Chapter 599 Chapter 602
The only way for the gang to wipe out the remnants of the shrimp soldiers and crab generals is to cooperate. However, there is only one underwater city, so Tang Tang is not very optimistic about their cooperation, at least so far, there is no suggestion.

Anyway, Tang Tang was not very interested in the Undersea City. While those gangs were discussing how to cooperate and stumbling each other, Tang Tang had already pulled Jin Lingdong to find a secluded corner and secretly sneaked into the Undersea City. around.

Of course, they also saw the encirclement of the group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals. However, Tang Tang was different from those gang leaders. She didn't want to let many people enter the underwater city, but as long as she could make a gap, entering it was enough!
"Death pulse!"

Holding the Fire Dragon Scale in his hand, Tang Tang turned into a phantom, breaking through the water flow and charging downwards. With a single strike, a crab spirit was blown away, and at the same time, it stabbed the crab nest. Several crab generals immediately came towards Tang Tang, spitting white foam.


Tang Tang condensed a tactic and put it on his lips, muttering to himself, countless strange symbols flew out of Tang Tang's mouth, circled around those crab generals, the damage and defense of those crab generals The power will immediately drop by as much as 25%.

If so, Tang Tang was attacked by those crab generals, and his health dropped to below 30%. It can be seen how cruel these hard-shelled heads are. Fortunately, Jin Lingdong raised his hand, and a blue light It landed on top of Tang Tang's head, and the health immediately returned to full.

Tang Tang smiled and turned around to give Jin Lingdong a thumbs-up. Then, with a flick of the flying sword in his hand, he fought with the group of crab generals.

With Jin Lingdong behind him, the biggest advantage is that Tang Tang doesn't need to worry about his own life or death, just clenching his teeth and attacking with all his strength is enough. The blue-patterned knife and brocade fish flying fork held by Xie Jiang immediately became dull and dull, losing the luster of sharp weapons and becoming mottled.

In this way, Tang Tang naturally found a gap, and immediately flicked the fire dragon's scales, cutting away the two crab generals blocking the way.

"Come on!"

While dealing with the group of crab generals, Tang Tang pushed Jin Lingdong over, and then he twisted his body slipperily, and then jumped over. He was not so naive as to regard this as a good place for leveling and treasure hunting. Those shrimp soldiers and crab generals slaughtered more and more, and when they turned around, they were surrounded by dozens of boss-level shrimp soldiers and crab generals, and Tang Tang couldn't last long.

However, after passing through those crab generals, it can only be regarded as passing through the first layer of defense line, and this layer of defense line is quite no wonder, those crab generals saw their weapons destroyed, but Waving the pincers, he chased after Tang Tang again. At the same time, two green conch monsters appeared in front of Tang Tang blocking the way. Suddenly, a ball of foam spewed out, pinching Tang Tang and Jin Lingdong back and forth. up.

"Damn it, I hate water spells the most, but fortunately, I still have this trick!" Facing the dense bubbles in front of him and the menacing crab generals behind him, Tang Tang raised his hand and shot out without stopping. With a palm, he said, "Water God Thunder, explode!"

This water god thunder was the spell bestowed by Goddess Guanyin in Qiantangjiao. At that time, the water god thunder was quite good as a fifth-level spell. Unfortunately, because it was a water spell, Tang Tang could no longer use it. To describe it, but since she came back from overseas, she has never used the Water God Thunder seriously at all. Now that Taxue Wuhen has stepped into the eighth level, it will not take long to reach the ninth level. This Water God Thunder is still so tuneful , still remain at the fifth level.

However, the damage of the Water God Thunder is indeed pitifully weak, and those shrimp soldiers and crab generals are water-type monsters, so the weakening of water-type spells is naturally more serious, but the power of the Water God Thunder to shatter the water waves is still not to be underestimated, at least the two cyan The conch monster suffered a great loss. After the sprayed foam was hit by the water god thunder, it immediately burst into pieces, and the blasted water continued to hit the surroundings, and the two conch bosses were directly swept away. The door of their intercepting road was wide open, and Duanmuyu passed through without any effort, and in front of it, Tang Tang had already seen the entrance of the seabed city.

Eager to see!

Looking at the entrance of the underwater city, Tang Tang was in such a state of mind.

The threat of the crab general was greatly reduced after he lost his weapon, and the conch monster moved slowly. Even if Tang Tang's turtle breath and water avoidance skills were not very high, it was impossible for him to run worse than those conch. However, if he wanted to enter the underwater city, he would It is the last line of defense.

That line of defense is completely composed of a group of motley troops, but because of this, it cannot be underestimated!
When entering [-] meters, several conch spirits spit out a large piece of foam covering the front of Tang Tang and Jin Lingdong. In addition to causing continuous damage, the dense bubbles are even more confusing to the eyes. Regarding this, Tang Tang chose Repeating the old plan, the Water God Thunder shattered the foam torrents. Although the impact of those water currents also had an impact on Tang Tang, the impact was more on the shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

However, Tang Tang miscalculated this time. Before the Water God Thunder could burst the bubbles, two black turtles suddenly passed through the bubbles, opened their mouths and spewed out two thousand-layered water balls formed by water pressure, and then passed through. Those foams suddenly hit Tang Tang's chest, making Tang Tang feel as if his chest was about to be torn apart. Those conch monster foams were just bait, for the two black turtle bosses to hide and attack.

at the same time……

The crab generals in the rear finally caught up. After losing their weapons, their damage was greatly reduced, but those two huge claws were still quite powerful. When they cut forward, they were about to wring Tang Tang's arms off.

Jin Lingdong was in a hurry to help. She was not afraid of Tang Tang getting hurt, but she was afraid that Tang Tang would die directly. In that case, she would be powerless. The only resurrection technique that could bring people back to life almost cost Jin Lingdong his own life. , when the time comes, Tang Tang will be rescued, but Jin Lingdong himself will become a burden.

However, before Jin Lingdong made a move, Tang Tang sighed first.

"It seems that if you don't show some real skills, you will definitely not be able to get in!"

Muttering to himself, Tang Tang also suddenly pinched his hand, flying and changing. Before the crab general's claws were about to pinch him, five ripples suddenly appeared around him. The soul array exuded five-colored Qiongguang and floated around Tang Tang. With the change of Tang Tang's sword formula, the water soul sword immediately glowed with blue light, wrapping the other four star horcruxes.

(End of this chapter)

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