The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 582 Chapter 585 Merit Controversy Meets Black Clothes Again

Chapter 582 Chapter 585 Merit Controversy Meets Black Clothes Again ([-])

Thick-skinned is not something everyone can do, at least to be able to listen to the other party's sarcasm as a compliment, not to be ashamed of it, but to be proud of it, that is a small achievement, on this point, Tang Tang Obviously, it is the realm of consummation of merit and virtue.

Naturally, the man was choked by Tang Tang again, and seemed to be about to speak, but he hesitated extremely, quite doubting whether it was a mistake for him to speak again.

That embarrassing look didn't make Tang Tang feel anything, but the first kiss was given to Yan, who had been watching Tang Tang molesting other people from the sidelines. He couldn't help it, and laughed out loud while covering his mouth. Of course, it was not intentional to give Cigarette the first kiss, just watching Tang Tang play tricks there, sometimes it is a very interesting thing, but it finally ignited the other party's anger completely.

"Tang Tang!" The man said angrily, "I am the owner of the tenth floor of the Black Clothes Shrine, Yizuixiaochunfeng. Our Black Clothes Shrine uses people's money to eliminate disasters. Today's merit stele must be broken. If you If you insist on obstructing, then I can only experience your ability."

After that drunken laughing spring breeze finished speaking, seeing Tang Tang's lips moved and wanted to speak again, he immediately turned the strange sword in his hand to a sword flower, and rushed towards Tang Tang aggressively, not intending to kill Tang Tang at all. The opportunity to speak, when the tip of the sword is lifted, there are three sword lights.

Tang Tang's eyes lit up immediately, these three sword lights were not sword tactics, but all ordinary attacks, but the speed of the sword was nothing more than that, even Tang Tang felt that if this was not the opponent's full strength, then this A man... A woman who looks like a man may not be as fast as Yu Jian.

With a heart to compete for superiority, Tang Tang simply did not recall the reincarnation Feng Qiuhuang, and let the two women watch the show from the sidelines. But holding Baiquehuang and Jiehuolonglin, he floated up to meet him.


Gently provoking and poking with Baiquehuang, Tang Tang shook away the opponent's three sword lights, but the sword body immediately shook with a drunken laughing spring breeze, but this time, the sword was divided into four, piercing At the same time as the sword was drawn, four sword lights were picked out in a row.

And since Tang Tang wanted to win, he also did not attack Yizui Xiaochunfeng. He also picked out four sword shadows and shot down the four sword lights one by one. Then he raised the corner of his mouth and smiled. not bad.

It's just that, in the eyes of Yizuixiaochunfeng, this kind of non-salty smile is no different from provocation and ridicule. Reminiscent of Tang Tang's previous teasing, Yizuixiaochunfeng was also upset, and immediately turned around and stabbed again. But it turned into five points with one sword, but was challenged by Tang Tang one by one again, but still failed to succeed.

"Can you go faster?" Tang Tang said, "I can go faster!"

With a drunk smile, the spring breeze suddenly bit his teeth, and suddenly he did not advance but retreated. He pulled back two steps, but he used the movement of returning a carbine, his body went backwards, but he turned suddenly in mid-air Raise the sword and stab.

This time, the sword light that bloomed at the tip of the sword fell back to four directions, which naturally disappointed Tang Tang, but at that moment...

Jian Guang twisted!

The sword light was twisted and twisted in a strange way, turning into a snake shape, heading towards Tang Tang with an unpredictable trajectory.

"Soft sword?"

As soon as Tang Tang raised the sword, he felt something was wrong. The light of the sword was extremely slippery, and the sword body that was attached to him suddenly bent, and he forced a circle in mid-air. The sword hit Tang Tang's shoulder, leaving a bright red bloodstain. And after thinking about the arc, Tang Tang felt that only a soft sword could bend the sword into that curve, right?
It's just that the drunk and smiling spring breeze has no intention of resolving Tang Tang's confusion at all. The thing she hates the most now is talking to Tang Tang. forward straight thrust.

That weird snake-shaped sword light turned into five paths!
Tang Tang still wanted to hit the sword hard, but he was about to touch the sword light, but when he was turned by the snake-like curve, he immediately stabbed in the air. This time, Tang Tang only received one sword. The remaining four swords left a half-inch long blood mark on Tang Tang's body.

"Haha..." With a drunk smile, Chunfeng suddenly felt elated, and said with a smile, "The female devil of the Tang Sect? It seems to be nothing more than that..."

Tang Tang flicked his sword and said calmly: "When you smile, you barely feel like a woman."

The laughter of the drunk spring breeze stopped abruptly, and the joy I felt just now collapsed and disappeared without a trace. With his chest heaving and spitting out foul air, he gritted his teeth and raised his sword again to stab !

It is still the five snake-shaped sword light, but it is more tricky and ruthless than before!

But also at this very moment...

Tang Tang's figure moved suddenly, and suddenly walked towards Yizui Xiaochunfeng.

Almost like a ghostly figure flashed.

