Chapter 612 Chapter 615
In the end, Tang Tang also discovered his mistake. The fake person didn't need to judge by himself. The reason is very simple. Although other people don't know, they are very clear in their hearts who is real and who is fake. You can do what you want, and you can do what is fake. Therefore, Tang Tang deliberately angered Bloody Lin Bo, trying to judge from the reactions of the three of them, which was completely miscalculated.

"It seems that we still have to use the trick of asking questions..."

Tang Tang muttered to himself, but at this moment, figures emerged from the mist again, this time finally there was no Li Gui bumping into Li Kui, but Xiaoxian Youdu finally came out from the canyon.

"Savior, savior!" Tang Tang pulled Xiaoxian with tears and said poisonously: "Handsome guy, come quickly and take a look, one of your women has become two women, what should you do now?"

Xiaoxian was also surprised that he was poisoned, but he recovered quickly. It is very simple to condense phantoms in the illusion, and it is also a test of cultivation. The cultivation is too low, and the phantoms are naturally full of flaws. If it is high, the phantom created will naturally be very real.

"Don't worry!" Xiao Xian cast a poisonous glance at everyone and said, "Let me destroy the phantom."

As the words fell, Xiaoxian's poisonous hand formula changed, and five blue lights fell on the five people in the air.

"Do it." Xiaoxian shouted poisonously: "What doesn't have blue light is a phantom."

"Don't trust her, she is lying to you."

Tang Tang immediately raised his sword, but at this moment, there was a soft shout at the mouth of the canyon, and everyone looked back, but it was another poisonous fairy coming out of the canyon with the wind.

"What a mess!"

Tang Tang muttered something dumbfounded, and then pulled a sword flower to put some distance away from the little fairy from the beginning.

That Xiaoxian Youdu immediately said anxiously: "I'm serious, little girl, don't be fooled."

Tang Tang said helplessly: "Look at the few people present, who doesn't say that they are real? If they all say that they are real, then who do I believe?"

Tang Tang said that there is no way for Xiaoxian to be poisonous. Among the group of people, there must be no one who would admit that he is a phantom, but there is no way to destroy the phantom. Finally, there is one who can be broken, but everyone still doubts it It's a phantom, so naturally they can only gather around and stare at each other.

After a long time, Tang Tang opened his mouth and said, "Why don't I do it."

The bloody Lin Bo in the middle said: "What are you going to do?"

"He!" Tang Tang pointed at the clear apple fragrance and said, "I don't know how to tell the difference between other people, but I can tell her apart. I know her since before the epoch. Apple, let me ask you, when we were in charity When Yunan was together, you were not allowed to answer whether I was sleeping on the upper bunk or the lower bunk, so I wrote all of them with pens!"

The Qingqing Applexiang on the left immediately took out a piece of paper from the backpack and began to write, but the one on the right didn't move, and everyone suddenly cast their eyes on Qingqing Applexiang in suspicion.

Qingqing Apple Xiang scratched his head and said: "Didn't we live in the wing room together through the incense money from the eldest sister and father in Ciyun Temple, two rooms and four beds, where did we get the upper and lower bunks?"

Tang Tang didn't say anything, Baiquehuang shot suddenly, and a fire-attributed sword energy split Qingqing Applexiang, who was still lying on the ground with the answer written on it, into two pieces. Cheng Baiguang went to the underworld, but his figure gradually faded and disappeared slowly.

"Okay, it's much easier now." Tang Tang pointed out that Xiaoxian is poisonous, and said with a clear apple fragrance: "How to distinguish your own man, shouldn't I teach you? As long as you can tell Xiaoxian If Poison recognizes the true from the false, she will naturally be able to destroy the phantom, and naturally it will be done."

Qingping Apple Xiang nodded, feeling that she had a great responsibility, she stepped forward and began to ask Xiaoxian about poisoning, and after a while, she said with a mournful face: "I met her in the soul domain, and the soul domain system is also complete when I ask her questions. I know, what should I do?"

Tang Tang whispered, "You never asked him some more personal questions?"

"Please!" Qingqing Apple Xiang said: "Those phantoms have exactly the same figure, but..."

Tang Tang asked anxiously, "But what?"

Qingqing Apple Xiang said: "If you can kiss it, you can probably feel it according to the difference in taste... oh..."

As soon as Qingqing Apple Xiang finished speaking, she received a poisonous fingertip from two little fairies on one ear, one on the left and one on the right, causing her teeth to grin from the pain.

"Okay, then use the next trick." Tang Tang said poisonously at Xiaoxian: "You will write down everything that is a phantom. If there are any repetitions, hehe, it is a phantom, even if it is not a phantom. If so Coincidentally, all of them are staggered, hehe, those two little fairies are poisonous and they are all fake, of course, if there is a real one among you, then I can only ask for your understanding, this is the best way I can think of."

"Wait!" Yumian Luosha said: "After all, you seem to have forgotten one of the most crucial questions."

Tang Tang said, "What's the problem?"

"Are you real?" Yumian Luosha proudly said, "If you're fake, then you're here to tell me what your intentions are, it's a big question, isn't it?"

"I see." Tang Tang nodded and said, "I understand!"

The jade-faced Luosha continued: "So you should..."

Tang Tang's Baiquehuang pierced the jade-faced Luo Sha's lower abdomen abruptly. Under the stunned expression on the jade-faced Luo Sha's face, Tang Tang pulled out his sword fiercely, and slashed Qingqing's apple fragrance fiercely. .

Everyone was shocked, but Tang Tang didn't stop at all, the fire-robbing dragon scales suddenly broke, turning into countless dragon scales, attacking the surroundings, killing the two little fairies poisonously and turning them into phantoms, leaving only bloody Lin Bosan in the end People, Tang Tang raised his sword and killed them without saying a word. With one enemy and three opponents for several rounds, Tang Tang slammed a sun god flame, involved all three of them, and burned them into a circle of halo.

The fog in the canyon gradually thickened and gushed out, covering Tang Tang's surroundings. When it dissipated, the surrounding scenery turned into a completely different appearance, not the beautiful scenery, It was a small stone room. In the center of the stone room, there was a stone platform. In the center of the stone platform was a gushing clear spring. Above the clear spring was a blue bead the size of a fist.

Tang Tang had the Earth Soul Orb and the Fire Soul Orb in his hand.

So, just by looking at the color of the azure bead, Tang Tang knew that it was definitely the Water Soul Bead, which somewhat made Tang Tang heave a long sigh of relief, and finally this trip would not end in vain.

"Can you tell me how you see through those phantoms?"

Tang Tang was about to reach out to get the Water Soul Orb, but a crisp voice sounded behind him,

(End of this chapter)

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