The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 541 Chapter 544 Gods and Demons Secret Realm Wheel Stamp Space

Chapter 541 Chapter 544 Gods and Demons Secret Realm Reincarnation Space (5 more)
Tang Tang nodded, this is the strength of Tang Taro and Tang Xin, and quietly made a gesture to the elder sister Tang Mei to turn around, Tang Tang left Zhixiu Mountain and returned to Mingyue City, in a room in an inn , took out the Samsara Phoenix Qiuhuang, she now has too many things to figure out.

"Okay..." Tang Tang pointed at the sword box and said, "Come out, I think we should have a good chat, at least I have survived three tribulations now, it is indeed beyond your expectations, I should be qualified to know something, right? "

"Of course!" The black gold sword box flashed red, and two women, one big and one small, appeared in front of Tang Tang. The big beauty sat down and said, "What do you want to know?"

"Then I'll wait to see how you cut through the thorns. Before you pass the tribulation and see the way of heaven, don't bother our sisters. Sister, let's go!" Tang Tang imitated what the woman in front of him said to himself Seeing the other party's face suddenly darken, Tang Tang hurriedly sat down obediently, and said honestly: "I think it's up to me to ask, what should I know!"

The woman nodded and said: "Okay, let me ask you first, you have survived the third catastrophe, so why are you still here? You are a saint, and this is the human world, not the holy world! "

"Huh?" Tang Tang froze for a moment, then revealed a look of surprise, slammed the table and said, "Yes, I've always felt strange after I survived the catastrophe, but I haven't figured out why it's so strange, and now I finally understand , I should feel the call of the holy world, I should go to the holy world, why am I still here?"

After Tang Tang finished asking, he felt a little stupid again. Originally, the woman was asking him, but in the end it turned into asking him back. The funny thing is that it is still the same question.

However, it was rare that the woman did not lose her temper, but calmly uttered three words: "The well of gods and demons!"


The woman had a rare good temper, and Tang Tang also became obedient and behaved rarely, and after a promise, he waited quietly for the next article.

The little girl laughed and interjected, "The well of gods and demons is the only channel that connects the two worlds of the holy and the devil. The two sides of the holy and the devil have set up many obstacles inside and sent heavy troops to defend it. It is strictly forbidden for the creatures of the two worlds to pass through. 300 years ago, the guardian god The two people in the Demon Well are Fudo Ming Wang and Gu Rong. They guard the entrances of the Holy Realm and the Demon Realm respectively. In addition, there is an enchantment at the entrance of the Well of Gods and Demons. Ordinary people cannot enter and leave. The door of the Well of Gods and Demons was wide open, and finally the Seven Shrek Monsters of the Tang Sect descended the entire Tang Sect to suppress the entrance and set up a seal. After that, the Well of Gods and Demons was completely sealed, and neither gods nor demons could pass through."

"Under the Tang gate?" Tang Tang was stunned. Isn't the passage to the holy world a golden desert?When will a well of gods and demons come out?Although a little confused, Tang Tang still asked: "Since the entrance is blocked, wouldn't I be unable to go to the Holy Realm? Then what kind of Douluo am I?"

The little beauty giggled and said: "You are not a Douluo in the first place, but you have just survived the three tribulations. Even if the Shenmo Well has not been sealed, you can't beat the guards guarding it. , going to the Holy Realm is just a low-level Eucharist.”

"Cut, I don't care about it." Tang Tang insisted: "Everyone in the world wants to live forever, but they don't know how happy they are."

After Tang Tang finished speaking, the big beauty frowned. She had always disliked Tang Tang's laziness.

However, after frowning, the woman still said: "If you can seal it, of course you can untie it."

This is very reasonable, and after Tang Tang heard it, he already felt that he had grasped something secretly, but he didn't speak, but waited for the woman to continue talking, anyway, he had already spoken, it was impossible just to appease his appetite That's all.

The beautiful woman continued: "The conditions for opening the well of gods and demons are the ten magic weapons, the ten heaven and earth spirit treasures, the five wonders of the heaven and earth, and the three holy objects!"

"I know the top ten magical soldiers and the top ten spiritual treasures, the five wonders of the day..." Tang Tang took out the fire soul beads and earth soul beads and said, "Could it be this thing?"

The little beauty nodded and said, "That's right, the five spirits of heaven and earth are five soul beads."

Tang Tang said, "What about the three sacred objects?"

The little beauty said: "Five Poison Beads, Holy Spirit Beads, Jade Buddha Beads!"

Tang Tang thought for a while and said, "What about the Holy Demon Atlas? The Ten Great Immortal Soldiers, the Ten Great Treasures, the Five Wonders of Heaven and Earth, and the Three Sacred Objects. It happens to be 28 pieces. It just so happens that the number of stars in all directions is also the number 28. I don't think this is true. A kind of coincidence, or in other words, to open the well of gods and demons, you need all the people who have been listed in the catalog of the gods and demons?"

"Hey, you're not stupid." The little beauty held her chin and said, "Simply put, the Holy Devil Catalog is the door, and those things are the keys. As for who can climb the Holy Demon Catalog, that doesn't matter."

