The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 427 Demonic Soldiers Unlock Rare Treasures

Chapter 427 Demonic Soldiers Unlock Rare Treasures

"Damn it, Soul Domain is still a personality that kills people without paying for their lives!"

Tang Tang cursed bitterly, but had no choice but to admit that dreams are always beautiful, but reality is very cruel!
After a while, Tang Tang adjusted his mood. After all, the team gift pack is only an appetizer at best, and the personal gift pack is the real feast!

Opening the personal commemorative gift bag for the top 64, three dice appeared in front of Tang Tang!
Tang Tang was stunned for a moment, but after looking through the description of the gift bag, he understood that the personal gift bag is not a fixed item, but is drawn randomly. The minimum number of points on the three dice is 3 points, and the maximum is of course 18. Points, and different points symbolize different prizes, among which 3 points correspond to the worst thing, and 18 points are of course the best!
Tang Tang's luck wasn't too bad. After rolling the three dice a few times, they finally fixed at 15 o'clock!
Magic Dao Bingjie (rare treasure): After being used by magic players, it can purify the magic energy and transfer to the holy path!
"This one……"

Tang Tang scratched his head, and didn't know how to describe this thing. Saying it is not precious, the words "rare and rare treasure" can explain the problem very well, but saying it is useful, it seems that it can turn players who cultivate demons into saints. , In the end, Tang Tang attributed this item to personal needs. Players who need it will not hesitate, and players who don’t need it will not even look at it. Like Tang Tang, a saint, is there any use for this thing? This is the solution of the Holy Dao, but Tang Tang is not sure that he is still interested in going to the Demon Dao to mess around.

Throwing the demon soldiers into the backpack, Tang Tang opened the exquisite gift bag for the top 32. However, this time Tang Tang was a little unlucky, and the three dice only came up with 8 points, which was obviously below average, but Tang Tang was quite fond of gifts. satisfy.

Dragon Soul Stone (rare) x8: An extremely rare spirit stone, which can only be seen occasionally overseas. It can increase the level of experience, and increase the experience after use: 15000000!

Tang Tang burst into tears. For a slob like her, there is nothing better than gaining experience directly.Moreover, with these eight dragon soul stones, Tang Tang would be able to reach level 85 in an instant, not to mention level 90. It is no longer a dream to be able to equip the fire-robbing dragon scale sword. Although, with the Mozun Tianjue sword, The eighth-level legendary quality of the fire-robbing dragon scale made Tang Tang less urgent. However, in the era when the sixth- and seventh-level Horcruxes were popular, the Thunder and Lightning Longyuan and the Fire Rain and Non-Smoke Sword were indeed not enough. Also avoid the embarrassment that I can only use a single sword all the time.

Putting away the soul stone with joy, Tang Tang would not use it immediately in a foolish way. You must know that the instant upgrade method of the dragon soul stone was also a major reliance on Tang Tang's ability to survive the robbery during the last robbery. Sometimes, this is a life-saving thing.

The next step is the top 16 advanced gift packs. Tang Tang is looking forward to this, because Soul Realm has already stated that the top 16 advanced gift packs already have the opportunity to offer Horcrux equipment.

In Tang Tang's mind, today's era is already the era of "the fifth level is everywhere, and the sixth level is for everyone". The seventh level can only be said to be valuable, not a cherished product, so Soul Domain is always embarrassed to get something Tier [-] and Tier [-] equipment is a mess, right?It must be at least the seventh step!

It's a pity that Tang Tang rolled a very high number of points, 17 points on the three dice, but what he got was not equipment!
Heaven and Earth Lingshi (Heaven and Earth Rare Treasures): Can 100% randomly upgrade a supernatural power to one level, and 100% comprehend a new supernatural power!
Tang Tang was tangled again, good things, super-excellent good things, but the problem is that it is random, regardless of comprehension or something, if it is randomly promoted, it will be a happy thing, but if it is promoted with the death scythe, then That is, from the fourth level to the fifth level, if it is Taxue Wuhen, it is from the fifth level to the sixth level, not worth it!

"Looks like I need to find some time to practice my soul skills and spells!"

Tang Tang is helpless, if he doesn't want to waste the spirit stones of heaven and earth, there is only one way, and that is to upgrade his soul skills and spells to a relatively high level. Suppose Tang Tang raises all of his soul skills and spells to eighth rank, Then there is absolutely no possibility of waste.

Obviously, Tang Tang had to devote a lot of time to this.

Put away the heaven and earth spirit stones, Tang Tang still has two gift bags in front of him, one is the rare gift bag for the top 8, and the other is the championship gift bag!

To be honest, Tang Tang's trip to the Holy Demon Conference was worthwhile just because of the heaven and earth spirit stones. However, Tang Tang still looks forward to getting some things that can be used at this stage.

With this feeling in mind, Tang Tang threw the three dice from the top 8 rare gift packs, rolled them, and finally landed at the 12 o'clock position.

This point is not high or low, and the things drawn are even more inexplicable.

Li Qiaoshou's sachet (rare): Contains extremely rare spices, hand-stitched, inlaid with dragons and embroidered with phoenixes, exquisite workmanship!
Tang Tang scratched his head, not knowing what the use of this thing was, but...

"Li Qiaoshou? This name sounds familiar!"

