The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 424 Judgment Barrier Coffin Zhongtian Absolute Sword

Chapter 424 Judgment Barrier Coffin Zhongtian Absolute Sword

And Tang Tang's confidence also increased greatly after evading two chains of five mountains in a row. Although he couldn't borrow strength in the air, that was for normal people, but Taxue Wuhen didn't have this problem.

Twisting his waist in mid-air, Tang Tang flipped twice in a row, wiping the second sword light strangely and dodging.

Tang Xin flicked his wrist, but he wanted to release the third chain of Five Sacred Mountains. Tang Tang also made a sudden move at this time!

Tang Tang raised his palm, and a large flame surged up.

In fact, no matter how fierce the sky fire was, Tang Xin was resolute and unafraid. However, the revolving flame somewhat obscured his vision, and Tang Xin's third five-sacred chain link was shot by himself, and Tang Tang took advantage of this gap, Immediately turn around and run, if you can't exhaust the front, then you can only play guerrilla. In terms of attack speed, Tang Xin's Five Mountains Link is really good, but compared to the speed of the imperial weapon, it is impossible to be faster than yourself!

Tang Tang's mind was full of emotions, and he turned around and ran away, but at this moment...

"Sword of Judgment, Barrier of Judgment!"

Tang Xin flicked the blade of the sword lightly, and the crisp humming sword name swayed towards the surroundings, and then...

Tang Tang felt as if an invisible wall was erected in front of him, and the tip of his nose suddenly hurt, as if his whole body was stuck to something, he quickly fell at a right angle of ninety degrees, and fell to the ground with a plop.

After finally getting up, clutching his nose, Tang Tang knocked in front of him. Sure enough, it was hard as if there was an invisible wall. He knocked on the side again, and it was still hard. He knocked again, and it was still hard...

"Don't knock!" Tang Xin stepped forward, also laughingly said: "It's an invisible cubic space, unless I remove it, you won't be able to get out, um, don't ask me how I did it, You know, magic soldiers, there are always some special features!"

Tang Tang paused for a moment, but he didn't think Tang Xin was lying. The main reason was that he had a magic weapon in his hand, so it seemed that there was no need to lie.

After hesitating for a moment, Tang Tang immediately slashed the saber, and held the burial coffin obliquely in front of him.

Tang Xin said with a smile: "Do you really want to fight again? In fact, you don't count as losing to me, you just lost to equipment. Why do you need to be so serious?"

"Is there a difference?" Tang Tang curled his lips and said, "Anyway, the Saint Demon Conference has nothing to lose if it dies, so I don't like to abstain!"

Tang Xin laughed again. Most people would rather abstain from being killed than to be killed. The former managed to retain some face and appear more open-minded. You know, sometimes admitting defeat is also a kind of demeanor, but being killed is a It's embarrassing.Therefore, most people like to choose the former, but unfortunately, the little girl is a different kind, she can be killed and invincible, and she is talking about people like Tang Tang, she never lacks the desire for victory, even in desperate situations!

Taking a deep breath, Tang Xin slashed out with his sword again, but this time it turned into a series of slashes!

After the first chain of five mountains waved out, Tang Xin didn't care whether Tang Tang avoided it, or whether he could dodge successfully, so he played the second and third chain of five mountains, heading towards Tang Tang in a diagonal character. .

As a result, the space on the left and right of Tang Tang was sealed off, and there was almost no way out!
Tang Tang could still see clearly, but this time it seemed inevitable!

Gritting his teeth, Tang Tang used that rascal's trick again, abruptly erecting the sky burial coffin on the ground, and then shrunk his whole body behind the burial coffin.

You know, the sky burial coffin is two meters high and the width of one and a half people. As long as you deliberately draw your body close to the sky burial coffin, you can't even see someone behind you from the front. , will naturally be all blocked.

However, Tang Tang still underestimated the power of the magic weapon.


At the moment when the five sword lights in a series of five mountains hit the funeral coffin, Tang Tang only felt a loud noise. Immediately afterwards, the funeral coffin was blown into the air and hit his back directly. Tang Tang's throat was sweet, and he spurted blood immediately, fell to the ground, and rolled forward several meters continuously, only then was he able to stabilize his figure.

And the burial coffin landed right in front of Tang Tang. On the sarcophagus, the big characters "My coffin is buried in the sky" are still extremely domineering, but there is a shocking crack in the middle of the words, and Severed chains were scattered around the burial coffin!
A sword!
Just a sword!
The sky burial coffin was directly chopped into pieces!
Tang Tang slammed his fist hard on the ground. With such a severe injury, the sky burial coffin was probably destroyed, and Tang Xin frowned. The consequences were beyond his surprise!
"Little girl, I'm sorry!" Tang Xin spread his hands helplessly and said, "I hope it's not permanently damaged..."

Tang Xin didn't want to ruin his relationship with Tang Tang because of the funeral coffin. He wanted to comfort him a little bit, but it was just a few words. Tang Xin swallowed the second half of the sentence abruptly.

The sky burial coffin lying on the ground suddenly burst into bright brown light!


Under the inconceivable gaze, the lid of the sky burial coffin was cracked, and a stone sword about three feet three inches long floated up with a strong light, hanging above the pile of sky burial coffins that had turned into rubble. superior.

