The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 555 Chapter 558: Amplification of the borneol attribute

Chapter 555 Chapter 558: Amplification of the borneol attribute

Looking at the attributes displayed by the three-tailed earth dragon, Tang Tang pondered for a while. The ancient alien species are usually not weak, but level 122 is within the range that he can hunt and kill, but it will take some effort. Moreover, such a Come on, I'm afraid I won't be able to spare to protect Dayan Burning Saint, and I won't have the chance to attack the beast totems, and I don't know if Dayan Burning Saint can hold on...

As Tang Tang thought about it, he still decided to make a move. There were no other reasons. If Tang Tang didn't make a move to restrain the three-tailed ground dragon, their attack would be in vain.The evil monk wasn't following Tang Tang right now!
However, just as Tang Tang was about to raise his sword and move forward, there was a sudden roar in the sky.

The roar went straight into the sky, shaking the ground all around, causing many people to fall into a state of dizziness. Then, the flames suddenly appeared in the sky, and Yan rushed down crazily, hitting the three-tailed ground with one blow. on the body of the dragon.

"I'll go, aren't you not interested in non-pure-blooded beasts?" Tang Tang immediately rolled his eyes and underestimated, "Some of them will be beaten now."

You and the dragon are mortal enemies, and you will fight when you see them, so it is not surprising that you have such a reaction, but one of them is an ancient alien species, and the other is an ancient beast. If they fight, it will naturally be a life-and-death battle. Fighting, of course, Tongtian Tower is not afraid that Yan will be defeated. This guy has a natural fighting spirit and advantage against dragons. He can fight alone with three dragons and two dragons. How can he be afraid of an earth dragon?Tang Tang was just afraid that they would fight for too long and delay the business.

"Forget it, it's impossible to stop them at this time."

Tang Tang sighed, and then the weapon turned into light and shot straight into the sky!

Ji went to fight the dragon, so the remaining players would naturally have to be dealt with by Tang Tang. The master had to help his soul beast clean up the mess.

"Come on!" Suspended in the air, Tang Tang casually held a sword flower and said, "Who dares to fight."

Such provocation naturally immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the surrounding Dong tribe players. In the blink of an eye, someone rushed towards Tang Tang, raised his sword and pointed at Tang Tang's throat, but was easily avoided by Tang Tang's casual side. With a slight flick of the sword tip, Tang Tang cut the man's neck.

One-shot kill.

"The first one." Tang Tang looked around leisurely and said, "Who else?"

Those Dong tribe players couldn't bear Tang Tang's provocation, and some people rushed out one after another. However, almost all of these people only had the strength of the first calamity, and few survived the second calamity. Tang Tang really didn't need to spend effort , A casual sword, as long as it hits the opponent, it will be an instant kill, so, if possible, Tang Tang hopes that such meaningless challenges can continue forever, but unfortunately, God always refuses to do so.

"Let's go together, more people are more powerful!"

The crowd of Dong tribe players did not know who yelled, which made those Dong tribe players immediately give up fighting alone and rushed towards Tang Tang.

Tang Tang spread out his hands, he could only express his helplessness for this kind of gang fight where many bully and few people, then he pointed his fingers and said: "The sun and the moon turn around, and the soul rises!"

The sun-moon reincarnation banner that was hovering below immediately soared into the sky, rolling up waves, and impacting towards the surroundings one after another. Of course, Tang Tang did not forget to throw a piece of sky fire downwards, burning Beast totem pole.

The durability of tens of millions is indeed difficult to hit, but it is actually easier to destroy than Tang Tang when he was in Wa Shui Village, because Tang Tang was only one person at the beginning, but now Da Yan Burning Saint has organized three batches of cavalry. The way of impact is to attack the totem of the beasts in turn, and the durability also drops rapidly. If estimated at that speed, the totem of the beasts will die in the time of a cup of tea at most.

But at this moment, Tang Tang glanced to the other side abruptly, only to see that Yan was wrestling with the three-tailed ground dragon, and then showed a look of horror.

"On par?" Tang Tang asked in surprise, "How is it possible!"

Leaving aside the fact that Yan is good at fighting dragons, let’s just talk about the level. The peak state of Yan is 129, and he has almost recovered now. He has already climbed to level 120, and the three-tailed dragon is only at level 122, which is still an inferior dragon. Even if it is a different species, it is impossible to be stronger than a real dragon, right?

However, Tang Tang discovered the secret, the three-tailed ground dragon was able to spit torrents!
"Damn it!" Tang Tang scolded immediately: "Forget that this guy is a hybrid of a black snake and an earth dragon, and has water attributes!"

Like Tang Tang, Jie, a pure fire monster is naturally afraid of water flow.

"In that case..." Tang Tang put his hands together and said, "I'll give you another dragon!"

Let those sun and moon reincarnation flags spin rapidly, forming a huge tornado on the side of the immediate side, Tang Tang spreads formation patterns in mid-air, quickly puts the spirit stone into the formation eyes of the formation pattern, Tang Tang's hands Then he quickly changed his tactics...

Putting his hands together, Tang Tang suddenly shouted, and the pattern in front of him instantly emitted a strong red light!
"Thunder Sky Flame Formation!"

