The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 553 Chapter 556 Soul Communication and Body Refining Secret Art

Chapter 553 Chapter 556 Soul Communication and Body Refining Secret Art (6 more)
Although Tang Tang's reputation in Tianmo Valley is not obvious, it does not mean that she is not famous among players. No matter what she is now, she is also a master who can be ranked number one in the entire soul domain. As long as it is in full swing, it is impossible for players who have visited the forum not to have heard of her name.

Secondly, Tang Tang, as the winged fire snake with the tail of Suzaku, hangs on the big holy demon catalog in the sky, and anyone with eyes can see it. In this way, the group of players from the Black Mountain Demon Clan will also be suppressed Come down, even if there are a small number of people who are not convinced, they will naturally follow the trend at this time. After all, they have all accepted the mission of the tribe, so they must not give up.

Tang Tang also has no intention of taking over the over 2000 people with full power. She doesn't have much desire for power, otherwise she would have built her own gang long ago. With her reputation, many people will definitely join, not to mention forming a top-notch gang. Players have power, but it is no problem to pull a large-scale first-class gang, so Tang Tang asked the group of players to recommend five masters who are well-known among the Black Mountain Demon players, and four of them lead 500 people each. People, the remaining one is a little bit aggrieved, leading 400 people, and barely able to do the order and prohibition.

They set off at sunrise, took a long detour, and crossed the Jingxi River at noon. When they arrived at the Dong Man tribe, the sky was already dark, but it was full of stars, and it was already midnight.

It is a taboo for soldiers to siege a city with a tired army. Fortunately, this problem does not exist in Soul Domain. The Black Mountain demon warriors led by Da Yan Zhuosheng are still refreshed. Needless to say, players have never had fatigue problems.

"The Dong tribe is the main village of the Dong tribe, so it's not very easy to attack." Looking at the large-scale city in the distance, Dayan Zhuosheng approached Tang Tang and said: "I think the effect of deceiving the city by night will be better."

"What kind of city are you swindling?" Tang Tang said, "You took 1 people to swindle the city? What do you say? A caravan? Passing by? Are you an idiot?"

Great Flame Burning Sage scratched his head in embarrassment. Originally, he wanted to say that he would send hundreds of Heishan Demons to charge after opening the city gate, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not very appropriate. Thousands of cavalry had to be far away to hide It's useless even if hundreds of Heishan demons can cheat to open the city gate. By the time they rush to the front of the village, those hundreds of Heishan demons will have been killed long ago.

"Just watch it honestly, I will let you lead someone to charge, and you will charge when the time comes." Someone patted Dayan Zhuosheng on the shoulder, and then shouted into the air: "Chun Xiao, come down."

Chun Xiaozhiqianjin is one of the well-known masters in the Black Mountain Demon Clan. At the same time, this guy's skill is directly proportional to his reputation. He survived the second catastrophe. When Tang Tang asked the more than 2000 players to recommend themselves as team leaders, Chun Xiao was the first to be recommended.

"Come on, come on." Chun Xiao immediately flew down from the air and said, "Big Sister, what's the matter?"

Chunxiao is the kind of person who can let go, which can be seen from his name, so he is one of the few players who don't care about Tang Tang's command. When Tang Tang shouted, he immediately got down .

"I've got a big task for you." Tang Tang pulled Chun Xiao and said, "Will you set fire to it? Take a dozen brothers and set fire to the village."

"Wow!" Chun Xiao's daughter-in-law shouted: "Eldest sister, will you think highly of me and take a dozen brothers to set fire? Don't you worry that I will be shot into a hedgehog by them?"

"Then do you want to go?" Tang Tang said: "I can remind you that the rewards for the tribal missions are based on the head. Now go and set a fire. If the fire burns down, at least you will earn dozens of heads in vain. , when we rush in later, you just robbed a group of people."

The daughter of Chun Xiao gritted her teeth and said: "Go, no husband, no real man, I'll call someone."

Tang Tang stopped him and said, "Wait, send me a message when you go back. I will attack the stronghold here and hunt down the most heads. I will personally award an eighth-rank weapon."

Chunxiao's daughter was immediately overjoyed. He was the one who survived the second catastrophe, so it's not like he hasn't seen eighth-order stuff, but who thinks there are too many good equipment?Even if it is a Horcrux of the eighth order of ordinary quality, it will cost [-] to [-] gold coins.

At the same time, for Tang Tang, she knows very well that there is no good thing in the world that requires the horse to run without feeding the horse. An eighth-level weapon is nothing more than an eighth-level weapon, and she has no shortage. Bosses of the hundredth level can be dropped. Now it is almost easy to kill, and when the insect king was slaughtered in the ancient battlefield, the things that fell out were very ordinary, Tang Tang didn't need it, and he was piling up ashes in his backpack.

Sure enough, it's better that Chunxiao is worth a thousand gold. The other players in the catastrophe heard that the one who kills the most can be exchanged for an eighth-level weapon. Naturally, they are all very excited. For them, this is already a great reward.

