very sensitive, and he can see the moves clearly, but his speed can't keep up with Tang Mei's speed of swinging the sword!
"It really is a rogue's soul art."

Tang Tang cursed in his heart, and immediately after, he was hit by a sword in the chest, and he retreated a few steps, with "-989" points of damage floating on his head.

"You are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous, if you play for real, I will play too!" Tang Tang gritted his teeth and said, "It was you who forced me to come up with a unique trick."

Tang Mei held her sword and said: "You have a unique skill, don't I have it?"

"Okay!" Tang Tang said, "Then let's use it together!"

After Tang Tang finished speaking, the two of them pointed at each other's back in a tacit understanding.

"There's a flying saucer!"

"Why is your mother here!"

The two looked back at the same time, but turned around and drew out their swords at the same time. With a clang, Tang Tang's burial coffin collided with Tang Mei's Nine Tribulations Sword, crossed and fought each other!
"Hmph!" Tang Tang said, "How dare you call it a unique trick?"

"Each to each other!" Tang Mei said, "Your skills are nothing more than small tricks!"

The two pushed each other and refused to give in. This farce finally turned into a duel scene. The two not only bickered, but also began to compete for strength. However, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Tang Tang was at a disadvantage!

Tang Tang has always said that Tang Mei's disdain for Jiuchongtian is not unreasonable. First of all, the attribute of being close to being frozen can definitely be said to be the nemesis of weapon soul masters. It is very annoying that a certain amount of power will be offset by the cold air. What is even more painful is that Tang Mei is a Tang Sect weapon soul master. Her soul skill that disdains the nine heavens is calculated by soul power, and it can be as powerful as 10 points of soul power With how much time, there is no brute force cracking at all.

Therefore, right now, the two are competing with each other, and it seems that there is no winner. However, Tang Mei is fine, but Tang Tang's head continues to lose blood at a rate of 6 points of damage per second. Obviously, the cold air enters the body. The longer the delay, the more disadvantaged Tang Tang will be.

Tang Tang knew this, and so did Tang Mei.

Tang Tang wanted to quit, but Tang Mei refused to let Tang Tang quit!

The moment the sky burial coffin was slightly loosened, Tang Mei leaned forward, stalking dragons and snakes with her sword, and quickly entangled Tang Tang, tightly entangled Tang Tang, and the two suddenly exchanged more than twenty moves, Tang Tang It turned out to be a downfall.

Of course, it’s not surprising that Tang Tang’s biggest reliance is speed and agility. The cold air enters his body, not to mention blood loss, and his speed drops by 50%. Tang Tang can’t cry even if he wants to cry now. She is fast, and secondly, Tang Tang is used to playing multiple horcruxes together, Tang Mei's reaction ability is really not very good, even double horcruxes are stumbling, but because of this, Tang Mei's single sword is very proficient, If it was just a single sword fight, Tang Tang might not be the opponent.

But so what?
One horcrux does not make two horcruxes, and two horcruxes does not make three horcruxes!
Tang Tang didn't hesitate about this, but the annoying disdain for the Nine Layers of Heavenly Soul Art made Tang Tang a little crazy, and the cold air entering his body was really annoying, but Tang Tang also quickly thought of a countermeasure, since he couldn't resist the cold air , then bear it together.

Tang Tang suddenly raised the burial coffin, grabbed Tang Mei's wrist as soon as he held the Nine Tribulations Sword, and then threw out his palm with a heavy shoulder. .

Just at that moment, Tang Tang spread his palms, and a small black tower fell to the ground, instantly turning into a hazy shadow. When Tang Mei wanted to rush forward again, her expression was stunned, and her speed was also slow. Like a snail.

"Haha..." Tang Tang laughed loudly and said, "The nine-level pagoda looks good, don't you see the trick, 24 bridges on a moonlit night!"

Rays of brilliance flashed!

Immediately afterwards, Tang Tang said inwardly that it was terrible.

24 Qiao Mingyue Ye's attack hits 100 out of 1500, but the damage is not flattering. The maximum damage is not more than 24 points, and the total damage is only about 50. Tang Tang is completely depressed. The damage of the soul skill of the product is completely based on the speed of the shot. After his own speed is reduced by 24% due to the cold air, the damage of the [-]th Bridge Moonlight Night is naturally pitifully low.

(End of this chapter)

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