There was a sudden roar in the sky, the robbery clouds rolled, and the nine thunders slammed down on the position of the Lei Tianyan formation, falling on the position of the Jiugong Diagram, facing the eye of the Leitian Yan formation, and Under the impact of the Nine Heavens Thunder, a flame dragon entwined with purple thunder suddenly flew out from the center of the flame array, ten meters away, lifelike, with a ferocious face!
"go with!"

With a soft shout, Tang Tang commanded the Yanlong to jump down and run towards the three-tailed earth dragon. At the same time, the surrounding Dong tribe players were also severely injured!
Lose 3% of the upper limit of health every second, and reduce the effect of all medicines by 50%, lasting for 60 seconds!
This is the Thunder Sky Flame Formation, in addition to the Flame Dragon, the additional Sky Fire Burning Body attribute in the range coverage. For anyone, this kind of health value drops according to the upper limit of the health value, and at the same time it can reduce the effect of medicine. The attributes are extremely terrifying!

Almost in an instant, those Dong tribe players who did not restore their health to full after the battle turned white in an instant, and were thrown into the reincarnation of the underworld. The medicine restores the life value, but after the effect of the medicine is reduced by 50%, the ordinary medicine can't stop the life value at all. As for the medicine that restores the life value instantly, although it is not rare, and there are many sources, the contribution of the teacher, the teacher Quests, tribal contributions, tribal quests, find an alchemist to buy, and even learn alchemy to make it yourself, but medicines are consumables after all, so instant medicines are still luxury goods. Sometimes it is used to save lives, but there is absolutely no way that the instant recovery pill in someone's hand can be eaten as much as a sugar pill like Tang Tang.

However, Tang Tang is also a reward from the Holy Devil Avenue, so it is not in vain.

Because of this, the white light brought up by the constant death in the surrounding area has hardly stopped, and hundreds of players died in the blink of an eye. It is a pity that the duration of the Thunder Sky Flame Formation is only 60 seconds, otherwise Tang Tang would use this to slaughter all the players. Dong tribe players are also relaxed.

And below Tang Tang, J has a level advantage after all, and at the same time, in terms of bloodlines, the alien species is always inferior to the ancient fierce beasts that have survived for tens of millions of years. Flames can also fight hand-to-hand, so after the impact of the flame dragon, Yan immediately gained the upper hand, and kept rushing into the three-tailed ground dragon. After scarring the big guy, he opened his mouth and bit off the three-tailed ground dragon. The dragon's neck bit off the head of the three-tailed ground dragon, sucking the brains continuously.


After a while, Yan raised his head and roared loudly, the flames from his body exploded, raising a column of fire that soared into the sky, instantly burning dozens of people to death.

"Huh!" Tang Tang said in surprise: "It turns out that eating borneol still has this effect?"

Yan's peak state was level 129, but now it has become level 132, and the current level has also become level 127. At the same time, there is a very small increase in attributes, which makes Tang Tang feel suddenly enlightened. No wonder this guy likes Long Dou, and the more he fights, the more fierce he is. It turns out that he can improve his cultivation by sucking borneol. However, compared to the improvement of J's strength, Tang Tang cares more about J's loyalty to 85 points. It seems that this The irritable guy finally realized the benefits of hanging out with Tang Tang.

Putting two fingers into his mouth, Tang Tang blew a whistle, and the jiao suddenly came towards Tang Tang with a weapon and a dark scale armor in his mouth, as if asking for credit They circled around Tang Tang.

Tang Tang took it and took a look, because the three-tailed ground dragon was not domesticated by the Dong tribe, but was summoned by the beast totem, so it belonged to the Boss category, but it contributed two good pieces of equipment to Tang Tang, one of the eighth-level legendary quality The three-tailed scissors, a strange weapon, and an eighth-level legendary-quality black scale armor suit have good attributes, which can be regarded as small top-notch products.

"Tsk tsk, I just promised to send out an eighth-level weapon, but I got two of them in the end. This is called luck!"

Tang Tang sighed loudly, but it was also a coincidence, she was muttering to herself just now, that Chunxiao is worth a thousand gold and brought a dozen people towards him, but, like Chunxiao is worth a thousand gold, No matter how you look at it, how embarrassing it is!

"What's the matter?" Seeing Chun Xiao's daughter approaching him, Tang Tang smiled and held a sword flower, jokingly said: "Killed a lot of people, you want to come here to get the bonus?"

Chun Xiao, who is worth a thousand dollars, didn't make fun of Tang Tang's words, but wiped off his sweat and said, "Big sister, brothers can't resist it?"

"Huh?" Tang Tang said, "There are a lot of people?"

c Chunxiao said: "There are not many warriors in the Dong tribe, not as many as us. There are only about 5000 people, maybe less, because the city is not suitable for domesticating exotic animals, so at least half of the Dong tribe live here." In the animal farm, there are about 5000 people in the Dong Man tribe’s city and the three surrounding animal farms, but there are no more than 8000 Dong warriors stationed in the Dong Man tribe. However, there are too many players, at least [-] people, It's coming towards us in a mighty way."

"Player?" Tang Tang frowned, "Are you sure?"

(End of this chapter)

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