The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 602 Chapter 605 The Void Sisters Gather

Chapter 602 Chapter 605 Formation of the Void Sisters Gather
"The wheel of the sun, the moon and the universe, the brilliance of the moon!"

The sun-moon universe wheel rotated rapidly, exuding bright and hazy moonlight, shining on the body of the magic bone, which immediately suffered a 40% deceleration state for 50 seconds, and instantly slowed down like a snail.

Tang Tang had no hesitation, and took advantage of the 40-second gap to move forward quickly, rushing out of the passage in an instant.

And the moment he left the passage, the demon bone suddenly became calm, gave up chasing Tang Tang, wandered back and forth in the passage, but never left the passage.

Tang Tang heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that he had guessed right. Some things could not be resolved by force, and it seemed that the effect would be better if they were modified.

And without the pursuit of the demon bone, Tang Tang took a leisurely look around.

This is a huge room with the appearance of thousands of square meters, but it is a bit weird. It is surrounded by corals, moss-covered rocks, and circles of bubbles suddenly surged. Some unknown fish Swimming there, I reached out to touch it, but I didn't find any seawater in the room. It felt very strange, as if it was like a luxurious fish tank with exquisite decoration, and there were beautiful fish swimming there, but often Li reached out to touch it, only to find that there was no water in the fish tank, which was as weird as it could be.

Ning Rongrong said: "This should be a magic circle."

Xiao Wu looked around and said: "If you don't break the formation, you won't find the exit."

Tang Tang said: "Do you two meet?"

Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong shook their heads at the same time, even if it is a tool soul with endless years, it is impossible to know everything, such a boring thing like support also requires high talent, and it is not easy to learn.

"But it's okay!" Tang Tang patted his chest and said, "If one side is in trouble, all sides will support it!"

Tang Tang didn't know many magic circle masters, one enemy and one friend. The unfortunate thing was that he finally got to know two magic circle masters, one was still an enemy. Fortunately, the remaining one was a friend.

After taking a few screenshots, Tang Tang threw them to Tang Xiaoyao.

"It's simple, it's just a small formation." Tang Xiaoyaoying glanced at it casually and then said through voice transmission: "Void Liuhe formation, there is nothing difficult."

Tang Tang said: "Then quickly tell me how to get out of this place."

Tang Xiaoyao said: "Go to the Ding Wei position first, and then go from Ding Wei to Ding Chou. There are magic patterns there, destroy them, return to the Ding Mo position, and go to the Ding Hai position on the opposite corner..."

"Wait, wait..." Unable to bear Tang Xiaoyao's chatter, Tang Tang quickly interrupted: "Can you speak human language?"

Tang Xiaoyao said miserably: "Aren't I talking human words?"

Tang Tang said: "Anything I don't understand is not human."

Tang Xiaoyao said helplessly: "Go to the left, seven steps forward, there is a coral, it is destroyed!"

"Go back, go right, turn left after five steps, and take four steps forward to see if there is anything around, fish, foam, or coral, just smash that thing!"

"Go back and go east. After twelve steps, is it the edge? Let's do a little bear dance."

Tang Tang was stunned and said, "Are you sure?"

Tang Xiaoyao said: "I'm very sure."

Tang Tang gritted his teeth, looked at Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong strangely, made up his mind and then waved his hands and jumped up.

"Three bears live in one family, father bear, mother bear, baby bear..."

Seeing Tang Tang dancing there, the three women were stunned for a moment, and then, Ning Rongrong covered her belly and laughed unladyily, Xiao Wu's eyes twitched, as if she was laughing too, but It really went against her usual cool image, she forced to hold back that smile, Jin Lingdong also wanted to hold back, but her face turned red, and she laughed out loud with a poof.

However, the embarrassment was embarrassment, Tang Xiaoyao's trick was really useful, after the little bear dance, the piece of coral jumped out of the way automatically, revealing a stone door.

"You are amazing." Tang Tang said sincerely to Tang Xiaoyao: "This can break the formation!"

"Big sister, you don't really dance, do you?" Tang Xiaoyao said in surprise, "Actually, you just need to stomp your feet a few times..."

"Little demon, your sister!" Tang Tang immediately cursed angrily, blushing, looked at the three women who were still laughing, and said, "What's so funny, I'm too pure No way."

"Sorry!" Jin Lingdong touched Tang Tang's head apologetically and said, "Actually, you dance quite well."

Tang Tang's face turned darker, and he was not a kindergarten teacher, so this kind of praise would not make him happy.

"Let's go, let's go, the door is out, so what are you waiting for?"

Tang Tang changed the topic angrily, and walked out of the stone gate first, pushed the stone gate open, and Tang Tang saw two rather familiar figures.

Qingqing Apple Xiang is still so coquettish, wearing a women's jade thread dress, with a jade bow that is half a person's height on the back, and a purple crystal arrow stuck in a purple jade arrow pot at her waist.

Ever since this girl fell in love with the poisonous local tyrant Xiaoxian, her life has gone up and down. It is really a very happy thing to be accompanied by a man who can both fight and defend. Now she has passed the second calamity , completely walked out of the shadow of the bloody mercenary group's pursuit, and because of inheriting the unknown casual cultivator inheritance, Qingqing Apple Xiang's cultivation has also increased, and it seems that she has returned to the ranks of first-class masters up.

As for Xiaoxian being poisonous, this guy is still the same as before, handsome!Wearing a water-blue student uniform from the Valley of the Souls, he was quite handsome and extraordinary, and he also didn't want to see Tang Tang as always. When he saw Tang Tang who entered the stone gate, he turned his head with a cold snort almost instinctively.

"Huh, Tangtang?" Contrary to Xiaoxian's poisonousness, Qingqing Applexiang was much more enthusiastic. After being surprised, she hugged Tangtang happily, and then the two sisters exchanged fists. Qingqing Applexiang said: "I haven't seen you for a long time."

Tang Tang smirked and said, "You are intoxicated with heroism, so you don't have time to see me?"

Qingqing Apple Xiang was a little embarrassed to see that Xiaoxian was poisonous. To be honest, Tang Tang was absolutely desperate to jump the wall and treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but he never thought that these two people would actually get together go.

"Brother Xiaoxian!"

The atmosphere among the three of them was rather awkward because of the past, but when Jin Lingdong came in, the embarrassment completely disappeared.

Looking at the two people who were chatting enthusiastically, Tang Tang held Qingqing's apple fragrance and said, "What's going on here? Can't you make it through?"

"It's not hard to get through." Qingqing Apple Xiang pointed to the door in front of her and said, "There is only one door, but it's not easy, you'd better go and see for yourself."

Tang Tang was puzzled for no reason, walked to the only exit of the passage, looked up, and saw a line of small characters engraved on it.

(End of this chapter)

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