The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 507 Chapter 510 The loser says goodbye to the old demon

Chapter 507 Chapter 510 The loser says goodbye to the old demon (4 more)
The smaller the number of people in the battle, the more obvious the advantage of the number of people will be, just like two fighting one, the advantage is extremely obvious, as long as one hugs the other's thigh desperately, the other can lift the big foot Kick each other hard in the face, but when 20 people face off against 19 people, they are all densely packed anyway, and the advantage in numbers is not so obvious!

It's a pity that this is just a small-scale battle with 3000 people, and the gap between hundreds of people is enough to doom the end!
Victory or defeat is almost doomed!

Tie Wudi was furious. He didn't come here to fight Tang Tang. What he wanted was for the Mochizuki Demons to win the tribal war and get the right to use the Chakrama River. Tang Tang messed it up. Now It's all over.

With anger in his attack, Tie Wudi changed his formula and wanted to give Tang Tang a hard time, but when he raised his head, Tang Tang disappeared without a trace.

"Death pulse!"

Tang Tang flitted across the sky, and stabbed at Tie Wudi with his sword. Tie Wudi only heard the sound of the sword, but could not see him, and was shocked immediately.

However, Tie Wudi is also a member of the Demon Clan at any rate. He has more than a hundred battles, big and small, and has a lot of experience. Once closed, then pulled outward, a thunder net was pulled out to surround his whole body.


With an ear-piercing sound, Tang Tang sneaked up on Tie Wudi from the side, piercing the thunder net with his sword. Although the thunder net could not completely block the sword's momentum, it was enough for just a moment, feeling the point of the sword piercing through the lightning net. Tie Wudi leaned back violently, a dagger slipped out of his sleeve, and with a bang, it grabbed Tang Tang's Baiquehuang fiercely.


Breaking Tang Tang's death pulse, Tie Wudi was about to sneer and mock, but the voice suddenly stuck in his throat.

There was a sharp blow from the back, and a looming ghost claw circled around Tie Wudi's back at some point, and hit Tie Wudi's vest with one palm. on the ground.

Naturally, needless to say, Tang Tang fulfilled his promise by pulling Tie Wudi off that damned chair, and what shocked Tie Wudi even more was the injury!


No more, no less, exactly 80% of Iron Invincible's health!
Ghost Claw (auxiliary horcrux) (eighth-level elite quality): a magic weapon refined with countless ghosts, equipment limit: level 1.85, 2. Possesses the effect of spirit or magic soul: hit a single target, causing the opponent's life value 80% damage, when released with ghostly stealth effect, each use consumption: 120 magic points or spirit points, cooling time: 15 minutes, note: Boss is invalid!
This is the power of the Nether Ghost Claw!

The defense of the wise soul master is weak, and the life value is also low. Therefore, the tool soul master is fighting on the front line, but the wisdom soul master actually pays more attention to the maintenance of life than the tool soul master. Invincible tries to keep his life above 60%, which is relatively safe and will not be easily killed in seconds. Therefore, seeing that 80% of his life is taken away by the opponent with a single palm, seeing Seeing that he was about to enter a state of near-death, Tie Wudi was naturally shocked. His first thought was to restore blood. After all, he was also a master-level figure. How could he not have a little pill that instantly restores blood on his body...

However, that pill never fell into Tie Wudi's mouth!

"Flame Burning Thunder!"

The Nine Heavens Thunder mixed with fire snakes pierced the sky, carrying the Nine Heavens' Wrath, it slammed on the top of Tie Wudi's head!

blah blah blah!

The medicine that had been pinched in his hand and handed to his mouth fell to the ground, Tie Wudi looked at him in disbelief, his body gradually faded, turning into a white light like a phantom.

This is what death feels like!
However, how long has he not experienced the feeling of death?

Tie Wudi looked at the little girl in front of him with anger, only to find that Tang Tang was smugly waving his hand at him. There was no other way. When killing monsters and bosses, the Nether Ghost Claw was not needed, and only had an effect in PK, naturally There are more chances to make a move. This time, it was the first appearance of the Nether Ghost Claw, and the result was outstanding, and it was a well-known master of the Demon Race who was eliminated. Naturally, Tang Tang was also looking forward to seeing the Nether Ghost Claw show. Show the power you expect.

However, that expression was not so beautiful in Tie Wudi's eyes. At this moment, Tie Wudi couldn't do anything, he could only watch quietly as he was thrown into hell for reincarnation!

This is how losers are treated!

After Iron Invincible died, the Mochizuki Demon Clan, which was already on the verge of defeat, naturally had no intention of fighting again.

Fei Yueben yelled and yelled in vain to boost morale, but it had no effect. Originally, the existence of Tie Wudi had boosted the morale of the Moon-Watching Demon Clan, but now it had the opposite effect. Even Tie Wudi died. How can I raise my spirits!

