The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 512 Chapter 515 Gargoyle Mysterious Stone Box

Chapter 512 Chapter 515 Gargoyle Mysterious Stone Box (3 more)
Due to Tang Tang's carefulness, Tie Wudi naturally did not find the three of Tang Tang!
Of course, this also has something to do with Tie Wudi's focus on those statues at the moment. He didn't continue to sit on that damn chair, but stood straight in front of that passage, deeply Panting, looking at those statues, it seems that he is brewing or thinking about something.

A moment later, Tie Wudi stepped into that passage.

That passage is obviously not so easy to pass.

One step, two steps, three steps...

When Tie Wudi took the third step, the statues on both sides came to life. Of course, there were only two statues beside Tie Wudi. One of the statues used a hammer and the other a double axe. He chose the posture of setting fire to the sky, ready to smash at Tie Wudi,
However, the moment the weapon fell, Iron Invincible's annoying lightning net appeared. The cross buckled and pulled, and the lightning arc was pulled out in the hand to form a net. It was very elegant and had a certain aesthetic feeling. Not bad, of course, instead of using the thunder net to block the statue's weapon, lightning is also an invisible thing. It is impossible to resist the opponent's weapon if it is smashed or smashed by the opponent's weapon.

However, you can unload the force!
Following the friction of thunder and lightning, Tie Wudi skillfully pulled the pair of axes first, then the axes hit the ground, and then turned sideways, avoiding the attack of the stone hammer with a slight distance!

Immediately, as soon as the lightning net was retracted, the cross clasped into a fist, Tie Wudi squeezed out a thunder ball, and hit a statue with one blow, knocking the statue that weighed more than a thousand catties back two steps, tightly Then, quickly move forward through the gap!

After three steps, the two statues in the last row also came alive, holding weapons. This time, the weapons held by the two statues were swords and hooks!

At the same time, the statue that was repelled by Tie Wudi also quickly walked back, and the statues that jointly attacked became four!

Tie Wudi was not in a hurry, and still pulled out the lightning net. However, facing the siege of the four statues, one lightning net was obviously not enough. If it was hit by four weapons, the thunder net would undoubtedly be shattered. Therefore, the moment Tie Wudi pulled out the thunder net, he suddenly raised his leg and kicked towards the two statues.

sizzle, sizzle...

There were two ear-piercing sounds of surging currents, and the soles of Iron Invincible's feet could actually release lightning. With a left and right kick, with the power of lightning, two fist-sized spider webs were immediately kicked out of the two statues that were kicked. Crack, Iron Invincible turned out to use attack to counter attack, to defuse the attack of the two statues, and at the same time, the thunder net was pushed up, and the weapon of the statue was pushed up again, and the weapon was drawn to the ground by electric current traction, and then strode forward forward.

After walking three more steps, two statues side by side with Tie Wudi naturally joined the battle, and the number of statues also increased to six!
It's just that it's not enough to threaten Iron Invincible. Even Iron Invincible's tricks are exactly the same as before. He raised his foot to kick away the two statues, and then pulled out the lightning net to pull the weapon to avoid the attack. However, because of the weapon's The number increased, and Tie Wudi also pulled out the thunder net from both hands to one hand, with one hand on the left and one on the left. When he covered the weapon, he pulled it sideways, and his body was as slippery as a loach. Drilled through the middle of the four statues!
In this way, as Tie Wudi advanced, two more statues joined the battle, increasing the total number from six to eight!

Tie Wudi's hands and feet are finally not enough, unless he can use his fingers to pull out the lightning net, which is obviously too difficult, but it is not that Tie Wudi has no way to deal with it, and it is quite surprising that he even gave up. After realizing the skillful little attack just now, he suddenly opened his arms like whips, and opened them to the sides!

"Tiangang Lei Zhen!"

Zi, Zi...

Countless electric currents suddenly surged out from Tie Wudi's body, there were as many as thousands of paths, like little snakes dancing chaotically, sprinting towards the surroundings, hitting the eight statues at the same time, they also smashed the eight statues The elephant was shocked!

Knockback effects!

After playing the tricks, Tie Wudi once again showed his clever side, rationally using the characteristics of the tactic, directly knocking those statues into the air!

Immediately, moving forward again, two new statues joined the battle, increasing the total number of statues to ten!

This is a test, it is obviously impossible for the Tiangang Thunderbolt to have a cooldown time, if not, Tie Wudi will continue to use the Tiangang Thunderbolt to drive away those statues from the beginning.

However, those ten statues were still hard to beat Iron Invincible, they still clasped their hands together, but what they pulled out was not a lightning net, but a lightning staff that looked like a spear and a stick, moving forward, the thunder current surged , Tie Wudi activated the weapons of the two statues, then raised his feet and kicked them. Lightning surged under his feet, and he kicked one of the statues down. Then his body swayed from side to side, hitting the surrounding statues, deftly avoiding the attack, and at the same time No matter what part of the body hits those statues, it will bring up an electric current, constantly blocking the statues outside the body!

Tang Tang has been watching all this at the corner of the passage, showing a look of astonishment and even more surprise.

