Chapter 641 Chapter 644 Talking about Conditions to Unify Yandang Mountain
Tang Tang let out a low cry, his whole body's devilish energy surged, his black hair instantly turned silver, and a faint red magic pattern appeared on his forehead!

Demonization and demonization are actually the same. The difference is that demonization will double the attributes according to different races, while demonization is much simpler, doubling all attributes. However, demonization is more demanding and requires consumption. Soul value, the time may only be one-tenth of demonization, of course, because the cost is higher, the power of demonization is naturally more terrifying!
Almost instantly, Hao Weiheng only felt a blur in front of his eyes, Tang Tang had already appeared in front of him, and before he could resist, Tang Tang grabbed the dragon head with one hand and pressed it heavily towards the ground.

Hao Weiheng's body suddenly hit the ground, shaking a circle of cracks, and the whole person sank down.

"Goodbye by fate!"

Tang Tang pressed Hao Weiheng's head and showed a grinning grin, and the burial coffin in his hand fell down fiercely, Hao Weiheng turned into a white light, and was quickly thrown to the underworld.

"Warriors of the Heavenly Demon Valley!" Surrounded by black demonic energy, Tang Tang sent the burial coffin in his hand into the air, and shouted: "Kill!"

Command of the King: Shock the world in the name of the demon king. Within a radius of five kilometers, the evil cultivators in the Heavenly Demon Valley will increase their health by 5%, their spiritual mana by 5%, their mana by 5%, their normal attributes by 50 points, and all attributes of their characters. Increase by 20 points, death penalty reduced by 50%, duration: two hours, cooling time: 48 hours!
This is the only newly added attribute of the Sky Burial Coffin after the remodeling of the Sky Burial Coffin, and it also shows that the Heaven Absolute Sword no longer belongs to the evil king, no longer belongs to the Titan, but belongs to Tang Tang, the new leader of the demon clan!

The golden brilliance scattered around, turning into circles of halos, falling on every player in the Heavenly Demon Valley, and the fiery warmth rushed to the whole body of every Heavenly Demon Valley player, followed by huge cheers Then it burst out suddenly, and every player in Tianmo Valley was full of morale, madly rushing towards those peach blossom giants, beheading them, turning into a torrent, and rushing into the Dragon Ape's residence bit by bit.

And after the Peach Blossom Giant's line of defense was defeated, Dragon Ape retreated steadily. They can demonize, but there is always a time limit for demonization. The group of Dragon Ape players couldn't hide their sharpness at all, and the Second Tribulation players led by Tie Wudi were even more unscrupulous. After entering the garrison, they began to attack the houses, constantly looking for merit stones.


At this time, a mana-infused shout sounded in the sky, but Hao Weiheng came back from the underworld, but no one agreed, and everyone's eyes were red now, who would care about Hao Weiheng, even if it was a dragon? Many of the monster players of the apes have never heard of it.

"Surrender!" Hao Weiheng seemed to be struggling for a long time, and then blushed and shouted: "We surrender."

"Oh? Surrender? Everyone stop!" Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Tang Tang slammed the burial coffin on the ground, and shouted with spiritual power: "Stop, those who don't obey will be killed directly!"

It was easier for Tang Tang to speak than to hum. Finally, the nearby group of people obediently withdrew from the battle circle, and then stopped the others. After spending a stick of incense, the battle was temporarily stopped this time.

Hao Weiheng fell from the sky, gritted his teeth for a long time before saying: "I am willing to surrender and hand over the garrison, as long as you can agree to my conditions."

"Oh? Negotiate terms with me?" Tang Tang said disdainfully, "I can grab the residence myself!"

Tang Tang was also very upset, he had managed to activate the King's Command to spend extravagantly, and before he was happy for 10 minutes, you would surrender!

Good taste, of course I don't know that Tang Tang is struggling with such a boring thing, and he still struggles in his heart, but finally he sighed: "You can destroy our garrison, but you can't get it, this Taoyuan realm is my auxiliary Horcrux, you If you smash the stele of merit, you won't get the auxiliary Horcrux I took, but as long as you agree to my conditions, I can contribute the Taoyuan realm."

Tang Tang became a little interested and said, "Let's listen."

Haowei snorted: "We can join the gang..."

"I didn't build a gang!" Tang Tang waved his hand, and said impatiently: "I don't have a gang, I only have a resident. If you want to join a gang to ask for shelter, earn money through gang missions, then you don't have to. Do you want to fight garrison warfare?"

Hao Wei snorted, this was a bit inconceivable to him, of course, he can have a resident without a gang, but the benefits are few, and he can’t recruit people, and if there are few people, the resident can’t hold it, so he never heard of it. Who occupies a resident but does not establish a gang!

In fact, this is no exception for Tang Tang, but Tianmo Valley is rather special. It is purely a gang under the sect model. Although there are no gang missions, it can issue tribal missions. There are no gang contributions, but there are tribe contributions. However, gang People can be recruited, and Tianmo Valley is the demon clan, and any other sect can be mixed into it, so it's not that Tang Tang doesn't accept Huaweihu, but the demon clan is the demon clan, and they cannot become demon clan evil cultivators, Tang Tang If you agree, you won't let the soul domain!
After a moment of silence, Haowei snorted: "We can apply to become residents in your residence. All our expenses in the residence shall be the same as those of others. We cannot charge more fees because we are monsters. Finally, if there is a residence We will not participate in the war, if you agree, I will contribute to Taoyuan!"

"Bullshit!" Tang Tang said: "I can't promise you the last one. If you want to become a resident, you have to contribute. I can only guarantee that all your treatment is the same as other people's, there will be no extra expenses, and the resident War rewards will not be deducted in any way, but if there is a garrison war, you have to give it to me, you can voluntarily participate in attacking other people's garrisons, but if others attack us, you have to help."

"If you really don't treat them differently..." Hao Weiheng was hesitant, Tang Tang expressed his understanding of this, originally he was the big brother who took the lead, but he had to be the younger brother if he surrendered, everyone would have to struggle in his heart, but Hao Weiheng still gritted his teeth and nodded: " I am willing to lead people to surrender and apply to become a resident of the Dalongqiu resident."

Hao Weiheng's decision, some people agree with it, of course there are those who oppose it. Someone immediately protested, but there are also ruthless people on Tang Tang's side, and Tie Wudi immediately led people to suppress it. Follow Tang Tang into the station.

In front of the stele of merit and virtue, Tang Tang smashed the stele of merit and virtue with one blow, as if hitting the heart of a good man, making his expression froze, and after replacing it with a new stele of merit and virtue, the garrison battle came to an end!
Soul Realm Tip: Congratulations to player "Tang Tang" for successfully occupying Taoyuan Realm!
The encirclement and suppression of Dragon Ape officially ended, and after taking Taoyuan, Tang Tang officially unified Yandang Mountain!
(End of this chapter)

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