Tang Tang scratched his head, but he still couldn't remember where he had heard the name before, so he finally had to give up and set his sights on the final champion gift bag.

Since it is called the champion gift pack, it is naturally the right name. In fact, for No. 1 of the Saint Avenue Association, the organizers of Dragon City are indeed not too stingy, and the worst in the gift pack is also a seventh-level legendary quality Horcrux. As long as you don't lose money, the only worry is how good things you can get.

Among them, the three best items have already been announced by the soul domain, a ninth-level auxiliary Horcrux clock, a ninth-level legendary quality Horcrux Baiquehuang, and an ancient beast Qiongqi with permanent full value of loyalty .

The drawing method has also changed, it is no longer a dice, but a huge wheel, with a total of eighteen grids, each grid has a different picture, and the content of the picture is naturally the prize.

"Qongqi, Qiongqi, Qiongqi..."

While pushing the roulette, Tang Tang kept chanting silently in his heart!
Tang Tang has already experienced the benefits brought by powerful soul beasts, but it's a pity that Bixi is not the type that can fight, but the type that can resist. However, Qiongqi is one of the four ancient beasts. If you can't fight, I'm afraid it won't make sense, right?

At this moment, the wheel finally slowed down, Tang Tang gasped and held his breath!

"Five grids, three grids, stop, stop, Qiongqi, whoop, my Qiongqi has flown away, and the one who loves me has not come yet..."

Tang Tang's small face was slumped on the ground, Qiong Qi, the four ancient evils, just waved his hands and disappeared!

"Greatly compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva, have you already abandoned me..."

at the same time……

The reminder of Soul Domain also sounded suddenly.

Soul Realm Reminder: Congratulations on obtaining Baiquehuang (Level [-] Legendary Quality)

The haze in Tang Tang's heart was swept away in an instant, and he started to search in the backpack in a daze.

Baiquehuang (horcrux flying sword) (ninth-level legendary quality): The phoenix died nine times and was reborn from the ashes. This sword is forged with the soul of the phoenix after death. Layer, 1. The second catastrophe is successful, the damage is 55, the flying speed is 2, the attack speed is 1250, attributes: strength +1000, understanding +800, fire attribute xìng+20, fire attribute xìng immunity increased by 5%, excellent one-hit chance 80% increase, special attribute: rebirth from the ashes (every time you take fire attribute damage, your defense will drop by 20%, the fixed damage will increase by 15, the fire attribute damage will increase by 10%, after the target dies, it will return to the original attribute) Phoenix (Horcruxes below Tier 300 are invalidated within a radius of 30 miles, lasting 60 seconds)
Skill: Phoenix Flame (Shoot a fire attribute xìng sword energy forward, causing 150% damage, and superimposed fire attribute xìng damage at the same time, the fire attribute xìng damage is determined according to the own fire attribute, consumption: 10 points of soul power, no cooldown )
Immortal Flame (Use the divine soul to activate the Phoenix soul in Baiquehuang, use yourself as the center, release the undead flame to a radius of 200 meters in diameter around it, causing continuous damage to all targets within the range, the damage is determined by its own fire attribute, consumption: 20 points of soul power)
Reincarnation (you can choose to crush the Peaque Phoenix yourself, release the phoenix soul sealed in the Peaque Phoenix to fight for you, defeat the enemy target, or after the Phoenix soul is defeated, the Peaque Phoenix will be broken, consumption: 50 points of soul power )
Legend has it that there was an inconspicuous little bird in ancient times. When spring came, it was constantly collecting food. When summer came, it was still collecting food. When autumn came, it was still collecting food. Food, all the birds laughed at it, laughing at it as a stupid bird, but it always smiled and never quarreled with those birds. When it was so cold that it couldn't fly, couldn't find food, and could only suffer, the bird flew out and distributed the food it had collected through the four seasons to those birds, and every food it got Because the bird was grateful, he took off a piece of feather and gave it to the humble bird.

And when the winter passed, all the birds survived and came to thank that humble little bird, those birds found that the once humble little bird had a colorful plumage and became the world's most beautiful bird. The most beautiful birds!
This is the phoenix, and it is also the origin of Bainiao Chaohuang!

Just like the flying sword in Tang Tang's hand, it is red all over, with fiery red flames enveloping it, and there are blood-red lines on the sword. If you look closely, there are hundreds of lifelike feathers!

This is……

Tang Tang's joy for Baiquehuang is definitely higher than Mozun Tianjuejian!

First of all, as far as the ninth-level legendary quality Horcrux Flying Sword is concerned, Baiquehuang's damage is not so brilliant, not as violent as Mozun Tianjue Sword, but look at Baiquehuang's imperial weapon speed and attack speed, 135 The speed of the imperial weapon and the attack speed of 800 are close to twice the speed of the imperial weapon and the attack speed of the Tianjue Sword. The Tianjue Sword can swing two swords, and the Baiquehuang can at least swing three swords. In this way, the attack frequency As it goes up, the damage will naturally go up. As for how to ensure high frequency and high hit rate at the same time, Tang Tang has absolute confidence in his own confidence. What's more, Tang Tang is a pure speed flow, like twenty bridges and bright moons. Night is based on speed to determine damage!
(End of this chapter)

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