The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 540 Chapter 543: Jumping off a Cliff for Tang Sect’s Misfortune

Chapter 540 Chapter 543: Jumping off a Cliff for Tang Sect’s Misfortune (4 more)
"How is it?" The big beauty flew back to Tang Tang's side and said, "You can also have this kind of power, and it will only become stronger. Besides, with us by your side, is there anything you can't give up?"

I have to say that when the woman spoke, her tone was very seductive, and she seemed to have a feeling of being able to sway people's hearts. However, after seeing that the woman killed bones all over the place, this kind of temptation was not very useful to Tang Tang. up.

This woman is a monster at all!

"I don't want to talk about this." Tang Tang looked at the woman coldly and said, "First, you said that the holy path is a path of thorns, if I can't fully understand reincarnation, it will be difficult for me to climb the holy path, so what now? You think I can't do it, but I have already done it, what else can you say? Second, I just want to get out of this damn place now!"

While Tang Tang was talking, Tang Taro's voice transmission suddenly sounded: "Tang Tang, haven't you come yet? That man is very difficult to deal with!"

"Come on, come on!" Tang Tang yelled: "You know, my sense of direction is not very good, I'm almost there, you have to hold on, when I get there, immediately hit that guy to know why Hua'er is like this red."

Turning off the sound transmission of thousands of miles, Tang Tang slapped himself, and he knew why the flowers were so popular!

Glancing behind him, because of the woman's commotion, the Tang Sect suffered heavy casualties, and chaos was inevitable. Even though Tang Taro tried his best to appease him, it still took a lot of time.

In this way, Tang Tang was naturally relieved, because she had already seen the top of the mountain, and the side of the top of the mountain was a cliff.

As long as you jump off the cliff, find a place where no one will see you, let these two troublesome women go back to the sword box, pull off the mask yourself, and then you can appear in Tang Tower as Tang Tang In front of Luo.

However, at this moment...

"Judgment Barrier!"

There was a sudden soft drink in the sky, and Tang Tang felt as if he had hit an invisible wall, and with a bang, his nose hurt so badly.

"Damn it." Tang Tang cursed, "It's Tang Xin who came here."

Even after going through the three tribulations, Tang Tang still has some headaches for the magic weapon in Tang Xin's hands. Of course, she can't make a move at all. true identity.

Fortunately, right now Tang Tang still has two monsters by his side.

With a swipe of the big beauty's plain hand, the invisible world that once caused Tang Tang a lot of suffering shattered, opening countless cracks, completely shattered.

at the same time……

The little beauty also jumped up in the air and went straight to Tang Xin.

Tang Xin also participated in the siege at the beginning, so he naturally knew how powerful it was, so he didn't dare to take it head-on. With a flick of the sword flower, he stabbed a chain of five mountains, then quickly backed up, and made a sword art. The two pieces hanging on his back The horcrux rose into the sky and headed towards the little beauty.

However, as soon as the two horcruxes flew in front of the little beauty, they were caught between two white fingers. Immediately afterwards, the two horcruxes turned rusty and mottled in an instant, and turned into two tattered pieces. , gently pinched by that slender finger, don't break it into four pieces!
Tang Xin's face suddenly became extremely ugly. The two horcruxes have always been of extraordinary quality, and it probably cost him a lot of money to get them.

But Tang Tang couldn't control that much. Looking at Tang Xin who was entangled by the little beauty, the cliff was only a few tens of meters away, so she ran as fast as she could.

However, Tang Tang only took two steps...

Soul domain reminder: You are in a state of frostbite, with a deceleration rate of 30% for 16 seconds!
Tang Tang was startled, and instinctively lowered his head, a silvery sharp edge with a cold air brushed the back of Tang Tang's head.

Tang Tang, who was still in shock, looked up and saw that the eldest sister Tang Mei was standing in front of her!
Tang Tang immediately scolded himself for being confused, how could he have forgotten her? Since Tang Taro contacted him through Tang Mei, Tang Mei naturally knew about the reappearance of the murderer, and only for Tang Tang's sake, She will definitely come to this muddy water, and besides, Kunlun's territory was also attacked at the beginning, so it's fine if she can't touch it.

Tang Tang suddenly felt distressed, raised his palm like a knife, and slashed on Tang Mei's wrist, taking advantage of the situation to avoid the attack, but Tang Mei was unyielding, she missed the sword, and immediately continued to attack. Tang Tang had no choice but to back away, but at this moment, the big beauty quickly went up to her, raised her head and slapped Bi Yuntao on the head.

"do not……"

Tang Tang hurriedly supported the woman's arm, and Tang Mei's cold air also arrived, hitting Tang Tang's back directly, making her shiver from the cold, and staggering on her feet.

"I'm provoking someone!"

Tang Tang wanted to cry now, he couldn't do it at all, and he had to stop them from doing it, but he couldn't use his hands to stop them from doing it. At this moment, Tang Tang felt that he was the most wronged person in the whole world. This shit has been tossed!

Since he couldn't let that big beauty go, naturally he had to do it by himself.

Those Tang Tang's special skills are definitely not used, but some high-end products can still be used.