At least she knew that she was right about one thing. When Tie Wudi fought her, she really didn't take it seriously, or in other words, she killed that guy before she took it seriously.

This guy is not a pure Dharma cultivator at all, his melee combat is equally powerful, and the current surging all over his body seems to be a soul art similar to Tang Mei's Disdain for the Nine Heavens, which can make Tie Wudi discharge everywhere like an electric eel , With the attack and protection of those electric currents, Tie Wudi, as a wise soul master, will definitely not be afraid of being approached like other Dharma cultivators.

Secondly, look at Tie Wudi's position, this is probably the horror of Tie Wudi!
It was only a two-meter-wide passageway, surrounded by statues and falling weapons, Tie Wudi could dodge it, it was even slipperier than a loach, and this was obviously not enough for his reflexes, Tang Tang's He is gifted in his ability to react, and at the same time he has been practicing martial arts for a while, and he is also very good at dodging skills, but Tang Tang can guarantee that he can simply dodge in that small space, and he is definitely not as good as Iron Invincible.

But, would Tie Wudi react faster than Tang Tang?Will the dodging skills be more experienced than Tang Tang?Obviously impossible!
This shows that Tie Wudi's positioning has reached an unimaginable level. In such a small space, he can capture every gap and stand in the gap properly.

Tang Tang really admired Tie Wudi now, and even felt a little emotional, how could a master like Tie Wudi not participate in the Saint Demon Avenue Meeting?With his strength, he was firmly in the top [-]. If he could fight Tie Wudi again, Tang Tang felt that he would be under a lot of pressure. Of course, with Tang Tang's temperament, she would never admit that she would lose. , that is absolutely impossible.

And when Tang Tang's thoughts were scattered, the statues surrounded by Tie Wudi had reached fourteen statues, breaking through a tight encirclement, and after taking three steps forward, there were sixteen statues that reached the limit!
When the difficulty reached its peak, the standing stone box was already close at hand, even if Tie Wudi stretched out his hand, he could touch it.

But at this moment, Tie Wudi suddenly sighed, his body suddenly floated up, stepped on the shoulders of the two statues, and then flipped backwards, leaving behind the entrance of the passage!
Tie Wudi gave up at the last moment!

"Your Excellency, are you still unwilling to come out?" Tang Tang and the other three were wondering, when they heard Tie Wudi shout: "I was unwilling to make a sneak attack when I was in the most danger. I think you should be an upright person, hiding like this. It's very boring, why don't you come out."

The three of Tang Tang were startled, and then looked at each other!
This Iron Invincible found them?
However, could it be a temptation?
You must know that Tang Tang did not sneak attack because of Tang Tang's good character, but because Tang Tang was really shocked by Tie Wudi's strength. He never expected that at the moment when the sixteen statues attacked together, it was the sneak attack on Tie Wudi. Invincible's best moments.

However, at the moment, it seems that even if he takes a shot, it will have no effect. Hearing Tie Wudi's tone, he seems to have already felt that someone is hiding nearby, so it is naturally impossible not to be vigilant when dealing with those statues.

Thinking so many thoughts, Tang Tang was also entangled. If they were discovered, it would be pointless to hide, and he would be petty, but Tang Tang was afraid that Tie Wudi hadn't actually found them. He was just being cautious, or just had them. Some feelings, but not sure if someone really came, and deliberately swindled them out!
But just as he was hesitating, a burst of crisp laughter suddenly sounded in the passage.

"The slave family is not an upright person!"

Tang Tang raised his eyebrows, he knew the voice and tone very well, and sure enough, the old Black Mountain demon came too!
Accompanied by that sound, the ground suddenly surged up like mud, and slowly condensed into a human shape. After a while, the mud slid down, revealing an ice sculpture!

The ice on the surface shattered, and it was Grandma Heixin who appeared, and that Tie Wudi was exactly as Tang Tang had expected. Pay attention to other places, sure enough, he didn't discover Tang Tang and the others, but just felt that someone was spying on him, now he naturally identified that person as Child Elder.

"So it's Grandma Black Heart." The coldness in Tie Wudi's eyes disappeared and he said, "I don't know why Grandma came here?"

Grandma Heixin giggled and said, "The reason why my family came here is naturally the same as yours."

Tie Wudi said coldly: "This is the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Lord's Titan Stone City. You are not the Demon Lord's chosen disciple, but you are not from the Demon Lord's lineage, but you want to get your hands on this thing. Isn't it a little whimsical?"

The black-hearted grandma still smiled and said: "The demon king and the titans are dead, so you use a dead person as an example?"

Tie Wudi's complexion suddenly became less beautiful, and the haze suddenly appeared. He looked at Grandma Heixin rather gloomyly, and Grandma Heixin also smiled with her lips curled up.

The two of them didn't speak, and the passage was naturally eerily quiet, except for occasional noises made by the wind blowing from an unknown gap.

At this moment, after a moment of silence, the two of them suddenly jumped up when the wind sounded!

The target, of course, is that square stone box!

(End of this chapter)

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