The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 508 Chapter 511 Half-Holy Beast Doom Snake

Chapter 508 Chapter 511 Half-Holy Beast Doom Snake (5 more)
"Me!" Tang Yuhao groaned and poked Tang Tang with the end of the gun, "Little girl, do you believe that I poked a hole in your little face?"

Tang Tang sighed: "Just say it! Why do you treat people so violently? What do you think is good in Tianyao's valley? First is the black-hearted grandma, and then Tie Wudi. There is no problem if they appear alone, but two at the same time Appearing, that's a bit tricky, and secondly, didn't Tie Wudi himself say that he wants to do something in the Chakrama River, what do you think is worthy of the three masters of the demon race?"

One step at a time, he said: "You mean what secrets does the Chakrama River have?"

Tang Tang said: "Perhaps there are some treasures and I can't tell."

Tang Yuhao excitedly said, "Could it be the nine-rank Asura Slash?"

Tang Tang rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think the magic soldiers are crazy? Does that place have anything to do with the ancient battlefield?"

Tang Yuhao immediately pinched Tang Tang angrily again, this damned little girl is real, wouldn't it be okay to daydream now and then?

One step at a time, he said: "Then what do you mean we pretend to leave, and then sneak back?"

Tang Tang said: "Going is definitely not going, but if it's just like this, we can just ask Tianyao to fulfill his promise and let us go to the Chakrama River to search? If there is really something good, I don't believe it. We The three join forces, can Tianyao stop us?"

Tang Yuhao rolled his eyes and said, "You mean, that Tie Wudi won't be reconciled?"

Tang Tang said: "Inevitably, if it is true as I guessed, there is something in the Chakrama River that makes Tie Wudi tempted, then he will definitely not give up, and the Black Mountain old demon may also come for this, if that is the case I'm afraid Tianyao will be unlucky if he is not happy for a few days. At that time, it is the best policy to fish in troubled waters. Right now, we just wait and see what happens. Let's find a place to hide for two days before we talk about it."

One step at a time, he said: "Looking at you like this, you have already thought about where to hang out for a few days?"

Tang Tang smirked and said, "Don't you think there is something strange about the midday cold wave of the sun and moon calamity? This place is not near the sea, and the Chakrama River is only a long way away. How could there be a cold wave?"

After thinking about it step by step, he said, "There are some problems, but so what?"

"Stupid!" Tang Tang said, "Do you remember that time in the Red Rock Valley where we robbed Zhu Yue?"

Tang Yuhao was at a loss when he heard it, and his eyebrows twitched when he killed every step. It was the first time he robbed a boss. How could he not remember, and he almost blurted out: "You mean, there was a dragon in the Tribulation of the Sun and Moon that day!" ?”

"Do you really think I'm an almighty god?" Tang Tang said, "I didn't say it must be a dragon, but it's very likely that a Boss lives there, but what kind of Boss it is, we can only find out when we go and see it." ?”

In fact, Tang Tang still didn't say a word. Tianyao seemed bold, but his thoughts were quite delicate. He was not a reckless person. Such a person would still be a bit of a city. Is the ancient battlefield really what Tianyao said? That way, Tang Tang would have to try it himself before he would believe it.

After about half a day's journey, in the evening, the three of them saw the entrance of the Sun Moon Tribulation.

Dense fog filled the air, and within that fog was the midday cold wave that could penetrate the bone marrow. Taniguchi was as lively as before, and there was no one in the quiet. This way, it was convenient for the three of them, and they didn't have to be afraid of being disturbed. up.

One step at a time, he said: "It's up to you!"

Tang Tang nodded, raised his hand, and a palm of heavenly flames invaded the meridian cold wave, hot and cold intersected, and a puff of steam immediately rose, and then the three of them rushed into the gap quickly, while Tang Tang was shooting a piece of heavenly flames. Yan, clear away the Meridian cold wave in front of you...

Repeating this way, although it consumes a lot of mana, Tang Tang got a lot of mana potions that instantly restore 50% of mana during the Holy Demon Avenue meeting, because Tang Tang usually uses Horcruxes as the mainstay, supplemented by spells, the mana potions I don't have much chance to use it, but it just comes in handy at this moment.

After a while, the three of them walked forward all the way, passing through the midday cold wave.

There is no dark sky, no dead bones everywhere, no dead souls lingering in the world!
It seems that Tianyao didn't lie to them, this Sun and Moon Calamity was really just an entrance to the ancient battlefield, and if he entered it again, it turned out that things were different!
In the valley of the sun and moon calamity, there are really caves, trees, water, and beasts!

However, the trees, flowers, and animals are all ice sculptures, and there is also a small stream, but it is also covered by frost.

"This is not an ice sculpture!" Step One Kill stepped forward and tapped an ice leopard with his knuckles: "This is a leopard, but it was frozen."

Tang Tang laughed and said, "Looks like I guessed right, there must be bosses with water or ice attributes here!"

One step and one kill nodded: "What are you going to do?"

How to do?
Tang Tang laughed for a long time. She is really good at this, or she has good things. Needless to say, it is Long Danxiang!

In fact, only one drop of this thing is enough each time. However, Tang Tang thinks it is troublesome, so he uses a lot of it each time. Even so, there is still a lot of Longdan incense left in the whole half of the wooden barrel, which cannot be used up.

