Chapter 569 Chapter 572
After looking at the classics room and the room for storing materials, even if Tang Tang visited the two places he was most looking forward to, the others are the martial arts field, the quiet room for retreat, and some large rooms for the demon king and the titan. The rooms used to explain martial arts experience are the rooms used by the disciples of various tribes living in the giant city of Titan, and the place where Titan lives, coincidentally, is the place where Tang Tang and Tie Wudi fought, which is the top of the stone city .

There are not too many decorations, all the furniture is carved from stone, unpretentious, but quite spacious, usually Tai Tan retreats or practices here, it can be seen that Tai Tan is not a person who likes to enjoy pleasure, but think about it. Anyone who wastes time on enjoyment will not have a high level of cultivation. With the ability of a barbarian king, naturally he doesn't have much time to indulge in these things.

The only embarrassing thing for Tang Tang was that there were a few big holes in the roof, obviously they broke it just now.

"Cough, cough..." The leader of the Langtu tribe coughed twice to help Tang Tang overcome the embarrassment, pointed to a stone lamp and said, "Besides, there is a mechanism here that can open the secret room. We have never entered it before. It only belongs to Titans, so I don't suggest you open it now, you can decide after we all leave."

Of course Tang Tang was very interested in Tai Tan's secret room, but she had no choice but to hold back after the leader of the Wolf Tu tribe said so. Moreover, that guy seemed to have something to say, as if I didn't want to leave.

"Okay, let's see it later." Tang Tang spread his hands and said, "Is there anything else to explain?"

The leader of the Langtu clan laughed and said: "There is one last thing, these things."

After saying that, the leader of the Langtu tribe took out a pile of sheepskin scrolls from under the stone table and put them on the table.

Tang Tang asked in astonishment, "What are these things?"

The leader of the Langtu tribe said: "Although you can't formally succeed until the new Tianjue Sword is forged, you can't delay the affairs of the Tianmo Valley, so you can deal with all the affairs of the Tianmo Valley first, and these are all things that are caused by the absence of the Titans." Things that piled up during the period."

"The elder of the Tyrannical Demon Clan has a son in his old age, and he needs to give a gift to congratulate him. Please allow me to attach a single chapter of the gift."

"The Elder Tarzi had a bad relationship with the Red Devil because of a porcupine pig, and the two sides fought more than ten times."

"The southwest grassland suffered heavy snow, and the harvest was halved. Because of the poor harvest, the Wuhen tribe plundered Yuncheng Village on the border of the Douluo Continent."

"What kind of mess is this?" Tang Tang flipped through a few sheepskin scrolls and said, "It's none of my business to have children. Besides, an old man can still have children? Who knows if his woman gave him a cuckold, or There are those who fought for guinea pigs, please, those who died in the war, the pension alone is higher than buying a guinea pig, it’s snowing on the grassland in the southwest? Damn, you think I’m a god, what can I do when it’s snowing ? Shouldn’t these matters be handled by the tribe leader?”

The head horse of the Langtu tribe smiled bitterly: "But, many of the things that the head horse of the tribe participated in, and those people are some reckless people, the only solution they can think of is to fight and kill, just like... like... ...well, like that war over a pig."

Tang Tang said: "Then let them fight."

The leader of the Langtu tribe immediately said seriously: "You will be the future master of the demon clan, so naturally you will be in charge of the affairs of the demon clan, and these matters are within the scope of your need to deal with."

"Isn't it? Just these trivial things?" Tang Tang scratched his head and said: "Can we discuss that I inherit the things of the Demon Lord, and Tie Wudi inherits this pile of crap? He seems to prefer power."

The head horse of the Langtu clan suddenly changed his face, and said angrily: "Are you provoking the entire demon clan?"

Tang Tang hurriedly said: "Don't worry, don't worry, it's just a joke."

"Go away, women are really useless!" Tang Yuhao couldn't bear to watch anymore, kicked Tang Tang away and said, "Congratulations in the name of Demon Lord, the gift list is approved, and brought an attack from the animal pen in Shicheng The cloud-hoof chasing wind beast is given to the Tartar elders. Neither side is a fool. This kind of tribal war is not good for them. It's just that it won't save face after fighting for a long time. Give them a step to stop the war. The snow on this pasture is a bit troublesome, but it doesn't matter Aren't the Wuhen tribes close to the border? Give them an area and let them go to the border to pick up businessmen from the Douluo Continent who entered the Demon Valley. Of course, those businessmen are required to hire them with rice grains. Well, this is a resource competition area. It can be decided in a decisive battle. After two consecutive victories, the resource area will be given to the other party for one month, and then the decisive battle will be continued to determine the ownership. This is for Douluo Continent merchants who want to build a market. Will it be approved? Yes, plan one, let Dou Luo mainland merchants set up a bazaar, and all transactions are taxed at 15%. Plan 2, they buy and sell, we are responsible for management, and no transaction tax is charged, but each merchant who enters the bazaar pays [-]% of the supplies as tax, and there is this ..."

