Chapter 511 Chapter 514
Immediately afterwards, the players of the Moon-Watching Demon Clan were dumbfounded, watching a group of raccoons rushing towards them in amazement.

Fortunately, after all, they are all players living in the Chakrama River, and they are familiar with the characteristics of the alien beasts here. In their opinion, they did not provoke this group of wind raccoons, and there is only one that will trigger a large-scale attack. The reason is that I accidentally invaded Fengli's territory, or there are things guarded by Fengli in this area, so just exit a certain area.

How could they have thought that things were completely different from what they had imagined, the group of wind raccoons were chasing them, they were absolutely relentless!
But the culprit who caused such a result quietly got into the lake at this moment, and slowly sank towards the bottom of the Chakrama River.

The Chakrama River is not deep, but it is very wide. Tie Wudi entered the river at least a cup of tea earlier than them, which also made it impossible for Tang Tang to find Tie Wudi after entering the river bottom. However, it doesn't matter, Tang Tang There are two magic sticks around who can pinch and count!

"It's here!" Step One Kill pierced his finger casually, then led the two of them through a group of aquatic plants, wiped away the mud and sand, and revealed a hole, saying: "Iron Wudi is inside."

Tang Tang nodded and wanted to enter, but was stopped by Tang Yuhao and said: "There is a magic circle, I'll come!"

Tang Yuhao's proficient calculation technique originated from the Qimen Dunjia technique, so it is not as omnipotent as the blood wheel eye technique that kills in one step, but because Qimen Dunjia is the foundation of some magic circles, Tang Yuhao is still weak in breaking formations At the entrance of the cave, Tang Yuhao smashed a rock with the bloodthirsty magic gun, pulled out a water plant, and wiped the mud and sand...

After a while, there was a cracking sound at the opening of the hole, and countless cracks appeared like glass. Tang Yuhao nodded, looking quite satisfied.

Tang Tang was the first to get into the hole, and suddenly found that there was a hidden hole in the hole.

The square brick walls of solid stone and wide passages are not like a cave at the bottom of a lake, but more like the interior of a building.

However, thinking of the magic circle, Tang Tang felt that it was not unusual. It was probably a magical power such as teleportation magic circle or space technique.

He was walking forward, but at the moment when he was about to take a step, Tang Tang grabbed the shoulder with one step and one kill.


A half-meter-thick stone wall suddenly fell in the air, and hit them right in front of them, stirring up a cloud of dust, which made the cold sweat that was about to take a step forward and kill them startled.

"Be careful!" Tang Tang patted him on the shoulder and said, "How can there be no chance in this kind of place? There are traces on the ground."

Looking down, sure enough, there was a very faint imprint around the stone wall, and there was no dust in the place where it was pressed. This is why Tang Tang deduced that there was a mechanism and stopped the one-step kill. Turn into a meat paste.

After a while, the sound of machine springs sounded from all around, and the stone wall rose up. The three of them were so conscious that they did not dare to step down, but jumped forward to the place covered by the stone wall to avoid the trap!
Six times like this, they walked through the passage, but saw a huge spider web at the fork of the passage.

"Demonized Poisonous Spider." Tang Tang curled his lips and said, "This is a specialty of the Demon Race!"

Demons, barren land, many poisons, the demon poisonous spider is not a boss, but a rare monster unique to the demons. In fact, saliva is a rare treasure, and it is something that poison masters dream of. Tang also heard about it from Li Yanxiao by chance, and remembered it in his heart.

However, the demonized poisonous spider in front of him was obviously too big.

Ordinary poisonous poisonous spiders are only the size of two palms, but the spider web in front of them is seven or eight meters long, and the body of poisonous poisonous spiders is the size of a head, and the eight spider legs are more than half a meter long. Quite hideous.

Tang Tang wondered if he had bumped into a boss that was more demonized poisonous spiders, or if he was lucky enough to encounter a different species, but after calculating every step, he shook his head resolutely.

"Kill it." Step by step, he said: "It's just an ordinary monster."

Tang Tang nodded, then shook his head and said, "Is Tie Wudi passing here? Since he has passed, why is the demonized poisonous spider not dead?"

One step at a time, he said: "Then don't kill?"

Tang Tang scratched his head and realized that he seemed to have no choice. Even though he was puzzled, he could only move forward.

"Kill it!"

Reluctantly agreed, Tang Tang followed step by step and drew his sword. Tang Yuhao always kept a respectful distance from such disgusting bugs, so naturally he could only let the two of them be coolies. Moreover, an ordinary monster, two There is not much difference between the individual and the three of them!

However, the demonized poisonous spider gave Tang Tang and He Yibu a little surprise!

Puff puff……

When the two of them rushed forward, the demonized poisonous spider opened its teeth, sprayed out the spider silk, and quickly condensed into a spider web in the air and rushed towards the two of them. It was so fast that it even matched Tang Tang's imperial weapon. The speed is comparable.

Fortunately, Tang Tang reacted quickly, and avoided it with a sideways move, but he was not so lucky to kill with one step. He was directly covered by the spider web, and fell to the ground with his whole body sticky.

