Chapter 570 Chapter 573
Tang Tang sighed, but at that moment, the stone door was pushed away with a "boom" sound, and a figure walked in.

"You're here." Tang Tang turned around and said with a smile, "Elder Dayan."

Dayan Cangqiong laughed and said, "You will soon succeed the Lord of the Demon Clan, so don't call me elders, just call me Dayan Cangqiong."

Tang Tang shook his head and said: "I am able to stand here because of the Black Mountain Demon Clan, and the support of Elder Dayan. I think our relationship can be closer, and I will also find a way to change the territory of the Black Mountain Demon Clan. It will be bigger, and then more markets will be built, and even the Jingshui River will be opened up to build docks and wharves."

Dayan Cangqiong immediately beamed with joy and said, "Thank you so much."

Tang Tang nodded and said: "However, before that, you have to tell me that you are a blacksmith, Ling Tian, ​​or Da Yan Tian Qiong!"

Dayan Sky was stunned and said, "What are you talking about?"

Tang Tang shook his head and said: "If you want to know what I'm talking about, then tell me in a different way. This skin has fallen into the name of the evil king. It's really ugly."

Dayan Sky was silent for a moment, and then burst out laughing. Immediately afterwards, his stature swelled, and his withered figure suddenly swelled, turning into a piece of sharp-edged muscles, and his height also grew to nearly two meters. His appearance was neither that of Yan Tianqiong nor that of a blacksmith, but he was a rather resolute man in his thirties.

"I am Ling Tian, ​​and I am also the evil king." Ling Tian looked at Tang Tang and said, "How did you see the flaw?"

Tang Tang spread his hands innocently and said, "There are many loopholes, but I haven't seen through them, it's just that I have some doubts in my heart."

Ling Tian said: "I would like to hear the details!"

Tang Tang said: "The first doubt is that it should be an accident that Tie Wudi went to the forbidden area to steal your Tianjue sword, and the appearance of the evil monk is also an accident, because I know that he was still in the ancient battlefield a few days ago, and the ancient battlefield It’s not far from the Moonwatching Demon Clan, that’s not what you ordered.”

Ling Tian said: "Yes, that forbidden place was built when I left the Heavenly Demon Valley. Only a few people know about it. He is also my disciple, so naturally he also knows, and he always lived there when he was in the Heavenly Demon Valley."

Tang Tang said: "This first accident aroused my doubts. The two Tianjue swords are almost identical. At that time, you told me that one of them belonged to Tai Tan and the other belonged to you. At that time, I felt a little weird, but I always I didn't care about it until this morning, the old guy from the Langtu tribe took me to visit Shicheng, showed me half of the meteorite from the sky, and told me that your Tianjue sword and Taitan's Tianjue sword were all forged from that stone , there was a hint in the words whether I should also choose the extraterrestrial meteorite, and I discovered the problem. Since the two Tianjue swords were forged by the extraterrestrial meteorite, then of course yours can also sacrifice the star soul Now, why use the one from Titan?"

Ling Tian smiled and said, "Maybe it's just me being selfish. After all, one is mine and one is yours."

Tang Tang said: "Of course, this also makes sense, but you reminded me at that time that Tianjue Sword can inherit the Taoism of the Demon Lord. If you are selfish, why do you need to remind me? And you remember when we first met, you said What? You said, you exhausted all your efforts and only got the materials to refine a water Horcrux, so what is that Heavenly Absolute Sword? Next, tell me that you are the evil king Ling Tian, ​​a former demon clan Lord, although it is difficult to find pure-attribute materials for star horcruxes, it is not that difficult to find out the materials for forging star horcruxes among the materials I saw in Mozun Titan's collection today, especially if there are many demons. Ore veins, all kinds of ores, you, as the former master of the demon clan, can't gather the materials for the star soul array, it seems hard to believe."

Ling Tian said: "Even so, it doesn't prove anything."

Tang Tang said: "The second doubt is how Tai Tan died. At that time, people from the Scarlet Mercenary Group only said that Tai Tan was seriously injured after being besieged by evil cultivators, and his strength was greatly damaged. However, who can seriously injure Tai Tan? It is really open to discussion, but, The traces of the battle in Bloody Dusk are extremely strange. I saw sword marks, shattered craters, traces of fire, trees cut by lightning, rocks cut by sword energy or wind blades, and frozen to death. Flowers and plants, the weirdest thing is that there are piles of stones piled up together, which are obviously not natural, tsk tsk, five-element spells, and advanced swordsmanship, this is really amazing."

Ling Tian said: "You seem to always want to prove that I can use the Star Soul Formation."

"Isn't that enough?" Tang Tang said with a smile: "If you know the Star Soul Formation yourself, then there is a problem with the reason for teaching me the Star Soul Formation. It is worth my doubting you. People are puzzled, such as why the backing demon tribe can so easily agree to help me, the reason why the icing on the cake is not as good as giving charcoal in the snow, but, there is a saying that does not blame the public, even if the icing on the cake fails, it will not make the tribe unlucky, But sending charcoal in the snow is different. If I fail, the backing demons must be in bad luck, and the time for you to cross the catastrophe is too coincidental. Thinking about it carefully, I also find it hard to believe that someone who has the ability to suppress the cultivation base in two A hundred-year-old master at the peak of the robbery will suddenly realize the Dao heart and need to overcome the robbery, and it is impossible to realize anything with your ability.

