Chapter 556 Chapter 559
Players are actually more difficult to organize than NPCs. First, there are many people who like to go it alone and fight against the wind. These people generally do not like to be treated as cannon fodder, but organized actions will definitely have cannon fodder. Second, it is a question of whether they are convinced or not. Just like the more than 2000 players of the Black Mountain Demon Race didn't believe Tang Tang at first, and now I'm afraid they won't all obey Tang Tang willingly.

However, because of Tang Tang's reputation, he played a big role, and Tang Tang only told them about what they needed to do, and he didn't command the group of Black Mountain demon players at all. Yes, there is no problem in commanding, but Tang Tang does not believe that the Dong tribe can recommend players who can convince everyone to command in such a short period of time.

Sure enough, the daughter of Chun Xiao said anxiously: "It's Dong Wa, that guy was originally the most likely player of the Dong tribe to become the heir, and just now, I got the news that the leader of the Dong tribe named him the heir, and Let him take charge of the command, Dong Wa issued the tribal mission on the spot, set the rules, and those who accept the tribal mission must report to him, so he gathered a large number of people at once, and it is estimated that there will be more and more.”

"Ha, this guy is not stupid." Tang Tang pondered for a moment and said, "Go and gather everyone for me to attack the totems of the beasts together. As long as the totems of the beasts are destroyed, the city will temporarily become the capital of the Black Mountain Demon Clan. After death, everyone can return to the city immediately from the underworld, while those Dong people can only go to other Dong city after death, and then come here."

"But they have many times more people!" Chun Xiao said anxiously, "Do you want everyone to die constantly? How many levels will everyone drop?"

"Hmph, then why don't you say that the more you kill, the more rewards you get from tribal missions? Huh? When you get the rewards, don't you say that the rewards are too much?" Tang Tang grabbed Chun Xiao's valuable clothes The leader roared in his ear, then pushed him away and said, "I'm telling you now, as long as we take down the totems of the beasts and persevere for a while, we will win. Their deaths are not in vain. The more you kill, the more rewards you will receive." The more, and if we retreat now, then everyone will die in vain, in the end, this is tribal war, if you can't afford it, don't come!"

The daughter of Chun Xiao gritted her teeth, then stomped her feet in mid-air, waved at the dozen or so players behind her and said, "Come with me, go and pull everyone over to attack the beast totem!"

Tang Tang nodded, very satisfied with Chunxiao's decision of worth a thousand gold. Players' battles can be several times higher than those of the Black Mountain Demon Warriors, and their role will naturally be greater. The most important thing is just like Tang Tang said, as long as you can After destroying the totem poles, capturing the city, and making the city belong to the Black Mountain Demon Clan, after death, you can return directly to the city from the reincarnation platform in the underworld. 2000 people can be used as 4000 people if they die twice, and they can be used as 6000 people if they die three times. It can be used as [-] people, and the number of Dong tribe players will become less and less. Of course, it is impossible for Tang Tang to ask everyone to go all out without fear of death, but at least they must first destroy the totems of the beasts. Otherwise, why did they come here all the way?

Chunxiao valued daughter quickly summoned a group of people, and then asked this group of people to call other people. When most of the Black Mountain Demon players were summoned, the result was shocking. There were three thousand players. The appearance of the five people, you know, Tang Tang is very clear that when she came, she only brought more than 400 players from the Black Mountain Demon Race. Moreover, the totem pole has not been knocked down yet, and the city wall naturally belongs to the Dong tribe. If the players of the Black Mountain Demon Clan die, they can only go back to the stockade belonging to the Black Mountain Demon Clan. According to Tang Tang's estimation, it would be lucky to have 1000 or [-] players left. However, instead of decreasing, why? There are more than [-] people?
Tang Tang asked that Chunxiao was worth a thousand gold, and it was inexplicable that Chunxiao was worth a thousand gold. He ran to ask other people. After asking more than a dozen of them in succession, Tang Tang figured out that those extra people were from Heishan who came online after receiving the mission from the tribe. Demon players, this time the black-hearted grandma is bleeding heavily. In addition to generously donating, he set the task reward of the tribal war as the highest reward option, and also allocated a batch of things from the Black Mountain Demon as rewards, which made everyone have high fighting spirit.
In this way, the situation is much better than Tang Tang imagined. Immediately let the Spring Xiaozhi Qianjin organize people to attack the beast totems, and at the same time pull out some people to wipe out some Dong tribe players and Dong tribe warriors around, while Tang Tang himself He immediately headed towards Da Yan Burning Saint.

Compared with the situation of the players, it is still optimistic. The battle situation of the Great Flame Burning Saint can be described as tragic, and there are only 95 cavalry left in the [-]-odd cavalry. You must know that the liger is a level [-] monster. After taming, the combat power is not bad. That's right, not under the Black Mountain demon warriors, there are more than [-] left, which means that the [-] or so ligers were almost killed.

"Stop charging, block the street, block..."

Tang Tang fell from the sky, and immediately pulled Dayan Zhuosheng and shouted.

