Chapter 610 Chapter 613
When the three of them arrived, Bloody Limbo was already waiting there, but what was surprising was that the jade-faced Luosha was also there.

In Tang Tang's view, the five people should be himself, Xiaoxian is poisonous, Jin Lingdong, bloody Lin Bo, and Qingqing Applexiang, but the fact is that Jin Lingdong is not traveling this time, and her position belongs to the jade-faced Luo Sha .

Tang Tang could understand why Jin Lingdong didn't go, because Jin Lingdong's role was exactly the same as Xiaoxian's Toxic. As the inheritance of dual attributes of water and fire, Xiaoxian's Toxic can also restore spells. Even if Jin Lingdong survives three tribulations, her battle The ability is really not strong, and it is not as useful as Qingqing Applexiang, but it is strange, or completely inexplicable, that Yumian Luosha replaces Jin Lingdong.

Regarding this, Bloody Lin Bo simply took out a small box and said, "The soul orb is here, but I can't open the box."

Yumian Luosha chuckled and said, "I can open the box, but the box is not with me."

This explanation is quite a headache, but it is relatively easy to understand. I think the Scarlet Mercenary Group had a conflict with Shura Temple over the soul orb, and finally the box fell into the hands of the Scarlet Mercenary Group. However, the key to open the box Or the way to open the box is in the hands of Shura Temple. In this case, the cooperation partner will naturally add a Shura Temple.

The jade-faced Luosha said: "Shuibi and Xifeng's cultivation bases, we only take four places that can survive three calamities, and the remaining six places belong to you. If there are less than six places in the end, Shura Palace and Scarlet Mercenary Group are willing Make some compensation for that.”

Obviously, Shura Palace had also discussed with the Scarlet Mercenary Group. They only had one soul orb, and it would be too much to ask for an equal share. However, according to the share of one soul orb, they could only get two places. , each person can only get one at a time, which is obviously too little, that's why it is said that they are willing to pay some extra money or items.

However, Bloody Lin Bo and Yumian Luosha both thought too much, and Tang Tang and the three of them agreed very simply. Although it was a bit strange, they would never know that helping Shui Bi and Xi Feng would get their cultivation. The matter was purely fabricated by Tang Tang.

With no differences, the five of them naturally set out towards the forbidden area of ​​Samurai Soul Valley. At the entrance of the cave, everyone saw a stone door carved by manpower, and there was a stone plaque on it, which read: Smoke Soul Realm!

Xiaoxian said poisonously: "The first owner of Samurai Soul Valley ascended from the sky here, and left an illusion here. From then on, this place has become a forbidden area of ​​Samurai Soul Valley. Every owner who is about to ascend , or the owner whose lifespan is nearing the end of his life, they will all enter the Smoke Soul Realm, leave behind an illusion that he is most proud of, and then ascend or die."

"Isn't it, illusion?" Tang Tang wiped his sweat and said, "You don't know that magic circle and illusion are what I fear most?"

Qingqing Apple Xiang said: "If it is a simple illusion, it is natural for Xiaoxian to break it. However, the really powerful illusions are all false and real, and what you need to do is naturally not a pure illusion."

Others nodded and understood. Although this place is the forbidden area of ​​Soul-Serving Valley, it is quite restrained to the disciples of Soul-Serving Valley. As we all know, Soul-Serving Valley is good at recovering soul Gu, second is good at illusion soul Gu, and can click It's just poisonous, Xiaoxian is poisonous, she can cultivate both water and fire, but the smoke and soul realm is still quite restrained to her, so you can't use illusions in the same way to deal with illusions, right?
After listening to Qingqing Applexiang's explanation, Bloody Limbo said lightly, "Let's go."

Entering the Soul of Smoke Realm, everyone can see the fragrance of birds and flowers, and they are also facing the test of the first level.

Choice [-]: The Art of Space!
Choice Two: Illusion!

Tang Tang chose the second choice, so everyone, without hesitation, blasted forward with a sword, trying to shatter the illusion with one sword, but the world around him showed no sign of collapsing. On the contrary, Tang Tang hit a big tree with his sword, shaking A huge beehive fell, and immediately after that, countless fist-sized bees flew out of the beehive and rushed towards the crowd.

"Don't mess around." Xiaoxian poisonously opened the jellyfish curtain to wrap everyone up, and said to Tang Tang: "If it's just a cave, then everything that appears is an illusion? The realm of Taoyuan opened up by supernatural powers."

"I'll go!" Tang Tang said, "Then you didn't say it earlier."

Tang Tang felt a little depressed about being ashamed as soon as he made a move, and then Baiquehuang and Jiehuolonglin shot at the same time, dancing with both swords, and kept shooting down those strange bees. In a moment, there were bee corpses around flakes.

However, the bees in the honeycomb seemed to be flying endlessly, and they kept pouring out. Although the arrows with the fragrance of apples were not effective against these fist-sized things, the rest of them were quite brave. Killing hundreds, even so, the number of different bees in the surrounding area did not decrease at all, on the contrary, they increased.

"It's not an option to go on like this." Tang Tang shouted: "Grease the soles of your feet. After running for a while, this group of things should be scattered."

Tang Tang's proposal got everyone's approval. In fact, it's not just that the scent of apples is uncomfortable. It's also hard to kill those bees that are only the size of a fist with a sword. It's very difficult to kill.

Therefore, Tang Tang relied on his speed to directly rise up with the sword. The guy with the jade face Luosha has always had a slippery ability to escape. Tang Tang had learned it before in the Kunlun Shrine. As for Scarlet Lin Bo, this guy is also Scarlet The lord of the mercenary regiment, how could he drop the good things under his hands, and spread his palm, revealing a golden gold coin, which fell into the ground and then spun and quickly grew in size. It turned out to be an imperial horcrux, very fast , second only to Tang Tang's imperial weapon speed, as for Xiaoxian Poisonous and Qingqing Applexiang, the former has a water curtain body protection, although the latter is not fast, but the disciples of the Martial God Temple have increased speed when running on the ground, very flexible, Dodging left and right is not a big problem.

It's just that the swarm of alien bees were a little bit relentless towards the group of guys who destroyed their homeland in front of them. They didn't chase after a while and then dispersed like Tang Tang said, but continued to chase forward until they ran away for a while. , the woods gradually dispersed, and suddenly a large lake appeared.

"Lucky!" Tang Tang shouted, "Hurry up and dive!"

We all know that bugs are afraid of water, just like fish are afraid to go ashore, except of course, crocodiles.

However, just as Tang Tang was about to jump, Xiaoxian Poisonous just caught up with him, and after only one glance, his expression changed drastically, and he shouted at Tang Tang, "Don't jump into the lake!"

Tang Tang had half of his feet hanging on the lake at this time, Xiaoxian stopped his feet with a poisonous yell, and the only light was to quickly change the formula, the surrounding scenery changed, and this What a lake it is, but a bottomless cliff.

Tang Tang gasped.

(End of this chapter)

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