Ignite the flames to urge the fragrance of the dragon's birth incense to spread out. If the living things in the entire valley are frozen, then there is no doubt that the ones that will be attracted by the dragon's birth incense are the targets they are looking for.

After a while, there was a "boom, boom, boom" sound on the ground!

The three of them are experienced and seasoned, in order to prevent being taken over by the boss, they kept a distance from each other in a triangular formation, and were wary of the big guy who might appear at any time.

at the same time!

The ice under his feet suddenly cracked a huge crack, and an extremely thick snake tail suddenly flung out of the crack.

According to the records in the monster illustration book, the water beast has a human face, a jackal body, wings, snakes, a voice like a shout, and calls floods. This is a flying snake!

Teng Snake is a very strange beast, with a face that everyone envies, like Fendai Huaxiang, who is already a handsome and messy person, which is obviously not as good as the one in front of him. , that face can only be described as overwhelming!
However, this beauty can only be limited above the fair neck, because below that neck, that is, the upper half of the snake is a fluffy body, like a wolf and a jackal, and there is a pair of crows behind it. The usual huge black wings, and the lower half of the snake is a giant boa constrictor tail the thickness of a bucket.

Such a body with that beautiful face will not make people have any desires, on the contrary, it is extremely disgusting.

"Be careful, keep a distance, this guy will definitely be able to spray the Meridian cold wave!"

Tang Tang reminded loudly, and at the same time took a look at his spell value, it was only 30%!
This is a very helpless thing, the mana value cannot be supplemented by pills, so it can only be allowed to recover slowly. Although sitting and resting can speed up the speed, it is also very limited. After the second calamity, the mana value is actually still low At least, this is not Tang Tang's problem, but all players who have survived the second catastrophe face this problem. However, Tang Tang's problem is a little more serious. The six magic circles of the Star Soul Formation complement each other, but Tang Tang As long as one of them is used, the spell value will be emptied, which is called helplessness.

What's even more unlucky is that Tang Tang originally only had the top [-]-level boss in the Sun and Moon Tribulation. With the strength of the three of them, he could almost take it down, but he didn't expect to provoke an ancient beast!
Soaring Snake, that is the famous beast of doom in ancient times, it doesn't sing easily, but if it sings, it will cause floods!

To be honest, Soaring Snake is not considered a ferocious beast, but a real vicious beast. Therefore, its temper will definitely not be any better than that of a ferocious beast, and such strange beasts that will bring natural disasters have always been those of the guards. The first choice for Taoist priests to slay demons and demons, if they don't have some skills, I'm afraid it will be difficult to live for a long time!

In this way, the Soaring Snake can be regarded as quite a powerful beast!

Reminding the sword to focus on the light, Tang Tang also played quite calmly. He just let Baiquehuang out, surrounded the Soaring Snake, provocatively, and drew the Soaring Snake's attention to himself.

One step and one kill understood, Tang Tang took the flying snake around in circles not because of boredom, but to give time for one step and one kill!

Quickly use the blood wheel eye technique to coagulate the blood, pinch it, kill it with one step, and then shout loudly: "Teng Snake, level 98, but it shows a semi-holy beast, and its HP is not high, only 12!"

A half-holy beast, of course, is half a foot into the holy way, which is a threshold for a strange beast to become a holy beast.

It can be seen from this that the soaring snake in front of him is very good!
Tang Tang didn't dare to take a peek, and urged Fei Jian to take the flying snake around for a few laps, then charged towards an ice tree. When they crossed, the flying snake bumped into the ice tree , Tang Tang walked around behind him, and raised his hand bluntly, and the sword light flew across!
"Twenty bridges on a moonlit night!"

The sword light pierced through the air and landed on the back of Soaring Snake, each blow could bring out a bloody arrow. The Soaring Snake suddenly showed anger, and when he turned around, he spit out a midday cold wave and hit Tang Tang.

Tang Tang was also clever. While raising his hand, he blasted out a burst of heavenly flames to disperse the meridian cold wave, and at the same time retreated quickly, causing Teng Snake to wriggle and chase him, but at this moment...

"Drink!" A soft drink: "Poison Dragon!"

Tang Yuhao shot out obliquely from the side with his bloodthirsty magic gun. The tip of the gun rotated, and with a strong spiral force, it hit Teng Snake's chest!


One hit, the wound left by the bloodthirsty demon spear on Soaring Snake's body was not that big, but, as the gun head twisted and twisted, it was immediately covered in blood and flesh, and Soaring Snake's face was grim due to the pain.

However, it's not over yet!

Spear skills are different from sword skills. Spear skills are always coherent and complete, and there are very few spear skills that are disassembled one by one!

Therefore, Tang Yuhao immediately flicked his wrist as soon as the blow was successful, and the bloodthirsty magic gun swayed from side to side, forming a serpentine curve, and then shot towards the Teng Snake, and the Teng Snake immediately spewed out a cold wave of Zi Wu, but Before the cold air came out, Tang Tang somehow appeared on the side of Soaring Snake, raised his hand and palmed the Blazing Sky Fire, and forcibly knocked back the Meridian Cold Wave of Soaring Snake.

At the same time, Tang Yuhao's spear tip also arrived!

(End of this chapter)

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