The number of Dong tribe warriors is about the same as Chunxiaozhiqianjin said, a little more, about six thousand. It should be that some scattered Dong tribe warriors were summoned, but there are many more Dong tribe players. The sky is filled with darkness, definitely more than ten thousand, and because there are Dong tribe players who continue to receive tribal missions, they are still coming here, and it is precisely because of these Dong tribe players' advance in the sky that Dayan Burning Sage suffered heavy losses. Otherwise, It is obviously not enough to look at the warriors of the Dong tribe alone.

"Damn it." Tang Tang cursed secretly in his heart, but also gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't give you some strength, I really can't suppress you."

Pinching a celestial master's finger, Tang Tang quickly took out the fire-robbing dragon scale, suspended it in front of him, and quickly changed his hand formula!

"Sword Spirit Yuanshen!"

A strange imprint of Yuanshen was condensed in his hand, and Tang Tang quickly punched into the blade of Jiehuo Longlin's sword.

Since the sword spirit primordial spirit chosen by the sword spirit primordial spirit last time was Baiquehuang, Tang Tang also deliberately chose Jiehuolonglin this time, wanting to see what the sword spirit primordial spirit of Jiehuolonglin looks like.

However, when the calamity fire dragon scales burst into black light, Tang Tang was still taken aback.

The range covered by the black light is too light, at least five or sixty meters!
How big would this be if it was condensed into a sword spirit?

And Jiehuolonglin did not disappoint Tang Tang. Slowly condensing his body in the black light, it turned out to be a huge black dragon, but it was not just a black dragon.

The body of Jiehuolonglin is more than [-] meters long, which is extraordinarily huge. However, there is not only one dragon head on the dragon's neck, but as many as nearly a hundred dragon heads!
Each dragon head is different, and the expression is also different, or indifferent, or fierce, or profiteering, or bloodthirsty, or ferocious...

The Hundred-Headed Dragon King!

This is the entity of the fire-robbing dragon scale, and after counting these dragon heads, the fire-robbing dragon scale is actually over 40 meters long, hovering in the air, swallowing the dragon's breath, giving people an indescribable coercion.

"My master!" When the black light disappeared and the body was completely solidified, hundreds of dragon heads of the fire-robbing dragon scales lowered towards Tang Tang at the same time: "What is my mission?"

Tang Tang swallowed her saliva. She knew very well that in reality, the Fire-Jielong Scale could not be stronger than the Baiquehuang. After all, the Baiquehuang sealed the remnant soul of the Phoenix, and even the Fire-Jielonglin was just a sword spirit. The primordial spirit is just a weapon soul, and it may not be stronger than a real dragon, but the appearance of Jiehuolonglin is too majestic and intimidating, just looking at it can frighten a lot of people. people.

"Go!" After sighing for a moment, Tang Tang casually pointed at the group of Dong tribe players: "Kill, come back when the weapon soul can't hold on."


As soon as Tang Tang gave Jie Huo Longlin an order, Yan who was next to him let out a low growl, obviously dissatisfied that Tang Tang had forgotten him.

"You want to go too?" Tang Tang patted Yan's head and smiled: "Go, just go, but when I call you, and when Jiehuo Longlin returns, you must come back too, don't love to fight, okay? "

As an ancient ferocious beast, Jie was naturally extremely intelligent, so he immediately roared obediently, rubbed his head against Tang Tang's chest, and then rose into the air to kill the group of Dong tribe players.

These two guys, one is a strange beast that looks extremely ferocious, and the other is a strange beast that is itself extremely ferocious. After heading towards the group of Dong tribe players, the phalanx of the group of Dong tribe players is naturally a mess , as a tribe that is good at taming animals, they are naturally happy and afraid of this kind of beast.

It's just that Yan was murderous, and Jiehuo Longlin was loyal to execute orders, and he went straight into the crowd without giving the Dong tribe players any chance to think about it.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he spewed out a mouthful of Samadhi real fire and ravaged it. He crowed and stepped, wrapped in flames, and rushed through the crowd like a cloud of fire. Straight into the sky.

The attack method of Jiehuo Dragon Scale is more savage, it is pure biting at all, after shaking the huge dragon body and killing the crowd, hundreds of dragon heads will be lowered at the same time, swallowing jujubes whole, picking up dozens of people and killing them. Swallow it directly into the belly, and after a while, the dragon's body burst into white lights of death, and those Dong tribe players who were swallowed by the fire-robbing dragon scales all went to visit Huangquan Road.

Tang Tang saw something strange at a glance, Jiehuolonglin was not as good as Baiquehuang, in other words, Baiquehuang was more intelligent in fighting, and after the weapon was invalidated with a move of Baiquehuang, he used speed and flames to attack, obviously very sophisticated , while Jiehuolonglin is more domineering and hateful, but with such an attack method, it is impossible for Jiehuolonglin's weapon soul to last longer than Baiquehuang, and it is too easy to be hurt!

Of course, this kind of attack is very attractive. At least those Dong tribe players who watched Jiehuolonglin attack, many of them unconsciously took a step back, and some of them even covered their mouths with poor mentality. After retching, those who could immediately think of counterattack turned out to be the least part.

(End of this chapter)

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