Chapter 543 Chapter 546
Walking back to Tang Tang, he took one step at a time and said, "I owe you a favor. Whenever you need it, just ask."

"Just right, I'm going to step into the Heavenly Demon Valley with blood, are you interested?" Tang Tang continued, seeing his face showing embarrassment, "Of course, you can go back overseas first, I know, you are only short of the last step to inherit Sword Demon inheritance, no one can calm down in this situation."

"Thank you!" Without being pretentious, he nodded at Tang Tang, took out the teleportation talisman and said, "I will rush to Tianmo Valley as soon as possible."

In fact, it's not that Tang Tang didn't have bad thoughts, such as detaining the remnant soul of the Huanxi Demon, so as to keep him by his side. To be honest, after getting along with him for a while, Tang Tang is also very clear about this guy's strength It's still very good. At the Holy Demon Conference, if you didn't abstain from one step and one kill, you might really be a strong opponent. It is naturally a good thing to have such a helper. However, although the reason for the two to come together is not harmonious, it is also They are friends, but with Tang Tang's character, he can't do this kind of thing to his friends.

After sending away with one step and one kill, Tang Tang also released Jiao to let him breathe. He was also a restless guy. He stepped on J's back, and Tang Tang headed towards Xueyin Village.

"Life must be full of joy in this world, and you can roam freely in the world with your sword..."

Laughing and chanting for a long time, Yan stepped on all fours, bringing out a flame in the air, and then swept across the sky.


In Xueyin Village, it is natural that the wind and snow are still there.

Tang Tang has been here several times, so he is naturally familiar with the way, and went straight into the blacksmith's shop.

Topless, not afraid of the cold, the blacksmith was forging iron, and when he took a closer look, it turned out to be just a hatchet.

Sometimes, Tang Tang is also very curious, what is so special about this Xueyin Village that can attract so many strange people and strangers to live here, like the blacksmith in front of me, not to mention other things, but his ability, definitely never He is a person who is on the side of vertical and horizontal, and he is willing to fight with a hatchet here!

"Here?" Throwing the hatchet into the ice water to cool it down, the blacksmith looked up at Tang Tang, and then his eyes lit up and said, "Quasi-sage?"

Tang Tang grinned and said, "I'm ready."

The blacksmith wiped his hands with a cloth and said with a smile, "Are you interested in giving me two tricks first?"


Tang Tang showed doubts. She didn't deny that the blacksmith was very powerful, because he was able to throw those demon cultivators out of the village with his bare hands, so he could use his skills. However, he probably didn't survive the three calamities. ?

After confirming it, seeing that the blacksmith really wanted to fight him, Tang Tang curled his lips and walked out of the blacksmith's shop.

The two stood still, but the blacksmith was not polite, he signaled that he was going to do something, and then suddenly jumped forward.

"So fast!"

Tang Tang only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and saw a footprint several inches deep suddenly appeared on the snow where the blacksmith was standing just now, and he disappeared suddenly. When he reappeared, he was already in front of him. He raised his eyes , and saw that huge fist had arrived in front of him.

This blow was quite impressive.

Tang Tang's thoughts turned all over, and he knew that he would never be able to hide. Even if he reacted at such a distance, it would be very difficult to avoid. At most, he could block it, but he was too passive, so he simply robbed the fire dragon scale and moved down Shen...

"Break out!"

The moment the blacksmith punched down, Tang Tang's body also disappeared suddenly. He used the fire-robbing dragon scales to shatter the void, and jumped ten meters away. Unexpectedly, Tang Tang had just dodged, and the blacksmith's toes were on the snow. Unexpectedly, he chased ten meters vigorously, twisted his body flexibly in the air, and then turned around and raised his leg to sweep towards Tang Tang's waist.

With a muffled sound, the only movement Tang Tang could make was to sink the sword down, sticking his arm out of the sword body, trying to block the kick, but was also kicked sideways by the strength of that leg Sliding up and down for a few meters was enough to stabilize his figure.

Normally speaking, strength is directly inversely proportional to agility. Just like Tang Tang's many years of training, it is not difficult to suddenly increase his explosive power by several times, but Tang Tang only regards martial arts as a kind of fitness. It's just that Tang Tang doesn't want herself to become bulky. She practices kung fu for the purpose of lasting physical strength, not for a sudden burst of heat for 3 minutes.

However, this is the Soul Realm, and there will always be some unbelievable things happening in the Soul Realm.

The speed and agility displayed by the blacksmith are definitely not inversely proportional to the powerful combat power that erupted. Tang Tang couldn't help but put away his peeping heart. It can be seen that when this guy dealt with the demon cultivators last time Not doing our best.

"In this case, let's have fun with you." With a wave of Tang Tang's hand, the five star horcruxes emitted bursts of sword sounds, and they were arranged in a row in front of Tang Tang, and Tang Tang smiled and blinked Said: "Your family has a unique skill."

The blacksmith was also grinned by Tang Tang's silly and innocent expression, but his smile was really not very good-looking, and then he hooked his hands at Tang Tang, indicating that she could attack at will.

