Chapter 630 Chapter 633
When the Ji Pavilion disciple shouted that day, Tang Tang immediately felt guilty and ran away.

It doesn't matter if they don't run away, they still have to see if they are their own people. As soon as Tang Tang ran away, the seven or eight disciples of Tianji Pavilion immediately released their puppets, and Tang Tang didn't have time to look at them. Prepared to pierce through the ceiling and escape, those Tianji Pavilion disciples also had a tacit understanding, and immediately replaced the puppets, Qingyi died and replaced them with eight-headed wood carvings.

The shape of the wood carvings is similar, but the use is far worse. The speed of the two wood carvings is extremely fast. After catching up with Tang Tang, they pull left and right, and the positions of the wings collide with each other. They even open a small dark grid and pull out a steel wire , After being connected to each other, it can be used as a sharp blade. As long as Tang Tang is sliced, it will definitely end with the separation of the head. Of course, there is also the possibility of cutting in half.

Turning around and drawing the sword, Tang Tang stepped on Baiquehuang, pulled out the Jiehuo dragon scale to block the steel wire, the blade brushed, and there was a harsh sound immediately, and immediately after, sparks jumped from the blade.

Seeing that the Jiehuo dragon scales could not cut through the steel wire, Tang Tang simply pulled the iron chain, pulled out the burial coffin, grabbed the huge sarcophagus, and ruthlessly chopped down towards the wooden carving.

The burial coffin collided with the wood carving, and because of the repelling effect, the wood carving was immediately sent flying downwards, but it also made Tang Tang gasp, that damn thing was made of some kind of wood, after knocking it , It actually made Tang Tang's hand numb.

However, Tang Tang was temporarily relieved of the danger. The two wood carvings were connected by steel wires. After one end was knocked into the air, the other end was also taken away. Tang Tang hurriedly drove away, but just as he turned his head, the other wood carvings had already caught up. Now, three of them had an eagle beak, but they spewed out three fishnets and fell towards Tang Tang. Tang Tang quickly swung his sword and smashed one, and then quickly flew into the air to avoid it, but was entangled by two wood carvings. On the other hand, the two ends are puppets for hand-to-hand combat. Falcons, wings, and claws can be used as weapons, constantly entangled with Tang Tang in the air. When Tang Tang was fighting, he kept sneaking around behind him, knocking Tang Tang's health down.

"Haozi, you're still watching!" Tang Tang couldn't help shouting with tears in his eyes, "Hurry up and do it!"

When Tang Tang said that, the disciples of Tianji Pavilion who were chasing after him were startled, but they were still a step too late. Tang Yuhao's spear was definitely not as fast as Tang Tang's sword, but it was definitely not slow. There were more than a dozen red lights, two shots and one person, picking and killing five people in the blink of an eye, and the remaining three were as strong as men and did not fall, but they were all blood. Tang Yuhao raised his gun to draw a circle, After the diary was swept away, all their souls finally returned to the underworld!
Although the puppets of the Tianji Pavilion have always been regarded as one of the most disgusting weapons, it is undeniable that the Tianji Pavilion itself has great flaws. The players themselves are too fragile, and they have little resistance when they get close. After the death of those Tianji Pavilion disciples, Those puppets all turned into white light and disappeared, and they went back to the backpacks of those Tianji Pavilion disciples.

In this way, Tang Tang and Tang Yuhao had no hesitation, an attack pierced the ceiling, and the two rushed out of the pavilion!
"Everyone is in a hurry, let's open the way!"

After rushing out of the pavilion of the gambling house, Tang Tang used thousands of miles of sound transmission to inform everyone that the imperial weapon flew wildly.

According to Tang Yuhao's reliable information, the eight he killed were all players, and the troublesome thing about players is that they can be resurrected. In less than 5 minutes, Tianji Pavilion will know that someone has killed someone in their sect, and they will definitely have to be chased later. Kill, fortunately, Tang Tang is not Wu Xia Amon, she was chased into the water in just 5 minutes in the Sea God Pavilion, and now there are not many people who can catch up with her, only a few dozen heard The movement was immediately chased out.

However, before they caught up with Tang Tang, they faced a rain of arrows, but it was Qingqing Applexiang who caught Kaizi and did not forget to save his sister. Came out from the side and quickly stopped the dozens of Tianji Pavilion disciples. The only one who was very leisurely was Jin Lingdong. with.

"Let's go to Lianhuaao to meet up!" Tang Tang yelled at the throat, and then immediately sent a voice transmission from thousands of miles away: "See you at the foot of Mengshan Mountain outside the city."

When the words fell, Tang Tang urged Jian Chengguang, like a shooting star piercing the sky, to kill with Tang Yuhao towards the outside of the city.

The only place where Mengshan can supply supplies is a village at the foot of the mountain, so Tang Tang is not worried that other people will not be able to find him. Think of Feng Hualai on his back.

"My lord, don't be surprised if you see strange things. There are so many strange things. Don't blame me for treating you like this. Isn't it really useless? If you don't find you out, who will help me be a puppet? Besides, if sisters are in trouble, I will be my two ribs." Insert the knife, you can do it as long as you want, and follow her back to Kunlun, if it is really impossible, you just go back and leave..."

"Hey, are you finished?" Tang Yuhao was impatient listening to Tang Tang's chatter, and stabbed Tang Tang's back with a gun, "If you don't let her out again, she will be suffocated soon gone."

"Oh, that's right, Master Feng, I'll help you untie it right now..." Tang Tang pulled the rope, pulled the bag, and suddenly a black mass fell into Tang Tang's arms. Tang Tang's expression suddenly changed and he shouted: "Mom, it's the head!"

The black mass was nothing but Feng Hua's head, which was broken up to the neck, and fell into Tang Tang's arms. His eyes stared straight at Tang Tang, and Tang Tang screamed when he saw it, and then Throw that head out.

"What head?" Tang Yuhao took the head, flicked it with his fingers and said, "Fake, wood!"

Tang Tang was stunned, and ran up to pat the head. Sure enough, there was something wrong with the sound, it was a very dull sound. Then he pulled the body out of the cloth bag and fiddled with it. It was really a puppet made of wood.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" At this time, other people descended from the sky, Tang Mei looked at Tang Tang and said, "I heard you screaming and screaming half a mile away, you must have seen a ghost at night."

"It's a hell." Tang Tang took Fenghua's head from Tang Yuhao and stuffed it into Tang Mei's arms, "Your uncle."

"Ah? Uncle?" Tang Mei looked into her bosom, and was as frightened as Tang Tang to death on the spot, then hugged her head and howled dryly: "Uncle, you died so miserable, what bastard who killed a thousand knives did it?" Yes!"

"Fake!" Tang Tang tapped on the head and said, "I was tricked and stole a puppet."

(End of this chapter)

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