Chapter 504 Chapter 507
But Tang Tang couldn't be reconciled, and immediately raised his imperial weapon again, and the two chased one after the other. Seeing that Tang Tang was about to catch up again, the black-hearted grandma suddenly looked back and smiled, and stretched out her hand to untie the knot around her waist. The cloak is about to be thrown behind him.

This action scared Tang Tang so much that he almost instinctively blocked it with his hand, but at this moment...

A cloud of white mist suddenly exploded in the air. Tang Tang felt his whole body was cold, so he slapped his palm forward, and the incandescent skyfire burst out of his palm, colliding with the white mist, one cold and one hot, Immediately after...

With the combination of cold and heat, a ball of scorching steam suddenly exploded in the air. When Tang Tang passed through the steam with a wave of his hand, there was no trace of the black-hearted grandma. Only a white shawl fell down with the wind, carrying With a faint fragrance of magnolia, Tang Tang picked it up and held it in his hand.

"Cunning woman!"

Tang Tang curled his lips, removed Jian Guang, and fell back to the ground.

At this time, Tianyao finally arrived with three No. 40 people, but it was so late that he couldn't even see the back of the black-hearted grandma.

"How is it?" Tianyao pulled Tang Tang and said, "Sister, did anything happen to you?"

"It's nothing." Tang Tang glanced at the white shawl in his hand and said, "Just let her run away."

Tianyao breathed a sigh of relief immediately. As for letting the black-hearted grandma run away, then just run away. Although the evaluation of the black-hearted grandma is a crazy woman, she is one of the three masters of the demon race. There is still admiration, even though Tianyao thinks that Tang Tang and the other three are also very powerful, but at most they regard them as ordinary masters who are notoriously famous, and they are absolutely unable to compare with the black-hearted grandma.

"If she doesn't make trouble, I'll burn the incense." After a few laughs, Tianyao didn't take it seriously at all and said: "I think this woman is just aroused, she probably won't help the Moon-Watching Demon Clan, Don't worry too much about her, besides, sister Cuihua, what I said earlier..."

"I'll stay!" Tang Tang glanced at him and said, "Since we've met two of the three great masters of the Demon Race, we might as well meet the last one."

The Moon-Watching Demon Clan and the Backing Mountain Demon Clan are both big tribes. If the entire Sky Demon Valley is considered in terms of scale, then the Moon-Watching Demon Clan and the Backing Mountain Demon Clan can obviously both rank in the top ten!

However, the moon-watching demons and the backing demons fight each month to determine the ownership of the Chakrama River, but it is impossible to gather all the people in the tribe. The reason is very simple, such a scale is too large. The method of fighting in January itself is because the battle between the two tribes is too intense, and it has reached the point where it is impossible for the players of the two tribes to level up normally, use normal treasures, or even play normally. If there is a large-scale battle once a month, it is impossible It is meaningless, too many people will still die, so, according to the agreement between the two tribal leaders, the number of people in the first battle is limited to 1500 per month, and cheating is not possible, because the tribe leaders are all system NPCs. After declaring the start of the tribal war, Everything will be displayed transparently.

And the time of the tribal war happened to be the third day after the opening of the ancient battlefield!

In fact, Tianyao doesn't need to go to the ancient battlefield in person, he just needs to assign good people in the tribe to go there, but the tribal war is imminent, and Tie Wudi, who has been wandering outside, suddenly returns to the Moon-Watching Demon Clan. After getting rid of the pressure, he expected that he could find something in the ancient battlefield to turn the situation around, but he didn't expect that instead of finding something, he found Tang Tang and the three of them.

Therefore, after obtaining Tang Tang's consent, Tianyao found a way to release the news. For the tribal war, the Backer Demon Race invited a master from Shenzhou. The reason why he is willing to tell who he is, but if something is too real, it will be unreal. Such a cover-up will make the moon-watching demons believe and worry. In this regard, Tianyao has a very good grasp .

Until two days later, which was also the day of the tribal war, Tianyao personally invited Tang Tang and the three of them to go to the Chakrama River on the edge of the mountain with No. 1500 tribal generals!

Every fighter of the Backing Demon Race has been equipped to a certain extent, and the equipment is very difficult to obtain. After all, it is too difficult to find 1500 sets of the same standard equipment, but weapons and mounts are fine. 1500 unified flying spears can be thrown at the same time It is very powerful, followed by the big tail wolf, which is an ordinary alien monster, not an ancient alien beast. It has a huge body, a height of two meters, and a giant tail. When it charges, it is very powerful. Although The level is only 68, but it is very difficult to capture 1500 heads, which shows how big Tianyao is.

