The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 539 Chapter 542 The Truth about the Pink Skull

Chapter 539 Chapter 542 The Truth about the Pink Skull (3 more)
"Hey, where is this?"

After walking out of the inn, Tang Tang was puzzled for a while.

She remembered that she was drinking with Tang Mei and the others at an inn in Mingyue City. The place where the inn came out should naturally be Mingyue City, right?
However, when Tang Tang looked around, the shadows of the trees were mottled and the mountains piled up. It didn't look like an inn.

"Could it be that I ran into a black shop?" Tang Tang rubbed his chin and said, "Or did I remember wrong?"


This is unlikely...
In the end, he couldn't figure it out, so Tang Tang had no choice but to come to the conclusion that he might have accidentally drank the world famous wine in a state of drunkenness while drinking, and then ran to this ghost place in a daze.

"Forget it." Tang Tang patted his head and said: "Go to the Tang Sect first, and help arrest talents is the business."

Thinking in this way, Tang Tang was about to go down the mountain, but found that there was a continuous fire dragon on the mountain road, and after a closer look, it was a large group of people carrying torches up the mountain.

"There are a lot of people." Tang Tang squinted his eyes for a while, and then said strangely: "No, why does it seem to be someone from the Tang Sect, the leader... the outline seems familiar."

After thinking about it, Tang Tang gave Tang Taro a voice transmission from thousands of miles away: "I'm online, where are you arresting people?"

"Come here?" Tang Taluo immediately rejoiced when he heard Tang Tang's voice: "Tangmen, south of the mountain gate, there is a mountain called Zhixiu Mountain. Among them, there are five tallest ones, arranged like five fingers. They are called East Peak, North Peak, South Peak, West Peak, and Middle Peak. When you enter the designated area, the map display will change. I will take people on the mountainside of North Peak right now, so hurry up and help."

"Okay, come here immediately." Tang Tang agreed and ended the voice transmission, then scratched his head and said, "It refers to the North Peak of Xiushan Mountain, why do I feel a little familiar."

"Are you not familiar with it?" A crisp voice sounded in Tang Tang's ear: "Because that's where you are standing now."

Tang Tang was startled by the sudden attack, quickly jumped to the side, and pulled out the flying sword, only to find that it was the little girl in Samsara Phoenix Qiuhuang.

"It's you!" Tang Tang patted her chest. She didn't dislike this little girl, and said cheerfully, "Your annoying sister didn't come out, did she? Every time she said a few words, she ran away, without any measure!"

"I'm really sorry, I'm such a petty woman."

Hearing that voice, Tang Tang immediately felt embarrassed. Looking back, she was indeed the cold and arrogant beauty in Feng Qiuhuang. Tang Tang could only laugh dryly: "Actually, it's better for women to be petty. Petty women understand housekeepers, by the way. , you said that I can find you at the time of the third calamity, you see, I have already passed the third calamity, I am a Tang Sect Douluo, am I qualified enough?"

The big beauty said coldly: "I know."

The little beauty interjected: "Sister thinks that a person like you can survive three tribulations and enter the Holy Demon Atlas, that's why she ran out to kill people in anger."


Tang Tang was stunned, and suddenly felt that an unpleasant feeling suddenly hit his heart.

"Grab her, grab her..." At this time, the long winding dragon on the mountain path was approaching, and the leader immediately shouted: "Let's go together and kill that murderous female devil. "

"Me?" Tang Tang pointed at himself, then looked at the two women, one big and one small, and gasped, "Three female devils? I'll go! You're the ones who slaughtered the Tang Sect!"

"How is it possible." The little beauty blinked her eyes innocently and said, "We are just weapon souls, how can we kill without a body?"

Tang Tang breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment, the beautiful woman said abruptly, "So I borrowed your body to kill you."

"Damn it!" Tang Tang immediately cursed in his heart, and said frantically, "You guys did it before?"

"That's right." The little beauty took it for granted, "Aren't you bored, but don't worry, we just kill some people while you're sleeping to pass the time, you know, it's boring to stay in the sword box all the time .”

"Oh my God, won't you tell me if you're bored?" Tang Tang burst into tears and said, "I said that I never do missions for teachers or prestige points, and I just kill a lot of people occasionally. How can it grow so fast, besides, if you want to kill other sects, it would be great to trouble the Douluo Palace, what is Tu Tangmen doing?"

The little beauty tilted her head and said, "Because it's close."

Tang Tang was dumbfounded. This reason was really impeccable, and it also made Tang Tang understand why the massacre of the murderer would happen wherever he went, and why the murderer never appeared when he was online. After I went offline to take a rest, the characters in the soul domain became sleeping or meditating, and the murderer suddenly appeared.