Tang Tang was not too polite, and the sword art with both hands changed, and the five star horcruxes went towards the blacksmith like poisonous snakes.

In many people's impressions, Tang Tang's moves are fast, and he thinks so, how can a person who controls five Horcruxes at the same time be unhappy in his moves!

However, only those who have really fought against Tang Tang will understand that Tang Tang's shots are not only fast, but also extremely tricky.

The five star horcruxes attacked the blacksmith from five directions respectively, so it was already quite difficult to defend against, and they could only dodge with all their strength, but the five star horcruxes changed positions very cleverly, almost completely closing the dodgeable area. There is a gap, moreover, Tang Tang's five star horcruxes don't fly in a straight line, some are positive and negative arcs, and some are even snake-shaped!
The blacksmith just received the sword and suffered a loss. Originally, his palm wanted to grab a water horcrux, but when he was about to grab the hilt, the water horcrux swayed from side to side like a loach. , abruptly pierced through the blacksmith's palm, and cut a bloodstain on the blacksmith's palm. Immediately afterwards, the two horcruxes rushed towards the next three directions, and at the same time, the flames of the fire horcrux flickered. , but at some point, he had already circled behind the blacksmith, and pierced the blacksmith's back with a sword.

The blacksmith's eyes were also piercing, what does it mean that one wrong move will lose everything?He is now!

After being surrounded by Tang Tang's five star horcruxes, it is indeed extremely difficult to escape.

However, it can be shaken away!

"Evil Dao Heavenly Seal!"

The blacksmith spread out his hands and closed them violently in front of his chest. A round of strange gray characters appeared behind his back, and the dark red blood light flowed around the blacksmith's side. Sweep away directly.

"Evil Dao Heavenly Seal!"

The blacksmith roared, and the weird characters rose into the air, turning into a square and square big seal in the air, which continued to grow, and became like a hill, crashing down towards the top of Tang Tang's head.

"I'll go, you're serious, don't you want to kill me?" Tang Tang cursed brokenly, but also said the sword formula in a low voice: "Sword Qi is vertical and horizontal!"

The five star horcruxes returned to Tang Tang's side in an instant, followed Tang Tang's fingertips, and flew towards the evil seal in the air. The five spirits returned to one magic gold, and instantly burst open, turning into countless gold The sword energy, like a ball of golden fireworks blooming, collided fiercely with the evil seal.


There was a loud bang, and the colliding star Horcrux and the evil seal were blown away at the same time, and the huge force continued to hit the surroundings. Tang Tang stepped back again and again, then suddenly raised his leg high, and slammed down hard With one step, one foot passed through the several inches of snow, stepped on the ground, and sunk one leg deep in it, and then stabilized his figure.

In comparison, the blacksmith was much lighter. When the strength spread out to the surroundings, he casually made a crimson evil mark, which deeply offset the strength. Except for his clothes flying, There is no look of embarrassment.


Tang Tang licked his lips. If he said that he was just playing for fun, Tang Tang's fighting spirit is now aroused. The strength shown by the blacksmith is not just the peak of the second calamity. You know, after passing the third calamity, While the damage is increasing, the power of the soul ability is not the same as before, and it is by no means so easy to take over.

"Then let's try other things!" Tang Tang's hand formula changed: "Huo Wu..."

"Wait!" Seeing that Tang Tang was about to make a move, the blacksmith waved his hand to stop Tang Tang and said, "That's enough, let's go here, I don't want to see you melt all the snow on Daxue Mountain."

Tang Tang was taken aback, but still stopped, and withdrew the sword formula, and the scorching heat in the air disappeared in an instant.

Following behind the blacksmith, the two returned to the blacksmith shop.

After sitting down, the blacksmith said to Tang Tang: "You are already a quasi-sage, and you have been sealed as a star. It is said that your cultivation base should be higher than mine. The Star Soul Formation is also a sword formula that is not inferior to Xieyin, but you still fight hard. But I, do you know why?"

Tang Tang curled her lips, wanting to say that she couldn't beat it, obviously she hadn't tried her best, okay?
However, Tang Tang also knows that this is not the time to be serious. It is said that the current scene is actually familiar to many people. Yes, when a certain master wants to accept apprentices, or when he will pass on the mantle, he seems to have such a tone. !
Thinking of the evil seal, Tang Tang was still drooling. I don't know if that move is a magic formula or a soul skill. It feels very powerful!
The problem is, how to answer is a big problem. If the answer satisfies the other party, then the other party may shake his head and say: I have nothing to do with you. Unfortunately, it is a pity. If the answer satisfies the other party, the other party may say: This son's aptitude is excellent, today I will teach you the magic power of immortality!
Tang Tang glanced at the blacksmith with bulging muscles. Although he felt that it was disgusting to think about being destined to have a share with such a devilish muscular man, Shu Li, Tang Tang felt sick again when he thought of the unworldly magic It's worth it at all.

"That..." Tang Tang hesitated for a long time before thinking of a relatively reliable answer and asked, "The difference in fighting skills?"

(End of this chapter)

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