The three of Tang Tang were naturally also very lucky to be assigned a big-tailed wolf, but none of the three of them let the big-tailed wolf recognize him as the master. Hey, naturally she won't give up the only remaining soul beast to an ordinary monster like a big-tailed wolf. She doesn't want to find those famous beasts, but to become her soul beast, at least it must be an ancient strange beast. Plant it.

Therefore, the three of them could only use the big-tailed wolf as a mount, but they couldn't use it for battle, but it didn't matter, Tianyao had so many big-tailed wolves charging anyway, so it wasn't bad for three.

At noon, the backer demons arrived at the Chakrama River. Because the moon-watching demons live near the river, they came much earlier than them. 1500 running pigs, this kind of monster looks like a pig and is huge in size. It belongs to the Dangkang lineage of ancient alien beasts. It is slow, but its skin is rough and fleshy, and its defense is extremely high. It can be seen that the handwriting of the heir of the Moon-Watching Demon Clan is not necessarily smaller than that of Tianyao. However, in the phalanx of galloping pigs, there are two people who are particularly eye-catching, because one rides a tall white horse, and the other One was sitting on a grand master's chair, but the grand master's chair was floating two meters above the ground. Obviously, the grand master's chair should be an auxiliary Horcrux.

At a distance of about eight meters, Tian Yao waved to signal for everyone to stop, and rode up on a wolf with a big tail and roared: "Flying to the moon, the one with the seeds will come out and answer."

"Ha!" There was a sneer from the Moon-Watching Demon Clan's phalanx. After a while, the tall horse with no variegated color came forward and said, "Old demon, what are you? Let me come out and answer? You Does it match?"

Tianyao laughed loudly and said, "Then who is standing in front of me talking?"

The player named Fei Yueben choked suddenly.

The heirs of the tribes on both sides are all players, and there have always been fights between the tribes. They have been unhappy with each other for a long time. Now that the tribal war is imminent, they are the first to talk and play tricks. Of course, almost all of them who can become the heirs of the tribe He is an old and mature guy, maybe he didn't want to take advantage of his mouth first and suppress the morale of the other party.

Tang Tang found it very boring. She also liked talking, but she didn't like to look at other people. She just took a look at the heir of the Moon-Watching Demon Clan. His name was Feiyueben. The fur coat is cut from different animal skins, colorful like a parrot, people who don't know it may think it is a patch.

Tang Tang was not interested immediately, but turned his attention to the person sitting in the grand teacher's chair
If the guess is correct, that person is invincible.

To be honest, it's a little disappointing.

Judging from the name "Iron Invincible", it should look like the outline of a strong man, just like many barbarians, strong and muscular, who can open mountains and crack monuments with just fists. In fact, Tie Wudi is a middle-aged man with a gloomy face. He looks to be in his thirties, and his stature is a bit short. He is huddled in that chair. If I had to describe it, it would be a poisonous snake, a poisonous snake staring at its prey!

Tang Tang hated that feeling.

At this moment, Tie Wudi suddenly patted the handle of the grand master's chair, and the grand master's chair flew to the front slowly, and as soon as Tie Wudi appeared, Fei Yueben and Tianyao both consciously shut up

This is status, it is also a kind of honor, and it is a symbol of strength, just like if Tang Tang appeared in the Tang Sect with a public identity, in some public places, such as the master copy, medicine furnace, most Tang Sect players would also like to It's like giving up the position to Tang Tang.

"This is the old demon, right? I've heard of your name, the successor of the Backing Demon Clan, and the future leader of the tribe!" Tie Wudi's voice was a little gloomy, calm, but full of arrogance. Liaozheng said: "I don't like to beat around the bush, so I just said it bluntly. I have some things to do in the Chakrama River. I also know the agreement between the Moon-Watching Demon Clan and the Backing Mountain Demon Clan. I just want to say one thing. That is, the Chakrama River in this month is owned by the Mochimozu, and next month, I will not intervene in tribal wars."

Fei Yueben immediately showed the appearance of a villain, Tianyao's face was ugly, Tie Wudi's words did not seem to be negotiating, but a request, an order tone, as if no one could refuse.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. Tianyao can bear it if you only talk like this, but you can’t show your cowardly side. If you show it, then others will think you are easy to bully. , but what about a month later?What about two months later?Anyone would say this kind of thing. Secondly, Tianyao had to consider his own prestige. If he agreed, his prestige in the tribe would definitely plummet, and someone would even replace him and become the new heir of the tribe. You know, the leader of the horse The location is very eye-catching.

But, can Tianyao refuse?

No, it's not a question of whether to refuse, but once Tie Wudi joins the battle, his side has little chance of winning.

Originally, he wanted to use three "foreign aid" created out of thin air to contain Tie Wudi, but he didn't expect that the other party would choose to ignore it so directly!
Just when Tianyao was caught in a dilemma, but at this time...

(End of this chapter)

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