Chapter 631 Chapter 634
Tang Mei looked at the head over and over again, and then scolded her mother, threw the head away and said, "You have been busy working for half a day and then steal a puppet, and our work in the middle of the night is not in vain."

"It's okay!" Tang Tang patted Tang Mei's shoulder and said, "We will continue to steal tomorrow."

"Hey, don't come here again, my Tianji Pavilion can't stand your toss."

Some hoarse voices suddenly sounded, and everyone gasped. They all stared wide-eyed and looked back, only to see that headless Fenghua's body suddenly moved, got up from the cloth bag, and picked him up. The head on the ground pressed and twisted on the neck, and with a click, the head was connected back, moving left and right, just like the real thing.

"Feng, feudal superstition, it's not scary..." Tang Tang tied his tongue and said, "There are no ghosts in this world."

Qingqing Apple Xiang said: "Aren't you afraid that you will shudder?"

Tang Tang said: "The legs are numb and shivering is good for physical and mental health."

The others immediately looked contemptuous.

Tang Tang contemptuously said: "Then why are you also shivering?"

Everyone said in unison: "Our legs are numb too."

The puppet Fenghua said helplessly: "I'm not a ghost, I'm just a puppet sound transmission technique."

Everyone's expressions improved a lot, and the puppet Fenghua turned to Tang Mei and said, "You asked me to go back to Kunlun, but what should I do when I go back to Kunlun? I have been obsessed with mechanism techniques for these years, and I have almost forgotten those Kunlun sword arts. If there is no puppet to protect me, the beasts in the mountains can hurt me. At the beginning, I lost my temper with my senior sister and ran down the mountain swearing that I would make a great achievement. Now? Go back to the mountain and let my classmates laugh at me?"

"This is wrong. I think a black cat and a white cat are good cats that catch mice. Mechanism masters are very knowledgeable. Even without sword formulas and magic formulas, they can still travel in the universe and ride the wind all over the world. Can those Kunlun disciples If you can do it, you can do it too, and if you can do it, they can't do it, so what right do they have to laugh at you?" Tang Tang looked at himself, scratched his head and said, "Look, I was born in the Tang Sect, and as a result Very few of my abilities have been passed down to the Tang Sect."

Puppet Fenghua smiled and said, "Then am I still a Kunlun disciple? A Kunlun disciple who doesn't know Kunlun magic and swordsmanship?"

Tang Tang spread his hands. There is no way to explain this question. Anyway, Tang Tang definitely doesn't care. Well, almost [-]% of players don't care. Anyway, I have become better, and at the same time, the sect doesn't expel me because of it. The reason is very simple , for most players, their own interests are of course ahead of the sect's interests, but you can't argue with npcs about this, they are all dead-headed.

"Okay, as long as you're happy." Tang Tang stopped persuading, but took care of his own interests first: "Is our agreement still valid? It's the centipede puppet I want."

The puppet Fenghua nodded and said: "You will pick it up in three days, at that restaurant, remember to bring your wine, the things I make never disappoint, I hope your wine will not disappoint me either."

Tang Tang laughed aloud, who could be dissatisfied with the top ten famous wines that even his alcoholic mentor was satisfied with?

And after Tang Tang got it done, it was naturally Tang Mei's trouble. She also felt wronged. She really wanted to tell Fenghua that Kunlun disciples were basically players. No one cared where you came from or what you learned. If you can Teaching Kunlun's human mechanism skills, nine times out of ten, they still have to call you uncle master with a flattering face, but, as Tang Tang said, it's not clear what to do with the npc.

"Okay!" Tang Mei took out a letter: "I know, senior brother Ziying also found the uncle in the early years, but he couldn't persuade you to return to Kunlun. This letter was given to you by the head, saying If you really don't want to go back to Kunlun, then you will be expelled from the Kunlun gate, and you will no longer be a disciple of Kunlun, so please take good care of yourself."

The puppet has no expression, but everyone can imagine that Fenghua's expression must not be very good-looking. After a while, the puppet Fenghua took the envelope and opened it for a look. After the puppet Fenghua was dazed for half a second, the whole puppet suddenly fell apart. The letter also floated to the ground.

The full house is full of clothes, especially snow, and no one is a bosom friend!

There were only fourteen short words in that letter, but it was full of sadness.


Three days later, Tang Tang and Tang Mei reappeared in the restaurant, and they also saw Feng Hua, the woman who was so flamboyant in drinking and eating food, now looked a bit haggard.

Tang Mei originally wanted to persuade her again. In fact, she only needs to see Fenghua to complete her task. It is naturally best to persuade her to go back to Kunlun. If it is 100% to bring Fenghua back to Kunlun, then the letter delivery may only be 60%, which is barely qualified, and there is no passing line, but seeing Fenghua like that, Tang Mei can't persuade her .

At this time, a heartless guy like Tang Tang is better than Tang Mei. With a bang, he smashed two jars of wine on the table and said: "Although the wine from Tianmo Valley is not the top ten famous wines, it is the strongest. If you finish drinking, you don’t need to give me money, if you can’t finish drinking, then take some gadgets to pay for the wine, by the way, if I’m not satisfied, it’s fine.”

Feng Hua suddenly smiled sassyly, raised the wine jar and poured it wildly, Tang Tang was not pretentious, sitting opposite Feng Hua and raised his head to drink, a moment later, the two put down the empty wine jar at the same time, then looked at each other and laughed.

"Although to me, you can only be regarded as a doll, but you are worth making friends!" Feng Hua raised his hand and swept away the ten altars of famous wine that Tang Tang brought out, and then threw Tang Tang a palm-sized one, which was specially used to hold wine. The mechanism box of the puppet said: "You want the centipede, and there is also a little owl. When the puppet breaks down, you can use it to notify me, and I will fix it for you. Let's go."

After a long time, Fenghua's back disappeared at the end of the street, and Tang Tang suddenly said, "It's a pity, it's an npc!"

Tang Mei was surprised and said, "Why do you have such emotion?"

Tang Tang looked at Tang Mei and said: "She really shouldn't go back to Kunlun. None of you people in Kunlun is more handsome than her, even Fengling is not as good as her. She should belong to Fengchen, not Kunlun. If she is not an npc, she will be a worthy one." A dear friend, what a pity."

After Tang Tang sighed again, he got up and left the restaurant.

Outside the city, I bid farewell to Tang Mei, who was anxious to return to Kunlun to return to her life. Tang Yuhao heard her voice from thousands of miles away, and asked her if she would go back to Dalongqiu, saying that she would go to Tang Tang again in a few days. They searched for goods in the market, but they sent Bixi back. Tang Tang was not hypocritical. Both the evil monk and the old black mountain demon were waiting for this big guy to help them overcome the catastrophe.

 Little Amy has personally received the light of the Great God~ Click the icon next to my name on the homepage...

(End of this chapter)

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