The Peerless Tangmen of Online Games

Chapter 643 Chapter 646 Copy of Jade Buddha Bead Moon Pool

Chapter 643 Chapter 646 Copy of Jade Buddha Bead Moon Pool

"Little Qiao!" Tang Tang thumped the table fiercely and said, "I've been fooled!"

One step, one kill was a little confusing to Tang Tang's actions, but Tang Tang didn't have time to explain, so he directly sent a voice transmission to Xiao Qiao: "Jianfu, do you have magic weapons on you?"

Little Qiao wondered, "No."

Tang Tang said: "Does Niu Da Da have it on him?"

Little Qiao said: "Not at all!"

"Oh! Then what are they grabbing for?" Tang Tang scratched his head and said, "Could it be that I guessed wrong?"

If it weren't for the prestige and status of the Buddha Hall, who could recruit many disciples, there would be no need for such laborious work. However, what Xiao Qiao said next made Tang Tang vomit blood.

"They robbed the Jade Buddha Bead." Little Qiao said, "I heard from Niu Dada that it was enshrined on the Buddhist altar of the Daxiong Hall. When the manpower was mobilized, it had already been snatched away by the Martial God Hall. Damn it, these grandchildren They even hired people from the Black Clothes Shrine."

"Why is it the Black Clothes Shrine again?"

Tang Tang rubbed his chin. The black-clothed shrine was about to get involved in this matter, and he couldn't tell who had the jade Buddha beads. At the same time, Tang Tang despised the legendary landlord in his heart, and co-operated with that guy to earn [-] pieces from himself. Gold coins, I still cheated myself, saying that the gift information was originally to divert my attention. If Tang Tang didn't know that the bloody mercenary group was going to attack the Sea God Pavilion, he would definitely pay attention to this matter, and later learned that the Martial God Temple surprised Buddha Dian, it is very likely that he will intervene. You must know that Tang Tang and Niu Dada have a good relationship. Knowing that they are in trouble, and at the same time knowing the whereabouts of the Jade Buddha Bead, the possibility of making a move is extremely high.

But he was the first to get the news from the legendary host, and also knew that the Scarlet Mercenary Group was there to know the treasure of heaven and earth in Beiyou's hands. With Tang Tang's temperament, he must sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, so he wouldn't care so much about it. Looking back, as long as the result is enough, I will definitely not pay special attention to it. In this way, this so-called bonus news is the real purpose of the rumored host looking for him.

However, Tang Tang doesn't blame the legendary landlord. He is a businessman and takes money to do things. From Tang Tang's point of view, she now hates the legendary landlord. Even if he is a handsome guy, he still can't reduce Tang Tang's hatred. Looking at it with a normal heart, Tang Tang still felt that it was because of the professionalism of the owner of the legend that he tried his best to complete the entrustment, which made a purely commercial gang like the legend Xiaolou so popular in the Soul Realm.

"never mind!"

Tang Tang patted his forehead, and didn't intend to argue with the legendary landlord, but the Black Clothes Shrine got another key, which is really not a good omen.

"Hey, hello..." At this time, Grandma Heixin cheerfully poked her head in from the window and asked, "Girl, are you going to the Soul Realm event?"

"Huh?" Tang Tang wondered, "There's another Soul Domain event? Didn't the Undersea City just end?"

Grandma Heixin leaned on the window, passed her chest across the window, did not hide her good figure at all, rolled her eyes at Tang Tang and said, "It's a small event, not for all Soul Domain players. The location is in Leizhou. The rewards for the three places are all architectural blueprints, the top [-] will have a small mysterious gift bag, and the top [-] will get a commemorative gift bag, let’s go and have fun? Why don’t you take it easy after you’ve just crossed the catastrophe!”

Tang Tang rolled his eyes, you just finished the tribulation, I have been three tribulations for a long time, but Tang Tang also felt that facing those trivial matters every day was extremely boring, so he naturally agreed with the black-hearted grandma's proposal with both hands and feet, especially this event The reward turned out to be architectural blueprints, and Tang Tang could have gone to play by himself for the reason of being out of business.

Chu Chu understood the rules, the event is a team event, there must be five people in the group, and of course no more than five people, black-hearted grandma, Tang Tang and one step kill, that is only three people, Tang Tang began to call friends, Tang Yuhao Naturally he agreed, but Tie Wudi refused, that guy was unusually uninterested, and preferred to enjoy the pleasure of commanding others in the garrison.

Tang Tang pondered for a long time, and finally thought of a suitable candidate, and directly sent a voice transmission to Tang Mei: "Leizhou, if you don't want to go to the small activity in the soul domain, I will call your mother, who is my godmother, and say that you are going to Fooling around with wild men, I accidentally got my belly bigger.”

"I'll go, little girl, you're so ruthless!" Tang Mei was surprised for three seconds, then succumbed to Tang Tang's majesty and said, "I'll be there in half an hour!"

Tang Tang felt that if the four Three Tribulations players couldn't win this small event, it would be a pity for the conscience of heaven and earth, and they should find a piece of tofu to shoot themselves to death. Therefore, Tang Tang thought that he should be able to find someone who could deal with emergencies. Tang Taro was the best candidate, but Tang Tang was too embarrassed to bother Tang Taro, he was very busy after all, so the second choice was eldest sister Tang Mei's Disdainful Nine Heavens Soul Skill!
Attacking can freeze people, running can slow down, the best choice for killing and setting fire!
So, the four of them set out to find Tang Mei with a bitter melon look at the gate of Leizhou, and the five of them entered Leizhou!
I received the activity task from the governor of Leizhou. It is said that a moon pool suddenly appeared in Leizhou. I don’t know if there are monsters in it. I hope that all knights can enter the moon pool to find out, and the moon pool has 81 floors. Within seven days, arrive The one with the highest number of floors, or the first one to reach the 81st floor is No.1, and so on for the follow-up famous thorns. The architectural blueprint that No.1 can get is the Moon Pool, No.2 is the Lightning Tower, and No.3 is the Nine Dragon Bridge , As for the top [-] mysterious gift packs and the top [-] commemorative gift packs, it is unknown.

Tang Tang got the news a day late. The best result so far is the 27th floor, which is exactly one third. There was a little pressure, so Tang Tang waved his hand and went straight to the Moon Pool!

As the name suggests, the Moon Pool is a crescent-shaped pool, and at the entrance, Tang Tang was really taken aback. It was a sea of ​​people. However, after thinking about it carefully, it makes sense. Isn’t this for architectural drawings? To bring in a large number of people to break through the barrier, there must be several groups of elite groups.

Tang Tang was able to think of this not because her little head was enlightened and she understood gang operations, but because she saw Yimengrusheng and Fenghua Xueyue under Tang Yukuang's hands, as well as that guy Huoying. Most of the gangs didn't come to the boss.

"let's go!"

Since it was an enemy rather than an acquaintance, Tang Tang had nothing to say, and took the lead in entering the Moon Pool!

Soul Realm Tip: Please kill 120 Moon Attendants within 15 seconds!
The Moon Attendant is an ordinary humanoid monster of level 90, and each of them kills 120 people within 3 seconds. There is no pressure at all, and they fight on their own. In less than 60 seconds, everything is easily done. Then a formation pattern appears in the center of the five people. After entering Enter the second floor!

(End of this chapter)

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