The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 544 Chapter 547: The Evil Monk, Heir of the Evil King Ling Tian

Chapter 544 Chapter 547: The Evil Monk, Heir of the Evil King Ling Tian (3 more)
The blacksmith looked strange and said: "Haven't you heard the saying that one force can reduce ten meetings?"

Tang Tang scratched her head, knowing that her answer was wrong, but the blacksmith's correct answer made her vomit blood even more.

"It's just a question of cultivation. Those with higher cultivation will naturally be stronger." The blacksmith said, "You can't beat me because your cultivation is not as high as mine."

The corners of Tang Tang's eyes twitched immediately, and he cursed secretly: Damn the setting, what kind of bloody plot is this!

However, Tang Tang was also a little curious: "It's impossible for the cultivation base of the second calamity to be higher than that of the third calamity, right?"

The blacksmith laughed and said: "This is what I want you to know. There are many people in the human world. They have cultivated for thousands of years, and their cultivation level is no worse than quasi-sages, and even some holy kings who have already ascended. They It's just that each has its own reasons, so it's just to suppress the cultivation base and avoid the catastrophe. The difference between you and you is only a magic spirit or weapon soul in a perfect state. If you only talk about cultivation base, they will live longer than You are several times, or even dozens of times, accumulated over time, and you will never be weaker than you. Now that you are a quasi-sage, you have few opponents in the human world, but it is not absolute. You should be careful in everything, remember!"

Tang Tang thought for a while, and roughly understood the meaning. Players have reputation points, but from the perspective of NPCs, this is not a virtual world, but a real three thousand world. Naturally, they don't know what it is. Prestige points, but the practice of suppressing cultivation should be the same as players deliberately suppressing prestige points, just like Tang Taro and Tang Xin, as far as Tang Tang knows, the two of them started to increase their prestige after the second catastrophe When there were only a few thousand left to brush, they immediately stopped and forcibly suppressed it, because they still didn't have the confidence to survive the three catastrophes.

However, those blacksmiths who force their cultivation base to avoid the catastrophe are obviously not afraid of the catastrophe. Like the blacksmith's strength, Tang Tang doesn't believe that he can't succeed in the catastrophe. Of course, this is easier to understand. Things that cannot be left behind, family affection, friendship, love, isn't there a saying that is good, only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals, and not everyone will be very attached to Ascension to the Holy Realm.

"The juniors have been taught!"

Tang Tang saluted the blacksmith respectfully. He also knew that the blacksmith was doing it for his own good, and the most real thing is to experience it with his body.

The blacksmith continued: "You are going to the Heavenly Demon Valley. As I said, I can accompany you, but I'm afraid I won't be able to leave right now. As I told you just now, many people force their cultivation to avoid the catastrophe. I It's the same, but I don't want my cultivation to break through again a few days ago, and the spirit of the law has been enlightened. Chase, what I said will naturally be fulfilled, so I found someone to accompany you to the Demon Race instead of me."

The blacksmith clapped his hands, and the curtain in the backyard of the blacksmith's shop was opened, and a figure came out with a sword in hand.

"I'm going, it's you." Tang Tang was stunned, and then immediately gritted his teeth and opened his posture and said, "Well come, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and if there is no way to hell, you break in. I want to see today. What is the ability to escape from here."

The one who walked out was none other than the evil monk with bald head and blind eyes.

The blacksmith casually stretched out his hand, grabbed Tang Tang's wrist and said, "Don't do anything, he is my inheritor, so he can be regarded as my disciple. Although what you inherited is not my inheritance, the Star Soul Formation is also my family's inheritance. Things, to put it bluntly, you are still half brothers and sisters."

"Damn!" Tang Tang said, "I don't want to be a monk anymore, and I can't become a layman now."

"Do you think I look like a monk?" The blacksmith laughed hoarsely, and then said: "Although he inherits my inheritance, he is from the Demon Race Temple of Foul Blood, so he is naturally a monk. Forget it, don't mention these trivial things, you Want to know who I am?"

Tang Tang nodded. He had a feeling for a long time that the blacksmith seemed to be very familiar with the demons, but he didn't pay much attention to them. There are so many evil cultivators in the demons. Even if the blacksmith was born in the demons, it is not so surprising to live here in seclusion.

The evil monk suddenly opened his mouth and said with a trace of pride: "He is the evil king Lingtian!"

"Huh?" Tang Tang pouted and said, "The evil king doesn't know, but the evil devil does."

Tang Tang's tone of voice was naturally to stimulate the evil monk, but the evil monk didn't know whether he had cultivated himself well, or he was really indifferent to everything, except when he mentioned Ling Tian's name, he faintly showed a hint of arrogance. Afterwards, the indifferent expression was restored again. Even if Tang Tang provoked with that disdainful tone, the evil monk didn't express anything, as if he didn't hear it at all.

But the blacksmith waved his hand very freely and said: "That happened more than a hundred years ago, and I haven't used this name for a long time, you can still call me blacksmith, as for who I am, hehe, the demon race has existed for thousands of years , you don’t think it’s always controlled by the Titans, do you?”

Tang Tang's expression froze immediately.

"That's right, before the Titans ruled the Southern Wilderness, I was the Lord of the Demon Race." The blacksmith seemed to be reminiscing about the gold and iron horses of the past, and after a long time, the sharpness in his eyes suddenly appeared: "Evil King, Ling Tian !"

