The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 423 The Sword of Five Mountains' Serial Judgment

Chapter 423 The Sword of the Five Mountains Serial Judgment
"This move is called Five Sacred Mountains Link!" Tang Xin drew his sword with a smile and said, "It's an eighth-level soul skill!"

Tang Tang frowned immediately.

Tang Xin laughed and said, "Are you a little disappointed? You thought it was a ninth-level soul skill, or no rank and no product, right?"

Tang Tang nodded. There seemed to be nothing to deny. After Tang Xin's consecutive instant kills with one sword, Tang Tang's first thought might be No Rank and No Rank. As long as certain conditions are met, he can instantly kill the enemy, just like his own 24 Qiao Mingyueye, as long as the attack speed is fast enough, the damage is unlimited.

In fact, with Tang Tang's shooting speed, as long as 24 bridges and moonlight nights can guarantee to hit more than [-] swords, they can catch anyone in seconds, but usually most of them can only maintain the hit rate between twelve and fifteen swords That's all.

In Tang Tang's mind, Tang Xin's one-sword instant kill must be similar to the 24th Bridge Moonlight Night, but, he didn't expect it to be only an eighth-level soul skill!

Tang Xin also laughed wildly, stroked the sword with his fingertips lightly and said: "This sword looks very ordinary, it seems to be just an iron sword, which is why you can't guess the answer. You only guess the soul skill, but don't guess the Horcrux I use?"

Sword of Judgment (Divine Weapon): The ancient divine weapon, unrivaled, refers to the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth.Damage +1200.Fixed damage 1000 points, flight speed +102, attack speed +600, attribute: hidden, special attribute: hidden
Almost everyone gasped for an instant.

Many people speculated about the reason why Tang Xin was able to reach the final with one-shot kills all the time, but they didn't expect that the answer turned out to be the simplest one, simply because the damage was high.

Take Tang Tang as an example, the little girl is a typical aggressive character, the damage of the burial coffin +620, after being offset by the equipment, usually the attack of the imperial weapon technique is around 1300 to 1800 points of damage, and the general imperial weapon technique can kill One person, and this value is still the value Tang Tang played when facing masters like Tang Taro, Tang Mei, etc. If he is an ordinary player, he usually only suffers two sword attacks from ordinary imperial weapons and he should go to hell.

Of course, this value is not absolute, after all there will be accidents, like Tang Taro's Wall of Wind, and Tang Mei's cold energy can offset a certain amount of damage, or like Bloody Limbo's Black Tower, Tang Yukuang once used The Horcruxes that have been defended can also be defended.

However, this is just a pure numerical comparison. Adding about 3000 to the damage that Tang Tang can deal, it is almost the same as Tang Xin's damage when using the Judgment Sword. That is about 4300 to 4800 points of damage, and, damn it The Broken Sword also has a fixed damage of 1000 points, that is to say, no matter how much defensive equipment you wear, you will have to bear at least 1000 more damage, that is, 5300 to 5800 damage, and it is just a normal attack of the Armor Technique. If you use it again soul skills...

Who can block a sword?
This is the magic soldier!
Almost all the players in front of the video were blown away. No one expected that in the final battle, they could see the birth of the Judgment Sword among the top ten magic soldiers.

Of course, in the previous confrontation, Tang Xin had actually been using magic weapons all the time, but no one thought that the unpretentious broken iron sword, which didn’t even have any embellishments or decorations, would be a magic weapon. You know, just take out a seventh-level Horcrux flying sword, it will be brilliant.

Tang Xin smiled and said, "Little girl, do you still want to fight?"

Tang Xin didn't mean to be malicious or provocative when he said this, but he just hoped that Tang Tang would abstain from the vote. You know, Tang Xin would be very happy to kill other people instantly. It was a good opportunity to make a name for himself. Tang Tang is not interesting, the reason is very simple, Tang Tang is also a disciple of the Tang Sect, what the Tang Sect needs is not one master, but many masters, so that the Tang Sect can grow stronger.

On this point, Tang Xin and Tang Taluo had exactly the same opinion, so it wouldn't do any good to embarrass Tang Tang!
However, will Tang Tang retreat?
No, she feels excited now. If she can kill Tang Xin who is holding a magic weapon, Tang Tang will feel more fulfilled!

"A sword is a good sword, but a person is not necessarily a good person. Do you know..." Tang Tang looked up at Tang Xin and said, "No matter how good a sword is, if it doesn't hit, it won't help!"

Tang Xin was taken aback, then laughed and said, "That's right, if you abstain if you don't fight, it's not in your character, little girl, since you want to try, then go for it, but I can remind you, my Wuyue Lianlian is not slow."

Tang Tang smiled without saying a word, but made a gesture of please to Tang Xin.

To be honest, Tang Tang himself felt that Tang Xin could not beat Tang Xin even after the magic weapon was born. At the same time, he secretly scolded this guy for hiding it deep enough. At the same time, Tang Xin showed the attributes of the sword of judgment Tang Tang actually looked at it very carefully when he was watching it. The damage is one aspect, and the more important thing is that Tang Xin has hidden attributes and special attributes!
There are only ten magic weapons in the whole soul domain, so where is the difference between those attributes and special attributes?