Fortunately, Chunxiao didn't forget the important thing, and he didn't bring some weak guys with him just because of those people's flattery. Instead, he picked out a few players from the Second Tribulation, and the others were also good at fire spells. Xiu, making up twenty of them, quietly headed towards the Dong barbarian village hidden in the night.

What they have to do is simple to say, but also quite dangerous, that is, quietly lurking above the city wall and setting fire to it. If you are brave enough, you can sneak directly into the city wall. It would be a little difficult not to be discovered after the fire was over, but this was not something Tang Tang could take care of, and Tang Tang also agreed, tribal wars, how can there be no dead people!
And Chunxiao's worth of gold did not disappoint Tang Tang, and he did a very good job. In addition to the fire system, he also chose everyone who knows the earth escape technique, and can easily sneak into the city from the ground. After sneaking in, they didn't set fire immediately, but quickly arranged people to various positions in the city wall. After a unified time, they set fire in the city wall at the same time, burning up pieces of fire and black smoke.

Immediately afterwards, the shouts of firefighters and the sound of noisy footsteps immediately sounded in the walled city.

"It's time!" Tang Tang winked at Dayan Burning Saint, then pulled out Baiquehuang from his backpack and roared: "Warriors of the Black Mountain Demon Clan, for your tribe, for your glory, kill!"

Soul Realm Tip: The Black Mountain Demons launched a tribal war against the Dong tribe (Dong Man tribe)!
When Tang Tang rushed towards the city on his horse, fire and thunder exploded in his hand, and it hit the gate of the village heavily. What was quite surprising was that the gate of the village was blown up under one blow. Numerous cracks were opened, but it did not collapse.

"Hey, it's interesting."

As the hometown of the Dong people, the city of the Dong Man tribe is indeed taller and more majestic than the Shishui village, but it was beyond Tang Tang's expectation that it could withstand the continuous bombardment of the eight fire and thunder explosions.

But at this moment, Da Yan Zhuo Sheng rode up on a liger and killed him suddenly, with a low growl, he also hit the gate of the village with one blow!

The weapons this guy uses are quite fierce. They are two one-handed Xuanhua double-edged axes. Yan is not a decoration, but it is full of sharp and unusually sharp aura of the golden weapon. It smashed on the gate of the village, and the overwhelmed gate that was already bombarded by fire and thunder suddenly collapsed completely with a bang.

"Attack the Zhailou, resist the Zhaimen!"

Tang Tang rode J, and Da Yan Zhuo Sheng's liger and tiger beast was also the king of beasts. It was naturally fast. After grabbing the gate of the village, it immediately fended off those Dong tribe warriors who came to kill them, and fought for the 1 black mountain demon cavalry. Time, you know, the Zhaimen is so big, even if [-] people pass through in an orderly manner, it will take a lot of time.

However, because the attack was quite abrupt, almost none of the Dong players in the village reacted, but for those Dong tribe warriors, Tang Tang was still relatively relaxed. He said to Dayan Zhuosheng: "That's right, the body has been tempered very well, but it is not lacking in flexibility, body refiner?"

Dayan Burning Saint smiled and said: "Dayan's body-refining secret technique has always been famous in the southern wilderness. My brother Dayan Qiongying is more powerful than me."

"Family?" Tang Tang looked surprised, and suddenly remembered the match-like body of Dayan Tianqiong, and couldn't help saying: "Are you sure?"

Da Yan Zhuo Sheng seemed to see what Tang Tang was thinking, and cut off the body of a warrior of the Dong tribe with one axe, while saying: "Father was once the strongest warrior in the Black Mountain Demon Clan, just like his name, his Power can penetrate the sky. However, his father left the tribe once a few years ago, and he came back a long time later. Then he got the power of shaman, able to perceive the world, communicate with souls, and help the tribe find more mineral veins. If you communicate with the gods, your father's life will gradually pass away, and your body will not be as good as before."

Dayan Zhuosheng became sad as he spoke, and when he was sad, the unlucky ones were those Dong warriors. The pair of Xuanhua heavy axes swung even harder, and almost every ax could kill a Dong warrior. Cut it into two pieces.

After a while, the more than 2000 Black Mountain Demon cavalrymen finally crossed the gate of the village. As for the more than [-] Black Mountain Demon players, they seemed to have set fire to their addiction, or tasted the sweetness, and were making trouble in the city. Tang Tang He didn't care about them lazily, and waved directly at the cavalry of the Black Mountain Demon Race.

"Did you see it?" Tang Tang shouted loudly, pointing to the front: "That annoying pillar!"

The symbol of the Dong people is the totem of the beasts. Of course, the one that Tang Tang saw in Shishui Village is a shrunken version. The real totem of the beasts is a complete carving of a hundred different animals. People's hometown, of course, is the real beast totem, just like the one I saw in front of me, it is 30 meters high, except for the stronghold of the city, it is the tallest thing, it is really clear at a glance.

"If you think you are the strongest warriors of the Black Mountain Demon Race..." Tang Tang pulled out the Dragon Scale and raised it above his head and roared, "Then destroy that annoying pillar for me."



(End of this chapter)

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