The sword passes, the person passes!
Yi Zui Xiao Chun Feng's shoulders, wrists and lower abdomen burst out three bloody flowers at the same time, causing Yi Zui Xiao Chun Feng's body to tilt, half kneeling on the ground, and then barely stabilized his figure.

"I don't have to block your sword, as long as I can stab you first." Tang Tang shook his head at Chunfeng with a drunken smile, "You are not as fast as me, forget it, I am very gentlemanly, treat women It's not a good habit to kill yourself, as long as you don't want to use the merit stele, I won't hang you one level, you can go."

"The Black Clothes Shrine will succeed!" Chunfeng stood up with a drunken smile and said, "Besides, I didn't lose..."

As soon as Zui Xiao Chun Feng scolded softly, he was about to rush towards Tang Tang again, but at this moment, a big hand suddenly came out from the side, gently clasping Zui Xiao Chun Feng's wrist.

One person and one box!
Tang Tang's eyes suddenly narrowed into a slit, and in that vague gaze...

Killing intent is awe-inspiring!
Even though the people in the Shrine in Black are all masked in black, Tang Tang really can't forget the one in front of him. They only met on two sides, the first time was in Tianmeng Lake, and the second time was by the Styx River !
Both times, Tang Tang was the loser.

"Let's go." The man in black didn't look at Tang Tang too much, but after his eyes met, he naturally missed it, patted the shoulder of Drunken and Smiling Spring Breeze and said: "The Tang Sect has come, Bloody The mercenary group can't last long, and they have fallen short, so there is no need to pester them any more."

A drunk and smiling spring breeze was obviously unwilling, and he gave Tang Tang a bitter look, but he respected the man in black and didn't say too much. He was only silent for half a second, and then obediently stood up to the man in black. way.

Walking away with his hands behind his back, the man in black wanted to take him away, but at this moment, the energy roared behind him, and the heat wave was rolling in. The man in black turned his head sideways, and a fire-attributed sword energy brushed past his cheek. smashed the side wall.

"I'm really sorry!" Tang Tang flicked the blade of his sword, and made a crisp sound of the sword, and said to the man in black: "I'm not interested in her, but I am very interested in you So, can I trouble you to stay?"

The man in Tsing Yi turned around, lifted the box and said, "Are you really going to fight with me here?"

Tang Tang curled his lips, let go of his hands casually, and made a hand gesture. Tang Tang used a broken blade to shatter the fire-robbing dragon scales in his hand into hundreds of dragon scales. They danced around Tang Tang's side, and then formed a line. , and headed towards the man in black!

This is the best answer.

The man in black frowned, and then lifted the iron chain in his hand, and there was a loud clatter, and the box hanging on the chain immediately burst into countless white rays of light, which were milky white, as if they had substance, and exploded outward. Open, like white wax pillars one by one, once Tang Tang's hand formula condensed, the scaled blade created by the calamity fire scale cut off dozens of condensed light pillars, but no matter how fast Tang Tang's hand was, But it is also impossible to compare with the speed of the light blooming, it can only be a pity to withdraw the sword and walk back.

As soon as Tang Tang withdrew his sword, the milky white light immediately receded quickly, gradually faded, and finally completely disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the place where the man in black and Yizui Xiaochunfeng were standing just now, there was no one left at this moment, they disappeared without a trace along with the light.

Tang Tang looked up to the sky and sighed: "It's really fast. You can escape thousands of miles in an instant. It doesn't matter if you run away without leaving your back. This speed is really at its peak. It seems that at least in terms of speed, I have met The opponent..."

The first kiss gave Yan considerable hesitation, seeing Tang Tang's long sighs, he opened his mouth a few times but stopped talking.

"Just speak up if you have something to say." Tang Tang couldn't stand it anymore and said, "Big man, you have to be straightforward and don't hesitate."

After the first kiss was given to Yan Ting, she still hesitated, gritted her teeth and said weakly: "I think they just used the earth talisman."

Tang Tang suddenly turned into a "囧" expression!

In the gang hall of Wangyuetai, Tang Xin called everyone together.

In the gang management mode of Kuangzhan Pavilion, it has always been a dictatorship mode. Simply put, Tang Xin dominates alone. He does not make decisions, but he will give a general direction, or what needs to be done. As for how to do it, That's what his group of men need to worry about.

Therefore, this kind of convening is almost unnecessary. Firstly, all major actions of the gang are decided by Tang Xin himself, and secondly, Tang Taro and Tang Tang also came. The question is, will Tang Xin be so stupid that he can command these two great gods? ?Tang Taro was purely looking at the face of fellow Tang Sect members, and this matter was also implicated in the Tang Sect. As for Tang Tang, it was a coincidence. Tang Tang would take care of the Tang Sect's affairs, but the Kuang Zhan Ge's matter, then It depends on Tang Tang's mood, but Tang Xin was lucky this time, just as Tang Tang was in a good mood.

Therefore, Tang Xin called everyone over mainly to express his attitude, saying "thank you all" and "if necessary, he will go to the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire", and then arrange what to do to the gang members who died in the garrison battle The pensions, and those who fought, also need to be rewarded according to their merits, otherwise, who will work for the gang in the future?
(End of this chapter)

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