Chapter 583: Chapter 586
In addition, Tang Xin also took a fancy to the group of demons brought by Tang Tang!

It's not to say how outstanding the strength of these guys is, but in the rather cruel living environment of Tianmo Valley, even the players are extraordinarily tough. They are obviously of similar strength, but they can at least one Hitting two, they were extremely ferocious, and they didn't know how to back down at all. Moreover, Tang Xin also noticed that the equipment of this group of people was very complicated, and it was not very good, or even slightly worse, which meant that they were not deliberately cultivated by a certain gang. An elite team, but this group of people themselves can fight well.

"You want to recruit gang members from among my people?"

After Tang Tang heard Tang Xin's meaning, he blinked and said something, embarrassing Tang Xin, secretly thinking that he was careless. Since Tang Tang can pull out such a large number of people, he obviously has his own influence Or establish your own power, so, didn't you just tell others that you want to dig a corner!
Unexpectedly, Tang Xin himself has given up hope, as long as he doesn't hate Tang Tang, but Tang Tang said: "Yes."

Tang Xin was stunned and said, "Yes?"

Tang Tang said: "Yes, you can talk to them yourself, if they are willing to join the Berserker Pavilion, they can join. Of course, I hope they can help you fight the fiercest battle, so you have to give them the most generous rewards. We have Friendship is friendship, and people who don’t show me will do it for nothing.”

"No problem, no problem." Tang Xin immediately patted his chest and reassured: "Who doesn't know that in terms of generosity, the best is the Sea God Pavilion, as well as our Tang Sect's Kuangzhan Pavilion and Tufengying?"

What Tang Xin said was the truth. The Sea God Pavilion and the Tang Sect are big treasure houses in themselves. Taking the sect as the foundation, occupying these two places is naturally rich and powerful. , the gang leaders are not stingy, because a stingy person cannot become a big gang leader, and naturally his own gang cannot become a big gang.

"In addition." Tang Tang said: "I suggest you spend some money to build a market in Tianmo Valley, I can give you a discount, exempt from 10% transaction tax, of course, the maintenance, construction, and future expansion of the market You pay for it all, but the ownership is mine. You only have the right to trade, but it is enough for you to make a lot of money. The most important thing is that if you want to recruit people under my command, at least you have to find a way to make money in their hometown. Build them a territory that belongs to you, although they are willing to join the gang, they may not all like to be active in the Douluo Continent."

"Are they all demon cultivators?" Tang Xin asked in surprise, "How did you get in touch with people from the Heavenly Demon Valley?"

"It's a long story. I think you're busy right now, so you probably don't have time to listen to my story..." Tang Tang patted his head and said, "By the way, I'm going to set up a garrison. Do you have any good ideas?" suggestion?"


Tang Xin looked at Tang Tang with weird eyes immediately. The reason he and Tang Tang have always had a good relationship is that Tang Tang is not a member of any gang. It won't cause trouble for him, but if Tang Tang wants to start a sect, Tang Xin will definitely have a headache. With Tang Tang's prestige in the Tang Sect, as long as she raises her arms and shouts, Tang Tang will probably drag many people away from the Kuangzhan Pavilion people.

Tang Tang seemed to see Tang Xin's worry, and said with a smile: "You are stupid, if I want to be interested in being a gang leader, I have already become a gang leader. Besides, if I want to start a gang, I will let you People who recruit me? I'm not a fool! I want a resident for other purposes."

Tang Xin was relieved when he heard this, and then he thought for a moment, then suddenly laughed and said, "If you want a residence, you need a building, right? I have a full set of blueprints here, and I can give them to you."

Tang Tang glanced at Tang Xin suspiciously and said, "It's nothing to be courteous, it's not adultery or robbery."

Tang Xin was choked to death, but fortunately he was used to Tang Tang's style, so he could only say straightforwardly, "My point is very simple, since you want to build a residence, can you choose Yandang Mountain?"

"Yandang Mountain?" Tang Tang stroked his chin and said, "That's a good place, but why did you suddenly think of Yandang Mountain?"

"Hmph." Tang Xin snorted coldly: "Recently there has been a lot of friction between the orthodox way and the evil way, and there are many conflicts between gangs and sects. Our Tangmen and Douluodian are the first to bear the brunt. However, those guys from the Wushendian don't know what they are planning. , have never been involved in it, I think they have other plans, which may not be a good thing for us, and the Martial God Temple is built in Qiantang, there are only two suitable places to be resident, one is naturally Daming Lake, and the other The place has beautiful scenery, but building a resident on the lake may not be a good thing, there is no way to make good defensive measures, the other is the Qiantang River, unfortunately, there is Qiantang Jiao in the Qiantang River, and it is connected to the sea, if the Dragon King in the sea is also attracted Tsk tsk, that would be a lot of fun, so, riding a pig can only develop outwards month by month, and established a station at Lianhua Peak in Huangshan. Yue's guy sounded the alarm, the distance from Yandang Mountain to Qiantang is much shorter than Huangshan back to Qiantang."

