The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 642 Chapter 645 Martial God Temple?Sea God Pavilion?

Chapter 642 Chapter 645 Martial God Temple?Sea God Pavilion?
Of course, it can’t be blamed for having no backbone. It’s also a fact that Yaozu players feel aggrieved when they play. Soul Realm has given them two natural supernatural powers, demonization and inner alchemy, and at the same time, it also makes the living environment of Yaozu players more difficult. It has become very bad. Regardless of the holy way or the devil way, all the monster players are used for the knife. The weaker ones are simply unable to move an inch. They have to practice for ten steps and turn around three times. I am afraid that I will be recognized as a monster. Immediately open the blade After hacking himself to death, Hao Weiheng finally took Long Yuan to find a peaceful place in Yandang Mountain. It is normal that he couldn't bear to give up.

However, there are also many monsters who are unwilling to stay. They are dissatisfied with Haoweiheng, or they choose to leave Yandang Mountain for the dignity of being a monster. Moreover, there are not a few players in this group, and about one-third of the dragon monkeys One player quit the gang and chose to leave silently. His loneliness is embarrassing, but it is not worthy of sympathy, because this is the rule of life and death, you either don't play, or you have to play if you want to play.

On the second day after taking down Taoyuan and unifying Yandang Mountain, Tang Tang saw off one person and ushered in another.

Naturally, Tang Taluo was the one who sent him away. He was very busy. As an elder of the Tang Sect, he was also in charge of the warehouse and distribution of goods. Tang Taluo had a lot of things to do.

"Our matter can be discussed later. Let's talk about it after Tang Xin survives three tribulations." Tang Taro did not communicate too much with Tang Tang on the issue of the divine weapon, but left a smile before leaving: "I Believe me, we can be friends forever."

Tang Taro left, very gracefully.

At the same time, Tang Yuhao came. After getting tired of playing, this guy finally came to Da Longqiu, and then dragged Tang Tang off the main seat with one kick.

"How did you do this? You are an idiot!" Tang Yuhao looked at what Tang Tang was dealing with, and immediately took a pen to draw a picture: "Taoyuan Realm cannot be given to Long Yuan, otherwise it will be in vain, and it will be difficult to control. They had to be broken up and entered into Dalongqiu, Longqiu Dock and Taoyuan respectively. The use of the White Dragon King Cave Mansion had to be planned. The place was so big, and the number of alchemists entering at the same time was limited to one hundred. Well, three hundred gold coins, don't think it's expensive, the success rate of alchemy has increased, and you can earn back if you make more good alchemy, and, these days, everyone believes that free is rubbish, and the more expensive the better, The Taoyuan environment can be developed into a residence dedicated to housing monster races. Monster race players are still very powerful in pk. Monster race, it's better to mix in some opposing ones, they won't be able to unite..."

Tang Tang had the urge to burst into tears. No wonder some people said that behind every successful woman there must be a group of men. If I have a headache for two hours, they can solve it in two minutes...

Tang Yuhao clapped his hands after finishing those tedious tasks, looked at Tang Tang who was dozing off, and drew a little mouse on Tang Tang's face in a mischievous manner, then left the house contentedly, and ran to visit the residence.


In the evening, Tang Tang woke up.

To be honest, Tang Tang is under a lot of pressure now. Of course, being a big boss has its advantages. It is certain that you are majestic, but it is also really tiring. The most important thing is that you are uncomfortable. Tang Tang has not practiced for a long time. , Tang Tang is a relatively selfless boss. The tribal missions she sends are all the highest ceiling rewards in the soul domain, and she often posts things in them. Not a small benefit, but Tang Tang is indeed not stingy with other people, so compared with those big bosses who only set up gangs for money, Tang Tang has a lot less motivation.

"It's fighting, it's fighting..."

At this time, he rushed into the room one step at a time, and then looked at Tang Tang with a strange expression on his face. In the end, he couldn't hold back, and leaned forward and back with a laugh.

"You're sick!" Tang Tang wondered, "You came here on purpose to let me watch you smile?"

One step at a time, one kill without saying anything, directly took out a sword, and used the blade of the sword to let Tang Tang himself act as a mirror.

"I'll go, that dead Haozi!" Tang Tang hurriedly wiped off the little mouse on his face, and changed the subject with a depressed expression, "What did you shout just now, who started the fight?"

"Scarlet mercenary group!" Ten steps killed one person panting: "And even the Martial Palace..."

Tang Tang interjected, "Go to Sea God Pavilion, right?"

"Hey, how do you know?" After one step, he was killed and stunned, then immediately shook his head and said: "No, it's not the Sea God Pavilion, it's the Buddha Hall!"


Tang Tang suddenly looked puzzled.

One step and one kill explained: "The thing is like this. At the beginning, it was indeed to fight the Sea God Pavilion. After two days of fighting on both sides, there was no flower. Then the Martial God Temple suddenly appeared, and it was to help the Scarlet Mercenary Group, the Sea God Pavilion Suddenly the battle line was tense, and everyone was watching a good show. At this time, the Temple of Valkyrie suddenly attacked the Hall of Buddha and killed Niu Dada. Therefore, everyone thinks that the Sea God Pavilion is a bait, and their goal is to raid the Buddha Hall."

"No way." Tang Tang was quite surprised. This news was different from what he heard from the legendary host, and he said immediately, "Is there any follow-up content?"

"Yes!" Step by step, he said: "The Valkyrie Temple was condemned afterwards, and then, riding a pig every month stated in the name of the gang that helping the Scarlet Mercenary Group was organized by players who practiced magic in the Valkyrie Temple. Heaven has no direct relationship with it, nor does it have any direct relationship with the Martial God Temple sect. Since a sect has players who choose to practice the Holy Way and the Demonic Way, the disciples of the Holy Way are not qualified to restrict the actions of the disciples of the Demonic Way, and vice versa. I hope everyone will not Take the Valkyrie Temple to vent your anger."

"Bullshit!" Tang Tang said contemptuously: "Who doesn't know that those demon gangs in the Martial God Temple also listen to riding pigs and chasing the moon? It's just making up!"

One step at a time, he said: "Whether you make it up or not, at least what he said is the truth."

Tang Tang nodded, no matter what the inside story of this matter is, at least Riding a Pig has done a full set of tricks, and he was not taken advantage of.

However, Tang Tang was a little strange. How could the information given to him by the legendary landlord be wrong?Could it be that he only had insight into the agreement between the Scarlet Mercenary Corps and the Martial God Hall to take action against the Sea God Pavilion and didn't know the inside story?But why does it feel a little weird?

"Little Qiao!" Tang Tang thumped the table fiercely and said, "I've been fooled!"

One step, one kill was a little confusing to Tang Tang's actions, but Tang Tang didn't have time to explain, so he directly sent a voice transmission to Xiao Qiao: "Jianfu, do you have magic weapons on you?"

Little Qiao wondered, "No."

Tang Tang said: "Does Niu Da Da have it on him?"

Little Qiao said: "Not at all!"

"Oh! Then what are they grabbing for?" Tang Tang scratched his head and said, "Could it be that I guessed wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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