After a pause, Tang Tang said again: "Of course, these are all conjectures, there is no evidence, and there are even contradictions, but you have always miscalculated one thing, just like you have always wanted to go back to the demons again. Just like on the land of Gu, Taitan has never let down his vigilance towards you. No, I think that Taitan has attached great importance to you to the point of being a lifelong enemy. At first, I never thought that you have any problems. Unfortunately, Taitan gave you gave me all the answers!"

Tang Tang walked towards the stone lamp hanging on the wall, turned on the switch to reveal the gap, then pushed the wall hard, revealing everything in the secret room, Ling Tian's pupils immediately searched.

The secret room is very big, but there is nothing there, it is empty, only countless patterns are carved on the walls, each pattern is a fight between two villains, and there are densely packed small characters on the side, all of which are some notes, and There is the experience of Tai Tan after he attained enlightenment, and the two villains in those patterns, one of them is Mozun Tai Tan, and the other is naturally...

The evil king, Ling Tian!
Ling Tian painted on the wall has different postures, all of them are fighting with the Demon Lord Titan, a large part of them are the seals of the evil king, with detailed explanations, and the way to solve them, but, on a wall in the corner However, Ling Tian used five Horcruxes. Although he couldn't see the colors clearly, they were all too familiar to Tang Tang, who also used the Star Soul Formation.

"As I said just now, after knowing that you can also use the Star Soul Formation, I think you have a problem." Tang Tang exited the secret room and said: "Before I didn't know that you could use the Star Soul Formation, all your actions It all makes sense, but after knowing it, it will be full of flaws, I guessed, this game you set up should not be aimed at me, but the Scarlet Mercenary Group!"

"Titan's ability to unify the Heavenly Demon Valley gave you a lot of stimulation, but it was not because of Titan's strength, but because he did what you couldn't do, and you understood that you are a demon from the Heavenly Demon Valley, and you have your own tribe. You will definitely not be accepted by other demon tribes, so you left the Heavenly Demon Valley, but you never gave up and returned to this land."

"You have spent a lot of time, probably just for the supernatural powers that can change your appearance and body shape at will, and then naturally practice hard. No matter what, if you can't beat the Titan, you will be at a loss, until you think that you Your cultivation level is enough, so you sneak back to the Heavenly Demon Valley, kill the elder of the Black Mountain Demon Race, Dayan Cangqiong, and pretend to be him. However, the appearance and physique can be changed, but habits, personality, style, etc. But it is difficult to change, so you turned Dayan Sky into a shaman, and no one would doubt a shaman's talkativeness. Moreover, a shaman has supreme glory, even if it is a shaman. When the two sons of Dayan Cangqiong heard about it, they were only happy, and they didn't care that you looked weirder than before."

"Then, you use the identity of Da Yan Cangqiong to inquire about Tai Tan's news. Of course, the most important thing is Tai Tan's strength. After confirming that you can defeat Tai Tan, you will find a way to send Tai Tan to Bloody Dusk. I'm not sure, but if you think about it, as long as you reveal some information about yourself, such as Ling Tian has never left the Southern Wilderness, and has been hiding in the bloody dusk to practice, Tai Tan will definitely not be able to help running to make sure, and then you will There was a battle in Bloody Dusk, because you used the star-soul formation, so the traces of Bloody Dusk seemed to be caused by several evil cultivators. Afterwards, Demon Lord Titan lost and was seriously injured. In short, let Titan escape and be discovered by the Scarlet Mercenary Group. As long as they are greedy, they will definitely mobilize and besiege Titan. Well, as for why you chose the Scarlet Mercenary Group, it should be because the Douluo Palace is quite close to the Heavenly Demon Valley. The Central Plains people who appear most in Tianmo Valley are almost all from Douluo Palace. At the same time, they are numerous and powerful, capable of besieging and killing Titans, and they are more likely to cause trouble in Tianmo Valley.

"However, you didn't expect that Titan's burial coffin was finally sold by the Scarlet Mercenary Group. They didn't have much interest in the Sky Demon Valley, but it doesn't matter to you. You just need to let the burial coffin It is enough for the sky coffin to spread out, and because of the seal on the burial coffin, if you want to unlock it, you can only find a master craftsman. It just so happens that you are one of the master craftsmen who are good at forging. Whoever gets the burial coffin is very likely to find you in the end. Speaking of it, this is also an accident. I didn't go to Xueyin Village for the Tianjue Sword, but the trajectory of things is similar to what you expected. You Help me refine the Star Soul Formation, improve my strength, and euphemistically reveal the matter of Tianmo Valley and Tai Tan, tempting me to become interested, enter Tianmo Valley, and work hard for the inheritance of Taitan."

(End of this chapter)

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