Tang Tang actually didn't want to get involved in gang affairs, especially that gang had nothing to do with him, but Tang Tang also knew very well that no matter what she thought, in the eyes of others, she was born in the Tang Sect and was a master of the Tang Sect. Xin also came from the Tang Sect. He is the leader of the Kuangzhan Pavilion and the commander of Tang Sect's weapon soul masters. The two have a good relationship. There are some things that Tang Tang can't avoid if he wants to. Secondly, even if Tang Tang avoids it, it doesn't mean that other people People think so too.

"Deal." Tang Tang said bluntly: "I have never played a garrison, I don't know what to pay attention to, I don't know how to build it, and I don't know how to build it after I finish it. Of course, don't tell me, these twists and turns I have a headache, I'll find someone who doesn't have a headache to talk to you later."

Tang Xin had nothing to do, and after the two of them decided on everything, Tang Tang drifted away. As for the seven or eight thousand evil demon cultivators brought by Tang Tang, they all stayed on the observation platform for the time being. Xin was afraid that the Scarlet Mercenary Group would make a comeback, and secondly, Tang Tang had nowhere to place them.

In fact, this is also the reason why Tang Tang wants to set up a resident. The place of the Demon Race is like that. Except for the tribes, there is only the ancient battlefield. The structure of the Tianmo Valley is actually relatively simple. She also wanted to bring out the players from the Heavenly Demon Valley, but if she did that, she would first need to help the people in the Heavenly Demon Valley find a place to stay.

Leaving the moon-watching platform, Tang Tang saw Step by Step leaning against the door, smiling and beckoning to himself.

Tang Tang leaned forward and said, "Are you back?"

One step at a time, he nodded and said: "I went back to the Black Clothes Shrine as you said, and the soul domain tested me again, and at the same time asked me to assassinate the three designated masters. After the reassessment of my strength, I was given a new number plate, and I am now the owner of the fifth floor of the Black Shrine, so I should be able to know more about the Black Shrine."

"The fifth floor of the Black Clothes Shrine?" Tang Tang suddenly remembered that he seemed to have said that he was the landlord of the tenth floor of the Black Clothes Shrine with a drunken smile, and couldn't help asking: "What does this landlord mean?"

One step at a time, he said: "Because there were few people in the Black Clothes Shrine, the number plates were given based on the evaluation of the strength of the soul domain, but now after the expansion, it is not only recruiting experts, but only recruiting people who can kill ..."

"Wait, wait..." Tang Tang interrupted, "A person who can kill?"

One step at a time, he nodded and said: "It doesn't mean that you can kill people with strong strength. Skills, experience, and means are all important. Take you as an example, don't you have a ghost claw auxiliary Horcrux, as long as you hit it, you will drop 80 points." % health has nothing to do with your own cultivation. Secondly, some soul Gu masters in the Soul Valley, even if they only have one cultivation base, the poisonous soul worms they cultivate can easily poison three masters. of."

Tang Tang nodded to show that he understood. In the past, the Black Clothes Shrine recruited people based on their cultivation and strength, and the main methods were assassination and sneak attack, but now it is more pure. No matter what the method is, it is good to be able to kill people.

One step and one kill continued: "At the same time, because of the increase in the number of people, the Black Clothes Shrine has a total of 40 floors, called the Black Clothes Eighteenth Floor, and each floor has about three or forty people. The eighteen landlords are simply divided by strength and cultivation, from the first floor to the eighteenth floor, in order."

"Yeah!" Tang Tang nodded, and then said in astonishment: "With your cultivation base of three calamities, you can only command the fifth floor? Doesn't it mean that there are four people who are stronger than you? That Brother Yan is holding Amaterasu, now After going through three tribulations again, which floor is he on?"

One step at a time, one kill said with a wry smile: "The fourth floor."

Tang Tang also had a solemn expression. Although it is not necessarily correct to sort by the evaluation of the combat power of the soul domain, after all, the soul domain has no way to evaluate such intangible things as technology and experience, but this result is quite surprising.

"Anyway, I'll start doing more activities at the Black Clothes Shrine, and I'll let you know what's going on." One Step One Kill sighed, obviously dissatisfied with being only on the fifth floor, but then smiled again Get up, take out something from the backpack and say: "This is your thing, it has been forged, Iron Invincible asked me to bring it to you."

The thing that was taken out by one step and one kill was a sarcophagus, a two-meter-high sarcophagus, rough, wild, and revealing a domineering feeling.

Tang Tang narrowed his eyes involuntarily!
Burial coffin!
Tianjue Sword is back!

