The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 551 Chapter 554 Forming an alliance and interests first

Chapter 551 Chapter 554 Forming an alliance and interests first (4 more)
Although the Black Mountain Demons who came to support were only cavalry riding ligers, the cavalry was not very effective in attacking the village, especially the huge size of the ligers. Shuttle, so, Dayan Zhuosheng mainly led those cavalry to find Tang Tang and the evil monk, which also made them fall at the end. When they rushed back to the Dong tribe's village, Grandma Black Heart had already led people to capture the village. Surrounded.

Without giving the Dong people any chance, Grandma Heixin did not take a decisive battle, but directly adopted a tribal war in the form of plunder, and the purpose was obvious, naturally to capture the city.

But when approaching the gate of the village, a burst of fire came from the sky, and Dayan Burning Saint was about to draw out his weapon, but Tang Tang waved his hand to stop him, and stretched out his hand to grab it, but Baiquehuang turned into a flying sword and came back.

Tang Tang was very satisfied with this. It was expected that the Sword Spirit Yuanshen could last for so long. According to Tang Tang's estimate, it would be good enough to last a cup of tea, but now Baiquehuang is holding out for a long time. doubled the time.

"Go!" Tang Tang waved at the evil monk and said, "Let's go find that woman."

When I was looking for Grandma Heixin, the woman was eating fruit in a palanquin house, with a dull expression on her face, as if she was not interested in this kind of exciting attack, but Tongtian Tower knew very well not to use this woman's Use the facial expression to guess her heart, otherwise the end will be very miserable.

"Thank you for looking up to me." Jumping on the palanquin, Tang Tang said angrily to the black-hearted grandma: "Thank you for letting me take the lead, or should I say, a cannon fodder that might become cannon fodder?"

"There's nothing wrong with that." Granny Heixin stretched out her fingers and pinched a grape temptingly and said, "At least, you should be eager to break out a tribal war. , to unify the Demon Race, then other people must think you are a lunatic, you can only get resistance, not support, you need the power to eat away at the Heavenly Demon Valley bit by bit, when you have the power to scare others, you Stand up and shout again, even if you say that Mozun Titan is a weak and ignorant guy, no one dares to refute you. Isn’t it a good time for the Heishan Demons to start a war with the Dong tribe? We have enough reasons to declare war on the Dong tribe, no one What would you doubt, and, how come you have completed the task and gained the friendship of the Black Mountain Demon Clan, our elders really hope that you can lead the Jingheishan Demon Clan to declare war on the Dong tribe.”

"Yes, that's exactly what I thought." A skinny old man beside the palanquin suddenly laughed, bowed to Tang Tang and said: "I am Dayan Cangqiong, the elder of the Black Mountain Demon Clan, I hope that you can become the eternal friend of the Black Mountain Demon Clan, and we are eager to let you lead us forward, until one day, you become the master of Titan City!"

The tribal structure of the Black Mountain Demons is relatively simple in the entire Sky Demon Valley.

The first is the patriarch, that is, the leader of the tribe, and the second is the shaman. At the same time, the shaman must be the elder of the tribe, and then there are some leaders. For example, there are five cities in the Black Mountain Demon Clan, so there are five leaders. The power of the tribe is basically gathered in the hands of these seven people.

Needless to say, the Black Mountain Demon Clan is the leader of the tribe. Moreover, because the black-hearted grandma is a player, the Black Mountain Demon Clan has no tribal heirs, and the rights are naturally more concentrated. The second is Da Yan Cangqiong, who is a shaman and a tribe elder. The two sons of Dayan Cangqiong, Dayan Zhuosheng and Dayan Qiongying, are both tribal leaders, so as long as they get the approval of Grandma Black Heart and Dayan Cangqiong, it is equivalent to the approval of the entire Black Mountain Demon Clan.

In fact, Tang Tang was very surprised why the Black Mountain Demons would help him.

Although Tang Tang didn't want to think that everyone in the world was so powerful, the truth was that there was no help for no reason in this world.

Therefore, when Tang Tang handed Julongjiao and Boalongsnake to Dayan Cangqiong, he also learned some secrets.

Interests, and only interests are a solid alliance.

Before the Demon Lord Titan, there was the evil king Lingtian. However, Lingtian only established the largest force of the demon clan, but he did not unify it. The reason is very simple. The Demon Race, then his tribe is of course the biggest beneficiary, so the only one who can truly unify the Heavenly Demon Valley is the Demon Lord Titan.

Mozun Taitan is not from a certain tribe in the Sky Demon Valley, but from the Star Luo Continent. There is no tribe behind him. After he defeated Ling Tian, ​​he established his own power - Titan Giant City.

Titan City naturally belongs to Titan, and then select powerful or potential demons from various tribes to enter Titan City. Titan will teach them different cultivation methods in exchange for the loyalty of these people, and at the same time promote these people in the tribe status, to coordinate the disputes among the major tribes, because Titan does not belong to any tribe, so the relationship between him and any tribe is not tense, and he can be as fair as possible, and he has been convinced by most tribes. Tai Tan looks like a balance, balancing the strength and relationship among all the tribes, and he has no benefit at all. In fact, because of this, Tai Tan is the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Valley, and his intentions are those of the Demon Race.