Tang Tang said: "I don't understand."

The beautiful woman said: "When all the stars in the Holy Demon Atlas appear, the seal of the God and Demon Well will appear, and to unlock the seal and open the God and Demon Well, you need the things I said. As for the Holy Demon Atlas It doesn't matter who is included in the record. Take you as an example, you have the reincarnation Phoenix Qiuhuang, the Earth Soul Orb, and the Fire Soul Orb in your hand. If all the talents on the record can open the well of gods and demons, then at least three people have already been eliminated. If we want us to recognize the Lord, at least we have to go through three tribulations. Therefore, the person who is recognized by the Holy Demon Atlas and who has been granted the star is our first choice. Of course, it is not the only choice. He is only qualified to let us recognize the Lord. Can you Success depends on whether you can pass the test."

Tang Tang smiled and said, "No wonder you want me to go through three catastrophes before coming to you. It turns out that this is the minimum requirement, but now it seems that I have done a good job?"

Tang Tang sorted out his thoughts for a while, and generally understood.

The function of the Holy Demon Atlas is actually similar to an hourglass. When all the stars on the Holy Demon Atlas are listed, the God and Demon Well can be opened. However, this time is too random, and no one knows how long it will take. 28 Three Tribulations players, secondly, of course, to collect those things.

"Should I sell the Earth Soul Orb?" Tang Tang muttered with drooling saliva, and said in a whimsical way: "As long as this news is spread, the Earth Soul Orb will definitely fetch a high price, 50 gold coins? 100 million gold coins? I'm afraid there will be many people interested in Ascension to the Holy Realm, right?"

"It's not as simple as you think." The big beauty gave Tang Tang a look and said, "This is a cruel war. You can only move forward by stepping on other people's bones. This is a road destined to be bloody."

Tang Tang's pupils shrank, but he didn't speak.

The big beauty continued: "It's very simple, there are 28 things, that is to say, there are 28 people who are qualified to participate in this battle. As for why it is called a battle, because only one person can enter the well of gods and demons. The moment you enter, the well of gods and demons will be closed, and all things will be scattered in the human world, looking for the next owner. In addition, the top ten magic soldiers and the top ten treasures have gone through thousands of years in the world, and they all have weapon spirits. For us Said, this is also a battle, no one wants their master to be the loser."

Tang Tang was stunned and said, "That is to say, if I want to pass through the well of gods and demons, then I need to kill other people?"

The little beauty interjected with a smile: "No, the war is starting now, you can snatch it, as long as you kill those who own these things and snatch them from their hands, that's all if you get all of them by yourself Then you can open the well of gods and demons with your own power, anyway, there is always only one person who can go to the holy world or the demon world in the end."

"It's really a cruel condition." Tang Tang curled her lips, and said immediately: "However, I think this matter seems to be in the long run. If you don't talk about us, how can we make you willing to recognize the Lord?"

The big beauty said: "If you understand the meaning of reincarnation..."

"Stop!" Tang Tang hurriedly interrupted him, "Tell me another way."

The big beauty said: "I think you should still consider my suggestion. As long as you can cut through the dust and understand reincarnation, you don't need to take the test, and I think it will be good for you. Anyone who can abandon everything, her Your will will be firmer than ever before, your cultivation will also increase greatly, and you will also bring out our full strength."

"If you're not crazy, you can't survive?" Tang Tang licked the corner of her mouth, even she felt a little hideous, and said harshly: "I said that if I can survive the three calamities, I will definitely be able to survive, so I will tell you now , I will definitely be able to pass your damn test, and I will also make you willingly submit to me, not that what you say is correct, fists are the only ones."

The big beauty said indifferently: "Don't you think about it again? Your friends are all doing that, so they only have two kalpas of cultivation, but the magic weapons in their hands are willing to lend them part of their strength, Your cultivation is far better than theirs, and you can do better than them."

"The things I decide will never change." Tang Tang waved his hands impatiently: "What is the test?"

The big beauty said: "You can survive in the reincarnation space, do you want to go?"

Just as Tang Tang was about to speak, the little beauty grabbed Tang Tang and said, "Don't go, you won't survive now."

The big beauty didn't say much, but just looked at Tang Tang indifferently. To be honest, Tang Tang was very unhappy with that slightly provocative look, and she really wanted to go to the reincarnation space right now, but Tang Tang still Very sensible, she has seen Tang Xin's Sword of Judgment, and Tang Mei's Nine Tribulations Sword, just a part of its power is enough to scare people, Feng Qiuhuang, as a fairy weapon, must have the same power Where to go, the difficulty of the test is measured by power, it is indeed impossible for Tang Tang to handle it now.

Secondly, Tang Tang always felt that the little beauty was good to him. In her words, Tang Tang was more fun, so Tang Tang felt that her words were more credible, and she didn't want to lose a fun guy.

After pondering for a moment, Tang Tang said, "Do I have a choice?"

The big beauty said: "You are free, you can choose the time to enter the reincarnation space by yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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