The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 514 Chapter 517 The Giant Titan City Was Seen Through

Chapter 514 Chapter 517 The Giant Titan City Was Seen Through (5 More)

There was a huge roar, and the gorgeous fire ball exploded in Tang Tang's palm. Tie Wudi felt his face was extremely hot, and the thick air wave pushed him out, and hit the wall behind him heavily, with a bang, fell to the ground.

"Haha..." The black-hearted grandma chuckled, and suddenly approached Tang Tang, stretched out her hand to grab Tang Tang's sleeve and said, "Girl, are you finally willing to help grandma?"

Tie Wudi gasped when he heard this, a black-hearted grandma would be difficult to deal with, and now there is another one who is difficult to deal with, and the two are still together?

Whether Tang Tang is with the woman in front of her, she knows very well in her heart, even the jade-like finger and the kind words make the black-hearted grandma look very easy to get along with, but a "be careful of deceit" Tang Tang's thoughts were suddenly interrupted!

That sound transmission from thousands of miles away naturally came from Tang Yuhao, because any man who sees such a scene would only want to vomit instead of cursing, even if it is one step and one kill, there will be no exception, but Tang Tang is very wronged, so you can scold as you please , you should always talk to this black-hearted woman in front of you, right?What's going on with the sound transmission with yourself?It was she who came to find me!
However, the sound of "be careful of deceit" made Tang Tang calm down. He ignored the greeting from the woman in front of him, but put his hand on the stone box and said, "This sword belongs to me, understand?"

Grandma Heixin's expression froze immediately, and her jade fingers also stopped at Tang Tang's heart.

Immediately, the woman laughed again, her smile was incomparably brilliant!

"You girl, treating grandma like this really makes grandma heartbroken, so don't blame grandma for being cruel!"

As soon as Grandma Heixin's words fell, she felt a chill in her chest.

Fortunately, Tang Tang has also seen the ability of the woman in front of her to change her face as soon as she said it, and she was on guard early in her heart. When the chill appeared, Tang Tang raised the Baiquehuang and chopped it down, and the black-hearted grandma immediately Backed away, and Tang Tang quickly counterattacked the falling Baiquehuang!

The sword energy of the fire attribute swayed high temperature, ignited a raging flame and galloped forward, but the cold energy of the black-hearted grandma was really strange and unpredictable. When it was released forward, even the flame could be frozen, which was extremely incredible. Tang's sword energy was frozen into an ice sculpture, and fell to the ground with a thud.

However, this sword energy was enough to force Grandma Black Heart back, and Tang Tang took out the Mozun Tianjue Sword from the stone box.

Gently caressing the sword body, it was a very familiar feeling, the rough texture of the rock, the sharp edge, the weight of the sword body, and even the tactile feeling of grasping the hilt, all of them were Mozun Tian. Absolute sword feeling!
This made Tang Tang eager to take a look at the attributes of Absolute Sword in his hand, but at this moment...

The black-hearted grandma rushed forward again.

The left hand was full of cold air. After seeing the strange cold air that could freeze even the flames, Tang Tang felt a little guilty and didn't dare to touch it head-on. Instead, he chose to dodge sideways, but he didn't want to hit the black-hearted grandma's arms, and an ice spear appeared In the right hand, throwing along the trend, it is just the position Tang Tang chooses to dodge, but Tang Tang has never been afraid of this kind of attack, and he doesn't even need a sword. Tang Tang reached out and grabbed the ice spear .

"Back to you!"

Tang Tang flipped his wrist and threw the ice gun back.

The two were fighting, scrambling for the Mozun Tianjue Sword. In such a scene, Tie Wudi should be the happiest. He was afraid that the two were in the same group, so he really had no chance of succeeding. , Now that the two are fighting, isn't it just a good opportunity for Iron Invincible?

Stealthily, Tie Wudi quietly moved towards the Mozun Tianjue sword stuck on the ground, but at this moment...

"you dare!"

"go away!"

Grandma Heixin and Tang Tang discovered Tie Wudi's little trick at the same time, they stopped fighting suddenly, and came towards Tie Wudi together, one waved with cold air, and the other hand was burning with flames!
Tie Wudi was horrified, and quickly pulled out a piece of lightning net to block it, but he didn't expect that just as one side was blocked, on the other side, Grandma Heixin held an ice gun and threw it at him, and managed to dodge the ice with small steps. Tang Tang shot at the gun suddenly, raised his hand to shoot, and then grabbed a fire thunder and pressed it directly on Tie Wudi's face.


Accompanied by the fire ball blasted out by the divine fire thunder, Tie Wudi was knocked into the air again, and fell to the ground in disgrace.

And when Grandma Heixin was chasing Tie Wudi by Tang Tang, she suddenly turned around and stretched out her hand, and grabbed Mozun Tianjue Sword. Seeing that she was about to succeed, a flaming flying sword suddenly appeared in front of Grandma Heixin, cutting directly into Grandma Heixin's chest Wrist, forced her to retract her hand, but Tang Tang came first before the sword, and after using the imperial weapon, the hair came first.

"damn it!"

At this time, Tie Wudi got up from the ground with great difficulty, and also cursed angrily, "If he doesn't go up, the two of them will have a good fight, but if he goes up, the two of them will all come to him, whoever he provokes." , why the two of them want to join forces to attack themselves, how could it be imagined...