With a pinch of his fingertips, an extra fireball appeared in Tang Tang's hand, and when it flew towards Tang Mei, another burst of flames and lightning struck out in the air.

Although not many people know this trick, it can be regarded as one of the signature spells of Thunder and Fire Dual Cultivation. Tang Tang is not afraid that it will be associated with him. Sure enough, Tang Mei didn't have any special expression, just silent luck and cold ice art , Turning off the flames and burning thunder.

However, apart from these two tricks, Tang Tang couldn't think of anything else on his body, so he could only smash it with Lie Yanlei. However, Tang Tang didn't have much time, and Tang Mei's disciples behind him had already caught up.

But at this moment, Tang Tang slapped himself on the head fiercely, what kind of fight did he have with Tang Mei? He couldn't explain it to Tang Xin and Tang Taluo, and he watched those two women kill a lot The disciples of the Tang Sect couldn't give a reasonable explanation at all. This matter involved a lot, many sects and gangs had been slaughtered, and Tang Tang didn't want to expose the reincarnation of Feng Qiuhuang.

But it doesn't matter to Tang Mei, this guy definitely believes in her unconditionally, if she doesn't want to say it, she will never ask why or what happened.

The problem now is how to make Tang Mei recognize her. After all, Tang Xin was fighting with the big beauty nearby, so Tang Tang couldn't just pull off the mask and show Tang Mei.

Gritting his teeth, Tang Tang gritted his teeth and flew towards Tang Mei.

This action immediately startled Tang Mei. You must know that everything Tang Tang showed just now was a pure Dharma cultivator. How could a Dharma cultivator take the initiative to get close to a weapon soul master? Isn't this courting death?
Doubtful, the sword that Tang Mei thrust forward was not very sharp, it just urged the arrogant Nine Layers Heavenly Soul to freeze Tang Tang, and Tang Tang didn't care about the cold, he just hit Tang Mei's body and grabbed Tang Mei fiercely. her wrist.

"It's me!" Close to Tang Mei, Tang Tang immediately whispered: "That little girl in Ciyun Nunnery who can't laugh or cry!"

Before the epoch, the sisters chatted about almost everything. I don't know who made up this sentence to run on Tang Tang. Only the sisters knew about it. Therefore, Tang Mei was stunned when she heard it.

"I'll explain to you later." Tang Tang hurriedly brought her back to her senses and said, "Let me go first."

As soon as the words fell, Tang Tang slapped Tang Mei on the chest. The eldest sister was also very cooperative, as if she had been hit by a big truck, she fell five or six meters with her buttocks, and fell directly into the toilet. The bushes went.

This flop was as fake as it could be. Fortunately, Tang Xin didn't have time to keep an eye on them. After Tang Mei was settled, Tang Tang took two or three strides, ran to the edge of the cliff, and jumped down. Naturally, the two women had no intention of fighting, and after forcing Tang Xin back with a palm, they followed Tang Tang and jumped off the cliff.

Tang Xin panicked immediately, and ran to the edge of the cliff to look.

It's a pity that the cliff is at least hundreds of meters away, and it's night now. When I lower my head and look down, it's completely dark. You can see things ten meters away at most within your eyes. How can you see the murderer? head shadow.

And Tang Tang fell freely for a while, then summoned the flying Horcrux, and quickly flew around the cliff towards the front mountain.

After coaxing and deceiving the two queens back to the black gold sword box, Tang Tang tore off his mask and the shark-tooth veil. After thinking about it, he felt that it was still not safe, so he found a few more pieces of equipment to replace. After looking at his outfit, he felt that there would be no cheating, and the contented imperial weapon walked along the mountain road towards the peak.

Along the way, many people greeted Tang Tang. The little girl's reputation in the Tang Sect was second to none. Whether she was envious, jealous, or disdainful, she always showed a little respect on the surface. However, more people looked sad. Indeed, this time the Tang Sect lost too badly. Not to mention that Tang Tang didn't see it, there were 600 Tang Sect disciples who were killed on the mountain road. There is only one person on the other side, and she was allowed to run away. In this way, it is really depressing.

"I'm here!" Tang Tang was also a little ashamed, but still he could only bite the bullet and climb to the top of the mountain, greeted Tang Taro and Tang Xin, and then waved to the eldest sister Tang Mei as a gesture, and then Continued: "How is it, has anyone caught it?"

Tang Taro shook his head and said, "Run away."

Tang worked hard and said with a smile: "This result is actually expected. This guy has appeared so many times, who has caught it? It's just that this time it's our Tangmen's turn to be unlucky. Hey, I thought that the murderer The head disappeared for a while, and this matter will end here, it seems that it is not that simple, and I don’t know what the murderous intention of that person who is so full of the world is.”

"It's meaningless, it's just that the two women are bored." Tang Tang muttered in his heart, and then said, "What should we do now?"

Tang Xin said: "Let's go, what can we do if everyone has run away? Fortunately, we are not the first unlucky ones, and we probably won't be the last ones. It won't be too embarrassing. Let's appease everyone. We have been so unlucky at night. It's been tiring for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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