This is a way of balance.

After the death of the Titan, this balance was broken.

If you want to become the Lord of Tianmo Valley, you need strength first, and you have strength if you have the inheritance of Taitan. Moreover, if there is no accident, Taitan should be the same as Ling Tian, ​​who suppressed his cultivation base to avoid the catastrophe. Those who have ruled Tianmo Valley for hundreds of years, have power, wealth, and strength, but their cultivation has not reached the point of attracting catastrophe, it is purely a joke.

The number of people who can inherit the demon king's inheritance is very limited. Of course, they must first have the ability to inherit. Among the players, there are only black-hearted grandma, the evil monk and Tie Wudi. However, the evil monk inherits Ling Tian's inheritance. Naturally, it is impossible to inherit the inheritance of the Demon Lord, and it seems that the black-hearted grandma will not succeed, but Dayan Cangqiong is cunning and cunning, and has not disclosed the reason. As a result, the most promising player among the players to inherit the inheritance of the Demon Lord is Iron Invincible.

Secondly, strength is not enough to pass on the demon king's inheritance, it has to be able to pass the test left by the Titan, and there are not many people who can participate in the test. Still invincible.

Therefore, Tie Wudi was the one who was most qualified to inherit Mozun's orthodoxy. However, something happened in the end. Tang Tang actually got Mozun's Tianjue sword, and he was able to use the Tianjue sword symbolized by the Titan. It is equivalent to Tang Tang inheriting the Tianjue Sword. Since he is eligible to inherit the Mozun Tianjue Sword, he is of course qualified to inherit the Mozun Titan's inheritance. At the same time, Tang Tang's strength seems to be no problem, anyway, he will not lose to Tie Wudi.

Even, with Tang Tang's current cultivation base of the Three Tribulations, he is far superior to Tie Wudi. If she had the Heavenly Absolute Sword in her hand, at least half of the Mozun's tribe would turn against Tang Tang, help him capture the giant city of Titan, and become the king of the demon clan. Lord, the reason is very simple. Behind Iron Invincible is the Mozun Demon Clan, but Tang Tang is as powerful as the original Demon Lord Titan, but he does not belong to any tribe. As long as he can inherit the Demon Lord's inheritance, then the original Titan can If you can do it, Tang Tang can do it too.

It's a pity that Tang Tang refined the Mozun Tianjue Sword, so whether he is qualified to inherit the Mozun is open to question. Many tribes that would support Tang Tang chose to wait and see. It is worth mentioning The most important thing is that Tie Wudi went to the Chakrama River to look for the Tianjue Sword left by Ling Tian, ​​​​in order to pretend to be the one of the Titan.

Dayan Sky is an old fox. The so-called icing on the cake is not as good as sending carbon in the snow. If many tribes turn against Tang Tang, the Black Mountain Demon Clan will not get much benefit even if they support Tang Tang, but it is different now. If Tang Tang can really become The master of the demon clan, not to mention how to cultivate the Black Mountain demon clan, is it not too much to take care of it?
In this way, Tang Tang barely got the answer he wanted, and also knew who his enemy was.

Tie Wudi can be said to be the only competitor. Although Dayan Cangqiong said that there are still a few people in the giant city of Titan who are qualified to inherit the inheritance of the demon king, Tang Tang is very clear that the soul domain is for the benefit of the players, and in the end they can inherit it. The demon king must inherit the players!
The question is whether it can be inherited, and who else can inherit it!
Either Tang Tang and Tie Wudi couldn't inherit the inheritance due to some accident in the end, or one of them inherited it, anyway, it won't fall back into the hands of other NPCs after going around for a long time.

The Sea God Pavilion is an excellent example. After the death of the owner of the Sea God Pavilion, there must be someone to inherit it. At that time, most players didn't even have the cultivation base of a calamity, so how could they be qualified to inherit the head?The best way is for the elders of the Sea God Pavilion to step up to the top, but the fact is that those elders of the Sea God Pavilion would rather have the Sea God Pavilion in a pitiful state without a head, and they did not choose one of the NPC elders to become the head.

However, it seems too early to say these things at the moment, Tang Tang is currently dealing with the Dong tribe!

The Sheshui Village didn't last long. After Mu Ye's death, those deputy leaders were really not very capable. The whole Sheshui Village was in a mess, and it was soon captured. At the same time, the black-hearted grandma had someone attack a village occupied by the Dong tribe. The ore lode can be regarded as regaining the lost ground.

However, this is just the beginning.

The next day, the Dong tribe launched a tribal war against the Heishan Mozu. It was a 48-hour tribal war with a maximum number of 5000 people. Because it was a decisive battle, the Heishan Mozu had 6 hours of preparation time, and it was easy to compete. It is Shishui Village. If the Dong tribe wins, they will take back what they belong to. If the Heishan Demons win, they will unconditionally occupy a Dong tribe's city.

(End of this chapter)

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