The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 506 Chapter 509: Heavenly Thunder Punishes Vieter and Bravery

Chapter 506 Chapter 509: Heavenly Thunder Punishes Vieter and Bravery (3 more)
With the sound of the reminder from the soul domain, Tang Tang's whole body became rigid. The steel needle poured down and fell on Tang Tang's body, almost piercing her into a hedgehog. At the same time, countless steel needles fell on Tang Tang's body. On the ground, densely packed all over Tang Tang's surroundings

"This is a spell I created myself." Tie Wudi looked at Tang Tang with a sneer and said, "You are very honored to be able to experience it, Thunder Punishment!"

Tie Wudi flicked his fingers lightly, and the electric current that danced at Tie Wudi's fingertips flew forward, fell into the steel needle, and then pulled out a huge current, spreading to All the steel needles were finally guided by the steel needles inserted into Tang Tang's body, and all the electric current rushed to Tang Tang's body in an instant.

"Ah, ah..."

The feeling of numbness and scorching at that moment also made Tang Tang scream twice. Even if Soul Realm will adjust the sensory system to the most suitable state, the feeling of this kind of electric shock is not at all uncomfortable even if it is quite slight, and it is even more unlucky. What's more, Tang Tang's health dropped to a dying state in an instant!
This trick of thunder and punishment is really spicy enough!

However, Tie Wudi was obviously dissatisfied. In his expectation, the little girl should go directly to see the King of Hades after being punished by lightning. He patted the armrest of the grand teacher's chair, and a short arrow flew out. Although the power was not great, it was enough to kill a little girl who was in a dying state.

It's a pity that Iron Invincible's calculation is obviously going to fail. The short arrow was frozen into an ice sculpture half a meter in front of Tang Tang. When the health value dropped below 50%, the cold silk armor would automatically release the cold air to protect the body. The fire dragon scale also has the effect of protecting the master, which can help Tang Tang offset 22000 points of damage. However, Tie Wudi obviously didn't know it. Seeing that the short arrow was frozen, he released two more arrows, but still failed to break through the cold air. Arrows were also frozen into ice sculptures.

"It seems that you have a lot of good things on you, but it's a pity that a guy who only knows how to rely on equipment will never be called a master!" Tie Wudi looked at Tang Tang contemptuously and said, "Little girl, I want to see how well your cold energy can hold you." How long will it last!"

After saying that, Tie Wudi switched to double-pinch to change the formula, and then sharply pointed at the sky.

"Lei Dao Tian Punishment!"

Tie Wudi's comprehension seems to be very good. This Thunder Heaven Dao and Heaven Punishment is also his self-created formula. He still uses a steel needle as a conductor to trigger the sky thunder, but this time Tie Wudi will imbue his own mana into the sky thunder. At the same time, using your own thunder attribute as a traction to trigger the sky thunder, its power is not just a mere electric current.

It was a thunderbolt like a long dragon, purple-black in color, nearly 20 meters long and about half a meter wide, piercing the sky, as if it was about to split the sky, and with a huge roar, it crashed towards the ground And falling, it fell straight to Tang Tang's head.

Tie Wudi was also quite satisfied with this blow, and believed that the result would also satisfy him.

Not everyone can resist a ninth-level spell!
This little girl can't either, but does Tang Tang need to resist?

Raising his head abruptly, Tie Wudi raised his eyebrows violently, because Tang Tang was smiling, and what he was looking at was a smiling face!
next second!
That smile suddenly disappeared!
Disappearing with that smile was Tang Tang's figure!

Breaking the void: Tear a space gap in the air, leading to any location within a radius of 150 meters, consumption: soul power x10 points.

Tie Wudi showed surprise, and under that surprise, Tang Tang suddenly disappeared and appeared suddenly, but when Tang Tang appeared, he was already in front of Tie Wudi, with both feet on the handle of the grand master's chair. , the whole person squatted there, so close at hand, Tang Tang lowered his head to admire Tie Wudi's surprised expression.

"Devil master, not bad!" Tang Tang said with a smile, "However, you're done, now it's my turn!"

hum, hum...

As Tang Tang finished speaking, ear-piercing sword cries sounded around him. The star horcrux suddenly rose from the ground, hovered around the grand master's chair, swayed, and radiated sword cries, and at the same time scorching breath dispersed!

Fire Dance Shining Sun!
Seventy-seven and 49 fire dragon pillars rose from the ground, instantly devouring Tang Tang and Tie Wudi. However, at the moment when the flames filled the air, Tang Tang spent another 10 points of soul power and used Duankong again. Now she is in love with Thanks to this feeling of teleportation, and also relying on Duankong's ability to shatter the void, Tang Tang ran 150 meters away again, and just happened to walk out of Huowu Yaoyang's coverage!

Don't think that Tang Tang is just playing a foolish prank. He purposely ran to Tie Wudi to play with him. The sword formation is not invincible, it has flaws, and its biggest flaw is the activation time. The gathering time of the star soul formation is already very fast. , but from summoning to arrangement, there is still a certain degree of stagnation. If you are a smart person, it is still possible to avoid it.

