Chapter 584 Chapter 587
Although Yandang Mountain is not a sacred mountain, it is one of the blessed places in the mainland, with beautiful mountains and clear waters and full of aura. Although Tang Tang wanted to set up his residence on Mount Tai, the most respected of the five mountains, Yandang Mountain is actually not bad. Compared with Mount Tai The majesty of the mountain, the domineering aura of the mountain, the Yandang Mountain is more beautiful, the mountains and rivers are interdependent, and the scenery is very unique.

However, it is impossible for Tang Tang to occupy the entire Yandang Mountain. Her goal is the Dalongqiu among the three best in Yandang, among the two spirits and one dragon!

This Dalongqiu is a winding lake with strange peaks and caves, steep rocks, waterfalls and flowing springs, lush forests and secluded valleys. It is a very good place. Compared with building the residence in the mountains, Tang Tang prefers to build it in the mountains. The garrison was built in Dalongqiu. Moreover, although our own place is not easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is very suitable for guerrilla warfare, and it is not the kind of place that can be attacked if you want to attack.

However, the famous mountains and great rivers in Douluo Continent are almost all the fat in the eyes of the major gangs. Let’s not mention the famous mountains like Kunlun Mountain for the time being. It took a long time to fight for the seat of Huangshan, and all the peaks of Huangshan, such as Tiandu Peak, Guangming Peak, and Lianhua Peak, were all occupied.

Although the name of this Yandang Mountain is weaker than that of Huangshan Mountain, it is also a famous place. The two spirits and one dragon are even more aura. The old forests in the deep mountains are full of grass and grass, so the Yandang Mountains naturally have those old and sophisticated monsters. Tang Tang wanted to set up a residence in Yandang Mountains, obviously he had to pay homage to the "natives" of Yandang Mountains first.

This kind of thing shouldn't be done by Tang Tang. Firstly, she can barely be regarded as a person of status now. Secondly, if she wants to turn Yandang Mountain to the bottom and find out the situation, it is really not something that one or two people can easily do. It is still necessary to uphold the principle that more people can do things better.

However, in order to carry forward the style of diligent and thrifty housekeeping, Tang Tang decided to explore the way by himself. If there is any evildoer in Yandang Mountain, with her one-step killing skills, plus a pair of magical soldiers and an ancient beast, it should be He could handle it, but if he brought a large group of people with him, there would be some trouble. Even if Tang Tang could escape unscathed, it would be difficult for the others. In other cases, pensions would be indispensable.

Tang Tang has never been stingy, but it is better to save unnecessary money. Besides, no one likes to be relegated. Of course, the more important thing is that Tang Tang is free now!

The sun and moon reincarnation flag and the sun and moon reincarnation have been obtained, and the inheritance of the demon king Titan should also be regarded as inheritance. The magic soldier reincarnation Feng Qiuhuang also recognized Tang Tang as his master. Let the fish swim in the sky, let the birds fly in the sky, but the sad thing is that Tang Tang couldn't think of what to do for a while, so he just came to Yandang Mountain in person.

After entering Yandang Mountain, Tang Tang abandoned the flying horcrux as soon as he killed him one step at a time. Since he was here to explore the way, he couldn't just be in the air. He could only enjoy the scenery, but he couldn't find anything.

But entering the forest around Dalongqiu, Tang Tang felt a little bad.

This feeling is quite strange, just like some people occasionally feel that they are being watched by others, and some people occasionally feel that there is danger around them, but they can't explain it clearly, without the slightest basis.

Tang Tang is like this at the moment, looking at the trees around, Tang Tang just feels weird, but where is the weirdness, Tang Tang can't tell clearly for a while, this kind of nagging feeling can't be explained by step by step, simply Go along the mountains and forests towards Dalongqiu.

Walking along the way, the surrounding trees were mottled, birds were singing, and it was quiet. As for the crisis Tang Tang imagined, it never appeared, which made Tang Tang feel at ease.

However, he suddenly frowned and said, "Do you think something is wrong?"

Tang Tang asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

One step at a time, he said: "We mainly want to see the situation around Dalongqiu. When we landed just now, we could already see Dalongqiu from the air. The distance from where we landed is only two or three miles away. It takes at least half an hour to see Dalongqiu, and it’s almost two hours now, so what does that mean?"

Tang Tang raised his eyebrows, and said solemnly: "Illusion! Illusion!"

"Wrong!" Step by step said: "We lost our way!"

Tang Tang almost stumbled when he heard this. Since he inherited the Sword Demon inheritance, this guy has become a lot more cheerful and understands cold jokes.

One step at a time, he said: "I'm not joking, if you get lost, it's not too strange, the question is why did I get lost with you?"

Tang Tang immediately looked depressed, but Ning Rongrong added fuel to the fire and said, "Why is she able to, but you can't?"

He smiled step by step, but instead of answering the question that would make Tang Tang even more embarrassed, he continued: "The most important thing is that I am used to doing calculations with the blood-breeding technique of Xuelunyan, but I found that there is no There is no problem at all, at least we are still in Dalongqiu, and we are not in an illusion, and we are not in any formation. However, if this is the case, it is even more problematic. Why can't we get out of the straight line we have been walking? What about the forest?"

Yan Luo, one step at a time, suddenly pinched his finger, squeezed out a drop of blood and bounced around...

Blood is shining!
Dozens of trees in the surrounding area suddenly started to shake in the bloody light created by one step at a time. Then, Tang Tang saw a big tree among them "click" and its trunk split open. , turned into a big mouth and laughed silently at himself.

"Yu Kong!"

Although Tang Tang was terrified by the sudden grin of the big tree, he understood that the mountains and forests around the Dalongqiu might be the territory of this group of tree demons, and for the tree demons, they wanted to keep people together. Naturally, it couldn't be easier for a ghost to hit a wall in a mountain forest.

While Tang Tang was thinking, he was half-flying into the air, and flew out of Baiquehuang to cut a tree demon in two.

Unexpectedly, Tang Tang's sword caused thousands of waves with a single stone. Within a radius of ten miles, there was a sudden roar. Immediately afterwards, big trees emerged from the soil. Like a long whip, with a sharp swipe, the green awn grows and comes towards the air.

There were nearly a thousand tree demons drilled out of the soil. Naturally, Tang Tang didn't dare to exaggerate this number. If he was entangled, he would be swallowed by the green light in an instant, and maybe there would be no bones left. A little bit, besides, there are indeed only a thousand tree bites at the moment, but who knows how many are hidden in the ground, or how extensive the territory of this tree demon is.

(End of this chapter)

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