Chapter 538 Chapter 541

Soul Realm Tips: The player "Tang Tang" has successfully crossed the tribulation and got a chance to improve his cultivation base. Please choose your own weapon soul or magic spirit:

1. Magic spirit (magic power is permanently increased by 20%, mana value is permanently increased by 10%, spell range is increased by 30%, mana value +500 points, spell value +5000 points, magic spirit +10 points, magic source heart attribute + 10 points, comprehension +5 points, mana source: 3% of the upper limit of mana value recovery per second!)
2. Artifact Soul (Increase the basic damage by 25%, increase the power of soul skills by 20%, increase the record of critical strikes by 10%, increase the chance of ignoring defense by 10%, increase the chance of violent strikes by 10%, increase the value of soul power by 50, and increase the skill of imperial weapons +20, strength +30 points, lucky value +5 points, comprehension +5 points, soul +3000 points)
Soul Realm Tip: The player "Tang Tang" has successfully crossed the tribulation, and three attributes will appear randomly to choose from.
1. Strength +20!
2. Lucky value +3!
3. Self-selected soul skills or spells can be upgraded to one level unconditionally

In fact, there is no good choice between Faling and Artifact Soul. Since Tang Tang has taken the path of Artifact Soul Master in the previous two tribulations, naturally he can only go one way to the bottom. Although Tang Tang sometimes regrets it, in fact, Her fire attribute is so high, if she chooses the path of a wise soul master during the catastrophe, and majors in magic spirit, the weakness of low mana will be made up for, and she will definitely become a super violent fire magician However, there is no regret drug sale these days, so Tang Tang has no choice.

As for the second random reward attribute, the lucky value is the first to give up. When Tang Tang passed the second catastrophe, he had a choice of 5 lucky points. This time, only 3 points were randomly selected, which is too little. Tang Tang would rather find something with lucky points. As for 20 points of strength, it is very tempting, but whether it is health or attack power, Tang Tang is not bad at 20 points of strength.

Therefore, there was no choice of random attributes, and it was natural to upgrade the first-order magic formula or soul skills, and Tang Tang chose the sky fire without hesitation.

The biggest improvement of Tianhuo Zhiyan is the eighth level, and Tang Tang has long been full, and its power and effect are also satisfactory to Tang Tang. It is a pity that it cannot be upgraded to the ninth level. The flame white is somewhat transparent, wrapped in black silk, and one can imagine its powerful power just by feeling the heat.

Tang Tang's joy was not strong. The main rewards for basic rewards were magic spirits and weapon souls, which could indeed greatly increase a person's strength. But every one who successfully crossed the catastrophe could choose, so it was not a surprise. And the extra reward for the success of the top three crossing the tribulation is the unexpected favorite.

Continuing to read down, Tang Tang immediately hooked the corners of his mouth, as expected.

Soul domain reminder: Player "Tang Tang" becomes the second player to survive the third catastrophe, and will receive two additional rewards, please choose the first additional reward:
1. Character level increased by 5 levels!
2. The damage is permanently increased by 5%!
Soul Realm Tip: The player "Walking in the Rain" becomes the second player to survive the third catastrophe, and will receive two additional rewards. Please choose the second additional reward:
1. Sword Spirit Primordial Spirit (Supernatural Power): Use a Horcrux as a spirit body to create a Sword Spirit Primordial Spirit assistant. The cultivation base of the Sword Spirit Primordial Spirit is determined according to the player's own cultivation base!
2. Qianlu Tuju (auxiliary horcrux): It can record 21 soul skills or spells of Sanqi, no cooling time is required, and one use consumes 3% of the spell value.
Tang Tang hesitated for a moment, and finally chose Sword Spirit Yuanshen. It's not that the Qianlu scroll is not good, on the contrary, the value of the Qianlu scroll is higher. Imagine that Tang Tang recorded 21 on the Qianlu scroll. A spell like Thunder Sky Flame Formation can be released continuously without a cooldown time, how terrifying is its power?Moreover, it is only 3% of the soul value, that is to say, even if all the 21 recorded Taoisms are released, the soul value is enough.

However, here is the problem. The Thousand Record Scrolls only allow these powerful spells that require a very long cooling time to be continuously released without cooling down. However, these spells still consume mana, and soul skills consume Therefore, the problem arises. Even if there is no cooling time, these powerful soul skills and spells require a lot of soul power or a lot of mana. Whether the player's own mana and soul power Enough to support it?

Tang Tang thinks that this thing belongs to the kind of auxiliary Horcrux that if it can be used reasonably, it is a piece of garbage, but if it cannot be used reasonably, it is a piece of garbage. The power of God is more real to Tang Tang.

At the same time, as Tang Tang guessed, she was not the first to survive the Three Tribulations.


Tang Tang curled her lips. She never denied the strength of this cheap brother, but a guy with no fighting spirit...

