Chapter 505 Chapter 508
The big-tailed wolf moved its limbs, stepped on the ground, and made a slight sound. Tang Tang hilariously held a stick with a carrot hanging from the front, thinking that he was riding a donkey, and urged the big-tailed wolf to the front of the battlefield .

"Iron Invincible?" Tang Tang sized up Tie Invincible who was nestled in the grand master's chair jokingly, "A master of the demon race?"

Tie Wudi glanced at Tang Tang and said, "Are you from China? Oh, remember, you are the so-called master invited from China? Little girl, I advise you to stay away from here. This is the demon clan, not the land of China." , if you don’t want to go back to your hometown in the quickest way, then get out of here and take your carrot-eating dog with you!”

Tang Tang ignored Tie Wudi, but said to Tianyao, "I'm here with you not to watch you play tricks, you can declare war on the tribal war now, don't waste my time."


Tianyao was still a little hesitant, and couldn't help but glance at Tie Wudi. It was self-evident what he was hesitating about.

Tang Tang shook his head, and with a sudden flick, Baiquehuang spewed out from his cuffs, turning into a red light, quickly circling them...

Puff puff……

There was a continuous muffled sound, and when I looked down again, the Baiquehuang actually drew a circle on the ground, leaving a circle about half a meter deep.

"You can go to war without worry!" Tang Tang turned to look at Tie Wudi and said, "Since he likes to lie in a chair and pretend to be a third-class cripple so much, then let him remain crippled forever, he will never have a chance to get out of this circle .”


Tie Wudi slapped the handle of the chair fiercely, a hidden cabinet suddenly popped out from the front of the handle, and a short arrow suddenly shot out from the hidden cabinet, heading towards Tang Tang, but it was Tang Tang's who met him. Sneering, Shun stretched out two fingers to pinch, and Tang Tang pinched the short arrow, and the tip of the arrow just stopped an inch in front of Tang Tang's eyes.

Pointing hard, the short arrow split in two and fell to the ground

"Small skills." Tang Tang looked at Tie Wudi and said with a smile: "It's not worth asking."

"Hmph!" Tie Wudi snorted coldly: "Little girl, I'll wake you up again, this is the Heavenly Demon Valley, don't be so arrogant if you have such a skill, if you insist on meddling, I will make you die a miserable death."

Tang Tang smiled and said, "Can you get out of this circle?"

Tie Wudi's face suddenly changed, and then he laughed loudly and said: "Okay, very good, very good..."

The third one fell down, and he clapped his hands to the handle of the grand master's chair again. This time, what flew out were two steel needles one finger long, with silver celestial silk threads trapped at the ends, and shot straight at Tang Tang's eyes. Tang Tang immediately recalled Bai Quehuang, but at the same time as Que Baihuang came back to help, the iron invincible grand master's chair swayed left and right, the chair drove the silk thread, and the two steel needles were driven by the silk thread, circling strangely in the air. With an arc, he attacked Tang Tang's back, but Tang Tang seemed to have eyes behind his back, he casually grabbed Baiquehuang and flung it backwards, and dropped the two steel needles of Iron Invincible with two clangs.

Seeing that the two of them were already on the scene, Tianyao simply bit him, and suddenly declared war on Fei Yueben.

Soul Realm Reminder: The backing demon tribe declares war on the moon-watching demon tribe. The tribal war will start in 30 seconds and last for 6 hours.

In Tianmo Valley, tribal wars are cruel, as long as tribal wars are initiated, there is no right to refuse, and according to the number of people, the soul domain will automatically give a time limit, the shortest is 6 hours, only 30 seconds to prepare, the most One week is long, and the preparation time is 24 hours.
Therefore, after Tianyao declared war on the Moon-watching Demon Clan in the name of the backing Demon Clan, and only named 1500 people, the tribal war began
And the rules of tribal wars are also very simple. In the killing of 1500 people, every one killed is a head count. The dead will be sent back to the tribe by the soul domain, and they will not be able to participate in the war. When one side dies, or six hours later, the side with the most heads will be judged victorious by the Soul Domain!

The moment Tianyao successfully declared the war, he raised his sword high, drew out his sword, pointed it at the sky, and then slashed forward heavily.

The advantage of the big-tailed wolf lies in charging, a strong body, and a huge tail, which makes the charging of the big-tailed wolf become domineering, brutal, and extremely terrifying. However, charging requires distance, and it needs a long distance , only when the speed of the big tail wolf is fully exerted, the charge will become terrifying!
Therefore, the power of the charge can only be displayed in the first wave, and then the phalanxes of both sides will swarm together and be completely disrupted. At that time, the advantage of the big-tailed wolf will be weakened. Even if the piercing tactics are used, it is impossible Then mobilize a full charge of 1500 people.

There is only one chance, Tianyao knows, he must seize it!

"Brothers, kill!"