Therefore, Tang Tang decided to scare Tie Wudi and let him stay where he is!
As it is now, watching the fire dragon pillars condense, no matter how rampant Tie Wudi is inside, those fire dragon pillars will turn around and trap Tie Wudi inside. The difficulty of escaping from the formation is not so much about killing injuries as it is extremely difficult to break the formation, and it corresponds to Tang Tang's attributes, which is why Tang Tang likes to use Huowu Yaoyang.

Hold the void!
The 49 fire dragon pillars collapsed suddenly, converging into a sea of ​​flames and engulfing Iron Invincible, which is spectacular, grand and impressive.

However, there was no smile on Tang Tang's face.

In the system log, there is no new soul domain prompt, which means that the kill was unsuccessful, and Iron Invincible is still alive.

"Well, no matter what, he is one of the few masters of the Demon Race, at least he should be able to survive to be worthy of the name!"

Tang Tang curled his lips and muttered to himself.

After a while, the flames dissipated. Sure enough, as Tang Tang expected, there was no Tie Wudi figure, but at this moment, there was a sudden boom on the ground, and a huge gap opened. Tie Wudi took the Grand Master's chair from Drilling out of the ground, it seems that he has thought of a good way to avoid the raging sea of ​​fire, but it is still quite embarrassing like that, which is worthy of the indifference at the beginning.

Looking at Tang Tang, Tie Wudi gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Little girl, who are you?"

Tang Tang smiled and said, "A little traveler on a lost journey!"

Tie Wudi said: "Are you kidding me?"

"Ah!" Tang Tang said with a surprised expression on his face, "You have seen all of this, it's amazing!"

"Hmph!" snorted coldly, grinding his teeth sorely, Tie Wudi didn't seem to have any intention of arguing with Tang Tang on this issue, but suddenly threw a thunderbolt and said, "Since you don't want to say it, then go to hell with me!" !"

That thunder and lightning, Duanmuyu is quite familiar with, azure blue, and it is instant, it turned out to be an upgraded version of Thunderbolt, which Tang Tang played very smoothly at the beginning, but now it has turned into a flame It's thunder.

Considering that there is a dragon scale body protection, that is a full 22000 damage absorption, which is more than his own health, so Tang Tang simply did not immediately recover his health, but let the automatic recovery slowly bring back his health , anyway, the fire-robbing dragon scale body protection has been triggered, so Tang Tang read it out of no use.

However, when the thunder fell, Tang Tang was startled.

Although when he was about to strike Tang Tang, the Jiehuo Dragon Scale automatically disintegrated into more than 3780 pieces of dragon scales to surround Tang Tang, directly offsetting the thunder that broke the sky, but the absorbed damage was actually [-] points!
You know, Tang Tang's health has not yet broken 8000 points. Does it mean that if she doesn't have the dragon scale body protection and resists hard, she can't even resist two thunderbolts?
Please, Thunder Breaker is only a sixth-level spell!

"This guy's attributes seem to be too biased!"

Tang Tang curled his lips, and immediately understood the key point. He muttered something to himself, and quickly retreated, while Tie Wudi played a bombing tactic. Tang hacked continuously.

Even though Tang Tang was quick, he still suffered four or five thunderbolts. After all, it was an instant spell. As long as he knew the route of Tang Tang's imperial weapon, it was relatively easy to hit. In other words, any pure spell could It's impossible to be powerless because of more than a dozen thunderbolts breaking the sky, but it's not easy for Tie Wudi to kill Tang Tang, and the dragon scale body guard of the calamity fire dragon scale is also a difficult one, and the damage can be absorbed after 22000 points Before it was over, the dragon scales were all-round protection, and Iron Invincible now felt like he was fighting a boss!

However, Tie Wudi soon realized that something was wrong. Tang Tang was as difficult as a boss, let's not mention it for now, but after dodging continuously, although Tang Tang occasionally threw a few flames and lightning to Tie Wudi to taste the power, But there was still no effective attack. This was different from Tang Tang's previous strength, which made Tie Wudi a little puzzled, and then instinctively looked around, Tie Wudi was shocked!
The bloodthirsty sword, the sword comes out, the blood is filled, the bones are ten miles away, the soul is scattered, and the blood stains the barren grave!
This is a weapon that kills with one step!
The biggest feature of the bloodthirsty sword is bloodthirsty. In normal times, this feature is not very obvious, but in this kind of large melee with a large number of people, one step at a time, relying on the bloodthirsty sword to swallow blood, will become more and more courageous , unrivaled!
And if one step one kill is ostentatious at the moment, then Tang Yuhao is much more restrained, but...

A magic gun, a man, a flash of gorgeous flames!

The Bloodthirsty Demon Spear bloomed in the crowd with blood-colored pear blossoms, faint and inconspicuous, but how many people returned home because of that gun and that big devil?
Tie Wudi finally knew what Tang Tang was doing, the damned little girl was simply stalling for time!

The warriors of the Moon-Watching Demon Clan died in the hands of Shibushayiren and Tang Yuhao alone, and there were already two to three hundred people in total, and Tianyao killed nearly a hundred people with flying spears. The disadvantages are obvious, and since the backer demons have gained the advantage, they will naturally fight more and more fiercely. Although the number of people on both sides is dropping suddenly, there are two killing gods, One Step One Kill and Tang Yuhao, in the battle circle, and the backer demons are killed. No matter how fast it is, it is impossible to be faster than the Moon Mozu.

(End of this chapter)

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