Chapter 629 Chapter 632
There are organs!
There is absolutely no such thing as a big change to a living person, and there is still a pile of ashes after cremation.

So, Tang Tang began to tap around, but just after taking two shots, a wooden board on the wall suddenly turned...

poof, poof!
Two iron arrows shot out from Tang Tang's back suddenly, brushing her cheeks and nailing them to the wall.

Tang Tang immediately wiped off his sweat, why did he forget that there lived a group of mechanism masters in this damn place, even if he went to the latrine, he had to worry about whether the soles of his feet would suddenly crack and throw himself into the cesspit.

"Fortunately, you have Zhang Liangji, and I have a wall ladder."

Tang Tang muttered a word, then drew out his sword, and dug small holes on all sides. As a result, there was no problem on each side, only the floor was dark. Tang Tang immediately took the sword to dig the floor, only to find that the It turned out to be a manual lift, a simple wooden platform that relies on pulleys to go straight up and down. You can pull up the wooden platform by pulling the rope yourself, and you can slowly lower it by letting go of your hands little by little.

After the lift is the first floor, there are two roads, one is the gambling house, and the other is still a door, Tang Tang dug a hole in the door, and saw the person who just appeared in the gambling house The Tianji Pavilion disciple was sitting on a rocking chair and yawning.

Tang Tang sent a sound transmission to Tang Mei, "Are you playing an NPC or a player?"

Bi Yuntao replied: "Npc, absolutely!" As soon as the words fell, Tang Tang had already entered the door. Tianji Pavilion saw Tang Tang, and just about to speak, Tang Tang raised the tip of his sword and gave the disciple of Tianji Pavilion a sword Second!

There is an essential difference between killing an npc and killing a player. Killing an npc is naturally killing the player. Killing the player is equivalent to killing for nothing. If they can come back from the underworld immediately, they will naturally be exposed. However, Tang Tang immediately regretted it. , That day, the disciples of the Secret Pavilion were guarding a passage, but the problem was that behind the passage was a maze!
Another difference between npcs and players is that npcs can threaten them, but players can only threaten them in vain. They can be resurrected after death...

"Building a maze in the house is really thanks to the people in Tianji Pavilion who thought of it."

The maze is composed of passages and rooms. The passages are winding and winding, leading to some rooms. There are four doors, one is a way to live, and the other three are ways to die. In a word.

Since he couldn't make it through, Tang Tang had no choice but to start calling friends. As a result, Tang Mei was kicked out of the house. Qing Qingping and Xiaoxian had a candlelight dinner in a restaurant. Tianmenzhen, and Tang Yuhao, who Tang Tang thought was the most unreliable, gave an amazing answer: "Find a thread or rope, tie things and walk in, and you can recognize the way!"

Tang Tang was very surprised that Tang Yuhao could come up with such a insightful idea. Although it was a bit troublesome, it was undeniable that Tang Tang saw Tang Yuhao at the exit of the maze half an hour later.

Seeing Tang Tang's surprised face, Tang Yuhao spread his hands and said, "I know this method because I just used this method to get it out."

"I'll go, that's all right?" Tang Tang slandered, and then asked, "Where's Jin Lingdong? Isn't it with you?"

Tang Yuhao spread his hands, and Tang Tang immediately expressed his understanding.

It's true that Jin Lingdong is very powerful, but she is a partial student, her legs can't sprint, and she is not flexible enough. The most important thing is that Jin Lingdong, like Tang Mei, wants to be a thief, but she is not prepared to be a thief Of course, it's better to let her outside. Of course, the worst thing is that it's better than Xiaoxian's Poisonous and Qingping Applexiang couple. They are completely passive and sabotage.

Partnering again, Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao left the maze together.

After leaving, a small courtyard appeared in front of the two of them.

The small courtyard is very unique, but if you look closely, you will find the difference. The reason is very simple. They saw it from the outside of the gambling house, and it occupies a large area. There is no problem with such a mere courtyard, but there is absolutely no open space. So, this courtyard was built inside the house, but what did Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao see?
Trees, flowers, insects, stars, even the starlight will move slightly, and the crescent-like moon occasionally hides mischievously behind the small piece of dark clouds.

Tang Yuhao smelled the flowers and plants, touched the trees and said: "It's all made of wood, painted, just like the real thing, the leaves and branches are separated, and the rings are made of very thin silk thread, and the wind blows , the leaves move, just like the real thing, and the flowers are also wood."

Tang Tang nodded, then released the flying sword and swept it into the air, then retracted the sword and said with a smile: "It's fake, the ceiling is on it, but it's very high, at least 30 meters away from us, but it's really well done."

Afterwards, the two looked at each other and smiled. To be able to create such a place with such an ingenious skill, there is no doubt that it must be the real location of Tianji Pavilion. Of course, this place is no different than some gambling houses, restaurants, and pear gardens outside. It must be here. There are disciples of Tianji Pavilion, just like every sect has many sect disciples wandering in it for a reason. If they bump into disciples of Tianji Pavilion, the two of them are likely to be wheeled to death.

"It's not easy to find Fenghua..." Tang Tang complained, pushed open the door, and then said in astonishment, "I found it!"

Although it was just a back view, Tang Tang was sure that Fenghua was in that room, the clothes, headgear, the curve of the back, and the empty wine jar on the ground. If it wasn't for Fenghua's room, there would be a ghost.

Tang Tang pinched his cheeks, wondering if he was crazy about women. You know, the room of a master is at the outermost edge of the courtyard. No matter how you think about it, it's a bit weird. Look at Tangmen, let alone the master Now, just the Seven Shrek Monsters, they can’t see the end of the dragon, and then look at the Sea God Pavilion, they go directly to the underworld for vacation, and then continue to look at Kunlun, their leader is the most dedicated leader, and Feng Ling thinks about it all day long. Bringing the entire Kunlun into the Holy Realm and ascending, as a result, the head of the sect can only be seen when someone is charged.

This Fenghua is also the head of Tianji Pavilion after all, but as a result, he lives in the outermost room like a gatekeeper, and is lying on the table waiting for him to be kidnapped. Could it be that Tianji Pavilion is making too much money and wants to do good deeds? go out a little?
"Hey, hurry up!" Tang Yuhao shouted at the door: "Someone is coming."

"It doesn't matter that much!"

Tang Tang gritted his teeth, took out a sack from his backpack and put it on Feng Hua, tied it with a rope, carried it on his back, and left.

As soon as Tang Tang went out, he saw Tang Yuhao sneaking around in the flower forest. Looking back, seven or eight Tianji Pavilion disciples were walking towards him.

"who is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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