The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 603 Chapter 606 Believe in love but don't understand romance

Chapter 603 Chapter 606 Believe in love but don't understand romance
"If you have true love, or love in your heart, and you believe that there is love, and no one can stop it, then please turn back."

"Not at all." Tang Tang looked back at Qingqing Apple Fragrance and said, "Have you ruined your head? Do you still believe such naive words? You should have passed the age of believing in love long ago, right?"

Qingqing Apple Xiang spread her hands and said: "Girl, do you know why you are not a little nun anymore? You are not as lucky as me? You may not be as beautiful as me, but you are definitely not ugly, and your figure is perfect. You are able to fight, and you are not short of money. You were raised by your teacher, so you don’t have to worry about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. With so many advantages, you are still single. There is only one reason, and that is that you are too bad. It's over, please, don't you take a look at the current situation?"

Qingqing Apple Xiang winked at Xiao Xian while talking, Tang Tang suddenly realized.

Women are usually less rational than men, just like they often like to ask boring questions like "who would you choose to save after my mother and I fell into the river", and they don't even think about whether their men know how to swim , However, it doesn't mean that this is bad, but usually men are more rational, while women are more full of fantasy.

"You're awesome!" Tang Tang pointed his thumb and said, "Seeing that you have changed your ways and become a good wife and mother in the new century, I will take the blame for you this time."

As the words fell, Tang Tang took advantage of those women who were still chatting, sacrificed 10 points of soul power, and it would be a death pulse that would shatter the stone gate to pieces.

"Ah!" Xiao Xian You Po exclaimed suddenly, "Why did you smash the door down?"

"Please, you are bitter couples, but I am not." Tang Tang spread his hands and said, "Single people are jealous, can't you? Besides, whether I love others, and whether others love me or not, that is also my business." , off this broken wall."

Xiaoxian said poisonously: "Do you know what romance is?"

Tang Tang said: "Looking at the stars and the moon is not romantic, it is emptiness, purple roses, black roses and white roses are not romantic, that is destroying plants, if you think this is romantic, then you should stay at the door, Jin Lingdong, let's go ,gone."

Tang Tang waved his hand and walked nonchalantly through the broken stone gate.

"Brother Xiaoxian, don't bother with the little girl, she's just..." Jin Lingdong thought for a long time before tilting her head and said, "It's just more realistic?"

"I think it's the elm head!" Xiaoxian said poisonously, "Why do you like to be good friends with such a person?"

"No more." Jin Lingdong said: "Actually, the little girl is pretty good."

"Hey, are you going or not?"

Behind the stone gate, Tang Tang's urging voice sounded, Qingqing Apple Xiang shrugged helplessly, and quickly entered the door, Jin Lingdong and Xiaoxian looked at each other poisonously, and could only follow in, until finally, Xiao Wu followed Only then did Ning Rongrong enter the door lightly.

The world behind the door is completely different from the cold underwater city. It turned out to be a beautiful landscape, and it looks quite beautiful. The surprising thing is that after a while, the surrounding mountains disappeared, and suddenly turned into an idyllic scene. There was a beautiful wheat field in front of me, undulating like a golden ocean, and then, after another moment, the golden wheat field disappeared. Wujing, this time, it turned into a sandy beach, with blue waves and sunshine, facing the ocean, exuding a strong sense of leisure.

"Tsk tsk..." Tang Tang couldn't help sighing, "It's really a luxurious supernatural power!"

"Can I take your words as a compliment?" The cold voice sounded, and everyone found that there was a wooden house by the sea, a man and a woman were sitting there playing chess, and the one who spoke was the woman, without raising her head. He said to Tang Tang: "Thousands of years, just some entertainment."

Tang Tang smirked and said, "I think God Realm should be more beautiful, do you want to go?"

"It seems that you are from the God Realm." The woman threw away the chess piece in her hand, raised her head and said, "We were just guessing whether the people from the God Realm or the Demon Realm would come first, but it seems that it is I got it right."

The man smiled and erased the chess game and said: "In the demon world, all demons are warlike and also indifferent. One more than me is not much, and one less than me is not much. Gu Rong won't care, let alone other demons." magic?"

"Hey, hello!" Tang Tang said dissatisfied, "Can you wait until we leave before flirting?"

"I think you should have already guessed who we are..." The woman smiled and pointed at the man and said, "He is my husband, Xifeng, and I am Shuibi. I don't know if you are interested in listening to us. story?"

Tang Tang really wanted to ask if she would be arrested after listening to it, but she also felt that she might not have the opportunity to speak out. If she didn't listen, she would have to use the knife. Of course, she might still have to use the knife after listening to it, but she couldn't stand it. Other people's curiosity is usually very strong.

Tang Tang tilted his head, sure enough, both Jin Lingdong and Xiao Xian had sharp eyes, and even Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong were very interested, they could only spread their hands honestly and concentrate on listening to the story.

To be honest, Tang Tang could guess the story even if he didn't listen to it. Nine times out of ten, it was a poignant romantic drama in the prime time at [-]:[-] BC, but the fact is that Tang Tang really guessed it right.

At that time, Xifeng ventured to the God Realm to find the ancient banyan. On the way, he failed to find the ancient banyan, but met Shui Bi at the exit of the god-devil well. It was a razor blade, the sky was dark, and the sun and the moon were dark, but the two sparked love when they hit each other, and then decided to elope, escaped from the well of gods and demons to the world, and built He left the underwater city to hide his whereabouts.

Of course, the oath of harmony between the mountains and the heavens and the earth, the deep love of the blessings and misfortunes, the most indispensable is the beauty of you and me, and their misery that cannot be tolerated in the world.

Anyway, after Shui Bi finished speaking, Jin Lingdong was tearful, and Xiaoxian was stronger as a boy, but it was not much better, but his tears were hazy.

On the contrary, Tang Tang and Qingqing Apple Xiang are both black threads in the same head, and Tang Tang took a bucket of Qingqing Apple Xiang and said: "Can you make up ten or eight love stories like this?"

"Nonsense, I don't have such a boring story!" Qingqing Apple Xiang shook her hair proudly and said, "I doubt the authenticity of this story very much, or I wonder what kind of weapons they used to fight at that time, and they could Fighting and striking sparks."

Tang Tang smirked and said, "Could it be a stick?"

 Today is Hanhan's father's birthday, the update will be a little less, and I will make up for everyone tomorrow, thank you friends who subscribe~
(End of this chapter)

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