The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 429: A Floating Life Like a Dream Mission

Chapter 429: A Floating Life Like a Dream Mission

Tang Tang is very curious about the reason of the matter. Now that she has figured it out and satisfied her curiosity, it is enough for her. Although she can understand the reluctance to kill one step at a time, Tang Tang has no obligation to help him complete it. Task.

After knocking on the table and motioning for the waiter to come and check out, Tang Tang decided to leave.

However, the moment Tang Tang stood up, one step and one kill followed Tang Tang's sudden rise!
"Well, it's all clear, what are you still following me for?"

Tang Tang didn't care about one step and one kill at first, thinking that he was leaving too, but who would have thought that after leaving the tavern, one step and one kill would still follow him, Tang Tang was speechless immediately.

One step at a time, he said: "Even if you really don't know, you can't deny that you are a turning point in the mission, and, if I want to continue the mission, at least I must ensure that you will not die."

"So you're going to be a flower protector by my side?" Tang Tang said speechlessly, "Please, can you beat me? If you can't even deal with me, what use are you for?"

One step one kill said very straightforwardly: "Your understanding is very problematic. This is not a problem of personal ability, but a problem of one person and two people. Moreover, the reason why I can't beat you is that I can't kill you. It's not an ability."

Tang Tang patted his forehead, not wanting to be serious about this matter, so he had no choice but to say: "The problem is that it's inconvenient for you to follow. Could it be that you follow me when people are going to take a bath?"

One step at a time, he said: "Don't you need to take off your clothes when you take a bath?"

Tang Tang was also a little overwhelmed, and said anxiously: "Metaphor, do you know what a metaphor is? Let's not talk about whether you can take off your clothes after taking a bath. Let's change the metaphor. If I meet someone who can see you right Handsome guy, when you are going to kiss someone, talk about life, talk about the future, talk about a beautiful marriage, what's the matter with you standing by the side? It's okay to know that you are a flower protector, I don't know Some people thought I came out to find a third party!"

One step at a time, he said: "It doesn't matter, I still have this bit of vision, I will automatically disappear when I shouldn't appear, by the way, I forgot to tell you, I know the method of blood escape, and blood Wheel eye, if you don't have eighth-level or higher foreknowledge skills, even if you kill me, it will be useless, I will find you very easily."


Originally, Tang Tang was ready to draw his sword when he said the first half of the sentence. Anyway, she was never a good person. If this guy in front of him was endless, Tang Tang would not mind sending him to the underworld to report directly. Unfortunately, step by step The feeling of killing turned out to be extremely sensitive. Tang Tang just put his fingertips on the backpack, and he already discovered Tang Tang's intentions with one step of killing.

"You're ruthless..." Tang Tang also had no choice but to kill one person in ten steps: "If you want to follow, just follow. I'll see which of us is more patient and who can't bear it first!"

Tang Tang is also very free and easy. After finishing speaking, he really didn't care about killing each step. He contacted Tang Yuhao, and euphemistically expressed that he was currently on the rise in his career and didn't have time to accompany him to the devil world, and then replied that Jin Lingdong was free. Went to play with her, but couldn't spare for the time being, and then, Tang Tang told Qingqing Apple Xiang to bring the world famous wine, but was severely despised, Tang Tang had to apologize, and decided to go to Qing Qing Apple Xiang personally Where to get wine, who will let himself ask for others.

Of course, Tang Tang also notified Tang Taro and Tang Xin to come to Tengzhou to get money. Who asked them to ask for anything!

After giving all the instructions, Tang Tang went straight to Tengzhou, where level 60 monsters were refreshed, and Qingqing Applexiang was hanging around there recently, and of course there was Xiaoxian's poisonous long-term companion.However, Tang Tang didn't see the latter. According to Qing Qing Apple Xiang, that guy didn't like Tang Tang very much. Regarding this, Tang Tang could only bitterly support Qing Qing Apple Xiang to chase him hard. If you can do good things well, you will be that guy's sister-in-law later.

It's a pity that Qingqing Applexiang is not stupid, knowing that Tang Tang has taken advantage of her by the way, and if her lover wants to call him aunt, what should she call Tang Tang?What a bullshit!
Throwing down two altars of world-renowned wine and giving Tang Tang a middle finger, the clear apple fragrance wafted away.

"Hey, I finally got all nine of them."

Tang Tang didn't care about the contempt for Qingqing Apple Fragrance, the sisters usually played like this, but Tang Tang was really moved by the two jars of world-famous wines, and finally only the last one was missing.

Killing one step at a time, he said suddenly: "You want to collect famous wine? Is this thing of any great use?"

Tang Tang didn't like to see this guy very much now, rolled his eyes and said, "Are you in charge?"

Unexpectedly, Tang Tang regretted it as soon as he finished speaking, and took out a wine jar in a leisurely manner.

Floating Life Like a Dream (World Famous Wine): It is said that drinking it can make you dreamlike and forget all the troubles in the world. Special effect: concentration!
"Brother Bubu!" Tang Tang grabbed the hem of Yibuyikill's clothes with tears in his eyes and said, "When I first saw you, I thought you were a dragon and a phoenix among people, with unusually high browbones and a bright seal. You are trembling, if my little sister says something that makes you uncomfortable, you will have a lot of adults, please forgive me."

One step, one kill, his expression twitched and he said: "It is rumored that Tang Tang, the female devil of the Tang Sect, has quite... quite... special, I have learned it!"