However, if you don't give it a try, Tang Tang will not give up!
At this time, Tang Xin swung his sword slowly.

Tang Tang immediately used Treading Wuhen, although the sword was very slow, but when the white light passed by, the speed almost instantly increased to the extreme...

Tang Tang calmed down!

"I can see, I can see, I can definitely see..."

Tang Tang's small chest heaved, and the sword light slowly appeared in the white light, almost disappearing in a flash, but Tang Tang's eyes lit up, and finally caught the sword path!

It was a row of straight-line chains of sword lights, attacking the head, chest, waist, legs, and ankles respectively, forming a vertical line with a slight distance between the front and the back, but Tang Tang played a little trick to make it more difficult to avoid.


"As long as I can see clearly, I can definitely hide!"

Tang Tang yelled in his heart, and then jumped forward!
Indeed, he jumped forward instead of to the sides. Almost everyone thought Tang Tang was crazy. The best way to escape was of course the left and right sides. This is everyone's way of avoiding, no, it should be everyone's way All instincts are like this, but what about moving forward?Isn't that hitting the sword yourself!

At this moment, the incandescent light fell towards Tang Tang, and at the moment when everyone covered their eyes, Tang Tang suddenly jumped up towards the sky with all his strength.

Snow every step of the way!

Under everyone's amazed eyes, Tang Tang was writhing, flying in the air with a piece of dancing crystal snowflakes!

Yukong, of course, has to use the imperial weapon technique and the soaring technique. Since he is stepping on the snow without a trace, he can't do this. However, stepping on the snow without a trace can make Tang Tang jump very high, a full height of seven or eight meters , enough for Tang Tang to avoid any attack.

Even Tang Xin was taken aback by Tang Tang's action, and forgot that he should make the second sword!
Also at this time...

Tang Tang suddenly drew his sword!

"Your biggest problem is that even though you have magic weapons, just because you can kill someone in seconds, it doesn't mean that others can't kill you in seconds!"

Tang Tang roared presumptuously in the air, at the same time, the sword came out, and the sword light fell!
24 sword lights shot down towards the bottom, and the sword lights passed by in a flash, as fast as a meteor!

Tang Xin wanted to hide, but he couldn't, because he couldn't see it, and since he couldn't see it, it was impossible to hide!
24 bridge moonlit night, that is faster and more terrifying soul skill than Wuyue Lianlian, but...

Clang, clang, clang...

Tang Xin's body continuously resounded with clear and crisp metallic sounds, and his body was constantly being hit and retreated. However, golden streamlines appeared on the surface of Tang Xin's body, spinning continuously and slowly agglomerating. It was a big golden bell!
After a long time, the 24 sword lights dissipated, but Tang Xin still stood upright, as if he had never moved. However, there were two drag marks on the roof that were seven or eight meters long.

"I know your attack is very high, and I also know that I may be killed before I kill others." Tang Xin smoothed his clothes with a smile and said, "So, I have a defensive Horcrux..."

Tang Xin patted his chest with a smile and said: "This is the golden bell jar. I only need one sword to kill you, but how many swords do you need to break the golden bell jar? Little girl, admit defeat, you can't win , although I admit that my technology is not as good as yours, but the absolute gap in equipment cannot be made up by technology!"

For his own defeat, Tang Tang's teeth were itchy. Obviously, he did not expect Tang Xin to be so thoughtful, but the word admit defeat would never appear in Tang Tang's dictionary.

"I said before, it's useless if your sword can't hit!" Tang Tang grabbed the funeral coffin and said, "If not, let's have a try and see if you hit me first or I break your golden coffin first. Turtle shell!"

Tang Ning smiled and shook his head, raised his hand and made another sword strike.

"Five Sacred Mountains Chain!"

It was still the same incandescent light, but after evading it once, and thinking of when Tang Xin killed Tang Yukuang and Bloody Limbo in seconds, Tang Tang saw some flaws and clues.

Wuyue Lianhuan should belong to the same type as 24 Bridge Moonlight Night, it is extremely fast, and its damage is a soul skill that wins by quantity. It's easier to control, but that's the flaw. Although Tang Xin can change the angle and the distance between the five rings, there is one thing Tang Xin can't change, that is, no matter what the angle is, the Five Sacred Rings must keep a straight line !
In this way, the difficulty of dodging will naturally be reduced a lot, and as long as you dodge the first strike, it is almost impossible to hit the next four strikes!

Spotting the flash of the sword light in a series of straight lines in the white light, Tang Tang jumped lightly, and as usual, he rose into the air to avoid the five-ring sword, but this time Tang Xin didn't pause at all, and the second sword immediately What's more, to Tang Tang's surprise, the second sword was actually a series of five mountains, and the speed was still amazingly fast. Doesn't this soul skill need a cooling time?Otherwise, how could Tang Xin use it continuously without paying attention?

Tang Tang wondered, feeling that Tang Xin seemed to be hiding something. However, this was just a small question. There are many soul skills that do not need to be cooled down, but they consume a lot of soul power. It is not surprising. The important thing is how to hide. Pass!

(End of this chapter)

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