Chapter 644 Chapter 647
After entering the second floor, Tang Tang wiped off his sweat!
Soul Realm Reminder: Find the exit within 160 seconds, and enter the next floor after success, and record the pattern of this floor!
Originally, Tang Tang was proud of having four masters of the Three Tribulations in her team. It is not a child's play to get to the last floor, but the fact is that she was very wrong. It is not so easy to pass the Moon Pool. Wisdom, because the second pass is a Huarong Road!

Five people have to push the surrounding walls, and then find the exit from the gap. The time limit is 160 seconds. If they succeed, they will record the pattern. After recording the pattern, they do not need to go to the first floor next time, but from the second floor. Start right away.

"Push, push!"

Tang Tang was not good at this kind of small game that tested quick thinking, so he had to wipe off his sweat before talking, but at this moment, Tang Mei suddenly shouted: "Don't push, it's wrong!"

"Push this piece, three steps forward!"

"This one, move two steps to the left!"

"This piece, move forward seven steps!"


After 127 seconds, a pattern finally appeared in front of the five people, and the countdown stopped abruptly at the same time.

Tang Tang wiped his sweat and said, "I didn't see it, you still have research on this."

Tang Mei spread her hands, her eyes seemed to be looking at four two hundred and five, and then she said helplessly: "Please, I have already reached the 27th floor. Since I have done it, there will naturally be a guide to it. Go to the forum and you will know. It is the worst thing you can ask." People, we have several gangs in Kunlun!"

Tang Tang wiped his sweat again, but he had indeed neglected it.

This is the thing about breaking through the level. In theory, those gangs want to take the first place, so how can they spread the strategy?But in fact, it was rumored, just like this occasional event held in a certain place, Soul Domain never announced it, so Tang Tang didn't know about it, and the players who learned about the event should of course have nothing to do, but it happened very quickly Everyone knows about the change, and all major gangs have sent troops!

Breaking through the level... No, it should be said that the characteristics of the soul domain also lie here. There are countless hidden secrets here, but some secrets are not guaranteed and can be easily revealed.

However, it is a good thing for Tang Tang. With those strategies, others worked hard to reach the 27th floor in a day. It only took them two hours to get the No.20 27th floor pattern, but the 27th floor is a test. , Now many people are stuck on the [-]th floor, but they have not been able to pass.

The 27th floor is a checkpoint that combines wisdom and ability. After entering, they will enter a sect called Beast Spirit Sect. Members of the same team will be randomly thrown to any position, and they will become disciples of the Beast Spirit Sect. , within an hour, they have to steal the precious blood keel of the Beast Spirit Sect's Zhenpai, and then leave, it will be considered a success. At the same time, this is a reward level. They took it away. It is worth mentioning that the system may prevent some players who are good at imperial weapons from taking things and leaving in a rogue way. This level can attack with imperial weapons, but cannot fly with imperial weapons.

Tang Tang wiped her sweat again. This was the first time she wiped her sweat today.

The first reason for wiping sweat is that he used to run away with speed when he got the things. Unexpectedly, this time Soul Domain had the foresight to eliminate the advantage of the speed of the imperial weapon. The second reason for wiping sweat was that she wanted to rely on force to fight Robbing, but just about to start, killing thousands of miles with one step, none of the disciples of the entire Beast Spirit Sect is below level 110, and all of them are bosses, and the color of the blood wheel eye technique, red is extremely dangerous, Tang If Tang dared to do something, the end would be miserable.

Since pure force is not enough, it can only rely on brain power.

Looking at the clothes on his body, he was already the same as an ordinary disciple of the Beast Spirit Sect, and the place where Tang Tang was refreshed was a medicine garden!
There were seven or eight disciples in the medicine garden who were loosening the soil. Tang Tang planned to withdraw first based on the principle of talking more and making mistakes, but he didn't expect...

"Hey, you..." A middle-aged man who looked like a supervisor pointed at Duanmu Yu and said, "Are you lazy?"

"Ah I?"

Tang Tang pointed at himself, immediately squatted down with an apologetic smile, and honestly began to loosen the soil.

It didn't matter if he squatted down, Tang Tang immediately heard two Beast Spirit Sect players beside him who were loosening the soil whispering there, but the content made Tang Tang's heart tense immediately.

Those two disciples were very gossip, but their faces were worried. The content of the conversation was roughly that a powerful enemy was coming to attack the Spirit Beast Sect. The head of the Spirit Beast Sect seemed to be unable to hold on. The sect seemed to be undecided at the moment, because the sect leader didn't want to lose the glory of the sect, and then the two disciples looked very worried, worried that if the sect master didn't use the forbidden method, everyone would suffer.

Tang Tang is not a person with a high IQ, but she is definitely not stupid, but she is lazy, and she is lazy to waste brain cells for things that can be solved by force, but it does not mean that her head is just paste.

Those two Beast Spirit Sect disciples obviously revealed some information. The first is the so-called glory. There are many definitions of this glory. It can be memories, things, or even other things. Take the Tang Sect as an example. , What is the glory of Tangmen?It's the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle and the Town Demon Tower!What is the glory of the Scarlet Mercenary Group?Douluo Hall and the number one gang in Soul Domain!You see, different angles represent different meanings. The former are two buildings, while the latter are two false names!

Could the glory of the head be the blood keel?It's hard to say, but it's possible!
However, the information revealed in the conversation between the two disciples is more than that. More importantly, they are worried, not about the sect, but whether they will suffer from it. This shows that the Beast Spirit Sect is not monolithic, maybe If you want to get the blood keel, you need the help of some npcs?

Tang Tang thought about it, she wanted to test whether what they were talking about was blood keel, but she was afraid that if she said it, people would find it tricky, so she could only bear it for the time being.

At this time, the supervisor suddenly shouted: "It's time, pack up your things, and prepare to go back."

The disciples around agreed feebly, took the tools and followed them away, but when leaving the medicine garden, the head of the overseer suddenly stepped on a piece of mud, slipped on the soles of his feet, and seemed to fall down, and managed to stabilize his figure. Immediately complained: "Damn it, what time is this, and you have to pack up these crap, why don't you pack up the bedding, and run away as soon as they don't call."

After complaining, the supervisor yelled at the crowd again, urging them to go down the mountain quickly!

It was only then that Tang Tang discovered that the medicine garden of the Beast Spirit Sect was not in the sect, but in the back mountain. After walking along the path for a cup of tea, he arrived at the back door of the Beast Spirit Sect and was about to open the door to enter ...

(End of this chapter)

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