"Then why don't they know that I killed someone? After killing someone, isn't the other party's name displayed on the Soul Realm panel..." Tang Tang muttered to himself, but before he finished asking, he slapped his own mouth and gave the The answer came out: "The shark tooth veil hides the player's information."

At this time, the big beauty said coldly: "Are you still planning to stay here? Or, are you going to kill them all?"

Tang Tang looked at the torches on the mountain road. There were nearly a thousand of them. To be honest, after the three calamities, it was not a problem for Tang Tang to slaughter more than a thousand people. Among the Tang Sect disciples, except for a few After the second catastrophe, you can fight against yourself, those Tangmen disciples who have only survived the first catastrophe are not even qualified to let Tang Tang do it, and countless people can be burned to death with a blaze of sky fire, and the players of the first catastrophe have no Ability can't resist the power of Tang Tang's blow.

The problem is, if you don't know, it's fine, now that you know, can you still kill it?
"Run, run!"

Tang Tang waved his hand, touched his face first to make sure he was wearing the shark-bone veil, then took another mask to cover most of his face, then took out the flying Horcrux, but If he didn't think so, his flying Horcrux seemed to be very easy to recognize, so he had no choice but to run away.

The big beauty couldn't stand it, and with a flick of his sleeve, Tang Tang felt an invisible force suddenly surged behind him, pushing him away in the air, and the speed was really not slow.

Tang Tang couldn't help asking: "You use my body to kill people. It is said that my method is easy to recognize. How come no one recognizes it?"

"Is it easy to recognize?"

The little beauty started giggling, stretched out her hand suddenly, and waved it casually behind her, but there was nothing special about it, as if the little beauty was just waving her sleeves to fan the flames, but at this moment... …

"Ah, my hand..."

"My face, my hands..."

"Help, help..."

Immediately there was a tragic cry from the mountain road, Duanmuyu looked back, gasped suddenly, those who ran ahead, without exception, their bodies began to age, their skin and flesh festered, and for no reason they turned into bodies one by one The skeleton, fell to the ground, was refreshed into white light and thrown to the underworld for reincarnation.

Tang Tang gasped suddenly, what a weird trick.

"The methods we use are all our own methods. They belong to Feng Qiuhuang's reincarnation power. You just provide the soul value to let us condense the soul body." The big beauty explained to Tang Tang, and then showed a rare expression Yan laughed and said, "Do you want our power?"

The very tempting power made Tang Tang's heart beat suddenly.

Hurry up to suppress the thought that shouldn't be there, Tang Tang thought carefully about the big beauty's words, and immediately understood that she said she was borrowing her body, but in fact she was borrowing her own soul value, just like a sword no matter how sharp it is, it can kill No, someone must hold the hilt of the sword and stab it into the opponent's chest. This kind of relationship is mutual. The sword is a murder weapon, and you need to borrow someone's hand to kill, and people become dangerous because of the sword!

However, that weird power still made Tang Tang's heart tremble, yes, Tang Tang couldn't refuse this kind of power!
Taking a deep breath, Tang Tang suppressed the excitement in his heart and said calmly, "How can I get your allegiance?"

The beautiful woman said: "Reincarnation of life and death, all things are destroyed, kill all the people you love, and those who love you, when you have no worries in your heart, you can pick up the Phoenix and seek the Phoenix. There will be no rivals for you in the world."

Just like when he saw the weird killing method, Tang Tang took a deep breath again.

What a harsh condition!
Tang Tang said in a deep voice, "What if I disagree?"

The big beauty smiled, stopped suddenly, and floated backwards, unexpectedly the distance of tens of feet was just a little toe, and within a moment, she landed among the Tangmen crowd in the mountain path.

Stretching out the flowing sleeves, two streamers of red satin flew out, tapped their toes in the crowd, twisted their slender waists, and suddenly danced.

That dancing posture was really wonderful, but everyone in the Tang Sect didn't appreciate it at all. As the woman danced, the surrounding Tang Sect disciples couldn't even resist at all, and immediately fell to the ground clutching their bodies in pain. On the ground, the body is weathered and turned into bones, just a stick of incense, and the mountain road is full of corpses.

"Stop me!"

Tang Taro's angry voice suddenly came from the air, and suddenly threw a hurricane towards the woman, but just as the hurricane arrived, the woman casually stretched out her finger, and the hurricane disappeared instantly. He stretched out that jade-like finger and was about to reach Tang Taro, but at this moment...

A fiery red sword energy pierced through the air, passed directly in front of the two of them, and pierced a sword mark two or three meters deep on the mountain wall.

The big beauty looked back at Tang Tang, and saw Tang Tang's eyes full of haze!

"You are lucky."

Smiling and whispering to Tang Taro, the big beauty tapped her toes, and after a few vertical leaps, she caught up with Tang Tang again.

(End of this chapter)

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