Chapter 557
"It should be able to last for a while."

Tang Tang heaved a sigh of relief. With the restraint of the fire-robbing dragon scale soul and 犼, the pressure on Da Yan Burning Saint was much relieved, especially when Tang Tang looked back at the beast totem, there were more than 200 million durability left , Not far from success!

Tang Tang clenched his fists involuntarily. Only by occupying the Dong Man tribe can he have the capital to force the other party to negotiate!

But at this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded in the phalanx of the Dong tribe warriors.

Accompanied by the shout, an old man who was over half a century old but not showing signs of aging walked out of the crowd, followed by a giant bear that was three and a half meters high.

Tang Tang was wondering, and Chunxiao was worthy of a thousand dollars, so she leaned over and whispered tactfully, "Abadon, the head horse of the tribe of the Dong Man tribe, that bear is a different species of scorpion, very powerful, it is said that it is a beast tamer that breaks the hundredth level."

Tang Tang pouted, the 120-level three-tailed ground dragon was just destroyed by Ji, but, having said that, it is not difficult to destroy the [-]-level big boss, but it is not so easy to tame it, which shows that the old man is still very capable However, Tang Tang was more interested in his name. No matter how he thought about it, he felt a little familiar, and then slapped him hard. Isn't Abaddon the angel of death known as the king of the bottomless pit in the West, which symbolizes strength? With the meaning of destruction, no wonder it sounds so familiar.

This caused Tang Tang to look at Abaddon again. This silver-haired old man is more powerful than the young and strong Dong tribe warrior. He is nearly two meters tall and does not look rickety at all. Seeing the obvious muscle lines, it really lives up to the name of being strong.

But this old man's bravery is even more commendable. After shouting, he was alone, one man and one beast stepped forward. As long as Da Yan Zhuosheng gave an order, this old man would be killed by thousands of lions immediately. The tiger beast was trampled into a ball of flesh. Obviously, Da Yan Burning Saint seemed to have the same intention, but he quietly glanced at Tang Tang, as if asking for instructions.

Tang Tang also wanted to see what the old guy was up to, and it would be great for Tang Tang to be able to delay time, so he naturally nodded and signaled Dayan Zhuosheng to come out and talk to the old man.

Da Yan Zhuo Sheng immediately comprehended to let the person in front of him get out of the way, and drove out with the liger.

"Dayan Burning Saint, so it's you, you little bastard!" Abaddon, as the leader of the Dong Man tribe, obviously couldn't fail to recognize Dayan Burning Saint, the leader from Jingshan Man, and immediately blew his beard and stared: " You dare to bring people to the Dong Man tribe to make trouble, I advise you to put down your weapons and surrender now, and I can still kill you with your whole body."

Tang Tang almost burst out laughing when he heard it behind him. Even though he knew that death without a whole body was a very cruel and inhumane act, is there any difference between a death without a whole body and a dead body with a whole body?Anyway, it is death, there is a difference of a dime, if Da Yan Zhuo Sheng can agree, unless his head is broken.

Sure enough, Da Yan Burning Saint obviously disdained Abaddon's threat, swung his ax and said, "Old man, I think it's better for you to surrender, otherwise, when my father comes to help, you will be in trouble even if you want to die." .”

"Hmph!" Abaddon said, "Do you think you can get out of here alive? Stop attacking my holy objects immediately. Maybe I can think about it and let you leave safely."

The sacred object that Abaddon said was of course the beast totem, which made Tang Tang look back, okay, so there are only three 10,000+ durability left, no wonder this old thing jumped out of the negotiation eagerly, it turned out to be For this.

"Cough, cough..."

Da Yan Zhuo Sheng was about to continue speaking, but when he heard Tang Tang cough twice, he stepped aside consciously.

"Dong barbarian, right?" Tang Tang took a few steps forward, licked the corner of his mouth at Abaddon and said, "I want to share a secret with you."

"Hmph, who are you..."

As soon as Abaddon's words came out, he stopped abruptly. He was quite surprised to see a strong black devil energy suddenly gushing out from Tang Tang's body, and his whole body was covered by black flames.

"God Transformation! Demonization!"

Tang Tang let out a low cry, his black hair turned silver, and magic lines appeared on his forehead, and traces of black energy entangled around Tang Tang's side like poisonous snakes.

Step into the void!
Originally, the distance between Tang Tang and Abaddon was nearly 20 meters, but the moment Tang Tang stepped forward, the distance of 20 meters disappeared in an instant, and Tang Tang appeared in front of Abaddon in an instant.

Abaddon was shocked immediately, and quickly took two steps back. The bear next to him immediately stepped forward loyally, stood upright, and slapped Tang Tang with that huge fleshy palm, but at this moment...

Tang Tang raised his palm like a knife, and stretched forward, it directly penetrated the bear's chest, and the palm pierced out from the bear's back in an instant.

"Get out of here!"