Tang Tang shook his head, no longer thinking about his incomprehensible elder brother, but continued to browse down. The rewards of the Heavenly Tribulation have reached this position, but it is not over yet, but there is still the next part of the book of holy demons.

Soul Realm Tip: Congratulations to the player "Tang Tang" who is ranked in the Suzaku Wings in the Southern Sky, the fire attribute immunity is increased by 10%, and the fire attribute damage is increased by 10%!
Soul Realm Tip: Congratulations to the player "Tang Tang" for being ranked in the Southern Sky Suzaku Wing Constellation.
This should be related to the Holy Demon Atlas. The fire attribute immunity and fire attribute increase are easy to understand. Anyway, it is literally. As for the calamity and fire, it is a bit weird. A star attribute was added, followed by the display of calamity and fire, but there was no description of what attribute it had, or what purpose it had.

Tang Tang was about to think about it, but at this moment, the door of the box was pushed open, and it was Tang Mei and the others who came in.

"Congratulations, congratulations!" Tang Mei clasped her fists, her face twitching, and said, "The tribulation has been successfully crossed, here is the red envelope."

"I'll go, you give it to me." Tang Tang rolled his eyes, pointed at the table and said, "Sit, sit, today is mine."

There is not much time for the sisters to get together. It is rare for Tang Tang to cross the catastrophe. Everyone else has come, so naturally they have to get together.

Qingqing Apple Xiang grabbed a pig's trotter and gnawed it: "Of course I invite you, you are No. 1 in Transcending Tribulation."

Tang Tang's face turned dark immediately. This topic was the last thing she wanted to touch. Only she knew that she was the sad second child.

"Eat yours!" Tang Tang tapped the basin with his chopsticks and said, "A rotten girl like you still eats such greasy meat? Aren't you afraid of getting too fat?"

Qingqing Apple Xiang said: "Silly, you won't get fat if you steal it once or twice, otherwise how do you think I maintain my slender figure!"

The others suddenly had black lines on their heads, and you are as slim as a pig with your figure?

Tang Mei thought of something, and suddenly said: "By the way, what's the matter with the announcement of Shengmo Tulu, Dujie?"

Tang Tang nodded. Anyone with a discerning eye could guess that this matter is almost inseparable, and there is nothing to hide.

Tang Mei paused and said, "Then you are not the first to pass the Three Tribulations?"

Tang Tang shook his head and said, "No."

Tang Mei saw that Tang Tang was not very interested in this topic, so she gave up asking, and talked about other topics instead.

Women, when drinking and chatting, the content is naturally not without handsome guys, so the topic naturally comes to Qingqing Applexiang again. You know, she has been getting mixed up with Xiaoxian poisonously recently, which is really shocking. There have been rumors that the two of them have already made a couple, but the few of them know that the temperament of Qingqing Applexiang can make this easy-going girl at ease, it is really a miracle.

However, it was rare for Qingqing Apple Fragrance to twitch, and said desolately: "I'm playing for real this time."

"Tch, you're lying to ghosts!"

The others booed all of a sudden, pouring wine into their mouths with the fragrance of apples in disdain.

Laughing, making noise, you can be unscrupulous when you are together, and when you need it, others will come out resolutely.

This is sister.

Looking at the few people in front of him, Tang Tang felt a sense of satisfaction, and immediately raised his glass and shouted: "Drink, if you don't get drunk, you won't return!"


After drinking and eating, it was getting late, and everyone simply rested at the inn.

At this time, Tang Tang will lament that the soul domain is not perfect. You know, although Tang Tang can be free and easy after being able to survive the three tribulations, it is absolutely a lie to say that there is no joy and excitement in his heart. It was really difficult for him to lie down and sleep obediently.

"It seems that today is destined to be difficult to sleep."

Curling his lips and sighing, Tang Tang lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

After much tossing until the middle of the night, Tang Tang gradually felt sleepy, but at this moment, in the quiet room, the voice transmission of thousands of miles suddenly sounded, which stabbed Tang Tang's nerves, and he sat up suddenly from the bed .

"Girl?" Pressing Transsion's answer button, Tang Mei said anxiously at the other end: "Why aren't you here? Go online quickly, something serious happened to your Tang Sect."

The murderer reappears!
Tang Mei briefly explained the matter. All in all, the lunatic who killed people indiscriminately reappeared after a while, and this time it was Tangmen's unlucky turn. The number of players gathered has skyrocketed, causing heavy casualties.

The large-scale encirclement and suppression of the murderer was carried out twice. The first time was because Tang Tang was suspected, and he went offline to avoid suspicion. Tang Tang didn't know too well, but it was the Tang Sect who had the accident now, and Tang Tang is now a master, a master, and a master. Based on the principle of not using it for nothing, Tang Taluo asked Tang Mei to notify Tang Tang as soon as possible.

After listening to the eldest sister Tang Mei's brief introduction of what happened, Tang Tang's sleepiness disappeared, and he immediately walked out of the inn, ready to go and see what happened.


(End of this chapter)

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