The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 618 Chapter 621 Black Flood Demon King White Dragon Fury

Chapter 618 Chapter 621 Black Flood Demon King White Dragon Fury

Tang Tang and Qingqing Apple Xiang stared at each other, and finally Qing Qing Apple Xiang gave Tang Tang an apologetic expression.

In fact, among the five soul orbs, one is from Bloody Limbo, one is found in the Smoke Soul Realm, it should be regarded as the Valley of Samurai Souls, one is used as bait by the Black Clothes Shrine, and the remaining two All of them belonged to Tang Tang. Without a doubt, Duanmuyu was the one who lost the most. Of course, there is no problem with borrowing temporarily, but if you borrow something and lose it, that is another matter.

"Don't take it too seriously." Tang Tang patted Qingqing Apple's shoulder and comforted him, "Those two things don't actually have much effect on me."

What Tang Tang said is true. The five soul beads are actually not easy to use. The time limit is too short and the cooling time is too long. Secondly, it corresponds to the attributes, mana value and the heart of the source of law. They can only pile ashes. The Fire Soul Orb is very good, but it is limited, because Tang Tang's fire attribute is good, but the mana value and mana value are scum, if it is not for Tang Tang's fire attribute, then The fire soul orb is basically the end of being abolished. In fact, the five soul orbs are not used by the soul masters of the device, but exclusive to the magic cultivator. It can also exert a lot of power, and if it matches the attributes, it can exert the greatest power of the five soul beads.

However, Tang Tang was thinking about another thing.

It takes 28 things to open the well of gods and demons. Among them, the Five Soul Orb and the Holy Soul Orb are already in the hands of the Black Clothes Shrine. At the beginning of Tianmeng Lake, the Black Clothes Shrine snatched the Ice Silkworm Orb from Tang Tang. In this way, seven of the eight beads that symbolize the spiritual objects of heaven and earth are in the hands of the black-clothed shrine, and only the jade Buddha beads are missing. The box in his hand, according to the legendary host, seems to be a magical weapon, so the Black Clothes Shrine has obtained at least nine items, accounting for almost one-third of it!

"These guys seem to have a lot of plans."

Tang Tang touched his little head, and couldn't help muttering something.

However, the more important thing right now is the underwater city. Without the five soul orbs and the holy soul orb, the eruption of the submarine volcano cannot be prevented. Floating freely on the bottom of the sea like before, for this reason Qingqing Applexiang also asked Shuibi and Xifeng if there is any other way to make up for it, besides the Five Soul Orb and the Holy Soul Orb, are there other things that can prevent the eruption of the submarine volcano , Unfortunately, both Shui Bi and Xi Feng shook their heads.

In this way, one can only expect the conscience of the Black Clothes Shrine to find out, or the greed is not enough to swallow the elephant, and wants to embrace the rewards of this event, so that there is still a chance for others to come back.

However, it was obvious that with the usual style of the Black Clothes Shrine, they were unlikely to give Tang Tang such an opportunity, which was the case in fact.

Three days later, the submarine volcano erupted, and Shui Bi and Xi Feng exhausted their cultivation, suppressed the submarine volcano, and saved the people around the Arctic Ocean. Slightly better, the soldier's disbanding skill turned into a void of demonic energy, but a demon like him is already second only to Gu Rong's existence, and he will be immortal for a long time, unless Gu Rong takes action to disperse his demonic energy. body, otherwise the demonic energy will gradually condense, and at that time, Xifeng will still be able to come back to life, but it will be hundreds of years later, and at that time, Shuibi is no longer there. For Xifeng, living Coming here is not necessarily a good thing.

The love between Shuibi and Xifeng is epic, at least many people think so, and their deeds will be sung in the Arctic Ocean for generations. Of course, for rational people, it is lamenting that this soul domain event entered the seabed city. The players have all received the benefits, but the real rewards have vanished like this. If they can't help Xifeng and Shuibi prevent the eruption of the submarine volcano, they will naturally not get real rewards. It was announced that after the destruction of the Undersea City, its blueprints were swallowed by the Black Dragon King of the Arctic Ocean. Killing the Black Dragon King would surely drop the architectural blueprints of the Undersea City, and he would be able to occupy the Black Dragon King's cave at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean.

All of a sudden, all the gangs were shocked!
However, the Black Flood Dragon King is not that easy to kill. Although the Black Flood Dragon King himself is only level 135, he has thousands of shrimp soldiers and crab generals under his command, among which there are no less than twenty boss-level commanders. It can be seen that Soul Domain does not want to let the seabed city His architectural blueprints are rotten in his own hands, but he doesn't intend to let players get them casually. It is a long way for any gang to take down the Undersea City.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Tang Tang.

The activities of Shuibi and Xifeng are over, the Five Soul Orb and the Holy Soul Orb were robbed by the Black Clothes Shrine, and the Black Jiao King is clearly dedicated to the gang to encircle and suppress, Tang Tang, a lone traveler who is traveling thousands of miles, naturally cannot get involved. , Tang Tang is ready to go back to Dalongqiu.

Originally, Jin Lingdong was going to go with him, but Xiaoxian Youdu was also very interested in the underwater city. It was one thing to sympathize with Shuibi and Xifeng, but it was another thing to be stationed for his own gang. So, Tang Tang's dream of being accompanied by a beautiful woman was naturally shattered.

"I haven't been back for more than half a month, and the resident should almost be built."

On the way back to Yandang Mountain, Tang Tang couldn't help thinking about it, but when Tang Tang really saw Dalongqiu's residence, he was really shocked.

The residence of Dalongqiu was actually a mess, with countless huge vines collapsed around it, the seeds of the god tree that I planted were almost uprooted, and many buildings in the residence were directly destroyed. There was also billowing black smoke, but those empty places were full of wailing, and the ground was full of wounded.

"What's going on here?" Tang Tang fell to the ground, picked up someone and shouted, "Who attacked the garrison?"

"" The man said tremblingly, "I don't know either."

"I'll go!" Tang Tang said angrily, "He beat you up, and you don't even know who beat you?"

"Don't embarrass him." One Step One Kill appeared behind Tang Tang at some point, patted her on the shoulder and said, "Are you back?"

Tang Tang nodded and said, "Who did it?"

One step at a time, he said: "White Dragon King!"

Tang Tang frowned and said, "Isn't it? You can't stop that guy with you? Are you so powerful?"

One step at a time, he said: "I may not win with him, but there is a good chance of winning, but if he wants to destroy, can I stop him? By the way, White Dragon King is not a nickname, that guy is really a white dragon demon!"

(End of this chapter)

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