Chapter 513 Chapter 516
Tang Tang has been watching from behind, but he didn't expect the two to hit each other so neatly.

The more outstanding and similar the strength is, the more careful he is and not to fight uncertain battles, just like when Tang Tang bumped into Tang Yukuang, neither of them chose to fight immediately, and the old demon from Montenegro Tie Wudi and Tie Wudi are the three masters of the demon clan, so they should be familiar with each other, but it seems too hasty to act suddenly when they meet each other. Tang Tang doesn't believe that one of them has the confidence to win.

Of course, this was because Tang Tang didn't know how important the things in the stone box were, but it didn't matter, she would know soon!
The palms intersected, but it was a collision of ice and thunder!
The lightning in Tie Wudi's palm surged, and the sound of the electric current that erupted in that instant was like a thousand birds chirping, but the slender fingertips of Grandma Heixin actually gushed out frost, and quickly hit the thunder and lightning, a strange time suddenly happened , that thunder and lightning can be frozen by the cold air, and the two of them paired their palms together, and the ice cubes fell all over the ground.

With this palm, there is no winner.

But after one palm, both of them were unwilling to get entangled with each other, and at the same time tapped their toes and rushed into that passage.

Naturally, the statues on both sides moved instantly, and it didn't matter who the two were, they just attacked together anyway, brandishing their weapons and smashing downwards!
However, before Tie Wudi broke through the passage alone, he still had some spare energy, and he didn't use too many magic formulas, and he felt that there was a certain relationship between someone peeping at him, but now the two are fighting for the first, so there is still room The opportunity, if you keep your hands, you will lose!

The two erupted almost at the same time, the blue lightning and the frosty ice erupted at the same time, and the six statues retreated in unison. Immediately afterwards, Tie Wudi lifted his foot and kicked, and the black-hearted grandma stamped his palm on the statue. chest, and the moment the two of them shook the statue back, they turned around and slapped each other at the same time, obviously they did not forget to cause some trouble to each other while breaking through the passage.

It's a pity that the two had the same wishful thinking, so naturally they both returned in vain.

Since they couldn't stop the other party, they had to race to see who could get the stone box first, spread their legs, and headed for the stone box!

Twelve, fourteen, sixteen!
The number of statues under siege is also increasing. This time, it is much more difficult than when Iron Invincible was alone just now. While dealing with the statues, the two have to tear down each other and attack each other to prevent the other party from moving towards the stone box. Go, and at the same time, you have to find a way to get ahead of the opponent, that's a mess!

Even so, the two of them persisted stubbornly, Tie Wudi still relying on his almost unbelievable positioning, he saw the needles, not only he was able to dodge the attack, but also roguely used the electric current to draw the attack to the black heart On the body of the grandma, and that very beautiful grandma showed an extremely domineering side, the whole body was cold, she would slow down when approaching, and her fists and palms were like the wind. Come on, Duan is an extremely domineering one!
However, because of this, Tie Wudi, who was walking around with a small skill, was naturally faster, catching up with Grandma Heixin, and touched the stone box with his fingertips first, but the moment Tie Wudi touched the stone box... …

An ice gun with howling wind came first, nailed it on the stone box, pushed the stone box back three or four meters, and directly hit the wall behind the passage.


Tie Wudi immediately looked back and glared, but Grandma Heixin giggled coquettishly, slapped three palms to shake the statue beside her and said, "Oh, what's the matter with my family?"

Tie Wudi rolled his eyes, caressed lazily with the female devil, stepped forward, and headed towards the stone box again, but, after the black-hearted grandma repelled the last three statues, she also He has already passed through the passage, and as long as he walks through the passage, the sixteen statues will immediately turn back into dead objects and will no longer obstruct them. In this way, how can Grandma Heixin let Tie Wudi succeed? box away!

And the speed of that black-hearted grandma was something that even Tang Tang had been shocked by. With speed alone, how could Iron Invincible be speed? With an angry face on her face, she just watched Child Elder float over her head, impartial It landed in front of the stone box, and stretched out its hand towards the stone box.

"Shocking in all directions!"

Seeing that he couldn't catch up, but Tie Wudi couldn't let Grandma Heixin get what he wanted, so he suddenly made a magic trick, raised his palm and made a seal towards the ground, sending a purple thunder into the ground!

Suddenly there was a violent shock in the surrounding area, and the four square stone bricks were shattered by Tie Wudi, and the shattered rocks suddenly protruded, bringing crackling electric currents to rage around!
Grandma Heixin also swayed unexpectedly, while Tie Wudi cleverly released a lightning arc and hooked the stone box. However, it was Grandma Heixin's ice spear that greeted him in midair. That woman has always been ruthless. If she can't get it, no one else can get it!


The ice spear pierced the back end of the stone box, knocking the stone box to one side, falling from mid-air, and falling to the ground with a bang.

The lid of the stone box also fell forward at this time, revealing the contents of the stone box.

Tang Tang's pupils closed suddenly, and then dilated rapidly. The trembling in his heart made Tang Tang able to clearly hear his heartbeat up, up and down, with a distinct rhythm!
It was a Horcrux sword, a khaki sword, made of rocks!