"Damn it." Step by step cursed, and then said: "30 seconds of bound state, return 25% of the life value!"

Tang Tang's heart trembled suddenly. The 25% health was the next best thing. The 30-second restraint state was terrifying. It was the same as if the two of them were restrained at the same time, they would have 30 seconds to be killed by the demonized poisonous spider. Cut to pieces by a thousand knives is really a disaster, 30 seconds is enough time for them to die twice, so they must not be hit by that spider web, at least, they cannot be hit by that spider web at the same time!

Tang Tang's toes touched the stone wall next to him, and the snow danced under his feet, and his whole body floated up.

Snow without a trace!

The passage is very wide, but it is not suitable for imperial weapons to fly. Usually, any maze can only be fought on foot. However, Tang Tang has no traces on the snow, so he can fly over the walls. Even in a relatively small space, it is still not difficult. Inflexible!

However, the surprises brought to her by the demonized poisonous spider are not over yet!
After seeing Tang Tang stepping on the wall and floating up, the demonized poisonous spider climbed up the ceiling directly along the spider web, and immediately climbed on top of Tang Tang, with a pair of teeth in its mouth, another white streak appeared. The spider silk spewed out.

This time, the spider silk was no longer a sticky cobweb, but like a javelin, it shot directly past Tang Tang's cheek, hit the wall next to it with a bang, and pierced a bowl directly. size of the hole.

Tang Tang touched his cheek in surprise, and felt a blush.

"I'm going! Is such a monster just an ordinary monster?"

Tang Tang really wanted to greet his sister in Soul Domain, what is an ordinary monster?Ordinary monsters are experience, they have always been slaughtered at will, how can they be so cruel, but Tang Tang didn't have time to curse, the second spider thread came to Tang Tang again, Tang Tang hurriedly slapped Baiquehuang , shot down the spider silk, and at the same time, the body fell slightly, and immediately raised his hand!
"The sky is blazing!"

The flames on the face burned those spider threads, and at the same time rolled them up to the roof, and the flames burned the wounded. The demonized poisonous spider also screamed several times, quickly retreated, and climbed back to the spider web along the roof. How could Tang Tang let go? After such an opportunity, he straightened his sword forward, but just as he reached the front of the demonized poisonous spider, the demonized poisonous spider danced on all fours, trying to block Baiquehuang, Tang Tang immediately turned around, straightened his sword again prick.

But when he turned his head, he suddenly found that the demonized poisonous spider's feet were faster than his own sword, and it had already reached him. Tang Tang was so frightened that he let go of Baiquehuang quickly, and stepped back. He pinched a sword art and urged Baiquehuang to stab forward, but unfortunately, he was still seen through by the demonized poisonous spider, and spit out a spider thread to shake Baiquehuang aside.

In the three consecutive confrontations, Tang Tang was evenly tied with the demonized poisonous spider!

But also at this moment...

A dark red flying sword suddenly drilled out from the back of the demonic poisonous spider, directly piercing the demonic poisonous spider, but the restraint state of killing one step at a time has passed, and sneaked around to the demonic poisonous spider Give it a ruthless blow from behind.

The demonized poisonous spider was pierced by a blow, and then fell from the spider's web, kicking off a spider's leg, it couldn't die anymore.

In terms of attributes, the demonized poisonous spider is indeed just an ordinary monster, with only 7000 health points, and its defense is also average. After being hit twice, it was hacked to death. , this demonized poisonous spider is too smart, its spiritual intelligence is even higher than that of the boss, and it advances and retreats in an orderly manner, otherwise it would not be possible to cause trouble to the two of them just after the battle.

Moreover, what was even more unlucky was that the demonized poisonous spider didn't explode, not even a piece of silver coin, which made people feel stingy. Fortunately, the demonized poisonous spider's saliva couldn't escape, so Tang Tang found a small porcelain bottle After collecting them, the three continued to walk forward along the passage!

Falling walls, back arrows, burrows, lances, poisonous snakes...

This hellish place is full of all kinds of traps, making Tang Tang involuntarily think of the tomb of King Guge in the Kunlun Shrine.

However, apart from those traps, no monsters like demonized poisonous spiders blocked the way, until the end...

The three of Tang Tang saw a group of statues, eight statues on the left and right, in the shape of a burly warrior in armor, with different weapons, and different expressions, either indifferent, or ferocious, or angry, or arrogant, or big Smile, lifelike, it feels like a real person.

And in the center of the two rows of statues, there is a passageway that is only two meters wide. At the top of the passageway is a stone box, about one and a half meters high, like a small sarcophagus.

As for the front of the passage, Tang Tang saw an acquaintance.

Iron Invincible!
Tang Tang was very glad that he was very careful walking all the way. If he walked too fast or too loudly, Tie Wudi would probably spot him immediately. Unlike now, at the corner, Tang Tang was quick-witted. He stopped quickly, and reached out his hand decisively to stop Yibuyisha and Tang Yuhao without making a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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