The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 428 Desperate Sword Demon Inheritance

Chapter 428 Desperate Sword Demon Inheritance
Although Mozun Tianjue Sword is a ninth-level legendary Horcrux, which makes Tang Tang very happy, but Tianjue Sword is an earth-type Horcrux after all, which does not match Tang Tang's attributes, while Baiquehuang is different. But it was of the fire attribute, and now almost everyone knew that Tang Tang was of the fire attribute.
"Hey, earth attribute!" Tang Tang suddenly thought of Xueyin Village, the weird blacksmith, and the task of the star horcrux, and couldn't help but point his fingers and said: "The fire rain and non-smoke sword is pure fire attribute, and the thunder and lightning dragon Yuan is pure wood, the blacksmith said he could create a pure water horcrux, and the Tianjue sword is made of rocks, it is a pure earth horcrux, wow, isn't that just a metal horcrux? Sexual Horcruxes, five Horcruxes with basic attributes are all there?"

Tang Tang was very excited. The Star Soul Formation was also a good thing. However, in all honesty, Tang Tang never thought that he would be able to complete that task. In three months, he still had to search for an attribute Horcrux. How could it be so easy? of.

Unexpectedly, it has only been more than half a month, and I will deliver it to my door. In this way, it is not completely useless, and it is also an extra surprise.

"Great harvest, great harvest!"

Tang Tang couldn't help sighing a few words, but at this moment, Tang Tang's Thousand Miles Sound Transmission suddenly jumped.

It's not a direct voice transmission, it's still a message, the signature is one step at a time, and the same sentence as usual: Can you tell me!
Tang Tang thought for a while, and replied directly: Dragon City Tavern, the second floor!
Tang Tang was also very curious about the one-step-one-kill, why did this guy abstain from the game, and why did he find himself!
After collecting the things, Tang Tang ran to the tavern and asked for a private room.

Maybe it was because of the teleportation talisman, one step and one kill came very quickly. After entering the private room, he sat opposite Tang Tang, but he kept silent, which made Tang Tang feel very puzzled.

After a long time, Tang Tang couldn't help but speak first, "What on earth are you looking for me for?"

He hesitated for a while and said, "Can you let Tianzun Zhenyuan go?"

"Who?" Tang Tang asked in amazement, "Who are you talking about?"

One step at a time, he said: "Zhenyuan Tianzun, can you please let him go, you can ask for anything."

"Wait, wait..." Tang Tang patted his forehead and said, "You're looking for me for the Joy Devil?"

One step at a time, he said: "No, it's Zhenyuan Tianzun!"

"Zhenyuan Tianzun is Huanxi Demon, and Huanxi Demon is Zhenyuan Tianzun!" Tang Tang patted his head and said: "Besides, you said that I imprisoned Huanxi Demon? This is simply nonsense, Huanxi Demon is dead, I killed it! "

One step at a time and stubbornly said: "You imprisoned Zhenyuan Tianzun!"

"Don't be funny, he's an npc. I'm a player imprisoning an npc? Are you crazy, or is there something wrong with my ears?" Tang Tang took out the fire-robbing dragon scales and said, "This thing is dropped by the Joy Demon after death, of course Well, you don’t have to believe it, but I suggest you go to Xue Luoyue, the first senior of the Eternal Academy, although he hasn’t seen me kill the Huanximo, but he can tell you roughly what happened.”

It doesn't matter if you kill one step at a time. After opening the text channel, you will display your mission information.

Soul Realm Tip: Do you accept the request of "Zhenyuan Tianzun Remnant Soul" and help him regain his body!

One step at a time, he said: "This was more than half a month ago, which is almost the task I received a few days ago at the Holy Demon Conference. If the copied content is not enough, I can also provide screenshots. You just need to open the transmission picture in the text channel. "

Tang Tang already believed six to seven points after seeing the copied content of the mission prompt, but he still didn't believe in evil and let One Step One Kill send a picture. Sure enough, One Step One Kill really didn't lie, he did have such a mission, It is true that the screenshot cannot be faked, but what the hell is going on?The Demon of Joy is obviously dead!
"I'm getting more and more confused now." Tang Tang tapped his little head and said, "First of all, I'm sure to tell you that I really killed the Demon of Joy, and even the original form of Demon of Joy, which is the soul of the evil dragon I got it, and it was taken by a disciple of the Sea God Pavilion to refine it into a tribulation-transcending pill. Theoretically, it is impossible for the Demon of Joy to be alive, but you have indeed received the mission, although it has nothing to do with me , but I am still very interested, so, can you tell me in detail what this mission is about, and then we will make a judgment."

One step at a time, one kill hesitated for a moment, then he took out the bright blood sword and said: "This sword is called the bloodthirsty demon sword, it is the soul weapon of the sword demon, and the soul skill cultivated by the sword demon is called the deadly cut, which is to kill For the sake of the Tao, I betrayed the Bloodthirsty Pavilion in order to inherit the inheritance of the Sword Demon..."

Through the narration of killing one step at a time, Tang Tang managed to sort things out.