Accompanied by waving the sword and pointing, accompanied by the whistling of the north wind, and accompanied by the blood-boiling shouts, at the same time, the brave warriors of the Backing Mountain Demon Clan shouted loudly, jumped on their horses and whipped their whips, and the Bigfoot wolf stepped on the ground, uttering "Boom Boom Boom!" "The loud sound shook the earth and raised sand and dust!
And the Moon-Watching Demons are not completely unprepared. Although the Stampeding Pig looks ugly, like a white-skinned pig with hair, it is undeniable that the earth-type monsters have rough skin and thick flesh, and the Stampeding Pig is even more outstanding, which can make it effective. To resist the impact of big tail wolf.

As a result, the phalanx on both sides collided into a ball in an instant, strangled, and flesh and blood flew everywhere!
This is the battlefield!
Compassion, compassion, cowardice, all of these must go away, here there are only bright colors and stumps, as well as the roar under the strong smell of blood and the shining weapons. War is a game that makes people's blood boil

"Get ready!" At the moment when the first charge came to a standstill, strangled, and the momentum of the charge was stopped, Tianyao raised his right hand high and said, "Flying spear throw!"

Although Tianyao is not a great tactician, but commanding well is definitely counted, and he has some cleverness, unless the three people in the front line are all carrying flying spears, and those three people are the vanguard. It is also a death squad. When they charged about 7 or 8 meters into the moon-watching demon formation, the charge was finally relieved. The solid defense of the running pigs made people feel pressure. Kill him, but before that, Tianyao will give the other party a head-on blow!
1200 flying spears!
The rain-like flying spears made a beautiful arc in the air, and then flew downwards. It was spectacular, but also very bloody. Many flying spears directly pierced through the bodies of the players of the Moon-Watching Demon Clan, throwing them from the backs of the running pigs. The stab fell on him and he was directly nailed to the ground. At this time, no matter how strong the running pig's defense was, there was nothing he could do about it. In the blink of an eye, the Moon-Watching Demon Clan lost more than a hundred people, and countless were injured.


Fei Yueben was furious immediately, because it took a lot of effort to capture 1500 big-tailed wolves, so Fei Yueben had already received the news, and even caught running pigs to deal with it. The first wave of charge was actually not at all. How many people died, there were running pigs to resist the collision, at most a dozen unlucky people died, most of them were just injured. On the contrary, the vanguard of the backing demons distanced themselves from the follow-up troops because of their charge, making them deep in the formation. A wave of charge turned the advantage towards the Moon-Watching Demons. However, that wave of flying spears was definitely a serious injury. There were only 1500 people in the battle. As a result, more than a hundred people were killed and more than 300 were injured in one face-to-face. This means that What?

With an angry expression on his face, Fei Yueben held up the saber and slashed at Tianyao, but was blocked by Tianyao's sword, the blades intersected, sparking sparks, and there was that ear-piercing rubbing sound!
"Ha, your sword is still so weak!" Tianyao taunted Fei Yueben, pressed the back of the sword hard, pressed back the saber, and said mockingly: "Could it be that all your strength is really used up? On the bed? After leaving the bed, you can't exert your strength?"

Fei Yueben gritted his teeth and said, "I will use your blood to prove whether I can fly or not!"


Tianyao urged the wolf with a big tail, while Fei Yueben clamped the horse's belly suddenly, the two passed each other beautifully, and at the moment they brushed each other, they completed a weapon collision again, sparking a burst of sparks.


On the other side, Tang Tang and Tie Wudi were still standing there, which was very close to the center of the battlefield, but everyone consciously avoided them. That circle, that one was drawn by Tang Tang with Baiquehuang the circle...

That is, an absolute forbidden place!

Tie Wudi looked gloomy, looked at the big-tailed wolves sprinting past, and said angrily at Tang Tang: "Little girl, you will pay for everything you have done, and you will know what regret is!"

Tang Tang smiled and said, "I'm really looking forward to it!"

Speaking of this, there is actually nothing to say. Of course Tie Wudi is very annoyed, but what's the use of being annoyed?The tribal war has already begun, and no one can stop it. He is surrounded by red-eyed people. At this time, whoever dares to stop in front of them will be torn apart, even if it is Tie Wudi who has the three major demons. With the reputation of a master, no one will pay attention to him.

All Tie Wudi can do is to eliminate the damn outsider in front of him, and then turn the tide to help the Mochizuki Demon Clan win the tribal war.

That grand master's chair flew up again, perhaps, it would be more correct to describe it as a mechanism chair, that grand master's chair is basically covered with hidden compartments, all of them are suddenly opened, and countless steel needles fly out of it, densely packed towards the door. Tang Tang left.

However, the effect of those steel needles was negligible. Even if there were tens of thousands of them, Tang Tang could shoot them all down with just one palm of the Sun God Flame, but at this moment...

He snapped his fingers crisply, and immediately after, Tie Wudi's fingertips gushed out a small current, and he was playing with it, as if it had nothing to do with the attack, but Tang Tang suddenly had bad thoughts in his heart.

Sure enough, there was a sudden crackling sound between the steel needles, and countless electric currents emerged from the steel needles, connecting with each other, forming a huge thunder net. The moment Tang Tang touched the tip of his sword, he felt completely One arm went numb.

Soul Realm Tip: You are in a state of paralysis for 11 seconds!
Puff puff……

(End of this chapter)

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