Chapter 598 Chapter 601
Tang Tang's speed is very fast. Even if he is dragged down in the sea, it is not comparable to ordinary shrimp soldiers and crabs. Naturally, it is even more impossible for these guys to catch up. It turned into a torrent of countless foams in the sea, and Tang Tang rushed out. out of the sea.

However, when leaving the sea, Tang Tang brought out some small gifts, and the thousand or so shrimp soldiers and crab generals closest to the sea rushed out of the sea with Tang Tang, and followed them into the sky.

It's a pity that once you get out of the bottom of the sea, that's Tang Tang's world.

"be careful!"

Tang Tang instructed Jin Lingdong to say a word, and at the same time, as soon as the hand was condensed, five mysterious lights of five different colors suddenly rushed from Tang Tang's body, and swayed towards the surroundings with bursts of ear-piercing sword cries, shocking the surrounding players He felt numb in his ears, and with the sound of the sword, five star horcruxes appeared around Tang Tang.

Sword Qi, five-color brilliance and charming eyes!

Tang Tang turned into an afterimage and rushed into the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, the five-colored sword light danced wildly, strangling and killing the shrimp soldiers and crab generals around him. In a short time, the group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals who had been killed were turned on their backs, and corpses continued to fall into the sea , Killing to the point of rising, Tang Tang was even more imaginary in his hands, and with a wrong palm, he swung violently to both sides.

"Sword Qi is vertical and horizontal!"

The metal star horcrux immediately shot straight into the air, and using it as the first sword, the five star horcruxes were suddenly shattered in mid-air, turning into countless sword qi, and swaying towards the surroundings, like ripples in circles, Constantly charging towards the surroundings, charging, and then charging...

In a short time, within a hundred meters of Tang Tang, there were no more shrimp soldiers and crab generals. In the blink of an eye, as many as one-third of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals that were chased out were beheaded by Tang Tang, and the remaining shrimp soldiers and crab generals were quite large. Being cunning, seeing that the situation was not right, he didn't even bother Tang Tang any more, but threw a round of flying spears to harass Tang Tang, who had already gone mad, and fell back into the sea, fleeing without a trace.

"it is good!"

Among the crowd on the shore of the Arctic Ocean, someone did not know who shouted, which caused many people to boo.

The strong always attract people's admiration and attention. However, Tang Tang didn't have the slightest liking for the feeling of being watched as a cherished animal. After leaving a pile of corpses floating on the sea, Tang Tang drifted away up.

In a place called Bay Town near the Arctic Ocean, Tang Tang booked a room in the inn, and sat and drank with Jin Lingdong. Through the window, the two of them could see the coast of the Arctic Ocean full of people.

This scene made Tang Tang shake his head quite a bit. After going to the bottom of the sea once, Tang Tang knew the general situation. It is not yet known where the bottom of the sea is. Here, the players are not united, they all want to be the one who can enter the underwater city.

Therefore, no one is willing to be the first batch to be cannon fodder, but to pass through the siege of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, it is necessary for everyone to be united. The disciples helped to restore the health, and she was not confident that she would be able to break through the super formation composed of hundreds of thousands of shrimp soldiers and crab generals!
However, this stalemate will eventually be broken, and soul domain activities are not completely time-limited. If people from the God Realm or Demon Realm capture Shui Bi and Xi Feng first, then their group of players will completely become soy saucers , I am afraid that such a situation is also something that no one wants to see.

And the first ones to stand up are the gang bosses of the various gangs!
Because, it is reported that the biggest reward of this event is this underwater city buried deep at the bottom of the Bohai Sea!
At the beginning, after Shui Bi fled with Xi Feng, she almost used all her mana to build a city, an underwater city that can wander around the bottom of the four seas, using the law of time in the holy world and thousands of years on the earth, to let the gods The gods will not be able to find them, even if they can be found, by the time those gods and gods come down to earth, the seabed city will not be in its original location long ago.

The Konoha Illusory City that the Scarlet Mercenary Group grew from the seed of a sacred tree has already envied others. What kind of benefits and benefits can that underwater city bring to a gang?
Undoubtedly, all the gangsters of some families have come to the Arctic Ocean, waiting to fight for the underwater city, and even the gang war that has been going on for a long time has finally ushered in a period of war-free peace, but this kind of peace is not too far away. After a long time, when Xifeng and Shuibi were killed, the underwater city became a thing without an owner, and they still had to be beaten to death.

However, before that, the major gangs reached an agreement tacitly. They each searched for a location in the Arctic Ocean, killed the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and pushed forward bit by bit towards the Arctic Ocean. Players have the hope of showing their skills and peeking into the underwater city. With the continuous help of players to help clear monsters, the speed of advancing towards the deep sea is getting faster and faster. Many people have also tasted the sweetness. You know, the experience of those shrimp soldiers and crab generals It's not low, and the equipment dropped from him is even better.

Tang Tang was happy and relaxed.

Tang Tang didn't care much about the ownership of the Undersea City. People in Tianmo Valley wouldn't like life under the sea. Even if they could occupy the Undersea City, it wouldn't be a big deal. Moreover, the Undersea City would continue to float in the four seas. It is even more useless for Tang Tang who only has one Yandang Mountain resident, but it does not mean that she will let go of this opportunity. Even if Tang Tang is useless, the Undersea City can be sold. A well-built resident should be It's worth a lot of money. Besides, the news that the reward is the Undersea City is also a gossip. Who knows if it's true?

So, on the fifth day, Tang Tang and Jin Lingdong reappeared on the shore of the Arctic Ocean, followed by Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong, and followed the crowd into the sea.

According to the news from the major gangs, the Undersea City has already appeared. However, the follow-up advancement has become more difficult. Some of the commanders of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals have appeared. Originally, even the Boss cannot withstand so many players' beatings, but The problem is that there are as many as two or three hundred commanders of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and none of them are below level 90, and the highest level is 110, so it will be difficult to deal with. Two or three hundred bosses breaking through level [-] are not meant to be besieged They can be surrounded and killed, and the commanders of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals are not bare commanders. Although those shrimp soldiers and crab generals are almost killed by the players, each commander still has many younger brothers, ranging from dozens to nearly a thousand. , and there are tens of thousands in total. If the leaders of these shrimp soldiers and crab generals can be separated and defeated individually, there will be no problem. Nibbling.

(End of this chapter)

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