Feiyueben is also straightforward, simply admit defeat directly, you know, this kind of decision still needs courage, if you lose, then Feiyueben will only bear most of the responsibility, but if you admit defeat, it is equivalent to Feiyueben taking all the responsibilities Come down, from this point of view, Feiyue Ben is a man, at least in order to make his tribe lose one level, he would rather bear this huge black pot!

Soul domain reminder: The tribal war (the backer demons vs the moon-watching demons) is over, the backer demons won the tribal war, rewards: tribe reputation x20%, tribe assets x150%!

"Roar!" At the moment when the soul domain prompt sounded, Tianyao raised his weapon and shouted: "We must win!"

"Ho... ho... ho...!"

"Ho... ho... ho...!"

"Ho... ho... ho...!"

The Backer Mozu roared loudly, venting everything in their hearts, and the joy of victory filled everyone's hearts.

Although the moon-watching demons are unwilling, they lose if they lose. Moreover, it is not the first time they have confronted the backing demons. , Leave the failure to the other party. At this moment, it is just a 30-year feng shui turn. However, losing the tribal war while Iron Invincible is participating in the war has made many people confused.

"Three days later..." Tianyao pointed to Feiyue and said, "I will take over the Chakrama River!"

When the words fell, Tianyao stopped talking to Fei Yueben, and let the other party curse fiercely behind his back. Anyway, he won, so it's okay to show a little demeanor. If you want to curse, you can curse, anyway, you are the winner.

With a wave of his hand, Tianyao led the people away, leaving the people of the Moon-Watching Demon Clan to complain to themselves!

At the back of the team, Tianyao saw Tang Tang. Although Tianyao never felt that Tang Tang was weak, Tianyao was shocked to be able to kill Tie Wudi, and the way he looked at Tang Tang was also strange. .

"Don't look at me that way." Tang Tang laughed dryly and said, "The three great masters of the Demon Race are well-deserved. I'm just lucky. As you can see, that Tie Wudi never stood up from the grand master's chair from the beginning to the end. He lost Being underestimating the enemy doesn't mean he's lacking in strength, ordinarily he should have many backhands, but he doesn't have a chance to use them."

Tianyao nodded, accepting this statement. Thinking about it, he is one of the top three masters of the demon clan. Although Tianyao is not happy with Tie Wudi's arrogant virtue, he does not believe in pretending to be someone who is not well-known. A master can easily kill Tie Wudi.

One step one kill and Tang Yuhao were shocked, they opened their mouths enough to stuff a whole egg, they knew the little girl very well, even though they usually hum and chirp indifferently, but they are also the kind of person who is so proud ,modesty?Please, unless your head is caught by a door, this kind of word will never appear in Tang Tang's dictionary!

After all, Tianyao had known Tang Tang not long ago, and he didn't know what kind of virtue the little girl was, and the tribal war had won a complete victory, so he was naturally very excited, so he didn't continue this topic, and said happily: "Anyway, thanks to three Please help me, let’s go back to the tribe’s resident, we’ll hold a feast for three days, open to drink and open to eat!”

"This..." Tang Tang said with a look of embarrassment: "I think it's okay, to be honest, we came to the Demon Race through mountains and rivers, but we didn't come here to hang out, but to carry a mission. Sun Moon Jie, old demon, you reminded us to make us feel that you are a good person. This is what happened later. Now that the backing demons have won, it is inconvenient for us to stay longer. When we get to the foot of the mountain, let’s just say goodbye.”

"How can this be done?" Tianyao said anxiously: "The three are great heroes of our backing demon clan, even if you have to leave, you are not in a hurry, right? Besides, I promised you, then Chakra Mahe allows the three of you to enter for three days, and you can search freely, but you can take whatever you like!"

"No, no, no need." Tang Tang hastily pushed back: "It's so embarrassing, friends are just helping each other, and before killing the boss in the ancient battlefield, didn't you also work hard but didn't get anything, then enough!"

Tianyao can be regarded as drinking water and not forgetting to dig the well, and tried his best to keep Tang Tang and the three of them, even if he had to leave, he would let him hold a banquet for the three of them, but Tang Tang refused to die, so Tianyao had no choice but to give up, but, The three big-tailed wolves were given to the three of them together.

This time, Tang Tang did not refuse. Although he did not intend to classify the big-tailed wolf as his spirit beast, since it has been tamed, it is not bad to use it as a mount. After all, it is always strange to go up and down Yes, and the imperial weapon is definitely not as comfortable as sitting on a wolf with a big tail.

After bidding farewell to Tianyao at the foot of the mountain, the three of them headed north.

It wasn't until Tianyao's shadow could not be seen that he took one step at a time and said, "Stop pretending, what's going on?"

Tang Tang pretended to be stupid and said: "What's the matter? Oh, so you want to eat and drink? This is not good, we came from Shenzhou, which is a country of etiquette, how can... oh... who beat me!"

(End of this chapter)

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