Originally, One Step One Kill was an ordinary disciple of the Bloodthirsty Pavilion. By chance, he rescued a seriously injured NPC in a cave on an isolated island overseas. That NPC was the Sword Demon. One step at a time to help him fulfill his wish and do some things. Simply put, it is a series of tasks. The content of the task is the request of the sword demon, and then it will be completed bit by bit by one step at a time. After each completion, the sword demon will Give one step one kill something, or teach one step one kill soul skill, and after one step one kill completely clears up the serial missions, he can completely inherit the sword demon inheritance!

And Sword Demon's chain mission has ninety-nine and 81 rings, which is recognized as the most difficult chain mission!

"At first, the task was very simple. It was nothing more than some wishes of the sword demon, his family, and those who were killed by him by mistake. However, it became more and more difficult later on. The sword demon wanted to take revenge on those who made him go nowhere. He also wanted revenge for chasing and killing him, and beat him into a seriously injured person, and the person who seriously injured Sword Demon is..."

Tang Tang said, "It's Zhenyuan Tianzun, right?"

One kill at a time nodded honestly and said: "Sword Demon's most powerful sword art is Jue Ming Zhan, which consists of Seven Kills, Soul Breaking, and Jue Ming. I have already learned Breaking Soul and Seven Kills. As long as I can kill Zhenyuan Tianzun, if you fulfill the last wish of the Sword Demon, you will be able to learn all of Jue Ming Slash and inherit the Sword Demon's legacy!"

Tang Tang said: "That happened decades ago. At that time, Zhenyuan Tianzun was not called Huanxi Demon, nor was he sealed into the sea of ​​​​the forest by the Dragon King, nor did he change his name, and even gave up his name, um, How did you find the Demon of Joy?"

One step at a time, he shook his head and said: "I ran into it for no reason. At that time, Zhenyuan Tianzun had become a remnant soul. He said, if I want to kill him, I must save him first. He was imprisoned by you. At the same time, he told me not to let him die." You die, and if you die, he dies with him."

Tang Tang frowned and said, "Is this the reason why you abstained from the Holy Demon Conference?"

One step at a time, he nodded and said: "Soul Realm only said that death at the Holy Demon Convention will not be punished. It can be understood that experience will not be lost, and equipment will not be dropped. However, will the mission be washed away? I am not sure, so, I No risk!"

Tang Tang curled his lips and said, "You really have the confidence, are you so sure that you can beat me?"

One step at a time, he said: "It's not a question of whether you can win or not. I can't kill you. I will definitely lose. If that's the case, why not abstain!"

"Well, I don't mean to pursue the abstention of the Holy Demon Avenue. After all, I am the beneficiary." Tang Tang put his chin in his hand and said: "Let's talk about the business, about the Huanxi Demon, that is, Zhenyuan Tianzun. I really killed him. However, judging from your experience, I may have misunderstood, for example, I may have destroyed his body, but not his soul. At that time, I got the Nielong Yuanshen It’s broken, maybe some of the primordial spirit escaped. However, I didn’t imprison the Joy Demon, and more importantly, I don’t have the ability to imprison the Joy Demon. So, can we change our thinking, you know, I beat the Joy Demon and the body of the Demon of Joy is sealed in the sarcophagus of the forest sea, which is the real body of the evil dragon. The Demon of Joy has always wanted to get back that body, but I destroyed it in the end. In this way, he should hate me very much. Me. So, is the remnant you met lying? Like using you to get revenge on me, you know, their so-called NPCs are smarter than players, and sometimes they are full of bad things."

One step at a time, he said: "Then he should let me kill you, instead of telling me not to let you die. If you die, Zhenyuan Tianzun will also die."

"Well, this seems to be a problem." Tang Tang touched his chin and said, "Maybe he hates you very much, so he sent you to me and let me chop you up with a sword? It's also possible that he wanted to keep the last broken Soul, I lied to you on purpose."

One step at a time, he said: "The remnant soul has already been cut by me, it is useless, the task has not been completed, and secondly, if it is a scam, then there should not be a soul domain task reminder!"

Tang Tang pouted and said, "You have analyzed it very clearly, but I still say that, I really did not imprison the Demon of Joy."

One step, one kill, silence!
Tang Tang sat and waited for a while but couldn't get an answer, so he had no choice but to say: "Then let me put it another way, what's the benefit of imprisoning the Demon of Joy? Taking a step back, I really imprisoned the Demon of Joy, and I don't need to lie to you. Have you beat me? To be honest, there is still a possibility in the Saint Demon Dao, but right now I hold the ninth-level legendary quality Mozun Tianjue Sword, do you still have the confidence to beat me? Well, we Take a step back and say, you can really beat me, but according to what you said, you dare not kill me at all, what can you do with me? To put it bluntly, if what you say is the truth, then you are right I'm not threatening at all, I don't have to hide the fact that I'm imprisoned and happy, right?"

One step at a time and one kill is still silent. In fact, Tang Tang can also understand his mood. No matter how you say it, the sword demon is also a loose cultivator who can roam overseas. Although it is not as good as Zhenyuan Tianzun, it is definitely not weaker than Qingdi and Wenru. , that is the prestige of the real kill, the absolute slaying of thousands of people, one can imagine how terrifying the soul skill of killing and proving the way is, especially the mission of the whole ninety-nine and 81 rings. Even this step will not be willing to give up, and my heart will definitely be full of unwillingness.

But what does this have to do with Tang Tang?

(End of this chapter)

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