Chapter 617 Chapter 620

Tang Tang was full of doubts in his heart, but there was no pause in his hand. With a flick of the sword tip, the two swords flew, and then he fought the man in black several times.

In addition to using a sword, the man in black is also quite wrong with his spear. An annihilating spear is like a dragon coming out of the gate, stabbing and teasing, but it is also sensible, both offensive and defensive. When attacking, it is like a torrential rain. Being punctual but not pouring water in, the two entangled for a moment, but neither could do anything to the other.

Of course, in Tang Tang's view, a tie is his own failure, and the opponent has not survived the tribulation.

Tang Tang has a temperament that refuses to admit defeat. After thinking about it like this, he became more serious in his heart, and suddenly made a hand trick.


With his lips slightly parted, countless strange characters flew out from Tang Tang's mouth, circling around the man in black, and after reducing the man in black's attack and defense by 25% with chirping, Tang Tang immediately transformed into a sword formula , with the pair of imperial swords, commanding Jiehuolonglin and Baiquehuang to surround the man in black at the same time, and at the same time, he grabbed the iron chain and took off the burial coffin behind him. After sweeping away the sarcophagus, the whole person rushed towards the man in black.

But when he was about to succeed, the man in black flipped his wrist, and the Annihilation Spear in his palm circled around, and a circle of golden thunder appeared around the man in black, surging upwards, and in the black clothes A thunder wall was built around the person, and the Baiquehuang and Jiehuolong scales were blown away. As for the burial coffin in Tang Tang's hand, at the same moment when it fell, behind the thunder wall, the tip of the Annihilation Spear suddenly Leaning out, a shot was pointed on the sarcophagus, and there was a muffled sound, and the annihilating gun was sent flying by the 100% repelling property of the burial coffin.

However, the man in black seemed to have long known that the coffin had the repulsive property. Taking advantage of the momentum of the weapon being knocked into the air, he leaned back, taking advantage of the force to distance himself from Tang Tang.

Holding the flowers and putting away the gun, the man in black said flatly, "Why don't we just end today."

Tang Tang naturally knew why the man in black said that. The drunken laughing spring breeze is completely gone now, and he probably has already arrived at the nearest city. When the time comes, he will directly use the teleportation array to leave. There was no way to find him, so the man in black was naturally not interested in continuing to fight Tang Tang, but he was not interested, but Tang Tang was very interested!

Without saying a word, Tang Tang moved towards the man in black with his sword. Attacking is the best way to express his opinion.

However, the man in black remained motionless, as if looking for death, but the moment Tang Tang was about to kill him, he tapped the barrel of the Annihilation Spear with his toes, and the Annihilation Spear drew a circle in the air, a line A lightning arc suddenly flew out from the tip of the spear.

Tang Tang was also alert, one side of his body was fierce, and Baiquehuang shot down the lightning arc with a flick of his body. Immediately afterwards, Tang Tang secretly said "Oops!"
Soul Realm Tip: You are in a state of paralysis for 9 seconds!
The state of paralysis is the biggest feature of the Annihilation Spear. Tang Tang saw Tang Yuhao use it before, but he didn't notice it. Tang Tang himself was too careless.

And after the man in black paralyzed Tang Tang with the Annihilation Spear, he didn't intend to take advantage of the momentum to attack, but turned around and ran away. Tang Tang escaped from the paralysis when he opened a distance of 400 meters.

Sighing, Tang Tang didn't have the intention of chasing after him.

Firstly, the opponent's speed was comparable to his own, and secondly, even if he was a little faster, he would have already passed the combat state by the time he caught up, and the man in black could throw Tang Tang away with just a teleportation talisman .

Since he knew he couldn't catch up, Tang Tang naturally chased after him lazily, but Yu Qi turned around.

When they fell back to the coast of the Arctic Ocean, the others had already come out. Seeing Tang Tang backing up, everyone frowned.

Bloody Limbo didn't say much, but jade-faced Luosha said impatiently: "Where's the person? How could you not catch him? Are you with the Black Clothes Shrine, deliberately trying to cheat our soul orbs?" !"

"Please, I'll put in two soul beads myself!" Tang Tang dismissively waved away the jade face, and Luo Sha pointed to his right hand and said, "If I really want to talk about channeling, I'm the one who admits that you are a man in black." The people of the shrine, if I hadn’t had the foresight, the six soul orbs would have been taken away by that man named Chi Xiao, and I suspect that you are similar to the gang from the shrine in black.”

"You..." Yumian Luosha gritted his teeth, and then said angrily, "What's the matter with that fake little fairy being poisonous?"

"I'm also surprised about this." Tang Tang looked at Qingqing Apple Fragrance and said, "I don't doubt you, but when will it be poisonous to dress up as a fairy when drunk and smiling?"

"I just found out through the sound transmission of thousands of miles. After we came back from Tianmeng Lake, didn't we go to the inn to rest separately? We, and then the people from the Black Clothes Shrine pretended to be him, and only released him now that we have succeeded." After Qingqing Apple Xiang finished speaking, she murmured depressedly: "No wonder I feel that after returning from the Smoke Soul Realm, Xiaoxian became a lot colder, and didn't even hold hands, I thought he knew about the illusion I encountered in the Smoke Soul Realm."

"Hundreds of secrets and sparseness!" Tang Tang sighed, "The Black Clothes Shrine is really meticulous. They deliberately used a plan full of loopholes to cover up another meticulous plan. When we expose Chi Xiao, it must be That's when we let our guard down the most."

Yumian Luosha gritted his teeth and said, "Who cares so much! I only know that those bastards took our things!"

Bloody Lin Bo said lightly: "You don't have anything in the first place, and the Jiuqiao Box is in my hands. Even if you know how to open it, it doesn't belong to you."

The jade-faced Luosha choked suddenly. Indeed, he was the most troublesome among them, but who would be reconciled to the sudden disappearance of the duck in his mouth?

The jade-faced Luosha said angrily, "Then that's what you mean?"

"Of course I won't let it go like this." Bloody Lin Bo said indifferently: "If you run away, the monk can't run away from the temple, the black shrine? Humph!"

Bloody Limbo seems to always have that indifferent expression when he speaks, with almost no emotional fluctuations, but because of this, when Bloody Limbo said these words, it made people feel a sudden chill, and couldn't help shivering !

Bloody Limbo thought he was a straightforward person. Now that the deal was done, he didn't stay too long, and left the Arctic Ocean very simply.

The jade-faced Luosha still had an angry look on his face, but what could he do?The thing will definitely not be found, and there is no reason to spit it out after eating it. Maybe the only way is, as Bloody Limbaugh said, the monk can’t run away from the temple if he runs away, so he can go to the Black Clothes Shrine to vent his anger Therefore, Yumian Luosha also left angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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