Taking advantage of the situation, he kicked the bear, which weighed seven to eight hundred kilograms, and was kicked down by Tang Tang, and then he stretched out his hand and grabbed Abaddon!
This old guy is not young, but his movements are quite nimble. He is as slippery as a loach. He wanted to run away when he was short, but Tang Tang tripped him and fell to the ground. Tang Tang grabbed Naabaddon's head , like lifting a chicken, his body turned around, turned into a black smoke, and then returned to the side of the beast totem.

Those warriors of the Dong tribe saw that their leading horse was captured, and they were furious immediately, holding their weapons high and about to kill them, and Da Yan Zhuo Sheng was not slow to react, holding up his two axes and shouting, the surrounding Black Mountain demon cavalry immediately prepared Charge!

"Who dares to come up?" Tang Tang waved his hand to let Da Yan Zhuosheng get out of the way, grabbed Abaddon's neck and said: "Do you want your tribe's leader to die here, and then choose a new one?"

The warriors of the Dong tribe were in a commotion for a while, but they stopped in the end.

At this time, Jiehuo Longlin's soul was finally shattered, turning into a sword and flying back into Tang Tang's hands.

Tang Tang simply said to the group of players: "Who is the successor of the Dong Man tribe, come out and chat for a while?"

Those Dong tribe players don't take Abaddon's life or death too seriously. It's not that they are inhumane, but players usually don't care too much about the life and death of NPCs, otherwise they can't even kill monsters. You know, many monsters are humanoid.

However, those Dong tribe players did not act rashly, and it took a long time for someone to walk out. Tang Tang winked at Chun Xiaozhi's daughter, and Chunxiao's daughter nodded, saying that this guy is Dong Wa, the heir of the Dong Man tribe.

"I think we can negotiate now?" Tang Tang looked at Tong Wa and said, "This is good for everyone!"

"Negotiation?" Dong Wa laughed and said, "Why?"

Tang Tang counted the time and felt that it was about the same time, so he said to Tong Wa: "I think you should have friends too, it's best to find out what's going on between Cage Prison Village and Qiwu Village."

Dong Wa frowned, obviously guessing what Tang Tang was up to, and then his face suddenly turned ugly. He obviously knew the news that the other two villages were attacked, and even if they hadn't been captured yet, it was probably almost there.

Tang Tang continued to fan the flames: "Since you already know the news that the other two villages were attacked, you should also know who attacked those two villages, you should also know, right?"

Tong Wa twitched his eyes and said, "Grandma Black Heart and the evil monk!"

The black-hearted grandma and the evil monk are indeed very famous in Nanhuang. After Dong Wa uttered the five words with difficulty, the Dong tribe players behind him suddenly whispered, and many of them had fearful faces.

"Who are you!" Tong Wa couldn't figure out that the black-hearted grandma and the evil monk had also participated in this tribal war, and said a little madly: "Who the hell are you!"

"Douluo Dalu!" Tang Tang grinned and said, "Tang Tang of the Tang Sect!"

Many Dong tribe players gasped. The name of Tang Sect Douluo is indeed very intimidating. Now those who can survive the second calamity are all masters of one side, so what counts as passing the third calamity?
Dong Wa's face changed, he seemed to be afraid and unwilling to say: "You are not staying in Douluo Dalu, what are you doing to meddle in the affairs of Tianmo Valley?"

"That's my business." Tang Tang said: "My request is very simple. The two cities in the territory of the Dong tribe can be kept, but I will spit out all the ore veins. Otherwise, hey, I will demolish your city wall!"

"Impossible." Abaddon immediately yelled, "If the city is destroyed, it can be rebuilt, and the glory of the Dong tribe cannot be lost!"

"Shut up." Tang Tang grabbed Abaddon's neck forcefully, and continued to persuade Dongwa: "There is a rule in tribal wars, let me explain to you, the buildings damaged in tribal wars, It can be repaired after paying enough fees. However, after destroying the opponent's tribe symbol, you can occupy the opponent's tribe, and you can announce the demolition of the tribe. At that time, the city will disappear completely. Before you rebuild a new city, There are no tribal quests, no tribal contributions, and even your existing tribal contributions cannot be exchanged. By the way, if you don’t choose to compromise, Cage Prison Village and Qiwu Village will also choose to be demolished after occupation, and all captive animals will be destroyed. If you run away, all clan resources will be reset to zero. Even if you issue clan missions, you can only reward the experience and gold coins given by the soul domain. Other than that, you can't give anything to release clan missions. Of course, this is after all In Soul Domain, you may be able to rebuild the city in a short period of time, maybe a month is enough, but is there anyone who can endure a month?"

Tang Tang’s method of forcibly occupying the opponent’s city and demolishing it was originally a way to target players. Just like if the Tang Sect didn’t have a master mission to release, and the contribution of the master couldn’t be exchanged for items, then like Tang Tang, he would have no desire for the master. The players who are looking for it may not matter, but what about those players who are not strong, struggling on the line of food and clothing, unable to kill the boss, and can only rely on the contribution of the teacher to upgrade their equipment?Its situation can be imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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