Tang Yuhao was reviewing those sheepskin scrolls casually. The hill-like sheepskin scrolls were descending at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye. Tang Tang was stunned as he watched.

"Tsk tsk!" Looking at Tang Tang's virtues, One Step One Kill couldn't help joking, "Now I finally understand what it means that behind every successful woman there is a group of men who support her."

Whether Tang Tang is considered a successful person, Tang Tang is very narcissistic and thinks that he should be, but as to whether Tang Yuhao can be regarded as a man who supports him, Tang Tang feels that it is open to debate. Anyway, after saying that, Tang Tang Being smashed by a roll of parchment made Tang Tang extremely wronged, and he didn't say that, even if he wanted to get angry, he should smash it and kill him, right?
The only fortunate thing is that the head horse of the Langtu clan doesn't care who handles those big and small affairs, anyway, someone can handle it anyway, so Tang Yuhao can do it for him, but the elder of the Wolftu clan shamelessly went out and yelled : "In two days, a batch of parchment rolls will be delivered." After that, Tang Tang was so angry that he half died on the spot.

"I don't think I'm the master of the demon clan." Tang Tang said helplessly, "I'm basically the nanny of the demon clan."

One step one kill joked: "You didn't say that when you saw the materials in the room just now."

"Bullshit, that's a good thing. Is this a good thing?" Tang Tang paused for a moment, and suddenly said with a sudden step: "Why do I feel that you have changed a lot after you went back to overseas? It's much more dull, and it won't make fun of me."

I was stunned by killing each step, and then said: "Maybe it's because of the lack of pressure. In the past, in order to inherit the sword demon lineage, I killed many people overseas, and many overseas sects and casual cultivators chased and killed me. This is the Heavenly Demon Valley." , but no one chased me down, and besides, I have always had the task of Sword Demon on my back, and now I have finished it, and even three calamities have passed, so I am fine, and I feel better, so I should be more cheerful."

"Tsk tsk, poor guy." Tang Tang laughed and said, "However, you reminded me that Tai Tan left me a lot of good things and a lot of troublesome things, but I don't know if there are a lot of them. Surprises are waiting for me."

After saying that, Tang Tang walked towards the stone lamp pointed by the head horse of the Langtu clan.

In Tianmo Valley, the mechanism is the most extravagant thing, almost invisible, so the stone lamp is a very simple secret door mechanism. After twisting, a wall on the side will be pushed inward, even There is no door at all, just a gap.

However, no one cares about the simplicity of the mechanism, they want to know what the Titan left behind!
Tang Tang was naturally the first to enter, but the moment he entered, Tang Tang's expression changed, and he immediately retreated.

"Go away, go away." Tang Tang pushed everyone away, closed the stone door and said, "There is nothing to see."

"What are you doing?" Black-hearted grandma said dissatisfied, "I've helped you so much, why don't you see it now?"

Tang Tang moved the corner of his mouth in embarrassment, and whispered something in Grandma Heixin's ear, Grandma Heixin was suddenly surprised: "Really?"

Tang Tang nodded, and Grandma Heixin immediately responded, "I'll go right now."

After finishing speaking, Grandma Heixin hurriedly left the room, making everyone else puzzled, while Tang Tang narrowed her eyes.

Sure enough, there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, but, I am afraid that no one would have thought that when Tai Tan died under such sudden circumstances, there would actually be a legacy left behind.


At night, the flames filled the air.

A bonfire was set up around the giant city of Titan, and a small celebration ceremony was held.

Tang Tang can't become the Lord of the Demon Clan for the time being, because she doesn't have her own Heaven's Absolute Sword. At the same time, she still needs to have her own title, just like Ling Tian is called the Demon King because of his seal of the Demon King, and Tai Tan unifies the Heaven Demon Valley. Like the self-proclaimed Demon Lord, Tang Tang also needs a name. Although this kind of name is not very useful, it is a symbol of the change of dynasty, but it will not be long before Tang Tang will have it. As a suggestion, it doesn't matter if we celebrate a little first.

But what should I call myself?

But Tang Tang couldn't help thinking, what is he good at?flame?Called the Flame King?Worse than Hades?Equipment Emperor?Really vulgar!Otherwise, you can carry forward your own teacher and call him the master of the pavilion?Tang Tang reckoned that if he could thicken his skin, the entire Heavenly Demon Valley would not be able to tolerate a worthless Demon Lord like her.

"Hey, it turns out it's so difficult to come up with a name."

Tang Tang sighed, raised his head and drank the wine in his glass, and then looked at the bustling crowds who were still celebrating, Tang Tang got up and walked back to the stone city, standing on the highest point of the stone city, looking down, Looking at the smiling flames and the hazy figure, one can feel a little pride unconsciously. This kind of feeling of being able to stand on a high place and look down on other people is really great. No wonder there are people who want to fight for power. Broken blood.

"Unfortunately, this is not what I like."

(End of this chapter)

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