Chapter 611 Chapter 614
In this soul domain, it is generally not possible to fall to death. Artifact soul masters can fly with imperial weapons, and law repairers can fly in the air. However, who would step on a Horcrux when jumping into a lake?If I had to jump like that just now, I would definitely be a laughing stock. If I was really unlucky, I might even become the first unlucky person to jump off a cliff and die by myself, and win the most unlucky person award in the soul domain or something.

Quickly retracting his foot, Tang Tang yelled at Xiaoxian poisonously: "The lake is fake, could this bee be fake?"

"You can try!" Xiaoxian shouted poisonously: "Anyway, I can't see through it. If it is directly domesticated in the illusion, you can feed the bee with your body."

Tang Tang really wanted to praise, saying that you are still in the mood to joke around at this time, but Tang Tang has no interest in learning Shennong's spirit of tasting hundreds of herbs. , and behind it is a cliff.

"Is it the only way to fight?"

While Tang Tang was still mumbling in great distress, Bloody Limbo had already drawn out his sword again, and it was obvious that he was a powerful faction.

"Do you know how the pig died?" Jade-faced Luo Sha suddenly poked his head out of the ground and said, "You're not hallucinating now, you just jump to that cliff, and Yu Jian will be finished."

As soon as the words fell, the jade-faced Luosha shrank his head like a tortoise and hid in the ground again. His earth escape technique is definitely a rogue, and if he squats underground, it will not be his turn to be unlucky.

And the others, even though they were very upset about being said to be stupid, had to say that the jade-faced Luosha was telling the truth. If people are too nervous, they will make mistakes. At this time, they all forget common sense. They all have With Yukong's means, the cliff can't stop them at all!
Urging Baiquehuang into a red sword light, Tang Tang immediately fell towards the bottom of the cliff.

The cliff is extremely high, at least two hundred feet, but as long as you know how to control the sword, it will not be a problem.

However, there is a canyon below the cliff, and a faint mist above the canyon. There was no serious problem at first, but when it landed in the canyon below the cliff, the surrounding area was pale, almost reaching You can't see your fingers.

Tang Tang scratched her head after falling to the ground. She was not afraid of the mist, but she was afraid of hallucinations or hallucinations. After thinking about it, it was still poisonous to Xiaoxian, but Soul Realm kindly reminded her that she could not use Qianli Sound Transmission.

"This is terrible." Tang Tang looked around helplessly, and then shouted: "Is there anyone!"

Experiencing the feeling that the communication was all relying on roaring, Tang Tang also walked along the rock wall, and couldn't help complaining. If he knew it was an illusion, he wouldn't come here, and the job of fighting and killing is suitable for him.

After walking like this for about a cup of tea, the fog finally dissipated, and a light could be seen vaguely, but finally reached the exit of the canyon. Tang Tang immediately quickened his pace, and as soon as he left the fog, he immediately Saw a familiar figure.

"Apple..." Tang Tang waved his hands and shouted with a smile, then his smile froze suddenly and said, "Two?"

The Qingqing Apple Xiang standing at the exit of the canyon turned out not to be one, but two, and they looked exactly the same, and even their movements were almost identical, standing on one left and one on the right, staring at each other angrily.

"Tang Tang!" Then the two shouted in unison: "Hurry up and help."

"Isn't it?" Tang Tang looked at the two Qingqing Apples who even had similar expressions, and said, "Has Soul Domain even come up with such a vulgar routine now?"

It's not unusual for Li Gui to beat Li Kui and the Monkey King to beat the six-eared micaque, but Tang Tang has to say that Soul Domain is really ruthless, at least he can't tell which of the two is fake. Not a good helper.

"No way." The kiss on the left said depressedly: "We have been sisters for so many years, you can't even recognize me? Obviously I am real."

The one on the right suddenly said angrily: "I am the real one, Tang Tang don't believe him."

Tang Tang suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and immediately rolled his eyes and said: "I have a solution, you two came to my ears one by one and said what your real name was before, not your current name!"

The two Qingqing Apple Xiangs on the left and right had no objection, and whispered a few words in Tang Tang's ears respectively, and then...

Tang Tang is stupid again!
"Two... two..." After stammering for a long time, Tang Tang asked with a strange expression, "Is it all true?"

Qingping Apple Xiang on the right said helplessly: "You have a problem with this question. The binding account of the virtual soul domain is authenticated by real name, and the game anti-addiction system also needs to fill in the name and ID card. Of course the soul domain also knows me. What is his real name?"

"Hey!" The Qingqing Apple Xiang on the left suddenly dissatisfied: "Don't speak in such a tone that you are the real one."

"Don't make noise, don't make noise!" Tang Tang recalled the reminder, and hurriedly said, "Let me change another question..."


At this time, a roaring sound suddenly sounded in the canyon, followed by the sound of fighting with weapons intersecting.

Tang Tang turned around, okay, to make things even more chaotic, three people flew out of the canyon, all of them were blood-colored Lin Bo, with exactly the same appearance and body, with a calm expression on his face, and they were there without saying a word Hands-on, the sword moves between each other are also exactly the same.

Tang Tang patted his forehead and said, "Two have not been settled yet, but three appeared."

While Tang Tang was talking, a big hole suddenly opened in the ground in front of him, and it was the jade-faced Luo Sha who suddenly came out from the ground.

"I finally found it. I'm coming down. You're all right..." Yumian Luosha said in a daze, then saw the surrounding situation clearly, and was shocked: "Damn it, what's going on?"

Tang Tang was also a little mad, and pulled out the Jiehuo dragon scale and said angrily: "Don't beat them all, anyone who is doing it means it's a fake, so don't blame me for being rude!"

The faces of the three blood-colored Lin Bos were quite annoyed. It was obviously difficult to listen to Tang Tang as blood-colored Lin Bo. However, it was not an option to fight like this. It is stopped.

"Listen to me now, line up, line up..." Tang Tang waved his hand and said, "No one is allowed to make a move at will, whoever makes a move is a fake, and then everyone surrounds and beats, even if they make a mistake, there is nothing to say Can say."

Everyone stopped fighting, but no one listened to Tang Tang's words and stood in line. Anyone who really did this would definitely be a fake, especially those three bloody Lin Bo, who could listen to Tang Tang and give up their moves It has already given Tang Tang face.

So, in the first round, Soul Domain won and Tang Tang lost miserably!
(End of this chapter)

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