It was a sword that Tang Tang was extremely familiar with!
Mozun Tianjue Sword? !

Tang Tang almost exclaimed, rubbing her eyes in disbelief, that's right, it was the Mozun Tianjue Sword, Tang Tang fought with that sword more than once, she had no reason to admit her mistake.

However, wasn't Mozun Tianjue Sword sacrificed to refine the Star Soul Formation?

Could it be that the blacksmith played himself?Coveted the Mozun Tianjue Sword, and found yourself a bunch of other earth-attribute Horcruxes?

This idea flashed through Tang Tang's head, and then he realized that it was impossible. First of all, the power of the Star Soul Formation was undoubtedly far greater than that of Mozun Tianjue Sword. Isn't that a fool?Secondly, if the blacksmith really took the Mozun Tianjue Sword, then the Mozun Tianjue Sword should be in the hands of the blacksmith, why is it in this bloody place?The most important thing is that among the star horcruxes, only the earth attribute is the entity. After the Mozun Tianjue Sword was re-sacrificed, all the attributes disappeared and were included in the star horcrux, but the appearance did not change at all!
So, the sword in front of him is exactly the same as Mozun Tianjue's sword?
But, why are there two Mozun Tianjue swords?

Impossible, this is impossible!

Tang Tang now felt that there was only a ball of wool in her head, a mess of wool, and the feeling of making a mess of porridge gave her a headache and even a feeling of going crazy. She really wanted to figure out what was going on, but obviously Some things are hard to figure out even if you think about it, or in other words, some things can't be figured out just by thinking about it.

"In that case..." Tang Tang's face suddenly became ferocious, and he said to himself, "Then grab it!"

Both Step One Kill and Tang Yuhao heard Tang Tang's whisper, but they couldn't understand what Tang Tang said. They both looked at Tang Tang at the same time, with puzzled and bewildered expressions on their faces.

"You don't want to come out yet." Tang Tang said with a suppressed voice, "I'll go first, and your queen, when I can't stand it, or when there is a good opportunity, you can make a sneak attack."

One step at a time, he said: "You want to grab that sword?"

Tang Tang rolled his eyes and said, "Otherwise, what are we here for? Watching a fight scene?"

"No!" Yibu Yisha shook his head and said, "I just want to say, that sword looks familiar, it seems to be similar to yours..."

Tang Tang interrupted him and said, "I want to know too!"

Tang Tang was telling the truth, she really wanted to know what was going on with the Mozun Tianjue sword in front of her, so after holding Baiquehuang and Jiehuolongscale sword in her hands at the same time, Tang Tang walked out of the corner , striding towards that passage!

Tang Tang's appearance was so abrupt that Tie Wudi and Grandma Heixin who were fighting were taken aback for a moment!
This is really an excellent sneak attack opportunity.

It's a pity, Tang Tang knew that she couldn't do it, because there was still that damned passage in front of her, and that damned sixteen statues. After dodging, the sneak attack can also be successful in one blow. Maybe it is impossible to kill the two of them in one blow. But now, Tang Tang has to pass the test of those statues first.

"Get out of here!"

Facing the attack of those statues, Tang Tang used the most brutal and domineering way!
Fire and thunder!
There were five fire thunders in the beckoning, and Tang Tang held them in his palm and pressed them domineeringly on the chests of the statues. Using the explosion of the fire thunders, the statues were blown away one after another, and those who fell were turned on their backs!

Such sparing of mana was also because Tang Tang wanted to walk through the passage quickly. However, even though it did save time to blow up the statue in such a domineering way, it was still enough for Tie Wudi and Grandma Heixin to react.

Tie Wudi immediately stretched out his hand to grab the stone box, but an ice gun grabbed ahead of him and knocked the stone box away. Then, the palm of his hand was bitter, and Grandma Heixin slammed towards the iron box with a frosty palm. Invincible hit behind.

Tie Wudi was also quick-witted, he turned around and slapped his palms, and the two palms faced each other again, there was a burst of electric current and cold air, and then the two of them took half a step back!

"Grandma!" Tie Wudi gritted his teeth and said, "No matter what, things cannot be obtained by an outsider from China. How about we stop fighting for now?"

Grandma Heixin giggled and said, "Okay, but the slave's family will take the things first, are you willing?"

Tie Wudi's eyes twitched, isn't this talking nonsense?You took something away, do you still expect to be able to get it back?

With a dark face, Tie Wudi said to Grandma Heixin in a deep voice: "Let's join hands to fight against the enemy, and we will see the real chapter under our hands later. Whoever has the ability will take the things, how about it?"

"Then you two go to bed together, and then die with me!"

At this time, Tang Tang's voice also suddenly sounded.

Tie Wudi looked back and was startled, Tang Tang had already killed the passage and came towards them, with flames surging in his hand, he stretched out his hand and grabbed him.

In a hurry, Tie Wudi also raised his hand to meet Tang Tang's palm, and the electric current surged in his palm, but Tie Wudi obviously forgot that Tang Tang's fire and thunder could not be blocked by lightning!
That thing is going to explode!

(End of this chapter)

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