Tianjue Sword (Horcrux) (Legendary Grade Nine): The symbol of the Lord of the Demon Race, the sword of the new Demon Lord Tang Tang, forged with strange stones, infinite power, equipment requirements: Tang Tang can hold it, damage 820, Flight speed 550, attack speed 410, attributes: strength +30, comprehension +15, luck value +5, life value +2000, mana value +2000, imperial weapon technique +10, special attribute: knockback (100% chance of knockback All weapons whose grade is not higher than this sword) Shattering (20% chance to break the enemy’s weapon, which can be repaired) Broken (10% chance to destroy the enemy’s weapon, which cannot be repaired) Skill: Bajue (swinging the weapon to give the opponent full power One blow, causing 50% of the opponent's health damage, consumption: Jianxin psychic x1, cooldown time: 360 seconds) Hengdao immediately, Xiaoao Wushuang (defense decreases by 300% within 90 seconds, damage increases by 90%, 60% chance to hit Crush weapons below Tier 30, auxiliary Horcruxes, equipment, 15% chance of crushing weapons below Tier 5, auxiliary Horcruxes, equipment, 5% chance of crushing weapons below Tier 5, auxiliary Horcruxes, equipment, Remarks: Death in this state , suffer double death penalty) King's Order (in the name of the demon king to shock the world, within a radius of five kilometers, the demon cultivator's life value increases by 50%, mana value increases by 20%, mana value increases by 50%, and character attributes increase by 48 Points, all attributes of the character increase by [-] points, death penalty is reduced by [-]%, duration: two hours, cooling time: [-] hours!)
When the new Tianjue Sword was forged, according to Tang Tang's request, it was also sealed in a burial coffin. However, Tang Tang was very surprised. In the form of a burial coffin, the grade of the Tianjue Sword had reached the ninth rank. Legendary quality, and, because of Tang Tang's request, the new Tianjue Sword is almost an imitation of Mozun's Tianjue Sword, with a slight deviation in the basic attributes, and the special attributes are exactly the same, especially the 100% The repelling attribute is actually Tang Tang's favorite. In addition, Tianjue Sword also has an extra supernatural power, and the king's command is really against the sky.

One step at a time and one kill explained to Duanmuyu: "In the past, the Titans made the sky burial coffin to seal the sky sword. You need to use it yourself. Why seal it up? So, it was just made into a sky burial coffin and not There is no seal. Of course, there is a real Heavenly Absolute Sword inside the burial coffin, but even if the burial coffin is broken, its attributes will not become stronger. As for the king's command, it seems that all demon kings have it. You are only using the Absolute Heaven Sword, not the Lord of the Demon Venerable, so you don't have this supernatural power, and besides..."

One step at a time, he pulled up the iron chain on the sword tablet, pointed to one of the talisman papers and said, "Look at this thing."

Black and yellow talisman (talisman): After being infused with mana, it will explode and attack the upper limit of seven targets within five meters around with fire attribute damage
One step at a time, he said: "The iron chain is still made of trapped dragon black iron. Even if this thing is not used for sealing, it is also an extremely strong thing. It is very good, but the seal talisman paper is definitely unusable, so I bought it out of my own pocket. Some black and yellow talismans, let those demon craftsmen paste them for you, when you are fighting against people, you can detonate them with a thought."

"Not bad, not bad!" Tang Tang raised the burial coffin and waved it a few times. Because of the super high imperial weapon technique, the burial coffin was taller than Tang Tang's, and the waist was wider, but it was very obedient, and it didn't look bulky at all. , making Tang Tang praise: "This is the ideal Horcrux in my mind."


As soon as Tang Tang said these words, the resentment of the two aunts immediately aroused. He appeared in the red light and snorted coldly in dissatisfaction. Indeed, it is not appropriate to praise other Horcruxes in front of the divine soldiers, let alone "" The most ideal sword" is such a term.

Fortunately, Tang Tang's face is as talented as his talent in martial arts, and he immediately pretended not to notice the two women suddenly appearing behind him, and said flatteringly: "Of course, no matter how ideal it is, it is better than the reincarnation of Feng Qiuhuang in my life." The position in my heart, if Tianjue Sword is an ideal, then they are perfect in my heart."

One step and one kill immediately thought in his heart: Shameless.

It's a pity that the two women didn't buy it very much. Ning Rongrong took Tang Tang's arm and repeated the old story: "How, how, our performance is good, don't we need to stay in the sword box in the future? ?”

"Hey, hello." Tang Tang said: "I said consider it, I didn't say yes."

Ning Rongrong immediately looked tearful and about to cry, Tang Tang had no choice but to say: "Well, it's fine if you want to keep your weapon soul, but at least you must not let others know that you are weapon soul. "


Ning Rongrong obediently agreed, and then suddenly attacked towards One Step One Kill, raised his wrist and raised his palm, and a cloud of black energy gushed out, heading towards One Step One Kill, and one Step One Kill was suddenly startled , quickly draw out the bloodthirsty sword...

"Don't force it!" Tang Tang hurriedly raised his hand to block it, the cloud of black air hit Tang Tang's palm, causing the muscles of Tang Tang's right hand to sag quickly, revealing the deep bones. After the reincarnation of life and death, the palm of the hand was immediately boneless and intact, and then said helplessly to Ning Rongrong: "What are you doing?"

Ning Rongrong took it for granted: "He knows we are tool souls, if he kills him, he won't know."

Tang Tang couldn't laugh or cry and said, "My friends don't count."

Ning Rongrong suddenly turned into an aggrieved expression, Tang Tang had no choice but to say: "Don't cry, don't cry, I just happened to take you to a good place to play."

Ning Rongrong excitedly said: "Where?"

Tang Tang laughed and said, "Yandang Mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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