Chapter 542 Chapter 545
When he heard that he could choose to enter the reincarnation space by himself, Tang Tang nodded. He was quite satisfied with the answer, and immediately hit the railroad: "Also, can we discuss it, if you are bored, you can come out at any time, but it is best Not when I'm asleep, of course, you can kill people if you want, but if you do it, I have to choose the opponent."

The big beauty immediately hooked the corners of her lips and said, "Little girl, do you want to borrow our strength?"

Tang Tang spread his hands and said, "Can it relieve your boredom? Besides, you can refuse, but I can't force you."

"I agree, I agree, I agree..." The little beauty immediately shouted, "Staying in the sword box is so boring."

The woman seemed to love her sister very much, touching the little beauty's head was a compromise.

Tang Tang said: "Then what are your names? In terms of appearance, no one can know that you are tool souls, so you two only need one name."

"My name is Xiao Wu!"

When the beautiful woman opened her mouth lightly, Tang Tang immediately curled her lips. She knew that this woman was still dissatisfied with her choice. From this point of view, Tang Tang should actually feel happy. At least this woman is also very optimistic about herself, otherwise she would not I'll talk to myself, but it's a pity that Tang Tang never admits that he is a good person, but he also has certain principles. It is absolutely impossible to cut off the fate of the world.

And the little beauty chirped and said with a smile: "My name is Ning Rongrong, you can call me Rongrong."

Tang Tang had no objection to the names of the two of them, but Tang Tang thought it was very appropriate.

But some other things made Tang Tang think deeply.

Eldest sister Tang Mei already has the Nine Tribulations Sword. If she can make her elder sister surrender, then it will not be difficult to survive the Three Tribulations. Bing, what should I do if only myself and Tang Mei are left in the end?
"Then leave it to her."

After a while, Tang Tang suddenly laughed. Compared with Sheng Sheng, Tang Tang wanted to know if someone would show up in the Demon Well!
Moreover, it is too early to talk about this matter now, Tang Tang has more important things to do right now.

Conquer the demons!

When Tang Tang went to the Mozu before, he had fought against the three masters of the Mozu.

The evil monk showed very little. Tang Tang only knew that he was proficient in Buddhist supernatural powers, and secondly, his skills were not weak, but that was all. If the evil monk had no more powerful means, Tang Tang would not be afraid of him, The black-hearted grandma made Tang Tang unable to see through, especially the cold air in her hand that could freeze even fire smoke and sword air, it was really weird, which made Tang Tang care a little bit. As for Iron Invincible, that guy is Lei Xiu, of course , these words are somewhat derogatory. Iron Invincible is definitely the leader among Leixiu. Not to mention his spell power is terrifying, but he is also an alternative Leixiu who can fight in close combat. Almost, although the methods of the two are different, they are both far and near, very comprehensive Dharma cultivation, trying to make up for the shortcomings, and at the same time fully display the strengths of Dharma cultivation.

However, after going through the three tribulations, Tang Tang's attributes have been greatly improved, especially the damage has been increased a lot, and after the soul value has increased by [-] points, the sword formation of the Star Soul Formation can be used three times in a row, and at the same time, he can use the combination of five soul weapons. With Yi's Star Soul Formation, and the Sun and Moon Reincarnation Banner Picture, Tang Tang's current strength can be said to be impressive for three days. If the three of them are really the three strongest in the demon clan, then Tang Tang The confidence that he can inherit the inheritance of the demon king is absolutely full.

However, before going to the Demon Race, Tang Tang still has two things to do.

The first thing is of course to go to Xueyin Village to find the blacksmith, and the second thing is to be happy!
Tang Tang definitely did not imprison the remnant soul of the Huanxi Demon, and it was actually Samsara Fengqiuhuang who killed the Huanxi Demon at that time, so if there was something tricky, it must have come from those two women.

Therefore, Tang Tang also mentioned it very tactfully. Sure enough, the remnant soul of the Huanxi Demon was trapped in the reincarnation Phoenix Qiuhuang. The remnant soul escaped, but managed to attach itself to Feng Qiuhuang, didn't it mean that the old birthday star hanged himself because he thought he had a long life?

Fortunately, those two women were really bored in the sword, so they didn't kill the pitiful Huanximo, but locked him in the reincarnation space to tease him and pass away the boring things. Now Tang Tang has reached an agreement with them, Let them come out to play from time to time, and the remnant soul of the Demon of Joy will naturally be unnecessary.

Tang Tang contacted One Next One Kill, and this guy ran over immediately.

"I will release the remnant soul of the Demon of Joy, but it's up to you whether you can take the opponent or not. Don't blame me for not reminding you. That guy's real body is an evil dragon. Even if he loses his body now, That is also the strength of the peak of the Second Tribulation, if you can't handle it, don't rely on me."