"Who are you talking about?"

"Who are you talking about?"

As soon as Tie Wudi said that, the two of them spoke in unison and looked at him in unison. Tie Wudi was so frightened that he shut up quickly. He didn't want to be the first to be eliminated under the joint attack of Grandma Heixin and Tang Tang.

But Tie Wudi didn't speak, and didn't step forward. Tang Tang naturally ignored him lazily, and directly reached out to grab Mozun Tianjuejian. At this moment, he made a sudden move, and a thunderbolt pierced the sky and struck towards Tang Tang!

Tang Tang was not afraid that the thunder would break the sky, so he chose to resist the thunder, and at the same time shot out the flames of the sky, forcing the black-hearted grandma away, but this woman is also very cunning, so she also chose to resist, The moment he was repelled by the blazing flames of the sky, he leaned back and grabbed the Mozun Tianjue sword with his backhand before Tang Tang.

As a result, Tang Tang was not in a hurry, but Tie Wudi was in a hurry first, and immediately gave up on Tang Tang, and instead attacked Grandma Heixin with Thunderbolt. Although the first two thunders were blocked by Grandma Heixin, The third strike hit Mozun Tianjuejian's sword without coincidence, Grandma Heixin immediately let go, and Mozun Tianjuejian flew out again and plunged into the ground.

"You guys are good or bad!" Swinging her sore right hand from the shock, Grandma Heixin curled her lips at the two of them and said, "Two people bullied me, a weak girl, and you don't think it's shameful!"

Tang Tang and Tie Wudi rarely rolled their eyes in tacit understanding, and really wanted to ask the woman in front of them, can you be considered a weak woman?

However, the current situation is indeed at a stalemate. Anyone who wants to take the Demon Lord's Heavenly Absolute Sword will inevitably be strongly attacked by the other two. Here, the speed of her imperial weapon will be absolutely displayed. She doesn't think that Tie Wudi and Grandma Heixin can catch up with her. At that time, won't it be that the sky is high and the birds are flying, and the sea is wide and the fish are swimming?
Unfortunately, Tang Tang missed the best opportunity.

She should have done that when she got the Mozun Tianjue Sword just now, but Tang Tang wasted time. She stroked the sword and even wanted to check its attributes, but she also missed the best opportunity. If she wanted to do that now, she might encounter crazy attacks from Tie Wudi and Grandma Heixin before her fingertips touched the hilt of the sword.

Of course, the reverse is also the same, the situation of the three is similar.

Glancing at the corner, Tang Tang wondered if he should think of a way to get the Mozun Tianjue Sword out of that passage. As long as he reached the corner, he would attract him a little bit, kill Tang Yuhao one step at a time, and the chance of success is still huge.

However, the premise is that Tang Tang must be able to bring the sword through that passage, otherwise, with those sixteen statues blocking the way, even if Tang Yuhao kills Tang Yuhao one step at a time, it will definitely not achieve the sneak attack effect. One step, one kill and Tang Yuhao's helper, it is obvious that Tie Wudi and Grandma Heixin will join forces, and the result does not seem to be much better than the current situation.

With a lot of thoughts, Tang Tang thought about several sets of strategies in a very short time, and finally decided that a sneak attack is better, as long as he can find a gap to get close to the Mozun Tianjue Sword, even if he can't get it, as long as he can kick the sword It doesn't need to be too far to kick, it is enough to fly through the passage!

Thinking of this, Tang Tang immediately made up his mind, and no longer held back, but quickly changed his soul skills!

"Even if the two of you go up together, I'm not afraid..." Looking at Tie Wudi and Grandma Heixin coldly, Tang Tang said in a low voice, "Let me see how much the so-called demon master really weighs. Star Soul Formation, get up!"

hum, hum...

Swords blared all around, and the star soul array on Tang Tang's chest emitted five-color auras, and five flying swords of different colors floated around Tang Tang, trembling, exuding a strong fighting spirit.

"I'll say it again, that sword is mine!" Tang Tang pouted and said, "The five spirits are one!"

Tang Tang pinched the sword art lightly, and then stretched out his hand to grab the stone sword that symbolized the earth attribute. The other four swords quickly turned into spiritual power, poured into the stone sword, and slowly solidified, and the stone sword suddenly became the eternal town. The appearance of Nanhuang!

This is also a trick that the blacksmith deliberately left for Tang Tang, considering that the Mozun Tianjue Sword is a must for inheriting the barbarian king's lineage. Of course, it's just a condensed form. The Mozun Tianjue Sword has been preserved in the world as a star horcrux. Even though it looks exactly the same, it is no longer the Tianjue Sword it used to be!
However, Tie Wudi and Grandma Heixin were extremely surprised when the second Mozun Tianjue Sword appeared, and it was in Tang Tang's hands.

After a while, Tie Wudi suddenly thought of someone, and blurted out, "Tang Tang, you are Tang Tang from the Tang Sect!"

Titan can become the king of the demon clan, on the one hand, it is because of fists, but if there is only fists, then the demon king Titan cannot gain a foothold in the demon tribe. After deterring the major tribes by force, he also established his own power in the demon clan-the giant city of Titan!
(End of this chapter)

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