The face of the one-step-one-kill face was flushed red, and it probably took a long time to come up with the word "special" to describe Tang Tang's shameless behavior that completely lost his pure integrity.

Tang Tang didn't care, he forced a smile and said, "Can we discuss it?"

One step at a time, he threw the wine into his backpack and said, "No, although this thing is useless, it's really not easy to make. I only have two altars. It's for the special effect of concentrating, to survive the second catastrophe." When it is time, it can resist the invasion of demons."

"That's easy!" Tang Tang took out a medicine bottle and said, "Whale Birthday Fragrance also nourishes the mind and nourishes the spirit, and it has a miraculous effect on resisting inner demons. This is what I used to survive the second catastrophe. A bottle of six drops will be exchanged for you." Two altars, you still make money!"

Killing one step at a time is also stubborn, and he directly shook his head and said, "If you don't change it, I will use Floating Life as a Dream."

Tang Tang narrowed his eyes and said, "You really don't want to change?"

One step at a time, he said: "Can you buy and sell by force?"

"That's not certain." Tang Tang said with a sword across his neck: "I will commit suicide, I will really commit suicide!"

One step at a time, one kill and one stun, immediately had the urge to vomit blood, pointing at Tang Tang and saying, "You're playing a rascal!"

Tang Tang also felt that he was a little shameless, and even threatened others with his own life, so he had to laugh twice and said: "Don't say I don't give you face, ten drops of whale birthday incense, you have earned money, you have the most money!" Use one or two drops, and the rest can at least be exchanged for a lot of gold coins!"

One step at a time and one kill sighed, and finally threw the two altars of floating life like dreams to Tang Tang!

Tang Tang was so excited immediately, it was almost as if she wanted to cry but had no tears!
The world's famous wines, ten kinds, a full ten kinds, have finally been gathered together, this arduous road has finally been completed, the death call is in front of my eyes, the soul is right in front of my eyes, I finally don't have to envy my eldest sister Tang Mei That guy is gone!
"Let's go!" Tang Tang waved his hands vigorously and said, "Let's go back to Tang Sect!"

Tang Tang wanted to go back to Tang Sect, it didn't matter if he killed every step, he made up his mind to consume the little girl now, first of all, he didn't think that Soul Domain would tease him and give him a fake mission.So, either Tang Tang imprisoned Zhenyuan Tianzun, and then lied to him, even if Tang Tang told the truth, but since there is a hint from the soul domain to make a bottom line, this matter must also be related to Tang Tang, and the breakthrough must be on Tang Tang .

Secondly, I am really worried about killing one step at a time. What if Tang Tang accidentally gets a fart? I won’t hurt Chi Yu. Therefore, I can die, but Tang Tang can’t die, even if I sacrifice myself to save Tang Tang when necessary. It's not unacceptable, the temptation of the last mortal slash is too great for him, to the point where he absolutely can't give up.

However, Tang Xin and Tang Taluo were depressed. Although they always had teleportation talismans, it is impossible for them to have teleportation talismans in all cities. It just so happened that Tengzhou was within the range they did not have, so they ran away in a hurry After a long time, Tang Tang traveled thousands of miles, and the two of them had to smile wryly and go back to Tangmen to stand by. Fortunately, this time they don't need to fly, they just use the teleportation talisman.

At the mountain gate of the Tang Sect, Tang Tang found Tang Taluo and Tang Tang, reluctantly handed over the money to the two, and did not forget to tell him: "Remember, you must take care of yourself. Yes, you must have a first-come-first-served basis, you must let Xiao Huihui recover to full health before going through the second catastrophe, absolutely nothing will happen."

"Don't worry." Tang Xin said with a smile: "I have magic weapons, and Tang Taro has the wall of the wind, we can actually fight against it, but we just need to be safe, and there will be no accidents."

Tang Tang smiled and nodded, "Is my promise worth something?"

Tang Tang nodded. Tang Taro's character was naturally not mentioned, and Tang Tang was also very convinced.

After sending the two of them away, Tang Tang asked Yi Yi Yi to squat at the gate of the mountain to play. Of course, Yi Bu Yi Ji was not happy in every possible way, but he wanted to follow, and he had to be able to follow. Can anyone enter?
Therefore, Tang Tang gave up one step and one kill for the time being, and went straight to the small shabby room of the alcoholic mentor Dugu Bo. As soon as he reached the door, Tang Jian rushed over eagerly. He was naturally called back by Tang Tang.

"Is there really any wine?" Tang Jian pulled Tang Tang and said, "Sister, do you really have wine? Really? Really?"

"Are you a parrot? Isn't it enough to ask once?" Tang Tang threw a jar of Floating Life to Tang Jian speechlessly: "Look for yourself, I'll change it later."

Tang Jian took the wine and immediately nodded with a smile on his face, "It's easy to say, easy to say."

"Teacher..." Tang Tang pulled up his clothes to make himself look pitiful, and then rushed into the room and said, "Teacher, your entrustment, the apprentice has finally completed it. villain..."

Tang Tang howled dryly, but was stopped by Tang Jian, and whispered: "Senior sister, we are handing in the task now, not accepting the task, so there is no need to flatter!"

"Oh!" Tang Tang's tone changed immediately, pointing at Dugu as if he was dragging two to five or eight thousand yuan, and said: "Old drunkard, hurry up, change your soul."

(End of this chapter)

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