When One Step and One Kill arrived, the two randomly found a backcountry, and Tang Tang patted One Step and One Kill on the shoulder and said.

"Don't worry!" Step by step said: "It might be mine."

Now that he was confident in one step at a time, Tang Tang didn't say much, nodded, and released the Demon of Joy from Samsara Phoenix Qiuhuang.

"Haha, I'm back, I finally saw the sun again..."

A blue smoke slowly rose from Fengqiuhuang, and then condensed into a shape, it really looked like a Demon of Joy.

And the Joyful Demon who had seen the light of day also roared crazily, obviously being tossed and confused in Feng Qiuhuang's reincarnation space, but unfortunately, even if this guy is released, it may not be a good thing.

"I think..." Tang Tang said: "After a while, you should feel that it is better to be imprisoned."

Huanxi Demon's expression froze for a moment, and when he turned around, his eyes turned red when he saw Tang Tang's appearance, and he roared angrily, "You are the little girl who spoiled my good deeds, I must kill you today, I will kill you... ..."

Huanximo's mana surged, and with his overwhelming anger, he rushed towards Tang Tang like a wave, but at this moment, Tang Tang waved his hand indifferently.

The galloping mana stagnated abruptly.

Tang Tang didn't use any special tricks, he just counterattacked with mana.

Huanxi Demon's face immediately became extremely ugly, and he couldn't believe it: "Damn it, how did you become so powerful? Back then you were no match for me, back then..."

"What was it back then?" Tang Tang waved his hand and said, "You are so outdated, don't you know that people can make progress? Oh, I forgot, you are just a remnant soul now, but don't worry, I don't intend to Fight with you, your opponent is there, if you win him, you will be free, if you lose..."

Tang Tang laughed mischievously twice, and the result was self-evident.

The Demon of Joy shuddered, and when he looked back, he found that one step at a time was already surging with blood, and the bloodthirsty sword that wanted to devour people was standing with the sword.

"A disciple of the sword demon?" Huanximo said angrily: "Your master sword demon has never been my opponent, so you, a junior, want to provoke me?"

One step one kill didn't talk too much, just hooked his fingers provocatively, and the Joyful Demon immediately rushed towards one step one kill in a rage, and then, the blood was all over, and the two fought into a ball.

Tang Tang yawned and watched the battle from the sidelines.

To be honest, Tang Tang really doesn't like Huanximo now. When he was overseas, he only had one calamity, and Huanximo was the pinnacle of the second calamity. For Tang Tang, he was an insurmountable existence. Now, is Huanximo really It's not worth mentioning, let's not say that Huanximo doesn't even have a physical body now, and his strength has plummeted. Even if he still has the same strength as when he was overseas, he is not Tang Tang's opponent at all.

It's a pity that there is a mission attached to him in one step and one kill, and he has to kill the Huanxi Demon himself. If not, it is not impossible for Tang Tang to help. It seems that there is no one who has survived the Three Tribulations, right?The original Mozun Titan was just the peak of the Second Tribulation.

However, this also made Tang Tang a little confused. She has gone through three tribulations, and the reality of Tang Tang's character attributes is no longer a human, but a saint. Of course, because she cannot go to the holy world through the gods and demons well, she Now he can only be regarded as a quasi-sage, but he is still a saint anyway. Is there any point in inheriting the inheritance of the Demon Lord?
"Forget it, in order to be able to pick up the Samsara Phoenix Qiuhuang, I can't let go of any opportunity to improve my strength!"

Clenching his fists, Tang Tang secretly made up his mind.

But also at this time...

The one-step-one-kill and the Huanximo are almost the same winner. Although the Huanximo should be much better than the one-step-one-kill at his peak, he is just a remnant soul after all, and the one-step one-kill is at least a master of the peak of the second robbery. At the same time, because of the relationship between the remnant soul, the Huanxi Demon has no influence in the reincarnation space, but in Yangjian, it is natural that the more you fight, the weaker you become, and step by step, one kill is holding a bloodthirsty sword. After the move, the Demon of Joy was pierced through the chest with one step, one kill and one blow.

Huanximo is really cunning, seeing that he is definitely unable to fight, he wants to escape again, pretending to fly high in the air, making a desperate posture, but suddenly turns around and walks away.

"Yo, why did you want to run away before the winner was decided?" Tang Tang grinned, grabbed it casually, and the mana on his body exploded, like an invisible big hand grabbing the joy demon, making him unable to move, Tang Tang laughed and said : "Is this trick familiar? That's how you beat me back then! Although people often say that you have to forgive others and forgive others, it's a pity that I am narrow-minded and hold grudges very much."

With one step and one kill, he jumped up suddenly, and a bloody light appeared on the tip of the sword, and he cut the Huanxi Demon in half with his sword.

This former overseas hero, a mythical figure who has traveled overseas for decades, finally died.

(End of this chapter)

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