Ling Tian's story is actually very simple, it is completely the growth process of an evil tycoon.

Ling Tian's ancestor, that is, the casual cultivator who ruled the world with the Star Soul Formation was not an evil cultivator of the demon race, but this one was the seed of love, and sowed rain and dew on the demon race. Therefore, Ling Tian's father He was born, born in a large tribe, and Ling Tian's mother was the daughter of the leader of the tribe. Born in such an environment, Ling Tian was instilled with the idea that he must be strong since he was a child. Only in this way can he become the leader of the tribe. , in order to allow your tribe to survive in the demon clan that preys on the weak.

Ling Tian lived with this belief, and he lived very well. On the path of heaven, Ling Tian showed an unimaginable talent. He survived the second calamity in just 30 years, and created the evil seal technique that even gods and ghosts fear. , Immediately afterwards, Ling Tian began to use his own force to conquer other tribes. After gathering dozens of tribes, Ling Tian became the biggest force of the demon tribe, until one day, the demon king, Titan Ba, appeared in the Tianmo Valley.

The fate of the evil giant is to defeat others, and then be defeated by others. Therefore, after Tai Tan defeated countless demons and evil cultivators, he went directly to Ling Tian, ​​defeated him, and established the Titan Giant City to replace Ling Tian. Become the ruler of the Omen Valley.

Afterwards, Ling Tian left the demon clan, lost the shackles of the tribe, and had no responsibility for the tribe. On the contrary, Ling Tian felt relaxed, his cultivation was increasing day by day, and he soon reached the point where he could see through the way of heaven. However, Ling Tian He has been fighting all his life, but he has no heirs. Therefore, the inheritance of the Star Soul Formation is a big problem. Although Ling Tian's ability is not weaker than the Star Soul Formation at all, the things passed down by his ancestors still have to be passed down. I hope someone can inherit it, so I forced my cultivation base to avoid the catastrophe so far.

"This is the Absolute Heaven Sword, but it's not the Absolute Absolute Sword!" The blacksmith took the Absolute Absolute Sword from the evil monk's hand and said, "There is not only one Absolute Absolute Sword, but everyone who becomes the master of the demon clan has one." You are qualified to own one, the one that has been refined into the Star Soul Formation in your hand belongs to Titan, and this one belongs to me."

After saying that, the blacksmith threw the Mozun Tianjue Sword to Tang Tang. Tang Tang took a look and found that the Tianjue Sword was damaged.

"If you can inherit the inheritance of the Demon Lord, you will be eligible to become the new Lord of the Demon Race. At that time, you will also have your own Heavenly Absolute Sword, and you will also take responsibility to suppress the Heavenly Demon Valley and protect the Heavenly Demons. Gu, this is a kind of glory, but also a kind of pain, even if you become a saint in the future, you have to find your own inheritance, so that the Heavenly Demon Valley will never die!" The blacksmith patted Tang Tang on the shoulder and said: "If you are ready , then you all set off to seize your Heavenly Absolute Sword!"

Tang Tang nodded, and left the blacksmith's shop with a resolute expression.

The evil monk bowed to the blacksmith to perform the apprentice ceremony, and then left the blacksmith shop.

Since Tang Tang has been to the Demon Race, he naturally has a recorded teleportation talisman. As for the evil monk, he was born in the Demon Valley, so how could he not have one?

He took out the teleportation talisman, made a magic formula, and the two disappeared in place.

At this time, a black cloud of robbery slowly came from the end of the snow-capped mountain.

"I've been waiting for this day for too long." The blacksmith took a bucket of strong wine, gulped it down, looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "I am the evil king!"


Heavenly Demon Valley!
Tang Tang was riding on J's back, while the evil monk was still walking on both feet, but by some means, he was able to follow J's side steadily, which surprised Tang Tang.

"It's just some heretics." The evil monk glanced at Tang Tang, as if he could see through what he was thinking, and said calmly: "My speed is not as fast as yours, and it is also worse than Ji, so you don't have to think about it with me. Let's compete."

"Ha, how do you know I care about this?" Tang Tang laughed awkwardly and said, "Actually, what I care about is that since you are a blacksmith's disciple, why didn't he teach you the Star Soul Formation? I don't care Are they all outsiders?"

The evil monk said, "I don't know how to use Horcruxes."

Tang Tang choked again, and then rolled his eyes. This is really a good reason.

The evil monk cast a glance at Tang Tang, and had no choice but to explain: "The evil king has two great skills, the first is the six evil king seals, and the second is the reincarnation formula of life and death. All of them are fists and feet. Using horcruxes is a waste. , rather than learning it and not using it, it is better to leave it to someone with predestined relationship."

"Someone with predestined relationship?" Tang Tang smiled and said, "You are indeed a monk, but, are you worthy of the Lord Buddha for killing like this?"

The evil monk said: "So, I am a monk who broke the precepts."

Tang Tang choked again, which was also a good reason.

After staring at the evil monk who was walking honestly for a while, Tang Tang shut up honestly. Talking to this bald man was too tiring, and Tang Tang was not interested in chatting with someone who was not interested in chatting, so he had to hurry on his way honestly.

(End of this chapter)

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