The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 552 Chapter 555 Future Demon Lord Surprise Attack Plan

Chapter 552 Chapter 555 Future Demon Lord Surprise Attack Plan (5 more)
"They must not know that you are the leader of the Black Mountain Demon Clan." Tang Tang glanced at the old Black Mountain Demon and said, "Otherwise they would not be so idiotic as to start a tribal war in a decisive battle. Take 1000 of them."

On the other side of Grandma Heixin, Dayan Cangqiong wrinkled his face and said with a smile: "The Dong tribe is one of the few tribes that are very good at taming animals, so they always like to win in this way, because They are able to bring domesticated beasts, so they have an advantage, but in fact, they are just a group of cowards who dare not fight with their own flesh and blood."

"You would be a fool to fight with your own flesh and blood when you can command the beasts." Tang Tang muttered in his stomach, and then said, "What are you going to do?"

Grandma Heixin yawned and said, "I don't care about such boring things, it's the elders who decide."

Dayan Cangqiong's old face suddenly smiled like a flower, obviously very happy that Grandma Heixin gave him such rights, but he still said modestly: "I'm just offering some suggestions, and I think this battle We should still follow the meaning of the future Demon Lord."

Dayan Cangqiong is indeed not as rigid as most of the demons, at least he is very good at flattering Tang Tang.

However, Tang Tang didn't feel anything about the words "Future Demon Lord". In fact, even if the Demon Lord came back to life, Tang Tang felt that if he fought the Demon Lord with his strength of three calamities, the outcome would be only five or five. In the meantime, if it wasn't for improving his strength to conquer the reincarnated Phoenix Qiuhuang, Tang Tang wouldn't care about the Demon Lord's inheritance at all, let alone feel that becoming a Demon Lord is an honor.

On the contrary, this battle can be fought according to his own wishes, which made Tang Tang very interested, and said to Dayan Sky: "Are you sure? Do it according to my idea?"

Dayan Cangqiong said: "Of course, if you have any ideas, you can speak up."

"Really?" After getting a definite answer, Tang Tang immediately excitedly said: "I mean, let's play casually with the 5000-person decisive battle, but before fighting, we must scold the battle for two hours. , and then go out to fight one-on-one, with more than a dozen people from each side, fight for a long time before talking, scold when you are tired, beat when you are tired, it is best to delay the 48 hours, if the opponent really does not have the patience to attack in groups , we admit defeat."

"This..." Dayan Cangqiong immediately took out a towel, wiped the involuntary cold sweat on his forehead and said, "Is this not good? It wasn't done by a warrior!"

Tang Tang said: "Do you want to win, or do you want to be a warrior?"

Dayan Cangqiong said: "Can I have all of them?"

Tang Tang rolled his eyes and said, "I still want all the gold coins in the world to be in my pocket."

Dayan Cangqiong laughed twice, and then said: "Then we must win, but if you admit defeat, you can only get defeat, not victory."

"Of course, that's just delaying time." Tang Tang spread out the map and said, "I looked at the distribution of the city villages of the Dong tribe. They first lived in the south of the Jingxi River, and the north of the Jingxi River is The place where the Black Mountain Demons lived, after they developed, they first expanded three cities on their own territory, and then built two cities after crossing the Xishui River, so that they could transport the ore back to themselves after they seized the ore lode and one of them is Shishui Village. Therefore, to put it bluntly, the two villages of the Dong tribe north of the Jingshui River have no effect on us. Our territory is here. Just transport it back to your own stockade, and these two cities are not as important as imagined to the Dong tribe. Their territory is south of the Jingxi River, not north, so they have to beat people for the sake of beating people. Pain, the belief that cutting someone will bleed, or not beating, and the Dong tribe who wants to be beaten must be beaten."

Grandma Heixin seemed to be aroused by Tang Tang's words, crossed her legs and said, "Then what do you mean?"

Tang Tang pointed to the road north of the Jingshui River: "The name of this village is Cage Prison Village, where rare beasts are imprisoned, and the name of this village is Qiwu Village, which is used to store ores and furs. The material city, this is the base camp of the Dong Man tribe, the Dong people, and this one is the Jingshui village, which is on the edge of the Jingxi River, and is mainly used to connect the two cities to the north of the Jingshui River."

Tang Tang stretched out his finger and drew a circle on the Jingshui village, and crossed on the cage prison village, Qiwu village and the Dongman tribe.

"Siege Jingshui village without attacking it, and then launch a plundering war against Qiwu village, cage prison village, and Dong tribe at the same time, loot Qiwu village, and occupy cage prison house and Dong tribe!"

Tang Tang's plan sounds incredible.

However, as Tang Tang drew a circle on the map, everyone knew what Tang Tang wanted to do. If he could really bring down the two villages and the Dong Man tribe, he would use the Jingshui River as the boundary to form a A double-team trend!