Mozun Tianjue Sword (ninth-level legendary quality Horcrux): The real weapon hidden in the sword stele of Mozun Titan. Unfortunately, Mozun Titan has a rare opponent in his life, so that this sword has never been shown in front of people. Equipment requirements: 1 .The sixtieth floor of Yujianshu, 2. The second catastrophe!Damage +800, flight speed +102, attack speed +420, attributes: strength +50, understanding +10, fortune +2, health +1250, mana +1250, imperial weapon +5.

Special attributes: Knockback (100% chance of knocking back all weapons with a grade not higher than this sword) Shattering (20% chance of cracking enemy weapons, which can be repaired) Broken (10% chance of destroying enemy weapons, which cannot be repaired)
Skills: Sky Burial (swing the weapon and give the opponent a full blow, causing 50% of the opponent's health damage, consumption: soul power x10, cooldown time: 360 seconds) endless sword (defense decreases by 300% within 90 seconds, damage increases by 90% , 60% chance to crush Horcruxes below level 30, Raiders, Support, Equipment, 15% chance to crush Horcruxes below Tier [-], Raiders support, equipment, [-]% chance to crush Horcruxes below Tier [-], Raiders, Assistance, Equipment , Remarks: If you die in this state, you will suffer double death penalty!)


Tang Tang's chest heaved violently, he let out a deep breath, and his wrist trembled involuntarily!
Mozun Tianjue picked up a ninth-level legendary quality Horcrux!

When Tang Tang looked at the attributes of Tianjue Sword, all the players saw it too.

Originally, this matter seems to be a bit of an invasion of the privacy of the players. After all, it is up to Tang Tang to decide whether the attributes should be displayed. The players of the video got the forum to go crazy again!

Of course, the soul domain is still relatively regular. It only shows the grade of the Mozun Tianjue Sword, the basic damage, the speed of the imperial weapon, and the flying speed. As for the attributes, special attributes, and accompanying skills, they are all chosen. hide.

Even so, it was shocking enough, and the degree of shock was not inferior to Tang Xin's magic weapon!
reason?It's easy!
Divine Weapon is certainly something that makes people crazy, and there are only ten spirit domains. No matter whether someone has obtained it now, they have never appeared in any public places at all. However, the same is true for ninth-level legendary quality Horcruxes. Tier [-] Horcruxes are already enviable. Tier [-] is almost controlled by a very small number of masters and big gangs. Most of them are of elite quality and ordinary quality. Rare quality is also rare. As for souls of Tier [-] legendary quality Although it is not sure whether anyone owns it, it has never appeared in any public places, including auction houses, booths, and even the hands of npcs!
Anyway, they are all things that have never been seen before, so naturally they are equally shocking!

Moreover, just because after the Divine Soldier, the ninth-level legendary quality main Horcrux reappeared, the Holy Demon Conference also reached a peak. In fact, not everyone can understand the excitement of the battle, because many players can't understand it. For those who are called masters, the difficulty and meaning of every movement is displayed. They may just want to see the gorgeous big move, but the equipment is something that everyone can understand!
And Tang Tang didn't care about Soul Realm's arbitrarily announced the basic attributes of Mozun Tianjue Sword, nor did he consider other players' cheers for the appearance of the two top-quality Horcruxes, because, at the moment the Tianjue Sword appeared, Tang Tang also received it. Reached the soul domain prompt.

Soul Realm Tip: You got the Mozun Tianjue Sword!

Soul Realm Reminder: Evil cultivators give up chasing and killing you!

Soul Realm Tip: Your current reputation value in the Mozu is 5000!

Soul Realm Tip: Demon Race righteous people will regard you as an enemy!

Soul Realm Tip: Since you have obtained the real Horcrux of the Demon Lord Titan, you are qualified to enter the Moonlight Forest and have the opportunity to inherit the Demon Lord's legacy!
Looking at the information panel of Soul Domain, Tang Tang couldn't turn his head. It seemed that he had to sort out his thoughts. After studying the few information prompts, especially the last one, Tang Tang was so excited that he couldn't speak for a moment. Mozun Inheritance, that is the inheritance of the Demon Lord!
"Cough, cough..."

At this time, Tang Xin coughed lightly, which brought back Tang Tang's thoughts, and also brought back everyone's thoughts!

Right now is the last battle of the Holy Demon Conference, so it is not the time to think about those miscellaneous things.

Tang Tang was also quite embarrassed, and almost completely forgot about this, while Tang Xin spread his hands quite gracefully, indicating that Tang Tang can take away the Mozun Tianjue Sword at will!

Have no fear!

Although using this word seems to be too much, but this is the truth!

Mozun Tianjue Sword, ninth-level legendary quality!

The Sword of Judgment, Divine Soldier!
In Tang Xin's view, the sudden appearance of the Tianjue Sword can't change anything, the victory is still his own, and the trapped space created by the Judgment Sword's Judgment Barrier is not a ninth-level legendary Horcrux It can be done, unless Tang Tang also has magic soldiers, otherwise he is destined to be blocked by the invisible barrier of the Judgment Sword.

Secondly, Tianjue Sword is a ninth-level legendary Horcrux, but it is not an equipment, and it can only increase Tang Tang's attack power, and it does not increase defense. He can still kill himself instantly with a single sword, and Tang Tang can't break through his own defense. Horcruxes, still can't kill themselves.

So, the situation is still the same, although there are more surprises and surprises, but Tang Tang is still on the disadvantaged side!
(End of this chapter)

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