The evil monk suddenly said: "But, have you ever thought about it? After all, this is just a strategy for the soul domain, not a real war. If you take down their stronghold, they will still be able to fight back. If they counterattack with all their strength, the Black Mountain Demons will want to fight back." You can only get there by crossing the Jingxi River, but they can counterattack in place after losing the village. Even those players who are offline and rest in the village can choose other Dong people’s villages nearby to enter the game after they go online, unless you can Destroy all six cities, but is it possible?"

"Of course I know that the biggest problem with tribal wars is that there is no way to completely annihilate the opponent's tribe in the rules." Tang Tang spread his hands and said, "I think it's because Soul Domain doesn't want to destroy the pattern of the Heavenly Demon Valley. The characteristic of the valley is that there are many tribes who conquer each other. If other tribes can be completely wiped out, then one day, there will be only one tribe left in the Tianmo Valley, and the pattern will be broken. What is the difference between those sects in the Luo Continent? Therefore, tribal wars are only a means to strengthen the tribe, and cannot be used to wipe out other tribes, because everyone knows that players can be resurrected, so how can they kill tens of thousands of players in a tribe? Back to level zero?"

The evil monk said: "Then you still come up with such a plan."

"Tsk tsk!" Tang Tang shook his finger and said, "The occupation is for negotiation. If the other party doesn't compromise, I will demolish their city walls, including the Dong Man tribe, which is their tribal headquarters."

The others stared wide-eyed and looked at the map, only to realize that the three villages Tang Tang had chosen were the three most important villages of the Dong tribe. There are a large number of untamed animals, which were captured with great difficulty by the Dong people. As for Qiwu Village, there are a lot of supplies hoarded there!

If the Qiwu village is looted, the Dong people will not even be able to send out the rewards for the tribal missions, and forcibly demolishing the cage prison village is equivalent to releasing all the strange beasts that the Dong people have finally captured, let alone the Dong tribe. , who would watch their hometown be demolished?
After a moment of silence, Dayan Cangqiong said: "If the village is destroyed, it can be rebuilt, and if the things are gone, they can be rebuilt. If they fight us..."

Tang Tang interrupted Dayan Cangqiong, spread his hands and said, "Then there's nothing we can do, but we won't suffer, right?"

Dayan Sky was right when he thought about it, at least the Dong people would not be able to compete with the Black Mountain Demons for mineral veins in a short period of time, and they would not suffer anyway.

After being recognized, Tang Tang named this battle the Rogue Campaign.

The reason is that there are Tang Tang, the evil monk, and the black-hearted grandma. With their personal abilities, they can seize the city and destroy the totem pole symbolized by the other party. After occupying it, they only need to hold on for a while before they can negotiate , do not negotiate?Then set fire to the stockade and demolish all the buildings!
Such an approach is undoubtedly a rogue, so it is named the Rogue Battle. However, Dayan Cangqiong strongly opposes it. He doesn't want to tell his grandson when he tells himself about his most glorious battle in the future, that battle is called the Rogue Battle. .

In line with the fine tradition of respecting the old and loving the young, Tang Tang finally compromised and named the battle a very tacky name as the Surprise Attack Battle.

At the same time, the plan was quickly carried out. The black-hearted grandma led people to plunder Qiwu village, and the evil monk led people to attack the cage prison village. And Tang Tang took on the most difficult task of attacking the Dong Man tribe. Although Tang Tang had a map, he was not familiar with the actual terrain of Tianmo Valley. Follow Tang Tang to fight.

After deciding everything, it is the scheduling of personnel.

This took a lot of effort, because it was not enough to rely solely on the Black Mountain demon warriors, so players had to participate in the battle, which required a certain amount of time to organize, but in view of the time constraints, Grandma Black Heart adopted the most direct method - issuing tribal missions.

In this way, a group of players from the Black Mountain Demon Race were immediately recruited in a short period of time. At the same time, as the players continued to go online and saw the tribal missions, there would be a lot of reinforcements in the future.

However, that has little to do with Tang Tang, because Tang Tang needs to trek across mountains and rivers to go to the Dong Man tribe, and her journey is the farthest. More than 1 players who took over the tribal mission left the city and headed for the Jingxi River as quickly as possible.

There is also a small episode, the [-] Black Mountain demon warriors led by the Great Flame Burning Saint are naturally no problem, and their loyalty is sufficient. At the same time, the Great Flame Burning Saint is leading his own troops. As the leader, Tang Tang is not prepared to disrupt this structure, so the Great Flame Burning Sage can manage it in an orderly manner.

However, those players are not so easy to obey discipline, but Tang Tang's reputation in the Soul Realm helped her. After killing more than a dozen thorns in seconds, Tang Tang released Jie directly, and roared to the sky to shock her There were more than 2000 players from the Black Mountain Demon Race, and then Tang Tang showed his signboard as the female demon head of the Tang Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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